Saturday, July 30, 2011

Big Brother 13 Live Feeds Bulletin - PoV Comp Winner 7/30

Brendon won the Power of Veto.

He's been saying that if he wins, he'll save Rachel.

Shelly thinks that he could possibly save himself. Daniele, Rachel, Brendon, Adam, Jeff and Porsche played. Apparently Jeff lost by two seconds and is very upset with himself.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Big Brother 13 Live Feeds Bulletin - 7/29 Nominations

In her long talk with Brendon and Rachel, Daniele told them she wasn't making any deals.

The feeds were blocked while the nominations ceremony was on.

Keeping her deal with Jordan and Jeff that they were safe, Daniele put Brendon and Rachel on the block.


Big Brother 13 Live Feeds Into Friday Afternoon 7/29

Elf Adam

Well, the big endurance comp is long over with, although the aches and pains remain. Kalia did surprisingly well. However, being shorter with some more padding might have helped her some. If the situation warranted, I daresay that Daniele could STILL be up there! Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Surly Elves:
  • As one could have predicted, all of a sudden Lawon and Kalia are besties with Daniele.
  • Rachel tried to deal with her much to the dismay of Brendon.
  • Daniele told Kalia that she was probably putting Brendon and Rachel on the block.
  • As the duos are over, only one can be saved if the veto is used and the other is surely to get evicted no matter whether it's Rachel or Brendon.
  • Jeff seems a lesser target and Jordan not targeted at all.
  • Of course this was late last night.
  • Right now, as I'm typing this up, the feeds just returned from a long blockage which I assume was the nominations.
  • I haven't a clue.
  • So I'll keep rambling until I hear.
  • Then I will post.
  • Hmmm ...
  • To recap the prizes (?) from last night's snowballs: Brendon, Jordan and Lawon are Have Nots. Adam is an elf for the week. Jeff won the $10,000.
  • Porsche, of all people, gave Rachel her latest lecture on how to behave like a normal human being ... er, less abrasively.
  • Rachel was right that she is probably less intimidating than Brendon would be had he decided to approach Daniele.
  • However, I don't think Daniele is too intimidated by much.
  • At least with her in the HoH room, her constant whispering should let up a bit.
  • I hate that she whispers so much.
  • BB should ban WHISPERING.
  • I'm still waiting for a clue here.
  • Everyone but Daniele, Jordan and Rachel are on cameras.
  • I wonder if Rachel is inside crying while Jordan comforts her?
  • Brendon is giving no clues.
  • Oh, c'mon hamsters! Spill the beans!
  • Wait ... there's Jordan and Rachel tanning, not talking. Only Daniele is missing.
  • She's probably napping.
  • Adam is loving his elf suit.
  • Feeds are blocked again.
  • I refuse to post this until I know the nominations!
  • As I'm STILL waiting, here's a Dominic interview from Reality Nation.
  • Feeds back ... they got the sardines and seaweed.
  • Lawon loves sardines. Let's get back to him on that at the end of the week.
  • Still no nominations clues. All of the hamsters are together.
  • We need people to split off and talk!
  • Hmm ... sounds like either Brendon/Rachel or Brendon/Jeff are on the block ... IF they're not still talking about what might come about.
  • It's possible as I watch now that noms might not be done yet.
  • Jordan is washing her hair with the back yard hose.
  • Shelly told Jordan her goal is to keep Jeff and Jordan together.
  • I think her goal should be her own game, but that's just me.
  • Daniele and Kalia talked about how they don't trust Shelly.
  • Shelly, not trusting Kalia with Daniele, went to the HoH room.
  • Shelly hopes "the plan" hasn't changed.
  • So it looks like nominations are yet to come.
  • If I get confirmation, I'll be posting in a few minutes and just update the nominations later.
  • Nope, nominations aren't in yet. Daniele wants to make a big move which will make the entire house a better place -- Brendon and Rachel.
  • Shelly is pushing for a mother child reunion ... I mean a Daniele/Jeff make-up.
  • Ohh ... Shelly mentioned that Adam is diabetic and the feeds got blocked.
  • I guess we're not supposed to know that.
  • Daniele, Jordan and Jeff just made a deal -- they're safe this week and Daniele is safe from them next week.
  • More later!

