Trying out for ZZ Top |
Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Mixed Nuts:
- McCrae thinks Stephen King's writing is too descriptive.
- I'm sure Stephen King will take that under advisement and strive to do better.
- @@
- Elissa asked the others if any people have actually done "it" in the house?
- Oh my. Someone give her a list!
- Judd doesn't understand all the crying in the house. He doesn't think he can cry.
- Andy's irked that Elissa pretends to forget Jeremy's name.
- That is a bit juvenile. But, looking around at the hamsters, it kind of fits.
- Amanda and Andy decided that if Elissa and Aaryn were on the block, they'd keep Aaryn.
- Amanda told Elissa that what she did yesterday put a larger target on her (Amanda's) back.
- Kaitlin says she's given up trying to stay. If she stays this week, she feels she'll be fighting to stay week after week.
- Well, probably.
- Aaryn told Judd that he should tell "the other side" of the house last minute that they're voting Kaitlin out so people don't have time to change their minds.
- Hmm ... most of the house and variance alliances seem to be on board with voting Kaitlin out at this point.
- Maybe she means Elissa!
- Kaitlin thinks the mVP had to be America. GinaMarie seems to disagree. "Why would they put me up?"
- Someone give her a list!
- Kaitlin thinks she has the votes to stay.
- I don't think so.
- They were allowed out in the yard to practice for the HOH comp. There was a lazy-susan kind of thing rotating with buckets in it and a ramp to roll balls down. Obviously not the finished product unless the budget is really hurting!
- Judd thinks Howard has some sort of special power or might have been MVP and was searching through his stuff. I'm not too keen with that, Judd!
- Spencer asked Andy some rather rude and probing questions about his sex life.
- Everyone seems to be voting for Kaitlin to go ... even Elissa who's still wanting to vote for Aaryn to go, but will vote with the house.
- Amanda gave a really crude how-to on oral sex.
- Yeah, like I needed that from her.
- Jessie says she hasn't been called to the Diary Room for six days.
- Now that she's not as needy and desperate, they must be dismissing whatever content she can give them.
- BB took the hint and called her to the Diary Room.
- Helen seriously thinks Howard is MVP as Elissa was put up. She thinks if Howard was HoH and put up Elissa, Candice would freak out on him.
- Judd got voted Party Animal his senior year of high school.
- Must be a real wild school, huh?
- < / sarcasm>
- Elissa kept on with her "we need to get Aaryn out" ways. She knows the rest of the house isn't going to switch over now, but harps on it anyway.
- Candice said she'd go along with voting out Kaitlin although she'd prefer to vote out Aaryn.
- Elissa worked on Howard about voting Aaryn out.
- Now, Howard will go along with the house majority at this point.
- Give up the ghost, Elissa. It's going to be Kaitlin. Aaryn will go in due time.
- But, it's quite possible Elissa will go before Aaryn.
- Oh my.
HoH comp practice |
Howard-a-Day |
Seriously ... odds outside the house? |
Needs to watch her back |