I'm Jackie and I watch TV. I'm not proud. Bookmark the blog now as your source for live feed reports from inside the 'Big Brother' house! Come, join in on the fun ...
Saturday, July 13, 2013
Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Updates Saturday/Sunday July 13-14
I will be without internet access until really late Sunday night/Monday morning. If you have live feeds, please feel free to put updates in the comments section of this post. Please don't post speculation ... only things you've seen on the feeds! Also, be wary of ANY hyperlinks. I'm taking off the word verification, so there will probably be some spam -- do NOT reply to the spam comments, please! I'll be going through cleaning it all up sometime Monday.
I'll also have a show blog party post scheduled for 8pm ET on Sunday.
Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Friday Night Late - July 12-13
Well, that's new! |
I usually close my browser without signing off of the feeds. When I did this earlier, I returned and saw this screen. I thought I was signed out, went to sign on again and realized I was already signed in. I've seen disclaimers about adult content over the years with Superpass, but never anything about "prejudices and other beliefs." Gee, I wonder why that is? Heh. CBS is trying to cover their butt.
Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Prejudices and Other Beliefs:
- Helen had a long heart to heart talk with Spencer in which he sucked up appropriately. He vowed to never vote her out.
- She once again brought it to America's attention on the cameras.
- She really needs to stop crying when she has these talks. She's a strong smart woman and the tears hurt her game, methinks.
- Amanda told Aaryn she needs to be cool, Jeremy is the ultimate target.
- Helen told Kaitlin she's the pawn.
- Grr. I'd like to see one of the Mean Girls actually out of there! I was so happy with the Mean Girls Nominations.
- McCrae told Aaryn that Jeremy wanted both her and Kaitlin out.
- Ah, good ... mess with her head! Do it some more!
- Jeremy's scrambling a bit -- he knows he's in trouble even though he's not on the block.
- Helen is still wanting a Howard backdoor. She doesn't like people lying to her and she saw through his lies.
- Aaryn said she did some things she shouldn't have done in the heat of the moment. Y'think?
- But, what she said had to come from within. In my opinion, no matter the situation, you don't just spout off racial etc. slurs without possessing those thoughts in the first place.
- Now the whole house knows about the Moving Company and Nick being the mastermind behind it.
- GinaMarie found it hilarious when Judd told her that Nick was a "professional roller skater" who had attended Yale.
- She didn't believe it at first, but then enough people agreed that was his profession.
- Well, at least she stopped crying. She's still wearing the hat and cradling the cup, though.
- Howard apologized to Helen for lying to her. She cried ... said now she looks like such a fool for trusting him and Spencer.
- Elissa got the MVP for the third week in a row.
- This time McCrae is going to pretend he's the MVP so the other side will think someone other than Elissa got it.
- Interesting ... the Diary Room apparently steered them away from putting Howard on the block as the MVP nomination. Helen told Elissa, "The show doesn't want us to put up Howard."
- I guess it wouldn't look too good for the black guy to be voted out with all the racial brouhaha in the media.
- That's okay with me. I'll keep going with my Howard-a-Day screencaps!
- Back to Jeremy being the target. I'd prefer that anyway.
Future Santa Claus? |
Out of the mouth of "babes" |
Telling GinaMarie about MC |
Howard-a-Day |
Friday, July 12, 2013
Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Friday - Have Nots, Nominations - July 12
Howard-a-Day |
After last night's brouhahas, today was a lot quieter. But we still have some powder kegs just waiting to go off in the house. Here's what happened today inside that Big Brother House of Future Failures:
- Judd, Andy and Helen pretty much have Howard and Spencer figured out, but don't know which one voted to keep Nick.
- They agree not to mention it to Candice because of her relationship with Howard.
- All three agree Jeremy really needs to leave.
- Helen did question Jessie about the hinky vote and believed her when she said she voted to keep Elissa.
- Jessie already seems a teensy bit more comfortable in the house since switching sides. Now she has friends! Woo.
- Helen and Elissa marveled about how calm Judd remains while chaos is all about him.
- He continues to work his way into becoming my favorite hamster.
- Andy and Candice talked about the racism in the house. Candice said it's malicious.
- Yep, you got that right. She's suffering now, but she'll have a pleasant surprise about the media back-up for her case when she leaves the house.