Oh, boy! Let's see Daniele's HoH room!

So excited about Daniele's HoH room!

Waffle Kalia

Lawon rocks the HoH robe.

Daniele with grandmother photo

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Big Brother 13 Live Endurance HoH Updates

11:28 PM ET -- Kalia is down. DANIELE IS THE NEW HOH
The only "deal" is that Kalia is safe. Rachel lit into Kalia and told her she made her cry earlier and was mean to her. @@ Brendon/Rachel drama starting, I'm ready for a break!

Kalia -- STOP SINGING. They block the feeds each time! It's down to Kalia and Daniele and I'm waiting for deals to start.

11:18 PM ET - Shelly down. It's between Kalia and Daniele.

Dear Jeff

11:07 PM ET - Porsche down. It's down to Kalia, Daniele, and Shelly.

10:52 PM - While we're in a feeds block, a quick recap -- Adam, Lawon, Brendon, Jeff and Jordan down. Lawon and Brendon are Have Nots, Adam wears an elf suit, Jeff got the ten grand.

10:48 PM ET -- Jordan down.

10:42 PM ET -- Jeff goes down, just the girls left.
Snowballs: Brendon is a Have Not, Adam wears an elf suit.

10:34 PM ET - Jeff is a sole man. Girls all looking good except Kalia -- Jeff in better shape than she seems to be. Shelly is rockin' the comp and telling Jeff she will protect him. They talked about how Dominic could still be in the game until the snow started up again.

10:31 PM ET - In a feeds block. Grr.

10:25 PM ET - Brendon dropped out. So it's Adam, Lawon and Brendon out so far.

10:20 PM ET - Feeds blocked, Lawon is also down. Spineless jellyfish!

Shelly says she can stay up there all night.

10:14 PM ET -- Feeds return, Adam is the only one down. Haven't mentioned the prize (or not) he got.

As I get this post up, the feeds are still blocked. Once they return, I'll be zapping up updates and screen caps for all y'all. Because it's easier for me, the newest material will be at the top of the post, the older stuff towards the end. Everyone is welcome to join in with comments!

We won't talk about this comp just being a remake of a previous one. Nope, we won't fuss, will we?

It's sad that I know all the answers to the BB trivia they show with the blocked feeds. There should be a 12 Step program.

10:14 PM ET = Feeds return, Adam is down with Rachel.

Big Brother 13 July 28 Live Eviction/HoH Show Blog Party


The live eviction/HoH show is about to start here on the East Coast. As it airs, I'll update this entry with major events. But the real fun is in the comments and I hope you all join in!

Julie announced Double Trouble is done, then recaps began. Ah, good. They plan something on yesterday's brouhaha.

So far, it's all about the Backdoor Jeff plan and exposing Daniele as the "mastermind" of it. Kalia is approaching Brendon, the impetus of the kitchen brouhaha. That bottle cap snapping she did was incredibly annoying on the feeds. I wanted BB to tell her to knock it off. Kitchen brouhaha begins.

Live vote soon, pleas begin. Dominic gave his practiced "like you all but you're spineless jellyfish" speech.

The live vote:
Jeff -- Dominic
Jordan -- Dominic
Kalia -- Dominic
Daniele -- Adam
Commercial break.
Brendon -- Dominic
Shelly -- Dominic
Lawon -- Dominic
Porsche -- Dominic

As I predicted in the last post, only Daniele voted for Adam. Bye, Dominic, you were fun while you lasted.

Game about to change says Julie ... Congrats, top ten, duos over. Huh? That's the big game change? We knew that was coming!

HoH starting - Big Brother slalom -- on a small platform with skis embedded on the side of a mountain. First five opens snowballs, something good or bad, one contains $10,000. Skis wiggle back and forth. They have handholds. The mountain gets steeper.

I'll be creating a separate endurance comp post which will be updated with screen caps and the happenings. If you want to know before Sunday, join us there!