Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Big Brother 15: MVP Nomination, PoV Show Blog Party - 7/17

Ready to party? It's the MVP and PoV show blog party! As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest news. I'd like to thank the blog readers, Shannon in particular, for helping with the updates for the last episode!

As always, the real party is in the comments area. Come join in on the fun! Swimming suits optional, beverages a must!

Elissa got the MVP again. What a shocker!

The plan is to backdoor Jeremy. They want to put up either Spencer or Howard as MVP. McCrae and Amanda want Elissa to do the dirty work and put up Howard while she wants to go for Spencer.

PoV Players and MVO nomination -- Nominated - Spencer. Players - GinaMarie, Candice. Backdoor in motion! Judd is the host.

Veto comp time! Hmm ... works of art in the yard. They each bounce on a trampoline to see artworks "next door." Then they have to copy the wall in their own home. Famous paintings with hamster heads. This is a timed comp.

Candice - 8.46
GM - 8.56
Spencer - 12.19
Aaryn - 9.50
Kaitlin - 7.09
Helen - 8.55

Kaitlin wins PoV! But will she use it? She knows the backdoor Jeremy plan and Amanda told her that she would go home instead of Aaryn if she doesn't save herself.

PoV Ceremony time -- Kaitlin does indeed save herself. Helen does indeed put Jeremy on the block. 

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Into Wednesday Morning - July 17

Thankfully this will end soon

Unlike last week's vote, this week should be fairly clear-cut. Jeremy, the self-proclaimed best BB player ever, will be going out the door. I realize you're all heartbroken. You may take a moment to compose yourselves before going on.

Okay, moment over. Here are the happenings from the late night hours inside that Big Brother House of Boisterous Buffoons:
  • BB has a new reminder announcement - "Elissa, please respect your microphone."
  • Well, that's different!
  • Jeremy is trying to wheel and deal to stay in the house. He's willing to throw his alliance under the bus. Heck, he's willing to drive the bus right on over them!
  • Aaryn too is working to keep him in the house. Oh, not to get herself voted out, for sure. But she'd rather Spencer go.
  • Aaryn and Kaitlin made a point of eating food in front of the Have Nots.
  • Stupid cruel Mean Girls!
  • McCrae has been feeling sick. Could it be the slop?
  • Although GinaMarie is still pining for her lost love, the others still discussed the possibility that Nick is gay.
  • In talking with Jeremy, Helen was foolish enough to list her fellow Knockout alliance members as those she wants protected.
  • Now Jeremy, thus Kaitlin and Aaryn, know the alliance.
  • McCrae went on about how broke he is. Perhaps his career choice of pizza delivery guy might need to change?
  • They all played an impromptu volleyball game with a beach ball and no net.
  • They said that Helen had to re-do the line announcing it was time for the nominations ceremony because she seemed too happy when she first did it.
  • Oh yes, it's a solemn occasion indeed.
  • They talked about putting on a little BB News/Talk show.
  • Apparently they don't recall that's been done before.
  • I remember.
  • Helen thinks the house wants Howard out.
  • They do. He's lied and not covered or stuck with the lies much too much. Only Dr. Will can get away with that and only because he told everyone he'll always lie.
  • Judd thinks GinaMarie should go before jury because she'd be a bitter jury member.
  • Y'think?
  • Aaryn thinks the definition of a homophobe is someone who hates men.
  • @@
  • Kaitlin thinks she's asexual. Well, gee, you can tell by how she's all over Jeremy.
  • @@
  • They talked about the book 1984 and Big Brother. Judd hadn't read the book and said he reads about a book a year.
  • Oh my.
  • Judd said he'd be willing to vote GinaMarie out, but couldn't put her up if he was HoH. He said he's already lied to her too much and feels bad about it. But if someone else were to put her up, he'd definitely vote to get rid of her.
  • McCrae and Amanda made out. Argh.
  • All are still asleep as I get this posted.

Talking Knockout

Let's see how long this lasts outside


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Tuesday Into Early Evening - July 16

What? Me worry?

Now, today was a day I could have been away and not missed a heck of a lot. Here's what's been happening inside that Big Brother House of Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers ... er ... Hamsters:
  • Helen is almost scary with her daily exercise routine. I would definitely be dead if I were to do that.
  • Jessie said her shoulders are both hurting a lot; she has trouble rotating her arms.
  • "It hurts when I do that."
  • "Don't do that!"
  • Okay, you can tell I bored with these hamsters today!
  • Judd is working on Aaryn. He told her he doesn't think she'll go this week and that he'll tell people that he doesn't think she's a big threat for a while.
  • I don't think she's a big threat now, either.
  • Once her little group is broken up, she actually stands a chance to get towards the end of the game as she's one you know won't win the popularity contest at the end.
  • She's not great at comps unless she's with Jeremy for the win.
  • Judd and Jessie decided that Kaitlin is a much bigger threat in comps.
  • Jessie and Judd made a final two pact. They think they'll call themselves 2013 Bonnie and Clyde.
  • Um.
  • Well.
  • To win, they really need a better name!
  • Howard will the minister for Nick's "funeral." It won't be held until Friday as GinaMarie is still so upset about his exit.
  • Did you know GinaMarie really liked that kid? A shame he died, isn't it?
  • Jeremy is very full of himself and how great he's playing the game.
  • Cough.
  • But you knew that anyway.
  • Elissa plans on trying to say her goodbye message to Jeremy in German.
  • The Andy, Judd, Elissa, McCrae, Amanda and Helen alliance now has a name -- The Knockouts.
  • Jessie is not a part of the alliance, but Amanda mentioned that they would protect her until jury.
  • Well, she didn't mention that to Jessie, but ...!
  • GinaMarie, Aaryn and Kaitlin think they have a chance if they stick together.
  • Bwahahahaha!
  • Aaryn tried to plea with McCrae to keep both her and Jeremy.
  • Bwahahahaha! Like that's gonna happen!
  • That's about it.
  • Yawn.

