Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Big Brother 13 Live Feeds Through Tuesday 8/09

Shelly picks at her toes in public. Ew.

Yes, I realize I haven't really posted on Tuesday. There are a few reasons. The MAIN reason is that there has been very little going on. Yeah, there were cute moments, a bit of game talk, some trashtalk, but nothing ground-shaking. The second reason is an issue where I messed up my knee in PT today. That's physical therapy, not Dominic (nicknamed PT for Pre-Teen). Pain and pain meds don't make for great typing or thinking skills.

So I decided to post odd screen caps of each hamster instead of a lot of words. Here's some of what I've gleaned from inside that Big Brother House of Boring Beasties:
  • I noticed in the previous post comments that someone thinks Lawon "saved Jordan" by volunteering to go up.
  • That's totally wrong.
  • Kalia told everyone she would not put Jordan on the block, nor backdoor her. Jordan and Kalia made a promise long ago.
  • I'm not a big fan of Kalia's, but she gave her word and she kept it.
  • Of course, she made sure that Jeff and Jordan knew she was keeping it -- for brownie points, I'm sure.
  • The plan is to vote out Lawon this week, not Rachel.
  • Amazing, eh?
  • They really think with the new twist that Lawon might come back and automatically be HoH.
  • They don't want Rachel to be HoH.
  • And I'm the one on pain meds messing up my mind, eh?
  • Porsche is getting talked about by everyone.
  • She's trying to hang with Kalia and Daniele.
  • But they both trashtalk her when she's not around.
  • Shelly, meanwhile, is still working her mojo for the most part.
  • She has dreams of being in the final three with Jeff and Jordan.
  • I've decided I want Jeff in my place not only for the eye candy factor, but to be my own personal chef. He's very domesticated!
  • Rachel has calmed down and, for the most part, not causing any issues.
  • She did wear Daniele's hat, though. Daniele had lent the hat to Porsche. She's probably going to burn it now.
  • Nothing to see here, folks.
  • Tomorrow and Thursday until the show will probably be just as non-eventful.
  • Sigh.

Did Rachel cut herself shaving and
stick bits of toilet tissue on it?
(Actually pimple cream, but ...!)

Kalia relives her hysterics at seeing the HoH room.

Jordan does a Donald Duck/Chipmunk version
of "When the Saints Come Marching In"

Uncle Fester Adam sleeps with his mouth open.

Not a great look, Lawon.

Daniele whispers to Kalia in front of Rachel.
This was to demonstrate her silent clicky
whispering technique I hate so much.

Jeff refused to let me find him in a bad shot.

And then there's Porsche ... still just there.

Monday, August 08, 2011

Big Brother 13 Live Feeds Monday/PoV Meeting

Now things are getting way confusing. Here's what's happened since I last updated the scoop from inside that Big Brother House of Hilarious Hijinks:
  • We last left with Shelly working her mojo on Kalia to put up Porsche and Kalia trying to get Daniele aboard the plan.
  • So what happens?
  • We need another screw thrown into the works ...
  • Lawon told Kalia he's VOLUNTEERING to go on the block against Rachel.
  • Say what?
  • Has he EVER watched the show?
  • You NEVER give up your PoV (unless you're Brendon to Rachel).
  • You NEVER volunteer to be a pawn.
  • You NEVER spit into the wind.
  • You NEVER tug on Superman's cape.
  • Okay, you get the point.
  • Lawon is figuring he won't get voted out or, if he does, he will be coming back with the twist.
  • So, sure enough ... the PoV meeting went down. Jeff saved himself and Kalia put Lawon on the block with Rachel.
  • Now, I can understand why she's doing it -- if Rachel gets voted out (and/or comes back), she can claim she tried and really thought Rachel had the votes to stay over Lawon.
  • This way she can save face with all sides of the house. She should get what she wants yet have no one gunning for her.
  • It's Lawon whose thinking I'm just not getting.
  • Has someone slapped him upside the head with a silly stick?
  • Lawon is putting on a big pouting act over the nominations.
  • Rachel is thinking she has a chance to stay.
  • Hmmm ....

Big Brother 13 Live Feeds Into Sunday Night 8/07

Eek! Stranger in the house!