- The feeds were blocked for the Have/Have Not Comp. It was definitely another gooey one as they had stuff on them and the house had plastic covering everything.
- The plastic is probably because they know these hamsters wouldn't bother cleaning up a mess.
- Unlike last week when Aaryn (HOH) chose the Have Nots, this time they were split into teams.
- The Yellow Team lost, making Judd, Jessie, McCrae and Amanda the latest Have Nots.
- Rats. I was hoping for different ones.
- You know who.
- Helen told Candice not to trust Howard, but didn't go into detail why.
- Helen talked to Jeremy and offered to keep him safe if he kept her safe.
- He agreed.
- She turned to the camera and called on America as a witness.
- Jeremy told Helen about the Moving Company.
- She's probably sick of hearing about it by now!
- But he gave her a new tidbit -- He told her Spencer and McCrae betrayed the Moving Company and voted to keep Elissa while he and Howard voted to keep Nick.
- Helen told Jeremy that she had wanted to try to work with Aaryn, but thinks after last night, she just can't.
- Good.
- Then McCrae went and told her about the Moving Company.
- Enough already!
- Will Nick make a special appearance on their video screen to tell her about the Moving Company next?
- She told McCrae that, thankfully, Amanda had already figured it out and told her before last night.
- Howard continues to lie to Helen about the vote. Finally he admitted the vote, then lied about the MC ... which Helen already knew about.
- Oy, Howard.
- Helen's tossing around the idea of either an Aaryn/Kaitlin nom or a Spencer/Howard one. She's also still talking about backdooring Jeremy.
- Helen told Kaitlin she won't be going home.
- But ... but ... but ... Kaitlin is EVIL MEAN!
- Helen definitely wants to put Aaryn on the block. That way, if the MVP isn't someone in their group, they have a good stand-by for eviction.
- She's also really lost her trust in Spencer.
- And, me?
- I'm just sitting here typing away waiting for the feeds to come back from nominations ceremony block.
- So, I'll bop my head to the bad BB music a little while longer.
- I suppose it would be too much to crank the BB music and dance with the cat.
- Anytime now the feeds should be back.
- What this BB house needs is a Sharknado to blow through it!
- Heehee.
- It looks like Howard and Aaryn are indeed on the block.
- Just waiting for better confirmation.
- Wait ... wait ... Aaryn's definitely up. Could it be Kaitlin up with her?
- Yes! Yes, it is! The MVP nomination, if it goes to Elissa, will probably be Howard.
- Aaryn and Kaitlin are on the block. It's a Mean Girls Nomination Night!
Another messy comp |
Guacamole and grapefruit |
Still pining for her lost "love" |
Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Thursday Night into Friday - 7/11-7/12
I loved that kid! |
Oh my. It was some night in the house. Celebrations! Catfights! Long talks. Tears. Jeers. Screaming. Hurt feelings. High school mean girls times ten. Where to start? I guess I'll start from the beginning. Here's the overnight escapades from inside that Big Brother House of Pitiful Pet Rats:
- Helen and the group don't suspect Howard of the hinky vote. Helen says she doesn't like disloyal people.
- They suspect the hinky vote was Jessie. Howard and Spencer have a lot to do with the suspicion cast her way.
- Helen danced a lot, as did Elissa.
- The house seems to be changing Helen. She's using the F word an awful lot as of late.
- GinaMarie, wearing Nick's blue cap, cried hysterically on and off all night. When she wasn't crying, she was sniffling. When she wasn't sniffling or crying, she was fighting.
- She used a pair of red shorts to blow her nose on, as well as whatever was in reach. Ew. Biohazard, I say!
- She honestly thinks she and Nick were going to be this great couple while admitting they hadn't even kissed.
- At over 30, she's acting about 14 and referring to Nick as "that kid."
- Most people at 30ish aren't kids in their own minds anymore. Sure, they can be kids to me because I'm older, but ...!
- Jeremy was the surprising one. Although, thinking of his gameplay, not all that surprising.
- He congratulated Helen and even told Elissa he admires her gameplay and strategic moves.
- He kept leaving his two concubines to hang out with the rest of the house.
- He acted duly mocking of his own self for getting the boot at the first question in the comp.