Her shoulder needs kneading

I vote Judd for best player!


Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Into Tuesday, July 16

Will she get MVP next week?

Oh geez ... I don't think I can ever go away for a weekend again during the summer! It's much too much to catch up on! For those wondering where I was, it was a landmark high school class reunion and cousins reunion weekend away -- I hadn't seen any of those folks for many, many years. It was fun. And, now I'm back.

I want to thank everyone for being so fantastic while I was gone! A special shout-out to Shannon who pretty much transcribed Sunday's show blow by blow on the show post. Y'all rock!

Onto the happenings from inside that Big Brother House of Ill Repute:
  • I must regress a bit just to remind myself of what's happened since Friday night, if nothing else.
  • Okay, so Helen nominated Kaitlin and Aaryn. Too bad, so sad. Ha!
  • The MVP (Elissa, influenced by others) nomination was Spencer.
  • Kaitlin won the PoV and took herself off.
  • Helen put Jeremy (the target this week) on the block in Kaitlin's place.
  • I think that's all it.
  • Oh! And the Have-Nots are McCrae, Amanda, Jessie and Judd.
  • Poor Judd. If I'm remembering right, he's been a Have Not every week!
  • Aaryn really seems to be trying to fit in more with the majority of the house. I think she's realized that she's pretty much alone in many ways -- Kaitlin and Jeremy are probably going to be broken up this week with Jeremy's eviction and Kaitlin is a sinking ship.
  • Alas, Aaryn's words still resonate. If she turned an angel in the house at this point, she'd still be on the outs due to her mouth.
  • Kaitlin still has the hate on Candice, but it's not important because she is indeed a sinking ship.
  • Amanda, Judd and McCrae formed their own little alliance.
  • They decided it would be the Goof Troup and invited Andy in.
  • Amanda decided to take all of GinaMarie's Nick stuff and scatter it amongst everyone so she would freak.
  • GinaMarie freaked. They all pointed to Aaryn.
  • But Amanda did 'fess up.
  • All in fun and all that.
  • Judd and McCrae are a bit upset that they kept Elissa safe for two weeks and she made her own mind up about the MVP nomination.
  • I think they're worried about all the guys going one by one.
  • Amanda agrees with them that Elissa should probably go sooner rather than later.
  • Helen, who's really trying to include everyone, held a nail party.
  • Jeremy attended with the girls. He and Andy went for the food.
  • Amanda advised Aaryn not to call people like Judd "shady."
  • Aaryn went to Judd and told him she's only joking when she calls him shady.
  • Uh-huh. Yeah. Okay. She's only joking with her racist comments too. What a jokester!
  • Spencer thinks McCrae just said he was MVP and that it's really Elissa.
  • Spencer's right. What's he gonna do about it? Neener neener!
  • Ahem.
  • Helen told Aaryn she always forgives people, even her (Aaryn).
  • Okay. I'd probably ignore such a jerk forever, but that's just me and I'm not stuck in a house with her.
  • GinaMarie told people she doesn't live in the city, she lives in a house.
  • Um, I believe she really means she lives in Staten Island, not Manhattan. Staten Island is more like a suburb that a city, per se.
  • Thankfully, not everybody in this area (Greater NYC Metro) puts on that fake hip-hop gangsta boy chick persona.
  • Judd said that GinaMarie sleeps with Nick's Chapstick.
  • Oh, I could say some raunchy stuff, but I won't!
  • Candice and Howard told GinaMarie they'll have a memorial service for Nick so GinaMarie can go on with her life.
  • Amanda asked GinaMarie if she realizes that Nick really isn't dead.
  • They're all in bed as I get this posted.
I will be regularly posting now that I got my trip out of the way and caught up some on the live feeds. I felt SO lost when I started to delve into what happened while I was gone. But I'm back now and we'll go forward. Thank you for your patience! And a huge thank you to those who have donated via the Paypal link!

It's really appreciated, especially since I got home to find my power apparently went out on Saturday and I lost all the food in my refrigerator and freezer once again (Sandy killed my refrigerated/frozen goods last fall). The huge circuit breaker thing by my electric meter was flipped off either due to a local outage at one point (there was one Saturday) or vandalism. Grr. But I'm going out today to get a few things and I have a grocery delivery set for tomorrow.    

No, we won't call her Cappy

"Mumble, mumble."

I miss Ian's hammock rocking!

She actually took off Nick's cap!


Sunday, July 14, 2013

Big Brother 15: Nominations and Food Comp Show Blog Party - July 14

I will be without internet access until really late Sunday night/Monday morning. However, that can't stop this party! I won't be able to update this post, but the comments area should have the happenings.

Be wary of ANY hyperlinks. I'm taking off the word verification, so there will probably be some spam -- do NOT reply to the spam comments, please! I'll be going through cleaning it all up sometime Monday.

Have fun!