Saturday, August 06, 2011

Friday, August 05, 2011

Big Brother 13 Live Feeds Through Friday 8/06 - Nominations

Gee thanks, BB. Give Kalia crunchy snacks!

I was ready for a total Rachel meltdown and didn't get it. Sure, there were sniffles and snuffles here and there, but no major freak-out. Good for her! How is Kalia handling being the first newbie Queen Bee?

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House Fighting Factions:
  • Porsche seems to be one confused gal. After all, she's been Rachel's buddy, Jeff and Jordan's buddy and Daniele's buddy. I guess this week she'll be Kalia's buddy.
  • That's a bit different from Adam who gets along with everyone and just tends to vote as to not rock the boat.
  • Lawon, of course, has become Kalia's pal despite all of the pushing she did early on to get him on the block.
  • Maybe she just wanted the golden key float.
  • Alas, true to their word, Jeff and Jordan have taken Rachel under their wing.
  • They keep pep-talking her and massaging her self-esteem.
  • Kalia thinks Jeff and Jordan are mad that she won HoH.
  • Well, probably. It may have to do with the Daniele connection rather than Kalia herself. They had the deal with Daniele to remain safe this week, no such deal with Kalia.
  • Of course, Kalia and Jordan still have that deal to never put each other up.
  • But that doesn't include Jeff.
  • They're all thinking whoever gets voted out this week will come back.
  • Except Adam, that is. He thinks it will be more like a Redemption Island twist.
  • He's right.
  • Daniele told Kalia that her targets are Rachel, Jeff and Jordan in that order.
  • Shelly keeps rotating around, siding with whatever side is within earshot and eavesdropping on them all.
  • Jordan and Rachel think that Porsche should go home because she's a "total floater."
  • When are these hamsters going to get it through their heads that floaters often have their own game. Adam comes to mind..
  • But, yeah ... Porsche is a floater.
  • And Adam's game is sorely lacking any skill other than being a good bacon buffoon.
  • Rachel tried to suck up to Kalia telling her she's proud of her win -- first newbie HoH. She told her she doesn't really expect anything, but if she doesn't get nominated this week and wins HoH next, she won't nominate her (Kalia).
  • She actually handled it well. Brendon is probably thinking, "You're not supposed to talk game without ME!"
  • Daniele, unlike Kalia, can't bear to converse civilly with Rachel. She doesn't want to talk to her at all.
  • Kalia still feels the sting from NO ONE cheering her on in the endurance comp.
  • Then the food comp came, sinking Jeff, Jordan and Rachel down a bit deeper.
  • Jeff, Jordan, Rachel and Shelly are Have Nots.
  • I got my wish, though -- they have catfish and coconuts.
  • Unfortunately, Jordan hates fish. She barely ate last week, now has another week of it ahead.
  • Jordan is pouting and in tears on and off.
  • But she's better at it than Rachel -- she actually growls on and off.
  • Kalia told Jeff that if she puts him up, he's the pawn.
  • He blew up at her.
  • After a long feeds block again ... it's Rachel and Jeff on the block.
  • Rachel is freaking out at Jordan, of all people.
  • She wants to quit the game.
  • Jordan, of course, is in her own tough spot -- she might lose Jeff!
  • Yet she's trying to deal with Rachel.
  • Rachel claims that she figured she was being nominated, but that Kalia didn't have to tell her she was catty and everything.
  • It's going to be a long week in the house ...

Doing better than I thought she would

Not a happy camper

Almost sorry she got HoH

Big Brother 13 - The Live Feeds Trashbag Wedding

Apparently they didn't have time for it in the show, but CBS has put an edited version of the trashbag wedding of Rachel and Brendon up on the website. Here it is for your enjoyment:

Thursday, August 04, 2011

Big Brother 13 8/04 Live Eviction/HoH Episode Blog Party


The show is about to start here on the East Coast. As it airs, I'll update this entry with major events. But the real fun is in the comments and I hope you all join in!

