Frank is HoH because Boogie is so great. Cough. |
So, the tides have turned and Boogie is acting like Frank's HoH win is all due to him. In reality, Frank's win is solely due to Frank. Of the four coaches, Boogie has done the least, often choosing napping over coaching. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Fractured Follies:
- Britney is miserable. She really doesn't know what to do.
- Willie told her not to "save" him if she wins the coaches comp.
- The general consensus this week is that Willie must go.
- Well, duh.
- That's such a surprise!
- Ian doesn't want Willie to be bamboozled out.
- I don't think Ian realizes his name keeps coming up on the short list of folks to go away soon.
- Boogie and Frank are turning to their own little bullying ways -- they say if Willie wins PoV, they'll put up another from his team in lieu of him.
- Joe thinks both Shane and Willie should be put up together to ensure one goes home.
- I don't want to lose my eye candy!
- And, I'm surely not talking about Willie ...
- Dan and Boogie don't want to be saddled with ANY of Britney's team if a trade is won by her.
- Ian is vehemently against backdooring people. He thinks it's a lowdown way to go.
- When Frank got his HoH room, despite speculation, Willie attended the festivities.
- He was the first to leave, heading out to the yard to smoke a cigarette.
- Poor Britney -- it's now all three coaches against her.
- Sigh. I had high hopes for a BritJan takeover of the season.
- Ian admits that Willie does need to go as he had been a bully, but they shouldn't be sneaky about it.
- Right now, other than Willie being the target (duh), I'm not sure who Frank will nominate.
- Most are still awake as I get this posted.
Gathering in HoH room sans Britney |
Nasty cap on his foot |
I have SNACKS! |