Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Big Brother 14: Live Feeds Updates Into Wednesday Morning 7/18


I think we might be due for a wager at this point. Will this crew of hamsters make it through the summer without fisticuffs or a walk-out? I mean, really, it's more than a house divided. It's mini-wars! What's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Bad Examples? Read on!
  • The timing is askew this season. Willie did do his blog entry last night surrounded by mystery and speculation.
  • But then they also gave him the HoH digital camera last night.
  • That usually goes down in the daytime on Wednesdays.
  • Huh.
  • They decided they'd have a "family" dinner last night.
  • Extremely dysfunctional family, I say!
  • It seems like the tightest mini-alliances are Wil and Janelle with sometimes Joe and Britney/Willie.
  • Wil cried because he thinks Willie made some derogatory references to his sexuality.
  • Willie denies it. 
  • I didn't hear exactly what Willie said. I wouldn't be surprised either way.
  • Dan thinks Britney sucks the life out of him because she's so negative.
  • Kara has decided that Shane is dead to her because he won't promise to help her stay in the game and will vote whatever way the house does.
  • Willie and Frank had a shouting match in the yard.
  • No fisticuffs.
  • Frank says that Willie did mock Wil.
  • Willie is aghast at Frank's "betrayal."
  • And on it goes.
  • Now Willie's trying to change the waffling vote once again -- this time to save Kara.
  • Apparently Boogie thinks Frank blew his chance to stay last night.
  • I don't know.
  • I'm getting dizzy. 

The Walk Club

Pool Sharks


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Big Brother 14: Live Feeds Into Tuesday Evening 7/17

Dan can still smile!

But I don't think Dan is smiling as much as he planned so far this season. He's more like a troubled man singing a troubled song than he is a cheerleader. Of course, he thinks that Kara is probably safe. He knows that Britney and Janelle despise Mike Boogie. He knows that, of the two on the block, removing Frank would remove a more powerful threat from the game. And, heck ... Frank's Boogie's guy! I mean, all common sense would have Frank going out the door this week.

But when did common sense dictate play in that Big Brother House of Sinking Ships? Read on to take a peek on today's happenings --
  • I really wish Mike Boogie weren't an early riser.
  • I'm not sure I want to start out my day with him. It might cast a pall over the rest of the day.  A bad omen. A demon seed. Something.
  • That said, Willie (who was up most of the night), joined Boogie this morning.
  • Willie thinks that the numbers don't crunch, someone will be coming back.
  • Maybe. But we know it's not Jodi. She wasn't sequestered. We'll have to see if Kara the evictee this week gets sequestered.
  • Willie, in his current streak of promising everyone everything under the sun, told him he'll protect Frank no matter what.
  • Of course, we know that won't keep Frank. And we know BritJan and Co. have already decided to keep him.
  • The hamsters decided to call their own house meeting.
  • It was like a little rodent uprising with their little whiskers moving, noses twitching and everything!
  • We don't NEED the coaches! The coaches need US!
  • Joe was the first one to crack for Janelle -- most of the ire behind the meeting was the rumor that the coaches will return.
  • That was fueled by no one other than Mr. Willie Hantz.
  • In between feeds getting cut (Housesguest, you are NOT allowed to talk about production!), Janelle got out that her contract says they cannot compete in the game, nor can they go to the jury house.
  • Joe is still one paranoid dude who thinks he's a target.
  • Janelle thinks Willie reminds her of Cappy from BB6 and that he's a bully.
  • Janelle has thought all along they should get rid of Frank this week.
  • It's waffled back and forth.
  • But it's been stuck on a Kara Ouster the past few days.
  • Britney thinks Janelle is now working with Dan instead of her.
  • Frank is now suspicious of the one who's been adamant about keeping him since the noms -- Willie.
  • The pressure is not only getting to the hamsters, but to the coaches as well.
  • Britney and Janelle, originally inseparable and claiming Boogie would try to tear them apart ... have been drifting apart.
  • Britney ended up having a breakdown, crying all of her problems to Janelle.
  • Apparently she thought this Returning Rodent gig would be much easier on her than it has been.
  • There was a long enough period of blocked feeds to be a comp!
  • Supposedly, Willie broke down (or something).
  • He packed his bag and went into the Diary Room.
  • When he finally came out, he was very tight-lipped.
  • He just said things change all the time.
  • Oh my.
  • It's more likely related to his HoH Blog and Twitter, but he likes drama.
  • Laters, Folks! 

Coach Janelle

Coach Britney

Big Brother 14: Live Feeds Through Late Night Monday 7/16-17

The drugs are wearing off

My apologies for not posting last night. I had some technical difficulties. Thankfully, the main event of the day was still waffling. Yep, you heard me. Kara or Frank. Frank or Kara. This is what happens when you put up two people without a target in mind.