I realize that I didn't update much today. However, little of real game interest happened until this evening. Sure, Adam had his birthday, but they hid that from us. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Shelly Blue Persuasion:
  • So much for the arrival of their grill. First off, it came on a Have/Have Not week, not the best choice.
  • Then they had to wait out the lockdown inside as BB cleaned the yard from the PoV comp.
  • So they finally got outside and ready to play with their new playtoy when music started wafting into the compound.
  • Yeah, I know it's a yard.
  • But compound always sounds so much more official.
  • It turns out that there was a wedding or something nearby the house. Can't have that noise!
  • So they ended up lockdowned again inside the house.
  • Yes, I know lockdowned isn't a word. But in the BB house it is!
  • They finally got to cook at about 2:45 AM their time.
  • Of course, that means that they sleep late and Sunday's usually kind of a nothing day anyway.
  • The big daytime event was Adam shaving.
  • Oh my. Now he looks like the principal on Room 222.
  • Yes, I dated myself with that reference. Live with it, please.
  • Okay ... remember Rachel gave Kalia a big long (and civil) talk about putting someone on the block who would pretty much guarantee her (Rachel's) safety this week.
  • Kalia (and Daniele) had been leaning towards putting Adam on the block with Rachel to clinch Rachel getting evicted.
  • Rachel didn't come out and mention names, but it's Porsche she wants as Jeff's replacement.
  • And, Kalia knows that. Porsche is the most likely to be voted out of the remaining hamsters.
  • So what happens tonight?
  • Shelly went to Kalia with just about the same talk albeit naming names.
  • She pointed out that Porsche can't be trusted by either side and, if she were to return in the twist, she isn't as big a threat.
  • Shelly, using her mind persuasion mojo, worked just about every angle.
  • Kalia sat there mesmerized, almost to the point of being in a daze.
  • The rough part would be convincing Daniele it was in their best interest and, if Porsche goes, there could be a truce ... for a week or so.
  • Kalia went over the "idea" with Jeff who was agreeable, but said he didn't really want to commit to any deals until he sees that Porsche is indeed on the block.
  • When she talked it over with Daniele, Daniele (of course) didn't like it.
  • But Kalia also wants to show she makes her own decisions and isn't merely Daniele's puppet.
  • Nah, but it could be Shelly pulling those strings.
  • Once again, I really am impressed by Shelly's gameplay. She went to Jeff to let her know she set it up.
  • If all works and Kalia is happy with the results, she knows it was Shelly's doing.
  • As a viewer, I'm a bit concerned.
  • The hamsters only know that the person evicted might come back.
  • They don't know that there is a possibility of one already evicted coming back.
  • Now, if the house sends Porsche packing this week, it's guaranteed that Cassi, Dominic or Brendon could beat her.
  • We might as well leave Keith out of things. I don't think America has him in mind at all.
  • Hmmm ...
  • We won't know until tomorrow (today) who Kalia will nominate to replace Jeff.

Jeff in his cool boy cap.

Rachel has never seen a bad feeds shot of herself.

Shelly worked her mojo on Kalia.

Sunday, August 07, 2011

Big Brother 13 - Aug. 7 Nominations Episode Blog Party


The show is about to start here on the East Coast. As it airs, I'll update this entry with major events. But the real fun is in the comments and I hope you all join in!

Ready for drama?

Okay, Rachel cried a lot, then tried to suck up to Kalia. Adam de-elfed.

Have Have Not -- Bad food gone bad drinking game. You know, the disgusting challenge!

Jordan, Jeff, Shelly and Rachel are the Have Nots. America voted coconut and catfish to accompany slop.

Sidenote: If fools vote Brendon back in, this week will be anti-climactic. They would make a deal, Brendon would come back in the house, Rachel to jury, they both get the full stipend for the summer. Anyone but Brendon, PLEASE.

Nominations - Key order - Happy birthday Adam, Porsche, Daniele, Jordan, Lawon, Shelly. Jeff and Rachel are nominated. Kalia says it's her own decision.

Off Topic - That Was the Week It Was - August 7, 2011

It's Sunday morning, once again time for my off television weekly reflection on the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken. If you're looking for the most recent BB13 live feeds update, check out the post previous to this one. I'll be posting more on that a bit later today.

One nice thing (for me) with recovering from the knee replacement surgery is that the hectic pace of life gets slowed down a bit. I know some people are antsy and have to be on the run doing this or that all the time. But that's not me. I actually enjoy having time to smell the roses and be an observer of life. My job will still be there when I return (as a matter of fact they just called me this week with a "what do I do" panic). It's so relaxing to take an extended break, yet not be in a horrible recovery like the left knee was.

This past week, I thought of the three downtown areas I tend to frequent here in New Jersey -- Plainfield (where I live), Scotch Plains and Westfield. For towns so close together, they immensely differ.

