Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Into Monday Evening - July 22

He hopes his parents are proud of him

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Suspicious Minds (or lack thereof):
  • Elissa really wants Aaryn out while most of the house is leaning towards a Kaitlin eviction.
  • While she insists her decision isn't personal, it most definitely is. Kaitlin is a much bigger threat to win comps and mingle with others than is Aaryn.
  • It's harder and harder to get Howard screen caps without Candice in them.
  • Candice has been giving him a lot of good advice to improve his social game.
  • But will he listen?
  • She also told him not to repeat anything she says about Elissa or Helen to Spencer.
  • But will he listen?
  • Even with her sister's history with the show, Elissa doesn't seem to understand the concept behind the live feeds. She thinks, if America indeed has the MVP nomination, how could they truly judge from the TV show edit?
  • Oh my.
  • She also thinks America hates her.
  • Yeah, that's how she got MVP for three weeks.
  • @@
  • Then she cried because she thinks people will be mean to her and her son.
  • Oh geez. She should be Aaryn! Now, THAT is someone who should worry!
  • Judd thinks that Aaryn is less of a threat than is Kaitlin. He's probably right.
  • Candice and Howard said they'd vote whatever Judd wants.
  • Helen, along with others (including me, not that they care), thinks that Amanda and McCrae need to be broken up. She thinks Amanda is too controlling and venomous when you cross her.
  • Yup.
  • GinaMarie has been sleeping most of the time since the PoV ceremony.
  • Yeah, she's a tough gal.
  • Aaryn is sure that Candice wants her out and will convince Howard to vote for her, too.
  • Amanda and McCrae took a bubble bath together in Judd's HoH tub.
  • @@
  • Not much real action; no brouhahas.
  • Laters!

Call the fashion police!

Females in fedoras


Monday, July 22, 2013

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Monday Daytime - PoV Meeting, MVP re-nom 7/22


For us, it was just another Monday. For the hamsters, it was a day of intrigue. Who's the mysterious MVP? What's the twist Julie promised? Who will be the replacement MVP nomination when Elissa takes herself off the block? Here's what's happened today inside that Big Brother House of Nervous Nancys:
  • Aaryn thinks Elissa is too judgmental. Um. Okay.
  • Kaitlin, Spencer, Judd, Aaryn and GinaMarie have come up with a ton o' lies (or is it a spool of lies) they believe Elissa has told ranging from where her husband is from/lives, what Rachel does, how old her kids are and more.
  • I officially denounce GinaMarie as a local to me. She lives perhaps ten miles away and now you know where they got the cast of Jersey Shore. 'Nuff said.
  • Kaitlin is riding Amanda's target Howard train. She's worried he's going to start winning comps after throwing them all along.
  • Kaitlin thinks the PoV was set up for Kaitlin to win.
  • Several seasons ago (seasons five and six), I was friends with the comp producer for the show. He told me that all of the comps were decided long beforehand and they had no clue even who the cast was when they designed and scheduled them. I believe him. Folks always jump on the conspiracy wagon, but sometimes it's just how things happen.
  • Kaitlin and Spencer trashtalked Amanda.
  • Not to her face, of course.
  • There's yet another new alliance -- The Grasshoppers --GinaMarie, Judd, Spencer, Kaitlin and Howard.
  • Yeah, let's see how that one does!
  • Jessie told Candice that she's over Amanda because she's been so obnoxious.
  • Jessie is a bit of a slow learner. Though, considering how desperate she was for friends, to shun Amanda's friendship speaks volumes.
  • Elissa wants to give a threatening speech when she saves herself, but Judd told her she should cool it a bit and not make herself a larger target.
  • Elissa STILL thinks Howard is the MVP.
  • Judd admitted that he knows he can't always be understood.
  • Mumble, mumble back at ya, Judd!
  • Andy and Helen think that either Kaitlin or Howard need to go home before Aaryn.
  • I understand the thinking about Kaitlin going home. She's almost won many comps. Plus, she's really a mean girl. The last is my own opinion.
  • Howard's good to look at, but his social game is woefully lacking.
  • Aaryn, despite the bigoted racist comments, isn't all that bright and isn't likely to win a comp by herself. Plus, if she's still standing at the end, whomever is up with her will win.
  • It pretty much wouldn't matter who the other person was.
  • I will admit I'm wanting to see the Aaryn/Julie interview, though!
  • Feeds were blocked for the veto meeting and ...
  • ... drum roll ...
  • GinaMarie is on the block in Elissa's place!
  • She claims the three prettiest girls are on the block.
  • I claim three Mean Girls.
  • GinaMarie went off on some sort of berserk mannish, gal gangsta, "I'm from New Yawk" rant.
  • She says people know they can't beat her, so they want to send her home.
  • @@
  • Delusions much, little girl?
  • Judd tried to tell GinaMarie to lay low and not ruffle any feathers.
  • She said, "What?"
  • Kaitlin claims she got a "serious vibe" from the Diary Room that Elissa is the MVP and nominated herself.
  • That shows how much they read into everything there.
  • GinaMarie referred to Candice as both an "Oreo" and "MilliVanilli" today, although not in the same sentence.
  • Also, not to her face because that's how the tough gal rolls.
  • @@
  • Andy, alliance roamer he is, is trying to work himself in with Spencer and Howard.
  • Gah! Stupid McCrae told GinaMarie that if she goes home, he'll give her his five thousand dollars. Stupid boy. He's been really disappointing for a superfan.
  • It's looking like it's most likely going to be Kaitlin leaving this week.
  • But things could always change.