- He didn't threaten anyone.
- While he was around during the catfights, he neither got involved nor helped quell them.
- He was almost likeable and mature. Then I remembered he's Jeremy. Ew.
- Then there's Aaryn and Kaitlin -- the nightmare mean girl bullies of our junior high/high school days. It almost kicked me into PTSD over the mean girls who tormented me in my teen years to watch them ... especially Kaitlin.
- Aaryn did dumb girl stuff. She tipped over Candice's bed and just doesn't have a clue.
- Kaitlin claimed Jessie's bed that Jessie has slept on since entering the house.
- I still can't get the look of glee on Kaitlin's face off my mind as she tormented both Candice and Jessie. Even Jeremy distanced himself a bit from her.
- When Kaitlin heard at one point that Candice was crying, she burst into laughter and raised a power fist.
- Who does that, I ask? What kind of person thrives on upsetting another person just to upset them?
- Howard ended up carrying Candice (who was oh-so-ready for a knock-down drag-out hair-pulling claws out catfight with GinaMarie) out of the room.
- Judd rescued Jessie, prompting cat calls from the mean girls about how she couldn't get anyone else, so she went for Judd.
- To be honest, although Judd seems to like the female attention, he doesn't seem like he's there for a showmance.
- Judd has moved up almost daily in my own personal hamster rankings. I don't think he'll win the show, but at least he's a halfway decent person.
- Judd told Helen he'd like to host the next PoV comp if he doesn't play. She said okay.
- He thanked her, "Mumble, mumble."
- I pick on that mumbling, but he can speak up and be understood when he wants. When he's talking game low, he's so hard to understand!
- Aaryn whined about the game not being fair. Heck, was it ever fair?
- Amanda again told Aaryn about the racist talk keeping people from wanting to get close to her.
- Every time Amanda mentioned the Diary Room questioning them about Aaryn's racist comments, we got fish.
- Aaryn is in disbelief. How can people say that about her?
- I say, "Pot, kettle, black."
- I do think the race issues with this cast are a horrendous representation in today's world. I live in an area where more people are black or Hispanic than white while I'm white. I have friends of all kinds from all walks of life and from several different countries. Good people are good people, no matter race, color, national origin, etc.
- Bad people obviously get recruited to be hamsters on Big Brother.
- I was dismayed that after Howard carried Candice away from the catfight, he told her that he's had to be tapdancing and shucking and jiving to keep in with the others. Now, is he doing that with his talks with Spencer? I don't think so.
- Dang. I just can't believe race is such an issue! My friends and I have good-natured joking occasionally about our differences, but nothing deep malicious. I recall a discussion on the train with a black male friend about great white egrets after we saw one out the window. He said he thought that egrets were black. I asked him why they'd be called great white egrets if they were black. Another black male friend nearby said, "Yeah, it's always about color, isn't it? And they're 'great', huh?" A nearby woman looked at us like we were all crazy. But it was all just in fun. If everyone was alike, this would be a boring world indeed. Around this area, I like to think most of us cherish our differences and we all bring something to the table of life.
- < / soapbox>
- Candice and Jessie were told by their friends they didn't want them sleeping in the room with the mean girls (and Jeremy).
- Helen offered to put them both up in the HoH room.
- Aaryn told Kaitlin that the way Jeremy is acting is going to push people away.
- Um. No. It might push the mean girls away, but he's acting the best of his side.
- Amanda knows it was either Howard or Spencer voting the hinky vote even though those two are trying to blame Jessie.
- GinaMarie hysterically cried some more while saying she cooked and cleaned ... NO MORE!
- Jeremy giggled and said he never cleaned anyway. But we knew that.
- Aaryn told Kaitlin that Jeremy only thinks of himself.
- Yup. And right now Jeremy thinking of his own game is doing better than them being so horribly mean and vindictive.
- He will surely be a target, but they're both drawing bigger targets on themselves with their bad behavior.
- Jeremy told the Mean Girls that he was disgusted with America for voting Elissa MVP twice.
- He doesn't realize that, when the time comes that the votes don't go through for Elissa, they won't go their way.
- GinaMarie said that Nick made her feel smart.
- Well, that's pretty dumb, I say. One should "feel smart" on their own merits, not with some sort of hyped-up pseudo-relationship.
