Ready to party out there, folks? It's time for a blog party -- the water in the pool is just right, drinks will flow and snacks will abound. Opinions are bound to abound, as well! As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest news!
However, the real party is in the comments area. Put on your party hats and join on in!
After the recap, they're all worried about the twist Julie promised. Judd's HOH reveal and letter from home. Aw. GinaMarie's lack of proper vocabulary bit was funny. Onto the Howard and Candice relationship.
Have Not time ... three teams, frozen yogurt cafe - disgusting yogurts. The team gaining the most weight from it wins, least weight will be Have Nots. The Have Nots are Andy, Candice, Spencer and Jessie.
Have Not vote is for brussel sprouts and bananas, raisins and ramen, mushrooms and marmalade.
After much pushing for an Aaryn and Howard nomination when he's thinking Kaitlin and GinaMarie, it's time for nominations. Key order: Spencer, Jessie, Elissa, Candice, McCrae, Andy, Helen, Howard, GinaMarie, Amanda.
Aaryn and Kaitlin are on the block. Kaitlin, he doesn't think is going anywhere. Aaryn is a Texas tornado and he doesn't need her twist on words anymore.