Thursday, August 11, 2011

Big Brother 13 Live Feeds Post-Show 8/11

This is just a quick update ...
  • Kalia, with her phobia about hairs, needs to stop tugging on her own hair and throwing the shedding hairs on the floor in the purple room. Disgusting!
  • As expected -- Daniele, Kalia and Porsche aren't happy campers.
  • Porsche is asleep.
  • Daniele and Kalia have basically exiled themselves from everyone else.
  • The crew of six -- Jeff, Jordan, Brendon, Rachel, Shelly and Adam are celebrating.
  • Daniele told Adam that Jeff and Jordan wanted him out and she saved him twice.
  • @@
  • As expected -- Brendon and Rachel are attached to each other.
  • Ew.
  • The HoH comp is expected sometime tonight.
  • I have no clue what time.
  • They're in an indoor lockdown.
  • I'll hang as long as I can. I'm sure the HoH will be blocked to the feeds, but we'll know way before it's aired Sunday!
UPDATE - 11:54 PM ET, Kalia just got out of the Diary Room and asked who's ready to play for HoH. Nobody moved. They thought she was kidding. She's not. She said they all have to go to the backyard and the feeds have vanished. So, HoH comp is starting.

Big Brother 13 Aug. 11 Live Eviction/HoH Show Blog Party


The show is about to start here on the East Coast. As it airs, I'll update this entry with major events. But the real fun is in the comments and I hope you all join in!

Tonight is probably THE most anticipated of the season thus far! Who will be voted out? (We probably know that one ...) Who will return? (Anyone but Brendon, I hope!) Hamsters ready?

Ah, Rachel's enemies from last season get a segment -- Ragan! Rats, he's going to be in the wedding party and are friends now.

Voting time! Rachel's speech is perky and reminds them of the twist. Lawon in love with all. He doesn't make much sense otherwise.

Votes to evict:
Jordan -- Lawon
Jeff -- Lawon
Commercial break.
Porsche -- Lawon
Daniele -- Lawon
Shelly -- Lawon
Adam -- Lawon

Lawon is out, the only surprise is that it's unanimous.

Before he can leave, Julie makes them all sit back down. She tells them the list of who might come back. Rachel looked like a bigmouth bass. In talking to "the four" Julie told them that Lawon and Rachel had been nominated for eviction this week. When she said that Lawon was evicted, Brendon definitely looked surprised.

America voted for BRENDON. Idiots!

Gah. Brendon won. [BLEEPIN' BLEEP!]

The next HoH comp will air Sunday. Hmmm ... not sure if it's live. Probably not.

Brief live feeds update: Brendon, Rachel, Jeff, Jordan, Adam and Shelly formed an alliance to go against Kalia, Daniele and Porsche. No surprises there!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Big Brother 13 Live Feeds Into Wednesday Evening 8/10

Jeff and Lawon thug ... mug for the HoH camera

Another day in the house x'd off the calendar, eh? Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Confused Critters:
  • The upcoming twist hint to the hamsters has them going bonkers.
  • Well, more bonkers than they already were, that is.
  • Rachel and Lawon are both sure that in all probability whomever is evicted will return.
  • Daniele and Kalia figured think that someone else might return ... like Brendon!
  • Oh my.
  • Jeff and Jordan want Rachel to stay even though she's driving them up the wall.
  • Most of the hamsters think Rachel needs to be on some kind of drug to calm her down.
  • They think she has the record for running off to the Diary Room crying or fussing.
  • Shelly seems to be with Jordan and Jeff -- already told Kalia and Daniele she will be voting to save Rachel.
  • Adam seems to be with Jordan and Jeff, agreeing to vote to keep Rachel.
  • J, J, A, S think the vote will be 4-2 to evict Lawon.
  • They think only Porsche and Daniele will vote to evict Rachel.
  • Jeff and Jordan told Adam that the others think it's going to be a tie vote and they can imply that Porsche was the hinky vote to keep Rachel.
  • Adam's not too keen on that.
  • He likes to get along with everyone.
  • When Daniele and Kalia asked him about the vote, he told them he hadn't made up his mind yet.
  • That was after he agreed with Jeff and Jordan to keep Rachel.
  • It's a ball of confusion.
  • Or, perhaps it's all just a spool of lies (Copyright: Howie)
  • They got the HoH camera, so fun was had by all.
  • Yippee yahoo.
  • Earlier in the evening, the feeds went down for two hours so the hamsters could celebrate the halfway mark with a private party.
  • Watching Shelly on the feeds is driving me crazy.
  • If she was a waitress, she'd be cleaning the table while you're in mid-bite. Maybe it's nervous energy, but the darting around cleaning everything and looking for a napkin set down so she can run it to the trash ... it's all very distracting.
  • She doesn't cook, though.
  • Jeff and Adam are the big cooks this season.
  • Well, I can ramble no longer.

