Thursday, July 25, 2013

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Wednesday Night into Thursday - July 24-25

Trying out for ZZ Top

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Mixed Nuts:
  • McCrae thinks Stephen King's writing is too descriptive.
  • I'm sure Stephen King will take that under advisement and strive to do better.
  • @@
  • Elissa asked the others if any people have actually done "it" in the house?
  • Oh my. Someone give her a list!
  • Judd doesn't understand all the crying in the house. He doesn't think he can cry.
  • Andy's irked that Elissa pretends to forget Jeremy's name.
  • That is a bit juvenile. But, looking around at the hamsters, it kind of fits.
  • Amanda and Andy decided that if Elissa and Aaryn were on the block, they'd keep Aaryn.
  • Amanda told Elissa that what she did yesterday put a larger target on her (Amanda's) back.
  • Kaitlin says she's given up trying to stay. If she stays this week, she feels she'll be fighting to stay week after week.
  • Well, probably.
  • Aaryn told Judd that he should tell "the other side" of the house last minute that they're voting Kaitlin out so people don't have time to change their minds.
  • Hmm ... most of the house and variance alliances seem to be on board with voting Kaitlin out at this point.
  • Maybe she means Elissa!
  • Kaitlin thinks the mVP had to be America. GinaMarie seems to disagree. "Why would they put me up?"
  • Someone give her a list!
  • Kaitlin thinks she has the votes to stay.
  • I don't think so.
  • They were allowed out in the yard to practice for the HOH comp. There was a lazy-susan kind of thing rotating with buckets in it and a ramp to roll balls down. Obviously not the finished product unless the budget is really hurting!
  • Judd thinks Howard has some sort of special power or might have been MVP and was searching through his stuff. I'm not too keen with that, Judd!
  • Spencer asked Andy some rather rude and probing questions about his sex life.
  • Everyone seems to be voting for Kaitlin to go ... even Elissa who's still wanting to vote for Aaryn to go, but will vote with the house.
  • Amanda gave a really crude how-to on oral sex.
  • Yeah, like I needed that from her.
  • Jessie says she hasn't been called to the Diary Room for six days.
  • Now that she's not as needy and desperate, they must be dismissing whatever content she can give them.
  • BB took the hint and called her to the Diary Room.
  • Helen seriously thinks Howard is MVP as Elissa was put up. She thinks if Howard was HoH and put up Elissa, Candice would freak out on him.
  • Judd got voted Party Animal his senior year of high school.
  • Must be a real wild school, huh? 
  • < / sarcasm>
  • Elissa kept on with her "we need to get Aaryn out" ways. She knows the rest of the house isn't going to switch over now, but harps on it anyway.
  • Candice said she'd go along with voting out Kaitlin although she'd prefer to vote out Aaryn.
  • Elissa worked on Howard about voting Aaryn out.
  • Now, Howard will go along with the house majority at this point.
  • Give up the ghost, Elissa. It's going to be Kaitlin. Aaryn will go in due time.
  • But, it's quite possible Elissa will go before Aaryn.
  • Oh my.

HoH comp practice


Seriously ... odds outside the house?

Needs to watch her back

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Big Brother 15: PoV, MVP Show Blog Party - July 24

Hey, all ... ready to party? While we know what to expect from the live feeds, this should be a great show to watch! As it airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest.

Elissa's worried because she hasn't heard about the MVP yet. Spencer, Howard, Kaitlin, GinaMarie and Judd create an alliance to overthrow Amanda (because she's ruling the house), McCrae, Helen and Elissa.

As always, the real party will be in the comments area. Come join us!

MVP nomination ... Elissa! Veto players picked are Helen and McCrae. Judd chooses Andy to host. Elissa fusses she wants to go home. MVP conspiracy theories abound with the hamsters, including nominating herself.

Veto comp -- Voting booths, mudpit, flies and veto campaign signs. They have to search for ballots in the mud pit, only keep four, highest wins. McCrae got one that said $5000 and zero votes. He kept it. Judd took 24 hour solitary for 18 votes. Elissa took no PoV play next week for 20 votes. Helen took an 8pm curfew for two nights for 10 votes. Elissa wins with 40 votes!

