Friday, July 27, 2012

Big Brother 14: Live Feeds Into Friday Morning - July 27

Celebrating victory with Froot Loops

So, the power has changed hands once again. Now Shane is Da Man and Britney can breathe easier for a week. What's been happening inside that Big Brother House of Men With Bad Hairdos? Read on ...
  • A tip of the hat (or, more likely a jeer) to Willie Hantz as Shane chowed down Froot Loops shortly after his big win.
  • Dan advised Danielle that she should team up with Shane -- he'll always be a bigger target than her.
  • Ian is the sole Have Not ... for now.
  • Danielle told Dan that Shane told her that she had nothing to worry about this week. He had voted to keep JoJo out of loyalty to his team.
  • Of course, he's a team of one now -- just like Danielle.
  • Jenn feels bad about her performance in the HoH comp.
  • She should.
  • But Mr. Posturing Joe should feel worse.
  • Joe thinks that Shane will nominate himself and Wil.
  • Boogie thinks, if all goes right, the nominees will be from Janelle's team.
  • Just don't touch my little Ian! (That's what Jackie says.)
  • Joe told Jenn that JoJo gave him the cigarettes anyway even though he told her it wasn't worth it to go against the house and vote to keep her.
  • But she took the lighters! Bwahahaha!
  • Joe ended up rigging the toaster oven outside to light cigarettes.
  • Wil and Joe are worried. They think Shane might have a deal with Frank.
  • Y'think?
  • Joe wants to make a "royal breakfast" for Shane.
  • Can you say "suck up"? I thought you could!
  • Shane got his HoH room ... complete with Dunkin Donuts!
  • Britney, Dan, Danielle and Shane plan to work together.
  • But, then again ... they don't know Shane has a side deal with Frank.
  • Joe tried to convince Shane he should get rid of Danielle.
  • Heehee ... Dan overheard Joe telling Shane that.
  • Shane seems to be leaning towards putting one up each from Boogie and Janelle's peeps -- probably Frank and Wil.
  • That is subject to change, mind you.
  • Plus, he could just be saying that. He might keep loyal to his deal with Frank.
  • Then again, he may not.
  • Confused yet?
  • Britney told Shane that they should work a wedge between Janelle and Boogie this week, pitting them against each other.
  • That's it for now! 

HoH crew

Oh noes! The pool is covered!

Come see my HoH room!

Britney reads her letter from home

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Big Brother 14: Live Eviction Show Blog Party - July 26

BB12 Blogo 3

Come one, come all! It's the live eviction show! If I seem strangely silent, it's because I've lost power. I setting this to automatically post, but my power has gone out twice already with severe storms passing through.

If I keep power, I'll update this entry with major news. The real fun is in the comments, though. Come join the fun!

I'm HERE, the power remains!

Cool. Will Kirby is going to make an appearance!

Dr. Will on the coaches! Thinks Boogie is doing well, worries about Boogie's ego. He thinks the other coaches are lackluster. Kermit the Frog and Ryan Seacrest had a baby, it would be Dan. Britney -- put your coach hat on, players evicted for violence. Is Janelle good at strategy? If she loses, three time loser. He thinks Ian will win the game.

America's Vote will be a chance for us to change the game. I predict voting either Kara or JoJo (expected to go go tonight) back in the game.

The nominees speak, then it's time for the live vote. JoJo up first, came planning to lie but that's not who she is, really loyal, making a mistake because they won't make a big move. Danielle loves all y'all, I'd be a great assett, etc.

The vote to evict --
Wil -- JoJo
Joe -- JoJo
Ashley -- JoJo
Commercial time
Shane -- Danielle
Ian -- JoJo
Jenn -- JoJo

I know from the feeds that Shane had already told people he was going to give JoJo a loyalty vote.

Buh-bye, JoJo.

A peek at the HoH comp reveals a winter backyard with the hockey set-up we saw them practicing on in the feeds. "On Thin Ice" has them hitting a hockey ball into numbered slots. Highest number wins.

Shane is the new HoH!

Want to give the coaches the opportunity to stop coaching and put them in play for the half-million dollar prize? It's in your hands.


You can vote by texting, info is online as well as free voting. Texting is a dollar a vote. 

Big Brother 14: Live Feeds Update/Willie Hantz Arrested - July 26, 2012

Sleepy hamsters
I hope you're sitting down. The shock might be too much for y'all. Are you ready? Willie Hantz has been arrested. Yep, TMZ has the scoop and the mug shot. Who woulda thunk it?