Speaking of which ...

Rachel is really wearing on Jordan

Adam does the funky chicken

Rachel puts on her face

What's that Jeff is smoking?

Big Brother 13 August 10 Power of Veto Episode Blog Party


The show is about to start here on the East Coast. As it airs, I'll update this entry with major events. But the real fun is in the comments and I hope you all join in!

So much for that party with Blogger down for the exact time of the show. Sigh. At least we know what happened from the live feeds ...

Big Brother 13 Live Feeds Through Tuesday 8/09

Shelly picks at her toes in public. Ew.

Yes, I realize I haven't really posted on Tuesday. There are a few reasons. The MAIN reason is that there has been very little going on. Yeah, there were cute moments, a bit of game talk, some trashtalk, but nothing ground-shaking. The second reason is an issue where I messed up my knee in PT today. That's physical therapy, not Dominic (nicknamed PT for Pre-Teen). Pain and pain meds don't make for great typing or thinking skills.

So I decided to post odd screen caps of each hamster instead of a lot of words. Here's some of what I've gleaned from inside that Big Brother House of Boring Beasties:
  • I noticed in the previous post comments that someone thinks Lawon "saved Jordan" by volunteering to go up.
  • That's totally wrong.
  • Kalia told everyone she would not put Jordan on the block, nor backdoor her. Jordan and Kalia made a promise long ago.
  • I'm not a big fan of Kalia's, but she gave her word and she kept it.
  • Of course, she made sure that Jeff and Jordan knew she was keeping it -- for brownie points, I'm sure.
  • The plan is to vote out Lawon this week, not Rachel.
  • Amazing, eh?
  • They really think with the new twist that Lawon might come back and automatically be HoH.
  • They don't want Rachel to be HoH.
  • And I'm the one on pain meds messing up my mind, eh?
  • Porsche is getting talked about by everyone.
  • She's trying to hang with Kalia and Daniele.
  • But they both trashtalk her when she's not around.
  • Shelly, meanwhile, is still working her mojo for the most part.
  • She has dreams of being in the final three with Jeff and Jordan.
  • I've decided I want Jeff in my place not only for the eye candy factor, but to be my own personal chef. He's very domesticated!
  • Rachel has calmed down and, for the most part, not causing any issues.
  • She did wear Daniele's hat, though. Daniele had lent the hat to Porsche. She's probably going to burn it now.
  • Nothing to see here, folks.
  • Tomorrow and Thursday until the show will probably be just as non-eventful.
  • Sigh.

Did Rachel cut herself shaving and
stick bits of toilet tissue on it?
(Actually pimple cream, but ...!)

Kalia relives her hysterics at seeing the HoH room.

Jordan does a Donald Duck/Chipmunk version
of "When the Saints Come Marching In"

Uncle Fester Adam sleeps with his mouth open.

Not a great look, Lawon.

Daniele whispers to Kalia in front of Rachel.
This was to demonstrate her silent clicky
whispering technique I hate so much.

Jeff refused to let me find him in a bad shot.

And then there's Porsche ... still just there.