Saturday, July 21, 2012

Big Brother 14: Live Feeds Report Into Saturday Evening - July 21

Britney talks to the live feeders

Without Little Willie, the house is definitely not quite as on edge as it's been. Yet, edge is still there. This coach twist is creating situations unlike we've seen before on the show. Should the new hamsters do their coach's bidding? What if they prefer an alliance with someone from another team? The more I watch, the more unfair it does seem to the hamsters. They're really not being allowed to play their own games. Oh, well.

What's been happening in the Big Brother House of Hilarious Hijinks? Read on ...
  • If I lived there, I would NOT eat any food Joe prepared.
  • What kind of chef keeps digging into the food with his fingers, eating some, licking his fingers?
  • EW! Culinary school does NOT teach that, I know they don't!
  • Ian saved some of the pork rinds in a baggie, saying he's going to sell them on eBay.
  • Yeah, that'll work.
  • The PoV comp, blocked to the feeds, went down.
  • My pool boy Shane won. Way cool!
  • Danielle is sure she's going on the block.
  • I'm sure she's right.
  • Too bad, so sad.
  • The pads BB gave them for the weird beds in the Have Not room helped a bit.
  • I still wouldn't want to try to sleep in one of those beds!
  • Britney and Boogie think number-wise, the evicted hamster this week should go to the jury house (9 jury members), but week-wise it wouldn't work out.
  • Danielle cried.
  • There's your big excitement for the day. 

Ian in his hammock

JoJo in her sequins

Big Brother 14: Live Feeds Quickie - PoV

I'll be posting a full report later tonight, but feel the need to mention that Shane won the Power of Veto!



Big Brother 14: Live Feeds Into Saturday Morning - July 21


Oh my. Willie threw a temper tantrum and got expelled from the house due to physical violence (head-butting Joe). Are any of us REALLY surprised? Undereducated and unable to control his temper. Oh well. I dedicate the following song to Willie Hantz ... but he DID go home!


Here's the skinny on the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Bad Examples:
  • Everyone is basically getting along.
  • Frank had a long talk with both of the nominees -- Shane and JoJo.
  • They were nominated mainly because they did indeed follow Willie and vote to evict Frank.
  • Danielle voted for Kara but she had told Frank before the vote that she had promised her and wouldn't break her word.
  • Boogie is on the top of the world and suddenly not sleeping so much.
  • The gold (harem) pants Dan wore for the coaches comp were referred to as MC Hammer pants. Hmm.
  • Most shave their pubic hair.
  • We don't really need to know that, do we?
  • Today the PoV comp should be held.
  • Laters!  

Julie Chen is his homegirl? Don't think so!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Big Brother 14: Live Feeds Bulletin - The Exit and Nominations

After a severely long feeds block, the live feeds are back on.

Buh-bye, Willie, worst Hantz of them all
Willie Hantz is no longer in the house. Right now it sounds like he DOR'd -- voluntarily quit. Before they cut the live feeds, he wanted to fight some one. So he may have gotten the boot.  Anyway, he's gone. The worst Hantz of them all.

The bad thing is that his team is still on Have Not this week because of his actions last week and now Shane will probably be targeted.

Update: Shane and JoJo are on the block. Shane is the target.
Gee, thanks, Willie.

Second update: BB is giving them ALL pizza, including the Have Nots. They're all thanking Willie.

Third Update: Willie was definitely expelled from the game, didn't quit. (Although he was trying to get expelled.) Apparently it did have to do with physical threats or action against Joe. Joe is perfectly fine. No one is hurt.

Interesting Note: Frank, the "unemployed beach bum," owns a house and has tenants. So, he isn't really unemployed and a bum.

Fourth Update: Physical violence is the reason for expulsion -- head-butting Joe. Yes, he threw pork rinds at Janelle and called everyone vile names. But the latter is not a valid reason for expulsion. It was the head-butting of Joe that did it.

Big Brother 14: Live Feeds Report Friday Daytime - July 20

Jenn kisses her teddy bears ... aww

Frank in a hoodie

I'm still a bit thrown off with the timing of events with the coaches aspect. It used to be that food comps (which we sometimes actually saw on the live feeds) were on Fridays, nominations Friday evening. Now, in lieu of food comps, it's the coaches comp on Fridays as the winning coach decides the Have Nots. I would think that noms should be later tonight, but I don't know for sure. As I get this typed up, the feeds have been blocked with trivia for quite some time as they do the coaches comp.

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Lonely Loonies:
  • Janelle thinks Britney is mad at her because she (Brit) kept Janelle's team members safe, then evicted the way they wanted, not how Britney wanted.
  • I don't think that's it.
  • I think Britney first got irked because Janelle got joined at the hip with Wil and schemed with Dan, then Boogie.
  • Shame on Janey, I say!
  • Then again, I think Janelle wanted to distance herself from Loose Cannon Willie. I can't blame her for that.
  • Boogie already told Britney if she wins the coaches comp and trades off Willie, they'll target Shane instead.
  • Frank told her if she trades off Willie to anyone other than Dan, he'll nominate two people from her team.
  • Obviously, they don't want Willie!
  • It's fairly carved in the concrete that if Willie remains on Britney's team, he's sure to go home this week.
  • If she trades him off, he won't go home but they'll seek revenge for saddling someone else with him.
  • Hantz Magic!
  • The best part of all of this is that it's taken the focus off of nominating Ian.
  • While he's quirky, odd and rocks a lot ... he's more interesting than many on the live feeds. He's so out of place there that it makes it a bit intriguing.
  • Willie's HOH blog is up on the CBS site. Short and about third grade reading level writing. Oh my.
  • FINALLY -- feeds are back on after coaches comp!
  • Willie is moving into the Have Not room.
  • The Have Nots got the pudding and um ... forgot what went with it. That choice, though.
  • Was it pork rinds? That's what it looks like.
  • Willie is sure he's getting evicted, is acting out, using the "c" word and says he's not even going to try for PoV.
  • Britney is trying to convince to stop acting like a four-year-old and affecting others' games.
  • He's looking for a fight.
  • Jerk.
  • Now it's cut back to trivia.
  • Grr. I want to SEE. 
  • If he does indeed fight anyone, he won't have to worry about being evicted on Thursday. He'll get the boot tonight.
  • It also sounds like he might be thinking of DOR -- quitting.
  • Janelle apparently won the coaches comp and no trades were made. I don't know who's safe, but I'd predict Wil.
  • I'll post more a bit later after the feeds return.

Shane, Vermont's finest

Dan's shiny gold comp pants