Again with this camera angle for Judd

On the block

In disguise?

Photo shoot time?

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Into Wee Hours - July 21-22

Yikes! Scary hair!

I'll never figure out why people with dark natural hair go in as blonds on the show. It always becomes a real rootsy affair. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Dye Jobs Needed:
  • McCrae voiced his concerns to Helen that Amanda might be in trouble due to Elissa.
  • Helen told him she'd be fine -- they just need to keep all their votes together this week.
  • Both McCrae and Helen think Howard might be the MVP as he was in the Diary Room an extended time.
  • We know they're wrong.
  • McCrae and Helen's plan is to get Aaryn, Kaitlin, then Howard out. Candice and Spencer would go on to jury.
  • Several think that Elissa is just trying to stir up drama with accusations of being MVP.
  • McCrae and Amanda had a fake wedding with a ring he made.
  • GinaMarie, still stung by unrequited love for her kid Nick, was all ticked off about said fake wedding.
  • @@
  • Andy, McCrae and Judd have figured out that Spencer is a good liar.
  • If he was a bad liar like Howard, they would have figured it out long ago.
  • Spencer told Andy he'll be a great wife to someone someday.
  • @@
  • Amanda told Judd he has an accent combined with mumbling.
  • She's right. He can speak clearly at times, but it's often hard to understand him!
  • Judd snagged Nick's (McCrae's) hat and a towel, went running through the house as others screamed the twist is that Nick's back.
  • GinaMarie cried.
  • @@
  • Spencer called Helen Kim Jong Il. Not to her face, mind you.
  • Amanda keeps telling people that she thinks Howard is MVP.
  • Howard keeps getting ticked because Amanda keeps telling people he's MVP.
  • And on and on it goes, where it'll stop no one knows. 

Are we boring you, Candice?

Psychological pillow placement

Sitting up for doggie treats?


Sunday, July 21, 2013

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds into Sunday Evening - July 21

Fun with camera angles?

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Suspicious Sillies:
  • Candice told Helen that she thinks Amanda might have faked the tears after the Amanda/Elissa MEOW over the "stripper club" birthday for McCrae.
  • When asked, McCrae said he'd like a date night with Amanda for his birthday.
  • Didn't they have one of those in Judd's HoH bed last night?
  • There are continuous rumblings amongst the girls -- no way will there be any sort of solid decent-sized girl alliance.
  • Kaitlin is mad at Howard.
  • Elissa is mad at Amanda.
  • Kaitlin and Aaryn are warring.
  • And Andy just pops up everywhere.
  • Judd got released from his solitary confinement.
  • He shouted, "Mumble, MUMBLE!" with glee.
  • Candice again reminded Howard to be mindful of his social game.
  • Judd reminded Aaryn to try to be cool. She said she's learning to keep her mouth shut.
  • Yeah, right.
  • Amanda is worried about becoming the third nominee.
  • Spencer told Amanda that people have been comparing notes and found out she and McCrae have multiple deals going with others in the house.
  • Oopsie!
  • When Amanda asked him why it's her taking the heat and not McCrae, he told her that it's because she's the leader of the two.
  • Candice doesn't want Aaryn in the house.
  • Shocker, I know.
  • Helen's in for the night on her curfew.
  • So she can't weigh in on any of this.
  • Andy really really thinks America has the MVP vote this week.
  • He's really really right.

Three girls in a hot tub

Not playing the game I hoped for


Gussied up for the photo booth

Big Brother 15: Nominations, Food Comp Show Blog Party - July 21

Ready to party out there, folks? It's time for a blog party -- the water in the pool is just right, drinks will flow and snacks will abound. Opinions are bound to abound, as well! As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest news!

However, the real party is in the comments area. Put on your party hats and join on in!

After the recap, they're all worried about the twist Julie promised. Judd's HOH reveal and letter from home. Aw. GinaMarie's lack of proper vocabulary bit was funny. Onto the Howard and Candice relationship.

Have Not time ... three teams, frozen yogurt cafe - disgusting yogurts. The team gaining the most weight from it wins, least weight will be Have Nots. The Have Nots are Andy, Candice, Spencer and Jessie.

Have Not vote is for brussel sprouts and bananas, raisins and ramen, mushrooms and marmalade.

After much pushing for an Aaryn and Howard nomination when he's thinking Kaitlin and GinaMarie, it's time for nominations. Key order: Spencer, Jessie, Elissa, Candice, McCrae, Andy, Helen, Howard, GinaMarie, Amanda.

Aaryn and Kaitlin are on the block. Kaitlin, he doesn't think is going anywhere. Aaryn is a Texas tornado and he doesn't need her twist on words anymore.