McCrae's risque birthday party creates a rift between Amanda and Elissa.

Veto meeting time. Elissa takes herself off the block. The MVP re-nom is ... GinaMarie!

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds into Wednesday Afternoon - July 24

Always clutching something

How'd the hamsters do after the late night fireworks? Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Bickering Bickersons:
  • They slept late today, really late.
  • BB did the wake-up music at around 10am their time, but most slept until about 12:30pm.
  • Spencer said last night that BB must have given most of the house crazy pills. I think he might be right.
  • Andy and Helen discussed Elissa's meltdown (whatever it was). They both agree that she really can't be trusted not to do it again.
  • They agreed they'll probably have to get rid of her sooner rather than later.
  • Helen said they should consider telling Kaitlin she will be voted out tomorrow as she asked to know.
  • I don't think that's a great idea. But, it's up to them!
  • Judd's suspicious that Elissa might be working with Kaitlin as she's so vocal about getting Aaryn out.
  • I just think Aaryn and Elissa got off on the wrong foot and it's been causing blisters ever since.
  • Helen still thinks Howard is the MVP.
  • Andy is still sure America must be the MVP.
  • None of them seem to be taking into consideration that America's first two choices were probably Aaryn and Kaitlin, negated by Judd's nominations.
  • Judd and Helen tried to reassure Aaryn that they're doing their best to smooth over things from last night.
  • Andy thinks GinaMarie is a bad gameplayer.
  • Y'think?
  • Elissa continues to isolate herself from the others by refusing to admit she did no wrong in the big confrontation.
  • They now feel that she feels entitled.
  • Jessie continues to vow allegiance to Helen and company.
  • Helen told her that Aaryn is NOT part of the alliance and they will just use her.
  • Amanda feels ill. Judd told her that's why she shouldn't smoke and wear a nicotine patch.
  • Judd put Vaseline in Andy's hair gel as a prank.
  • Andy freaked as he's a Have Not and only takes the rare cold shower because he can't stand them.
  • Amanda told Candice that she and McCrae aren't targeting Howard.
  • That's a half-truth, I feel. McCrae is not targeting Howard.
  • Judd's been on an odd kick today. He did karate kicks in the yard, put Vaseline in Andy's hair gel, clowned around much more than usual.
  • I guess it's the stress from a really nerve-wracking HoH week coming to a close.
  • Just a bit before I'm posting this, they went on indoor lockdown -- probably for the HoH set-up for tomorrow.
As with the CBS disclaimers about comments from the houseguests not being their responsibility -- I feel, as of now, I should disclaim that any comments here regarding conspiracy theories and things exaggerated from the live feeds are not to be construed as my own thoughts, observations or opinions. I post my opinions and actual content I've witnessed from the live feeds as just that. I cannot vouch for what others may say. 

"She made me so mad!"


Swat her! Swat her!

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Monday into Tuesday - July 23-24

