Friday, July 19, 2013

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds, Have Nots, Friday daytime - July 19

A smelly comp, messy too?

Here's the happenings so far inside that Big Brother House of No Jeremy:
  • Amanda told the guys there's no girls alliance.
  • Doesn't she think they can tell? 
  • Judd told Spencer he's safe this week. Not a huge surprise.
  • Amanda is still harping on getting rid of Howard this week.
  • Of course, last week Howard was harping about getting rid of Amanda.
  • Judd is worried about too many guys leaving -- all three evictions have been male.
  • Judd also doesn't want Aaryn to go this week. McCrae tried to tell him that Aaryn is working with Kaitlin.
  • Judd told his alliance he thinks he'll probably put up GinaMarie and Kaitlin.
  • Um. Okay. America will probably raise him an Aaryn.
  • They tend to think Kaitlin more dangerous than Aaryn. Aaryn causes issues in the house, but Kaitlin is smarter and can win comps.
  • I say she's meaner, too!
  • Aaryn's just kind of oblivious to right and wrong, good and bad. Kaitlin knows what she's doing when she's cruel.
  • (The above is my own observation.)
  • Judd went around talking to everybody, even those he's likely to put on the block.
  • The feeds were blocked for a long time as the Have/Have Not Comp went down.
  • When the feeds came back up, the hamsters looked a bit greasy and were complaining about the smell.
  • We should be thankful we have no scratch-n-sniff monitors or televisions!
  • Andy, Jessie, Candice and Spencer are the Have Nots.
  • Nominations will be later tonight. It sounds like he's going to put up Kaitlin and GinaMarie.
  • They think that Elissa will get MVP again and she'll probably put up Aaryn.
  • Well, they might have the latter part of that right.

Jumping jacks and jogging


Jessie talking strategy

Listening, not mumbling

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Into the Night - July 18 - 19


Jeremy's gone and the house dynamic changes even more. Soon they'll have to kill off their own. Eep. Here's what's happened since the live show ended in that Big Brother House of Manic Mumbling:
  • Judd didn't really want to win HoH just yet. He feels it's too early.
  • But he won't be offering to return the crown!
  • GinaMarie cried some more. This time it wasn't missing the faux love of her life -- she thinks, due to the question in the HoH comp, that America thinks she's stupid.
  • Well, um ... at least over the Nick thing, she is!
  • In addition to Julie's warning, there was a note in the storage room telling them to expect the unexpected.
  • Amanda thinks it means they're eliminating the MVP, possibly because Elissa keeps getting it.
  • Hey, she can be crude and crass, but she just might be onto something there!
  • Judd told Amanda he's thinking that GinaMarie needs to go on the block.
  • Amanda wants a Howard eviction.
  • She thinks he's too dangerous to keep because he can probably win comps and no one ever really knows what he's up to.
  • Everybody was pleased with the manner in which Jeremy left the house.
  • In the past, we'd call that a class exit. But, for me, using the word class and Jeremy in the same sentence is a bit of an oxymoron.
  • Amanda keeps pushing her Howard agenda on Judd.
  • Now, if she wanted to run the HoH, perhaps she should have won it herself!
  • Not that I like Kaitlin (I think she's a mean girl), but she's so much better about Jeremy going than GinaMarie was about Nick's exit. And, unlike the Nick/GM faux-pairing, she actually had a relationship with Jeremy.
  • I'm just glad I don't have to watch them all over each other anymore. Yay!
  • Judd and Elissa will work on nominations together, shunning Amanda.
  • Oh, but not to her face, mind you!
  • Elissa's allies think she's acting weird and is worried about the new twist and MVP.
  • She probably suspects it's the first time she won't have the power, but they haven't any idea America will vote.
  • Judd's letter from home in his HoH room was from his parents. They're proud of him and sound as country as he does ... but I don't think they mumbled!
  • Still locked in the house, the smokers (including Judd) are fussing about the lack of smoking. Most are Have Nots, making it even worse.
  • Aaryn and Kaitlin fussed as they were told this would be the season of no floaters due to America voting for MVP.
  • How'd that work out for you, BB? By having that twist in there AND putting Elissa in the house, the Mean Girls are right. You shot yourself in the foot.
  • Or something like that.
  • Amanda told Elissa that McCrae really makes her happy, but she's wondering how it will go with family and such when they get out of the house.
  • Aaryn thinks Howard is throwing comps.
  • Welp, another part of his strategy shot -- he lied badly and now his throwing comps is becoming obvious.
  • Judd is pondering backdooring Howard. It seems like GinaMarie, Kaitlin and Aaryn would be amongst his possible nominations.
  • BB gave them a small amount of booze and the Have Nots were able to eat at midnight.
  • Otherwise, ho-hum.

Red wine, no Jeremy

Not Rachel

King for the week

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Big Brother 15: Live Eviction, HoH Show Blog Party - July 18

Greetings, hamster watchers! I'd say hamster fans, but there's not too many really likable hamsters in this year's habitrail. Tonight is the live eviction and HoH comp show. As it airs, I'll update this post with major happenings -- refresh the page to see the latest!

As always, the real party is in the comments! Come join us ...

Aaryn and Jeremy are both campaigning to stay. Spencer, not so much. Or, to be honest, Spencer's not campaigning at all.

Amanda and all hid GinaMarie's Nick memorabilia and she's freaking.

Amanda and McCrae's families will be weighing on on their relationship. That should be interesting.