- Aaryn and her crew figured out that Howard voted with them to save Nick.
- Unfortunately, Candice keeps telling her side that no way did Howard vote to save Nick.
- Candice is building her own personal pseudo-relationship with Howard, albeit a bit more real (just a bit) than the GinaMarie/Nick charade.
- Thankfully, Andy, McCrae and Amanda are pretty sure either Howard or Spencer made the hinky vote.
- I have to give Jessie kudos for going down from the HoH room reveal quickly to jump in her bed and defend her territory from the Mean Girls. I didn't think she had that much spunk.
- The game is getting to Howard. He broke down and cried after trying to calm down Candice for the longest time.
- That was very sad.
- Candice told the live feeders that whoever Aaryn's parents are, they did a horrible job raising her. Helen assured her the cameras see everything.
- I personally would say the same of Kaitlin. While Aaryn is pretty much just a pretty face dumb racist, Kaitlin has an unbelievable mean streak and takes too much pleasure in the suffering of others. She's mean just to be mean and then laughs about it.
- Jeremy won't defend his gals. He said they're all being catty.
- Meow.
- Aaryn is sure she's being called racist because she's from Texas with blond hair and blue eyes.
- @@
- Since Candice really really wants to sleep downstairs, not in the HoH room, Elissa and Jessie join her. Power in numbers, I guess.
- Amanda and McCrae join them.
- Aaryn says that because she's from the south, it's easier to portray her as a racist.
- @@
- Keep coming up with excuses, girl.
- McCrae told Aaryn her gameplay sucks because she won't make an effort to get along with others at all.
- Amanda told Aaryn that both David and Nick are gone because of her (Aaryn's) actions.
- McCrae told Amanda about the Moving Company.
- Helen still thinks Spencer was the vote for Nick to stay, not Howard. That's because Candice is in her ear about it and believes Howard.
- Kaitlin made some apologies to those she yelled at.
- I doubt her sincerity.
- Judd told Amanda that they'll need to vote out someone, but not necessarily the real obnoxious ones.
- Apparently he either feels the real obnoxious ones will have bigger targets on their backs or, if they make it to the finals, no one will like them enough to vote them the winner.
- Have I said Judd might be the best playing hamster in the habitrail?
- Howard lied to Helen again about the vote.
- Helen told him she doesn't like liars.
- I say, "Hey, it's BB!"
- Jeremy and Aaryn talked about karma.
- Yeah. Really.
- All are in bed now.
- What a night. Gotta say, the best live feeds in years!
- RIP -- The Moving Company, age 2 weeks.
Some are happy |
Some are glum |
She's worse than Aaryn, methinks |
Howard-a-Day |
HoH basket goodies |
Territorial battles |
Catfight! MEOW! |
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Big Brother 15: Live Eviction and HoH Comp Show Blog Party - July 11
Well, this is it! Tonight all the speculation in one of the hardest to predict evictions will be over. It could go either way as far as the vote. As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest! However, as always, the real party is in the comments! Bring your beach towel and a beverage, settle on in ... it's party time!
After some scheming, Julie talks to the houseguests. She goes into the showmance and want showmance topic ... talking to Jessie first. Loved the pause when Julie asked Aaryn if she was aware of the cameras at all time. Onto race issues ...again focusing only on Aaryn when we know she might be the worst, but isn't the only one!
The three nominees make statements -- Elissa - hoping not to be judged when she came in, America thank you, I'm a target, Nick a bigger threat. Nick - Great company, talks to some, odd speech. Helen - Blessed to be there with all, can't campaign against either Nick or Elissa.
The vote:
Jeremy - Elissa
Kaitlin - Elissa
Andy - Nick
GinaMarie - Elissa
Judd - Nick
Spencer - Nick WHOA!
Jessie - Nick
Howard - Elissa
McCrae - Nick
Amanda - Nick
Candice - Nick
Cool. Spencer flipped! Nick is gone! He took it well. GinaMarie freaked.
HOH comp -- Up in the middle of the night, memorizing items on an airport baggage carousel thing. It's called Overnight Delivery, true or false questions.
Out by question:
To a tiebreaker --
# of BB cola cans delivered --
McCrae out
2nd tiebreaker --
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