Andy's here

So, what's been happening inside that Big Brother House of Fools since I last posted?
  • The daytime itself yesterday was a bit boring.
  • The highlight of the day was the HoH photo taking time.
  • Ho-hum.
  • But, by late afternoon/evening the MEOWS were starting to come!
  • Elissa said that she didn't like how Howard was always swearing on the bible. She said she's religious and doesn't think that's right (especially when lying!).
  • Then Elissa got ticked at McCrae and Andy because they "mocked" her religion.
  • Andy and McCrae felt bad as they really didn't mean to mock her religion at all.
  • No apologies accepted!
  • Amanda lamented the lack of alcohol. She thinks past seasons got more.
  • Wah-wah-wah
  • Elissa still wouldn't give up about the religion-mocking.
  • Helen once again told Aaryn she's safe.
  • As the night developed, it doesn't seem so much the case.
  • Elissa is really starting to live up to her sister's reputation ... to a point, anyway.
  • They're starting to think she's a crazy woman.
  • Amanda told Aaryn that Judd/GinaMarie/Howard/Spencer/Kaitlin were in a fake alliance.
  • Heh.
  • Judd claimed he wasn't loyal to that alliance!
  • Amanda told Judd that she thinks things are out of control.
  • Yep and I like it that way!
  • On a side note, GinaMarie texts while driving. Idiot!
  • Hmm ... Amanda told Judd his eyes were dilated and he should get his medicine. He told her not to tell anyone. I wonder what's going on there.
  • Judd really wasn't himself for a while. He was searching in zipped pillowcases and called both Candice and Elissa names (to McCrae, not to their faces).
  • Elissa told Kaitlin that people were lying about her to flip the vote and get her out.
  • Kaitlin ran to Andy fussing that Elissa told her she was getting voted out.
  • Aaryn was right there in the bathroom and overheard.
  • Then Aaryn was freaking out to McCrae and Amanda over the conversation.
  • Aaryn confronted the whole house (sans Candice who was either sleeping or showering and McCrae/Amanda -- we don't need to know what they're doing) about the conversation.
  • Elissa continuously lied, saying she never asked.
  • It was a brouhaha with words. Aaryn kept twisting it to people blaming things on her while Elissa claimed innocence.
  • While Aaryn really looked bad in the room, the after effect was that Elissa looks bad. She pretty much threw everyone under the bus and came across as a crazy liar.
  • Elissa is still on the anti-Aaryn kick, even more so now.
  • GinaMarie, of course -- the most strategic and strong player on the block -- managed to actually come across as the sensible one. Oh, by the way, that description of her is in her mind, not mine.
  • The whole evening only served to muddle the vote a bit, but in the big picture it put a HUGE target on Elissa's back.
  • Now everyone in the house thinks she's a loose cannon and want her out.
  • Amanda wants Elissa out before Howard goes.
  • You know that's bad.
  • Even Helen says she has to go.
  • Elissa claims she's the scapegoat, blamed Kaitlin, then Aaryn.
  • @@
  • Poor Judd. He's just dazed and confused at this point.
  • Mumble, mumble.
  • Amanda didn't escape the issues. Kaitlin thinks she's running the house and instigating a lot of the rumors.
  • Now everyone is buzzing about alliances, real and fake.
  • Elissa and Amanda are likely to be the next targets on the block.
  • I still think Kaitlin will probably go home, but it's a bit muddier now. If they could impeach Elissa, they would.

Andy's there


Meetings here

Meetings there

Confrontation here

Confrontation there

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Late Night Monday - July 22-23

Looking tired

Wake up and smell the hamsters! Ew. Never mind, that sounds just a tad bit disgusting. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Shomances and Nomances:
  • Jessie thinks it's like a human zoo there.
  • Well, yeah. That's the point!
  • Amanda, still on her "get rid of Howard" kick, along with Andy, tried to convince Elissa that Kaitlin is aligned with Howard and must go.
  • Elissa still wants Aaryn out.
  • Gee, no one seems to be after that HUGE threat, GinaMarie.
  • Hahahahaha!
  • I crack myself up.
  • Elissa seems to be going along with the evict Kaitlin plan as of now.
  • We'll see. I think she realizes that the numbers are there to get Kaitlin out, not to get Aaryn out at this time.
  • On the other hand, Candice wants to get Aaryn out. I think that's more personal and I really can't blame her.
  • Amanda and Elissa, both anti-Howard hamsters, both think that it's likely that Howard got the MVP this week.
  • Silly hamsters.
  • Amanda's paranoid because she heard someone called her "shady." She suspects Spencer or Howard.
  • Aaryn told Amanda she would do, vote, nominate whatever they wanted if she gets to stay this week.
  • Elissa gave Howard the third degree, questioning him about just about anything she could think of house-related.
  • He pretty much calmly answered her questions.
  • Spencer thinks that Aaryn will throw the HoH comp.
  • Meanwhile, Amanda had Aaryn promising to put Spencer and Howard on the block if she wins HoH.
  • Of course, the big IF is IF she wins it. I personally don't think she's good at comps.
  • We'll see.
  • Still looking like Kaitlin's heading out the door on Thursday.

You're all scared of me!

The hammock wants Ian back

Now hiding behind fluff