They plea their cases -- Jeremy: No mystery, winner, champion (knows he's leaving). Aaryn: roller coaster ride, thank you. Spencer: Thanks employer and family, best experience.

The voting:
Candice - Jeremy
Andy - Jeremy
Howard - Jeremy
Elissa - Jeremy
Kaitlin - Spencer
GinaMarie - Jeremy
Amanda - Jeremy
McCrae - Jeremy
Jessie - Jeremy
Judd - Jeremy

Bye-bye, Jeremy!

America is the BB MVP - we will decide the third nominee. The voting opens tonight and closes tomorrow night.

Big Brother Royalty - Titles voted on for the hamsters, they need to guess A or B, most deserving of title.

Andy, Amanda, Candice and Elissa out.
Aaryn, Jessie, GinaMarie out.
Howard and Spencer out.
Tiebreaker time.

Judd is the new HOH!

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Into the Night - Wed. - 7/17-7/18

Are her days numbered?

'Twas the night before eviction and all through the house, all the hamsters stirred, even the louse. Um. Sorry about that! Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Foolish Foes:
  • Aaryn cried because she thinks Kaitlin and GinaMarie are getting closer to the majority in the house and she's all alone.
  • Too bad, I feel so sad. Not.
  • When Howard told Helen about it, Helen said it's Aaryn's own fault due to her treatment of others and racial remarks.
  • Helen is still tormented about the night Jeremy went off on her about the wine.
  • Ah, I have fond memories of that night -- entertaining live feeds!
  • Helen and Howard really like Elissa.
  • Others are thinking Elissa needs to go fairly soon.
  • Not that they don't like her, mind you.
  • Helen thinks they need to be a better cast for the show.
  • Nope, I'm not kidding.
  • Jessie says that career people do come on the show.
  • I say, few and far between. That is unless you call bartenders career people.
  • Nothing against bartenders ... it pays the bills. But it's a job where one can jump around employer to employer.
  • Aaryn is crushed because her allies/friends are throwing her under the bus and working to get rid of her.
  • Amanda says she's "oozing love" for McCrae.
  • I hope the BB medic can get that under control.
  • They did their little talk show to coincide with BBAD.
  • Eh. It's been done before!
  • But, since it's this cast, something different happened -- When they said they needed two black napkins, Amanda said Candice and Howard should get them while Jeremy made a reference to Amanda and called her "Jew girl." 
  • It got uncomfortable and Amanda left the group.
  • Jeremy said, "The Jew got Jew'd."
  • Sigh.
  • Judd mumbled, "This show is getting too dangerous."
  • Judd also mumbled that GinaMarie makes comments just as bad, but gets a free pass because she's funny. Andy and Spencer agreed with him.
  • GinaMarie doesn't want to vote for Jeremy to go due to "loyalty."
  • Judd actually believes that McCrae got the MVP.
  • Oh, come on, Judd. Don't make me lose faith in you!
  • Howard is regretting getting into an alliance so early in the game.
  • A bit late now!
  • Nothing else is really happening.
  • Jeremy is the house vote to be gone.

Those pajama pants need to go

Livin' the dream

Duh. I'm the best ever! Duh.


Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Wednesday into the evening - July 17

What a rebel!

Why is Jessie a rebel? After she got quite a bit of sleep in the backyard, BB finally reminded her that sleeping is only allowed in the bedrooms. Sleeping on those airplane seats in the Have Not room just isn't all that relaxing.

Here are today's happenings from inside that Big Brother House of Rabid Rodents:
  • Spencer put more pressure on McCrae wondering about his choice for nomination since McCrae lied and said he himself was the MVP.
  • Judd thinks he might have succeeded in getting GinaMarie to throw HoH tomorrow.
  • That said, tomorrow's HoH isn't anything they can either throw or not throw. Online we had to vote who'd be most likely voted as different "royalty." 
  • I personally thought it was poorly put together.
  • Judd and McCrae think it's disgusting that Howard uses his religion as part of the game.
  • Amanda added in his religion AND race.
  • Amanda thinks Howard tried to make Aaryn look like a racist when she flipped Candice's mattress.
  • Um, that wasn't what's caused the racial issues with Aaryn, Amanda.
  • Amanda wants either Howard or Spencer out next week.
  • Hmm.
  • Judd advised GinaMarie to vote with the house (Jeremy) so she won't be on the outs with people.
  • Jeremy is still trying to squirm, worm and deal his way out of eviction.
  • That ain't happening, Ego Lad.
  • Spencer actually ran laps around the yard today. His trampoline experience must have scared him into it.
  • Andy thinks Kaitlin will win the next MVP because girls who win their showmance always get sympathy.
  • Um, no.
  • I don't think Kaitlin stands a chance at it.
  • Kaitlin tried to work on GinaMarie to keep Jeremy by saying they won't last long in the house with Aaryn there.
  • Heck, Jeremy would boot them both to save his own butt.
  • Andy tripped over a loose board on the bathroom floor. When Aaryn said the house is a hazard, I thought, "in more ways than one."
  • Judd and McCrae are worried about Jessie and Spencer getting too close. 
  • She needs a buddy, y'know! And Spencer's more than willing to use her.
  • Silly needy girl.
  • Kaitlin tried to convince McCrae to vote out Aaryn instead of Jeremy.
  • Silly desperate girl.
  • I still think it's bye-bye Jeremy without a doubt.


Finger miraculously healed, eh?

"This house is a hazard."