There's been more action outside the house than inside. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Reality Rejects:
  • JoJo is trying defend her actions sticking by Willie last week by saying he's a sociopath and he brainwashed her.
  • Of course, the point is moot. She would have to have a brain.
  • I know. I know. I'm being mean. I'll stop it.
  • Everybody seems to be telling Danielle she's safe.
  • Nobody is telling JoJo she's safe.
  • They're just kind of nodding their heads and being non-committal with her.
  • They piped the BB theme music with suffer with during the feed cuts throughout the house.
  • The hamsters had to suffer with it, too.
  • Good. It builds character.
  • And, we need some kind of characters on the show this season, for sure!
  • Dan told Frank he holds Britney responsible as Willie's coach for not putting a muzzle on him.
  • I don't think any of them could. She really tried her hardest. Willie should never have been allowed in the house in the first place.
  • They cleaned.
  • The feeds kept going to trivia and the control room on and off all day, as well as the theme music drowning out some of the conversations.
  • Stop back later for the live eviction show blog party! The post will go up shortly before 9pm EDT. 
Love is in the house

Big Brother 14: Live Feeds into Thursday - July 26

The girls did Ian's hair

Well, well ... another hamster goes home tonight. Or, more likely, goes into sequester. Here's what happened into the wee hours of the morning in that Big Brother House of Smokes for Safety:
  • Janelle wanted to start drama by telling Danielle that JoJo was talking about her.
  • Danielle didn't want to confront JoJo because she (Danielle) would cry. She's not good at confrontation.
  • As JoJo had earlier said nasty things about Janelle, Janelle trashtalked her.
  • Janelle thinks JoJo is a lot like Willie.
  • Different accent, though.
  • Danielle started to get upset and just shy of crying.
  • Frank told her not to worry about JoJo as she'd (JoJo) would be gone in 24 hours.
  • As Janelle is talking about JoJo, JoJo is talking about Janelle.
  • Meow.
  • The indoor lockdown ended and the hamsters found a huge hockey-type platform in the yard.
  • They have oversize hockey sticks and balls to try to put in three pockets.
  • JoJo had taken her cigarette vote barter back from Joe saying that she wanted to make sure she's here and Janelle doesn't smoke the cigarettes.
  • But then she gave them back to him.
  • Frank told Joe it will ruffle feathers if Joe sells his vote for cigarettes.
  • Joe said he'll give them back, but maybe JoJo will accept some memorabilia instead of a vote for them.
  • Janelle thinks Ian might throw this HoH comp so he can win the next one, likely an endurance comp.
  • JoJo and Janelle had a "talk." Janelle denied telling everyone she wanted JoJo out of the house. JoJo told her why she should stay in the house.
  • Rats. No fur flying.
  • Laters!  

JoJo confronted Janelle

Danielle practices for HoH

Dan coaches her on

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Big Brother 14: Live Feeds Into Wednesday Evening - July 25

Oh my

Oh my gosh. I almost wish Willie was back. I need some sort of excitement! Here's what's been happening (or not) in that Big Brother House of Keep This Up and Ratings Will Plummet:
  • Joe and Shane have decided they trust each other more than they trust Frank.
  • I wouldn't trust Joe. But, hey Shane ... go for loose cannon paranoid dude. Ain't no skin off my nose!
  • Shortly after that conversation, Joe agreed with Wil that Shane or Ian have to be out next.
  • Wil will be 25 years old this Saturday. I forget how young these hamsters really are.
  • Except for Ian. You can't look at Ian without thinking "child."
  • JoJo is getting quite evil in her trashtalking Janelle's looks and surgeries.
  • Now, I could do that because I'm not in the house with them.
  • But, even though I'm not liking Janelle so much this time around, it's mean.
  • Plus, Janelle has power in the game, something JoJo is seriously lacking at this point.
  • JoJo once again tried to convince Frank she's good to keep this week over Danielle.
  • Britney warned JoJo that she's seen Danielle and Janelle hanging out together a lot this week. She thinks the plan is to get her (Britney) and Dan down to one player each.
  • Maybe they're hanging out because Danielle and Janelle rhyme. Did anyone ever stop a moment to consider that?
  • Oh? No?
  • Danielle asked Jenn what lesbians do during sex.
  • Really.
  • JoJo worked on Ian. While he said he doesn't know how keeping Danielle could benefit him, he didn't promise anything.
  • Frank told Boogie he thinks Dan is throwing all of the coaches comps.
  • He is.
  • Janelle is ticked because she found out Joe sold out to JoJo for two packs of cigarettes and swore on his kids to her.
  • Frank found out that someone indeed go through his bag way back when because they wanted to find proof he was not unemployed.
  • I know it was Joe.
  • That's it for now!

JoJo, the Undead ... for now

Three's company

Ian is very aware of the cameras