The tides shift again |
Another long and late night for the hamsters. They are indeed nocturnal little rodents! Here's the overnight happenings from inside that Big Brother House of Rambunctious Rodents:
- Ew. Amanda and McCrae used the HoH bed and Judd's new HoH gift blanket to either do the deed or, at the very least, have a strong make-out session. Ew.
- Judd is too nice to everyone. They're just going up there, eating all his food and using his room for whatever.
- I'd lock the door.
- Elissa is still worried about possibly not having the MVP this week. That's been her only game strategy outside of being friends with Helen.
- Spencer and Candice are already worried about what's happening in the real world as they've been out of it for about a month. Spencer saw a black band on an EMT who checked his blood pressure and wonders if there's been a disaster. Of course, that could have been something very local to that area, but Spencer doesn't know.
- Aaryn is upset that Elissa has forgiven Kaitlin for her misdeeds and yet holds a grudge against her (Aaryn).
- After all, Aaryn is obviously such a lovable little pretty gal!
- Aaryn thinks the "unexpected" twist is that America will vote the MVP.
- Ding, ding! We have a winner!
- Howard confronted McCrae about his lie about being MVP last week. Amanda told Howard it was because the entire house wanted him (Howard) gone last week.
- Howard now wants in on the Amanda/McCrae duo alliance.
- There are so many alliances going on that it's really confusing at this point!
- When Aaryn asked Amanda if she thought Elissa got the MVP again, Amanda lied and said she thought so.
- Aaryn thinks Amanda is lying.
- Kaitlin thinks that Elissa probably has a different contract with BB and is only in the house for a limited number of weeks.
- Well, if she gets voted out, it's limited! I personally wouldn't doubt that BB sweetened the money pot to get her aboard as they think it's automatic ratings, but I'm pretty sure she's there until she's not there.
- Amanda is getting scared that she will be the MVP nomination.
- She probably should worry although her Diary Room sessions on the show might endear her to the television show only general public.
- I think Amanda and McCrae are both destroying what could be great strategic gameplay with their showmance.
- GinaMarie and Kaitlin keep harping on Aaryn's negativity bringing down the house.
- Spencer, Judd, Howard, GinaMarie and Kaitlin now want to work together.
- This week's target is now on Aaryn.
- But the MVP nomination and PoV have yet to happen.
- We'll see.
- If Aaryn does go this week, it will be a very interesting conversation with Julie Chen!
Not the target |
Andy is always everywhere |
King Howard-a-Day |
He bears a slight resemblance |