Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Monday Night Into Tuesday - July 29-30

Just wad that hair up in a ball

They'll spend forever doing their make-up, yet these girls have black roots in their blond hair or just gob all that hair into a ball atop their heads with pieces sticking out all over. Yeah, that was one sentence. But I had to say it.

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Recruited Rodents:
  • Helen is just now realizing that practically anything said to Jessie makes the rounds?
  • Sheesh. Candice just stumbled on that fact, as well.
  • Now, instead of thinking that Howard is MVP, most think Judd is.
  • He denies it.
  • Aaryn, Helen and Amanda decide that they're a "circle of trust." @@
  • Yeah, that trust will last until they turn on each other and cast each other aside.
  • They're suspicious of Judd because, for one thing, he stays up late every night with Spencer.
  • Aaryn thinks, for her own game, she'd rather have Spencer in the jury than Elissa or Candice.
  • That, of course, is due to that mutual hate thing those three have going on.
  • Helen commented on the fact that Judd is not only up late, he's usually up early as she's up and exercising. He doesn't sleep a lot, but lies a lot she thinks.
  • Helen thinks Judd needs to go before Jessie. Amanda claims he "snaps" a lot.
  • Judd can have his moods.
  • But, coming from the women in this game, I'd say "Grab a mirror!"
  • Helen compared Judd's game to that of Dan Gheesling.
  • Um, no. Not alike at all.
  • Amanda is not only stressed about being on the block, but now her tummy hurts, too.
  • Poor baby.
  • Poor McCrae, who fairly silently puts up with it all.
  • Aaryn and GinaMarie talked.
  • Aaryn went out of that Circle of Trust, please take note.
  • She told GinaMarie that whenever she's talking with Amanda and others, it seems like they have to all cater to Amanda.
  • Yep.
  • (As a sidenote: The girls have all complained about Candice's voice. But what the heck is going on with that gurgly underwater voice Aaryn has half the time?)
  • Helen told Andy she actually really likes Aaryn now.
  • How quickly they forget.
  • Spencer dissed both Amanda and Helen to GinaMarie.
  • He told GinaMarie that he caught Helen lying to him.
  • While talking to Spencer, Howard compared GinaMarie to a guy.
  • She'd probably be thrilled. That's the "tough boy" persona she seems to go for.
  • Amanda told Jessie that she needs to listen to Andy, herself and McCrae and do what they tell her.
  • Hmm.
  • Jessie told Amanda that Candice "threatened her" in their talk in the bathroom.
  • My gosh, if she thinks that's a threat ...! How is this girl going to make it through life?
  • Amanda agreed with Jessie that Candice is a bully.
  • I say, "Pot, kettle, black." Amanda is so much more of a bully! Sheesh!
  • Amanda's new final four scenario is: Herself, McCrae, Andy and Aaryn.
  • Aaryn: "Don't get me in any fake alliances!"
  • Oh, no, my little sweetie ... this is REAL!
  • @@
  • Amanda said Spencer is a misogynistic bully.
  • Well, yeah.
  • Aaryn lied to Judd, telling him Amanda and Crew trusts him.
  • Aaryn told Elissa that she'd never say any racist slurs because it would hurt her outside the house when she left.
  • Well, yeah. A bit too late now.
  • Elissa and Aaryn have made up now.
  • We'll see how long this all lasts.
  • It still looks like Howard will be voted out. I'm actually wondering if Candice might be able to take the stress of being there a bit better without him.
  • But I don't know if the others will allow her to even try.
  • Sigh.


Yet another hairball

The ultimate athlete

McCrea silently suffering

He's everywhere! He's everywhere!