Plainfield's downtown is a bit urban gritty, dollar stores and ethnic (or ALL kinds, with an emphasis on Latino) eateries abound. People say hello, g'morning and "howyadoin" as I pass by on the sidewalks which are mainly frequented by folks outside of my own personal demographic -- a middle-aged Caucasian woman. Yet I feel it's a friendly place. Kids don't gather in huge groups bothering pedestrians, yet the occasional street person might ask for money. I will admit I rarely roam the streets at night, but in the daytime hours I feel perfectly safe.

Westfield is the other extreme with its Coach, Ann Taylor, etc. top of the line stores. I do like Westfield, often going to Trader Joe's, Five Guys Burgers and Fries, Coldstone Creamery or just to photostomp Mindowaskin Park. People don't say hello often in Westfield. Huge throngs of teenagers block the sidewalks, often making me feel uncomfortable as I try to get through them. In Plainfield, groups of kids that large would be moved along. In Westfield, they apparently own the streets. Well, them and the outdoor seating for the eateries. Some of the restaurants take up most of the walking areas and make walking by a bit tricky at times. Oh ... and the diversity level is markedly different from Plainfield.

Then there's Scotch Plains, the smallest of the three towns. I like its little downtown swath I frequent for my physical therapy. The mix of folks on the sidewalks is pretty much a cross between Plainfield and Westfield. But I don't get the hellos as often on the sidewalks as I do in Plainfield. I like both meat markets in town, so that makes it a destination place for me. But other than physical therapy, a branch of my bank and a CVS, there isn't much for me to browse about like I have in Plainfield or Westfield.

Overall, I'll take Plainfield, warts and all. It's the friendliest place I've ever lived and it doesn't matter that I'm different from most of the folks living near me or frequenting the downtown area.

Okay, now that I'm through with that -- my knee is doing well again after a setback last week. The quad muscle, which is one of the hardest things to heal after it's cut or "divided" in the surgery, managed to suffer a strain or pull in physical therapy. It's still more puffy than it was pre-strain and is giving me some issues, but not crippling like last week. My stamina level is still a bit off, but getting dressed for the day or washing my dishes no longer exhausts me. I only went back and forth to PT this week, did my exercises at home and took it relatively easy, not doing anything at all which put a strain on the knee. So it should be good!

Because I didn't do a heck of a lot, my photo taking was a bit limited, too. Here are this week's photos -- clicking on an image will open it larger in a new window.

What the Scotch Plains 9/11 Memorial will look like.

They did a lot more work on the memorial this week. I'm thinking they might want it done for the 10th anniversary next month.

Pheasant, elk and alligator, oh my!

This is a sign in the window of John's Meat Market in Scotch Plains. Although not in my regular diet and some years back for some of these, I believe I've eaten everything but elk and alligator in my lifetime. I'm not sure what alligator tastes like. Chicken?

The Stage House Tavern

I'm always tempted to peek in, but I'm always in Scotch Plains in fairly early daytime hours. I don't want to eat alone, nor do I dare get a drink because if I'm there, chances are I've taken my pain meds (for physical therapy).

Beware, speed and the cannon goes off!

The cannon in the median on Front Street at the intersection with Park Avenue in Scotch Plains.

Gazebo gazing

The inside of the gazebo roof in the park in Scotch Plains. I did a bit of photo editing on this shot to give it more intense detailing. When I have my noon appointment at PT, there's always an older gentleman sitting there. I've started talking to him as I pass by. His English is very limited. The first day I greeted him, he told me, "Little English, I'm Egyptian ... CHRISTIAN!" I felt bad that he feels he needs to add the "Christian" bit. Heck, I have lots of friends dealing with fasting right now for Ramadan. It makes things more interesting when everyone comes from different walks of life.

Battle of the brews?

A Miller Lite truck vs. a Bud Light truck as they deliver to the Stage House Tavern.

A shame I only had the knee replaced, huh?

Out of context, this part of a sign conjures up all sorts of one-liners. It's at a manicure/pedicure/waxing place in Scotch Plains.

National Night Out set-up in Scotch Plains

I stayed in. I was thinking of stopping by the festivities in Plainfield, but didn't want to stress my knee by being on my feet for so long.

Hey! My bus stop is blocked off!

This was Tuesday morning on East Second Street and Berckman in Plainfield. A house fire up the street had everything blocked off. There was quite a bit of damage to the house, but thankfully no or just minor injuries. And, yes, my bus stopped for me even though I was on the wrong corner.

Am I boring you, Vincent?

The least you could do is cover your mouth when you yawn like that! Vincent is still enjoying more attention from me every day. I've decided that his previous "master" must have taught him to heel as he walks right beside me like a dog room to room. He's a good companion, for sure!

How was your week?