Howard-a-Day |
Jeremy's gone and the house dynamic changes even more. Soon they'll have to kill off their own. Eep. Here's what's happened since the live show ended in that Big Brother House of Manic Mumbling:
- Judd didn't really want to win HoH just yet. He feels it's too early.
- But he won't be offering to return the crown!
- GinaMarie cried some more. This time it wasn't missing the faux love of her life -- she thinks, due to the question in the HoH comp, that America thinks she's stupid.
- Well, um ... at least over the Nick thing, she is!
- In addition to Julie's warning, there was a note in the storage room telling them to expect the unexpected.
- Amanda thinks it means they're eliminating the MVP, possibly because Elissa keeps getting it.
- Hey, she can be crude and crass, but she just might be onto something there!
- Judd told Amanda he's thinking that GinaMarie needs to go on the block.
- Amanda wants a Howard eviction.
- She thinks he's too dangerous to keep because he can probably win comps and no one ever really knows what he's up to.
- Everybody was pleased with the manner in which Jeremy left the house.
- In the past, we'd call that a class exit. But, for me, using the word class and Jeremy in the same sentence is a bit of an oxymoron.
- Amanda keeps pushing her Howard agenda on Judd.
- Now, if she wanted to run the HoH, perhaps she should have won it herself!
- Not that I like Kaitlin (I think she's a mean girl), but she's so much better about Jeremy going than GinaMarie was about Nick's exit. And, unlike the Nick/GM faux-pairing, she actually had a relationship with Jeremy.
- I'm just glad I don't have to watch them all over each other anymore. Yay!
- Judd and Elissa will work on nominations together, shunning Amanda.
- Oh, but not to her face, mind you!
- Elissa's allies think she's acting weird and is worried about the new twist and MVP.
- She probably suspects it's the first time she won't have the power, but they haven't any idea America will vote.
- Judd's letter from home in his HoH room was from his parents. They're proud of him and sound as country as he does ... but I don't think they mumbled!
- Still locked in the house, the smokers (including Judd) are fussing about the lack of smoking. Most are Have Nots, making it even worse.
- Aaryn and Kaitlin fussed as they were told this would be the season of no floaters due to America voting for MVP.
- How'd that work out for you, BB? By having that twist in there AND putting Elissa in the house, the Mean Girls are right. You shot yourself in the foot.
- Or something like that.
- Amanda told Elissa that McCrae really makes her happy, but she's wondering how it will go with family and such when they get out of the house.
- Aaryn thinks Howard is throwing comps.
- Welp, another part of his strategy shot -- he lied badly and now his throwing comps is becoming obvious.
- Judd is pondering backdooring Howard. It seems like GinaMarie, Kaitlin and Aaryn would be amongst his possible nominations.
- BB gave them a small amount of booze and the Have Nots were able to eat at midnight.
- Otherwise, ho-hum.
Red wine, no Jeremy |
Not Rachel |
King for the week |