Heat's off her for the week

Monday, July 29, 2013

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Daytime Monday - July 29

And Amanda cried ... finally

Remember, they wanted to be in the house! I wouldn't be caught dead in there myself! Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Disgruntled Doofuses:
  • Andy told Howard he doesn't know if he can trust Helen and they counted the votes for Howard to stay.
  • Say WHAT?
  • Howard told Andy that Helen is controlling the nominations and the votes, as well.
  • In comparing notes, Spencer said that Helen said he'll probably go up on the block each week, but should remain safe until jury.
  • (Dang, don't these folks see it's both Amanda and Helen pulling the strings here? And ... one of them is presently on the block and could be sent packing!)
  • Judd asked Howard if he'd be willing to go along and get back in the game if Candice went instead of him.
  • Howard told him it broke his heart to see her cry. He said that, as a man, he'd rather go and have her stay.
  • McCrae told Amanda he feels she has too many secrets.
  • Amanda is worried Judd wants her out.
  • McCrae told Spencer to lay low. Um. Okay. He has PoV, isn't worried for himself this week anyway.
  • Amanda continues to be nervous.
  • She asked McCrae if he trusts her. He said, "Yeah, but I didn't know."
  • Are cracks developing in that relationship?
  • Good. I'm sick of seeing them all over each other. I don't watch the live feeds for bad porn.
  • Amanda continued to stress out, cry, worry that Judd is working against her, cry some more ... for a good two hours!
  • Better McCrae to deal with her than me.
  • She's now even leery of McCrae.
  • She said she hates it when she loses control of situations.
  • Yes, I do believe her. Yikes!
  • Aaryn told Spencer that Candice will be going up in his place.
  • Duh. Pretty much everybody knew that the second Spencer won PoV.
  • Spencer pushed again for a power move.
  • Aaryn's too scared to upset the house.
  • (Like she never did that before!)
  • Spencer told Howard that he's working on a plan to keep him and send Candice out instead.
  • Spencer told Aaryn the same thing.
  • The PoV ceremony, though blocked to the feeds, held no surprises -- Spencer saved himself, Candice went on the block.
  • Amanda and Helen are all ticked off at Judd because he didn't tell them of the plan to evict Candice and keep Howard.
  • Hey, they should be thankful it's Candice. It could be Amanda.
  • I can only dream.
  • Jessie and Candice had a bit of a bicker fight. Candice said that she has never repeated anything Jessie has said while Jessie thinks that she's using things she said about Amanda two weeks ago to pressure her.
  • Meow.
  • Judd trusts Andy.
  • He shouldn't.
  • Talk about repeating everything!
  • They're all still worried that Howard has some sort of special power like a coup d'etat.
  • They're worried about the vote count this week, but feel Amanda should have no votes. They plan to tell Spencer last minute they don't have to votes to send out Candice instead of Howard.
  • Aaryn asked if it's tied between Candice and Howard, who should she vote out?
  • Howard.
  • Aaryn says she hates Candice.
  • Howard and Candice are starting to bicker.
  • The others think he's throwing her under the bus in an attempt to stay.
  • Candice is starting to feel that way, too.
  • Oh my. What a kerfuffle going on in there.
  • I'm glad I'm here.

Primping time!

Howard-a-Day and Candice's onesies

Jessie backpedals

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Sunday Evening into Monday - July 28-29

'tis Ramen!

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Broken Dreams:
  • The girls had Nail Party #2.
  • I'm glad I'm not there. I'm so not a nail party type person!
  • Candice was the only female who didn't attend.
  • She told Andy she's never been rude or ugly to anyone in the house.
  • I say, well ... she might not have started rudeness or ugliness, but she's definitely taken a part in it!
  • Amanda told Candice they're like mother bears protecting their cubs -- she protects McCrae, Candice Howard.
  • Although she's not on the block yet (but probably will be after the veto meeting), Candice thinks Aaryn is being malicious to put both her and Howard on the block.
  • Amanda told Candice that the only reason she was after Howard is because he was after her -- game, not personal.
  • Candice claims she feels excluded.
  • Helen says it's because she's always with Howard.
  • The same can be said at time for McCrae and Amanda although they mingle more in the house.
  • Candice told Amanda that if she and McCrae were both on the block, she'd take things personal, too.
  • Amanda pointed out that all the deals Howard is proposing don't include her (Candice).
  • Helen and Amanda both told her that Howard leaving will improve her own personal game. Candice's, that is.
  • Candice told Amanda that Spencer wanted her to campaign for her (Amanda) to go and Howard to stay.
  • Helen told Candice that they -- Candice, Amanda and Helen -- could work together in the game.
  • GinaMarie continues to have delusions of her grandeur and prowess in the game.
  • @@
  • Aaryn and Jessie took a bubble bath with all the duckies.
  • They noticed one fish was dying and the others were nipping at him.
  • They were horrified.
  • GinaMarie set up a front row seat to watch.
  • Aaryn told Spencer that Candice is "playing the victim card" and that she hates her.
  • She will be putting Candice up in Spencer's place.
  • Howard continues to exile himself after his round of pleading for his case.
  • That's not helping him. 

I feel pretty, oh so pretty

Duck, duck

They're EATING him!


