Andy |
As it is every season, it's a house divided. This season, it's Bieber Fever and well, the Others don't seem to have a name. Bieber Fever includes: Aaryn, David, Kaitlin, Jeremy and sometimes Nick, GinaMarie and Jessie. The core group of the Others are McCrae, Amanda, Spencer, Judd, Andy and Howard on the edge. They have Elissa in mind as an addition. They also plan on adding in Helen and perhaps Candice down the line. By the way, THEY named Bieber Fever, not me.
Who would have thought that in this BB15 of young'uns, the deciding factor in the house split would fall along the line of older (plus McCrae) and younger. Heck, they're ALL kids!
Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Wanton Waffling:
- Now the core group (which I'll call the Others) are tossing around evicting David and keeping Elissa.
- They think that Elissa might win MVP most weeks and they could use that as a backdoor plan, working with her to get out Bieber Fever.
- The early coupling of Aaryn/David and Kaitlin/Jeremy has given the others mocking material and reasons to target them.
- Jessie still pines for Jeremy.
- Jeremy and David think they're being used as a shield by the girls.
- Jeremy isn't as into Kaitlin (or Jessie) as they think he is. He told David he thinks the only girl who can be trusted is GinaMarie.
- Nick is a very peripheral player. He's not really getting involved or close to anyone. A few have speculated that he might be gay.
- Actually, I think he's playing it smarter than Bieber Fever by remaining a bit of a nonentity.
- The Kaitlin/Jeremy showmance is cooling a bit. Kaitlin thinks Jeremy doesn't trust her and GinaMarie is encouraging her to be stronger as an individual hamster.
- Well, GinaMarie didn't say hamster. I did.
- Amanda talked to Elissa, told her to work on her relationship with the younger bunch. She hinted she will stay.
- Of course, McCrae, although the original plan and house wish was to evict her, has been telling Elissa all along she will stay.
- Elissa can definitely work this to her advantage.
- I'm still tired of CBS bringing in old players and relatives of players. I'm tired of Rachel. I really am. I was tired of the Hantz family, too. Yet they keep it going. Sigh.
- Elissa, on the other hand, might have a better back-up alliance than Rachel ever did if she stays this week.
- The Others plan to evict David this week, go after Jeremy the next week.
- We'll see how that goes.
- The Others are leery of Howard possibly blabbing to Candice even though they have eyes on her to bring her into the alliance.
I'm still not sure when the PoV meeting will be held. The plan still seems to be to take Candice down and put Elissa up. Yet, now they will have the votes to save Elissa and evict David.
Elissa and Amanda |
Kaitlin, GinaMarie and Jeremy |
Judd |