Tonight's show should be VERY interesting!

Rachel is crying. Oh wait ... that's par for the course and not a major update.

Evel Dick commentary on Daniele's gameplay ... he thinks she's playing badly. He thinks she's playing too hard, too fast.

Pre-vote spech time -- Brendon -- Shout-outs to family and love of Rachel, cries (gag), cries some more. Jordan -- Long week, stressful, wants to be here and with Jeff, loves them all, vote who you think will get you further in the game.

The votes to evict --
Jeff -- Brendon (duh)
Rachel -- Jordan (duh)
Commercial break.
Kalia -- Brendon
Adam -- Brendon
Porsche -- Jordan
Lawon -- Brendon
Shelly -- Brendon

No surprises there. Brendon is evicted. YAY! Now he's crying to Julie.

New twist - gather in living room. Think carefully about how you play the game this week because the next houseguest you evict might be back in the game. The previously evicted (of our choice) gets to battle next week's evicted to return. On the website.

HoH comp -- Giant chessboard on the lawn called Checkmate. Face off on podium about first three evicted HG.

Kalia eliminated Jordan ...chose Lawon and Rachel. Rachel eliminated Lawon. She chose Kalia and Adam. Kalia got it again, chose Rachel and Porsche. Rachel eliminated herself and swore by wrong answer. Jeff and Shelly -- Shelly won. Kalia and Porsche -- Kalia won, now against Shelly for HoH ...


Big Brother 13 Live Feeds - Thursday Drama 8/04

Jordan reacts to Rachel's never-ending sobbing

Shelly shoots herself over Rachel's never-ending sobbing

See! Rachel's own issues have driven the others in the house into severe psychosis! Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Psychotic Reaction:
  • Rachel has talked both about walking out with Brendon tonight and/or just quitting the competing.
  • She says she'll float and smile and laugh at everyone's jokes, won't try anymore.
  • In the midst of all of this, I did pick up her saying (before feeds were cut) that the show ruined her life last year and how they (her and Brendon) didn't even get any follow-up therapy.
  • She also said (before feeds were cut again) that the DR pretty much told her that her problems are her own fault and she's being crazy.
  • Well, um. Yes.
  • She has cried for the most part since the Daniele blow-up yesterday.
  • Wearing her rose-colored glasses for a mind trip, she claims that she honestly believed there was a chance of Brendon staying and Jordan getting voted out before that incident.
  • Huh? Sorry, gal ... but Brendon NEVER had/has a chance against Jordan. He's tainted goods. Plus, he IS a big competitive threat in the house.
  • But now, in her mind, Daniele the Super Villain has ruined the chances of Brendon staying.
  • While moping this morning saying that she's giving up competing, Shelly tried to console her and give her a pep talk.
  • No, Rachel prefers to pout, sulk, cry and use up all the toilet tissue on blowing her nose.
  • Act or not?
  • Some of it is definitely a "feel sorry for me" pity party act. But as I watch her, it makes me feel like the most psychologically balanced person in the whole world.
  • That's by comparison, of course. I have my own issues. But I'm not stupid enough to expose them to the world. After all, it could ruin my reputation, job possibilities, relations with family and friends.
  • Oh wait. That's what RACHEL did.
  • She claims that being on the show ruined her life.
  • So she went on it again.
  • All for the $750 a week stipend because she couldn't get a job because the show ruined her life.
  • She keeps going on about how she has nothing and is no good.
  • That is sad. For sure.
  • But she put herself in the situation not once, but twice.
  • Nothing Jordan or Shelly said to her sunk in.
  • She still says she isn't going to compete anymore, she'll just float along.
  • At this point, I'm dreading the leaked hamster return bit. I so hope that Brendon is indeed gone. Then we'll see if Rachel has any game without him or if she's totally hopeless.
  • Whatever the case, she's secured her stipend for the rest of the summer.
  • Unless she walks out with Brendon, that is.
  • I don't think that will happen.

Too bad, so sad.
Yeah, right.