Here's some of the stuff that's been going on in that Big Brother House of Chicken and Waffles:
  • Joe and Wil don't trust Willie.
  • Willie doesn't trust them either.
  • Boogie thinks that Britney and Janelle are smart enough to realize they could sign Dan's eviction papers by voting out Kara.
  • Although that's exactly the reason they have waffled back to booting Kara.
  • Cracks are appearing in the veneer -- Janelle and Wil will eventually be targeting Willie, a Britney team member.
  • Ian is still a wandering lost by.
  • What I'm noticing is that the "devotion" to their particular coaches and chosen teams isn't going to last.
  • Cross-alliances are already striking up.
  • Willie told Ashley he wants to take her and JoJo to the end.
  • She believes him.
  • Shades of Russell
  • Britney, Ashley and Willie think the only person Janelle really cares about is Wil.
  • But, for now ... it looks like it's Kara going out the door.
  • For now. 

But I don't WANT Kara to go

Take Kara out, not me!

I'm the best player ever at BB!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Big Brother 14: Live Feeds Into Late Sunday Night 7/15-16

Coach Dan

G'day, hamsterwatchers! I'm sure you're just dying to know the latest hijinks from those Big Brother Scampering Sillies! Here goes:
  • Ian had his big date night with Ashley.
  • While Dan had coached him on how to present himself, Boogie coached him on getting intelligence from her.
  • Heh. I said "getting intelligence."
  • Boogie wanted Ian to find out which girls SHE likes or not.
  • Britney was their waitress because Wil (the waiter) ended up being called to the Diary Room.
  • Most of the "date" was built around the discussion of organic chemistry.
  • @@
  • In their date game talk, Ashley told Ian she would be voting whatever her team votes.
  • Ian reminded her that it's really not a team game.
  • Many are really losing sight of that. But the teams are making for ready-made mini-alliances.
  • Ian thinks he "planted seeds" in Ashley's mind gameplay-wise.
  • Janelle thinks Willie is becoming too controlling -- he blew up because he thought she and Kara were scheming when they were just talking fluff stuff.
  • Janelle says she won't allow Willie to bully either herself or Wil.
  • NOW he's starting to sound like a Hantz!
  • Willie thinks all the coaches want to target the stronger players.
  • Well, duh.
  • Janelle thinks that Danielle has a big crush on Shane.
  • Well, duh.
  • JoJo says she'll go on a date with Ian next week with espionage in mind.
  • Can you see Ian and JoJo as a couple? Yikes!
  • Willie thinks that they should stop talking eviction until just before eviction because they keep changing their minds between Kara and Frank.
  • Y'think?
  • Ian spent some time alone talking to the camera in the Have Not room. He thinks he might need to win HoH soon as he might be a target. He also thinks Frank is going to go this week.
  • There ya go ... the news of the evening. As I get this posted, most are in bed but Dan is sitting alone outside.
  • UPDATE -- Now it's Willie and Ashley outside talking strategy. Willie is trying to get in with everyone. Hopefully his social game will be better than Russell's was!
Dressed up for his date night


Sunday, July 15, 2012

Big Brother 14: Live Feeds Into Sunday Evening 7/15


The big event of today was that the PoV meeting was held. For feedsters, its a bit of a non-event as the feeds get blocked. Today's was even more of a non-event as we knew Shane wouldn't use the veto. The nominations remain the same. 

What else has been happening in that Big Brother House of Ill Repute? Read on ...
  • Boogie is definitely the early riser this year. Oh well.
  • He gave some shout outs and fussed about dirty dishes and ants.
  • Heck, the house has ant issues every year.
  • Paranoid Joe has been pushing the idea that BB will switch up the coaches.
  • Wil and Joe talked. Wil thinks that Willie has an agreement with Frank.
  • He does, kind of sort of.
  • Neither Wil nor Joe think that Frank could be trusted in whatever he's got going with Willie.
  • They're probably right.
  • Joe told Janelle that Frank and Jenn approached him about taking out Willie.
  • If that indeed happened, I missed it.
  • He says that Willie and Shane are their targets.
  • Danielle is STILL following Shane around like a puppy dog.
  • It's almost as creepy as some of Ian's oddities.
  • Boogie is trying to recruit Shane.
  • With Joe's telling on Frank to BritJan, etc., it looks like the tides are turning once again.
  • First the target was Frank.
  • Then it was Kara.
  • Now it seems Frank's in trouble again.
  • They're getting all psyched for Showtime as I type this up.
  • Don't they realize we're out here watching them 24/7?
  • Ian has been being coached on dating.
  • Tonight will be date night.
  • Oh well. 

The Odd Couple

Janelle is worried