Sunday, July 28, 2013

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Sunday into the Evening - July 28


Sunday's usually a quiet day at the BB house -- they have no comps, they can sleep in, the yard is usually open for swimming and lazing in the sun. In other words, Sundays can be boring for us! Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Bamboozled Bores:
  • Helen told Judd that just before jury they need to get rid of either McCrae or Amanda.
  • Howard read his bible.
  • Helen has now decided that she likes and trusts Aaryn.
  • @@
  • It's only if they keep Aaryn in fear that she can be trusted, I think.
  • Helen told Judd that she thinks he's really smart and isn't a floater.
  • Hmm ... I wonder if that might make him her next target?
  • Judd said he doesn't think that Aaryn's really a racist. He thinks her words just got misconstrued.
  • How so? Does she mumble? No? Then ...
  • They talked about both Amanda and Elissa needing to go, but Howard first.
  • Helen has never watched either the live feeds or BBAD.
  • Elissa said she watched BBAD when Rachel was on.
  • She should have watched the feeds!
  • In my screen cap below, Andy isn't really kidnapped. The lights in the bedroom must be kept on during the daytime and they're not allowed to sleep anywhere but the bedrooms. He's sleeping in.
  • As did most of them except for Helen, Judd, then Elissa.
  • Elissa thinks Howard is treating her differently than he used to ... almost ignoring her.
  • Elissa is going on another stir up stuff foray.
  • She told Judd that she thinks everybody is lying to her.
  • She also asked him what he thought of Amanda. He said he likes her and then she told him three people told her that he wants (Amanda) out.
  • Andy and Helen are also suspecting of Judd today. They wonder if he lied saying that Kaitlin was after Helen to get her out.
  • Helen thinks Spencer will help them get Amanda and/or McCrae out.
  • Andy doesn't know if he can be trusted.
  • Helen told Andy that she's going to act like she's good friends now with Aaryn to make Jessie jealous. That way Jessie will be willing to vote out Aaryn.
  • Y'know, that could backfire, I think. Jessie might feel betrayed by Helen and want to vote HER out!
  • The photo booth opened and fun was had by all.
  • All except Howard, that is. I believe he's the only one who didn't show up while the booth was working.
  • Jessie was full of advice for Spencer.
  • @@
  • Like she's some kind of expert, eh?
  • Jessie told him the proposed leaving order is Howard, Aaryn, then Spencer.
  • Can't she ever keep a confidence?
  • McCrae announced that Spencer is campaigning for Howard to stay.
  • Well, duh.
  • Judd is still worried that Howard might have a special power.
  • Well, if he could fly, he'd probably fly right on outta there!
  • Amanda is still pushing Anti-Howard, as expected.
  • Candice is sure she's going.
  • Candice cried to Howard.
  • Helen said she was surprised there weren't more attractive men this year.
  • So were we.
  • So were we.
  • Helen apologized to Aaryn for thinking she's a racist.
  • Aaryn thinks she's being cast as the villain. 
  • Howard told Helen he's not coming after her, never was.
  • We know his main target would be Amanda.
  • Of course, Helen and the others had already planned to bamboozle Howard and let him think he has a chance to stay.
  • Amanda thinks that Aaryn will do whatever she says.
  • Oh my. 

Oh, no! Kidnapped?

Setting a trend

4, 3, 2, 1

And Candice cried ... again

Big Brother 15: Nominations/Food Comp Show Blog Party - July 28

Ready for the party? As the show airs here on the East Coast (thunderstorms willing), I'll update this post with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest. However ... just a note -- we have severe thunderstorms in the area. If I vanish, I've lost power. Eek!

The real party will carry on in the comments area, no matter what! Come join in on the fun!

Aaryn says she'll keep the deal made with Helen and Elissa -- they name the noms, Howard and Spencer. They all hid from her prior to the HoH room reveal. Helen thinks Elissa leaked the deal to Candice when it was actually Jessie.

Food comp time -- BB Police. Gather evidence and balance on desk for the first part. They have to then grab confidential envelopes and remember exactly where they found all the evidence items. The random team losing was GinaMarie, Judd, Candice and Amanda.

We vote on (for next week) - mung beans and mackeral, parsnips and pumpernickel or figs and felafel. Yikes, they had it good with raisins and ramen this week!

Nominations ceremony time. Key order is: GinaMarie, Jessie, Andy, Elissa, Candice, Helen, McCrae, Amanda, Judd. Despite pleas from the others, she kept her deal to put Howard and Spencer on the block. She apologized and said she did what's best form her game.