I'm Jackie and I watch TV. I'm not proud. Bookmark the blog now as your source for live feed reports from inside the 'Big Brother' house! Come, join in on the fun ...
Thursday, August 01, 2013
Big Brother 15: Live Eviction, HoH Comp Show Blog Party - August 1
Who's ready for the party? As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page for the latest news. In the event that the HoH competition is an endurance one, I'll be making a separate post to update that from the live feeds (once they return).
The real party is always in the comments, though. Come join us there!
So, far we have the recap and various camps campaigning their own agendas for tonight's vote. The editing makes it look like there's a big chance Candice will go home. We'll just see about that.
A visit to Judd's family and town.
Speech time! Amanda -- says hi, not ready to go, McCrae, scary, engaged. Candice -- says hi, one tough cookie, don't worry about me, not ready to go, Howie. Howard -- Thanks God, says hi, vote with your own mind, don't play it safe.
The votes --
Helen - Howard
Elissa - Howard
Spencer - Candice
McCrae - Howard
Andy - Howard
Judd - Howard
GinaMarie - Howard
Jessie - Howard
No more Howard-a-Day screen caps on the blog!
America is the MVP again this week. We get to pick a nominee again!
HoH comp time -- old time country street setting, Bull in a China Shop, stay up on a rolling barrel and hold onto their bull the longest time.
Oh, geez. Amanda is probably good at holding her bull!
No Have Nots this week.
First three to jump off open boxes. One contains 5 grand.
Double eviction next Thursday!
Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Wednesday Night into Thursday - July 31-Aug. 1
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Howard-a-Day |
Well, the time is dwindling for one hamster and it's back to just about unanimously a vote for Howard to go. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Pancakes:
- When I last left you, Jessie was hiding under the covers avoiding the world.
- Elissa got her to poke her eyes out and start talking.
- Then it was Helen and Elissa talking to her (and her responding).
- Then it was just Helen talking to her.
- Jessie was upset because Amanda had been interrogating her the night before.
- She is scared of everything she might say or has said in the house.
- Jessie is definitely a bit too fragile to be in this house of hate and deceit.
- It's more fitting of an Amanda, for sure.
- Elissa agreed with Jessie that Amanda has been bullying everyone in the house, not just her.
- At least they didn't report back to the others every word she said like Andy did earlier. He went and told everyone that she was scared of talking to anyone after he promised not to.
- Well, he told everybody but Judd.
- And Howard and Candice as they were otherwise occupied.
- Judd told Elissa he'd never put her on the block.
- Aaryn thinks that Judd and Jessie are up to something.
- Andy and Judd hashed out their differences and shook hands, friends again.
- Helen told Judd that she was the one who decided that Howard and Spencer would go on the block. Why would she not vote for her nominee?
- She told Judd that they (Judd and herself) should talk more. She told him that she's gotten out everyone she's wanted to so far.
- Judd told Helen that he's not as close to Jessie as everyone thinks he is.
- He pledged loyalty to Helen, Amanda, McCrae and Andy.
- Well, at least that might keep him safe for a while.
- Maybe.
- For a while, there was frivolity in the house! Yeah, I know that's amazing.
- They did a whole music-less Harlem Shake dance from room to room.
- Everybody, including Candice and Howard, joined in.
- A hilarious time was had by all.
- Amanda thought that Andy should marry her and McCrae in case she gets evicted.
- Well, that he should perform the marriage, that is.
- Several attended, but not Candice and Howard.
- It was no glorious trashbag wedding as we saw with Brendon and Rachel.
- Aaryn cried because any and all plans of trying to keep Howard instead of Candice have fallen to the wayside.
- After all, she hates Candice. Candice is the one who started all the racial talk BS, after all.
- @@
- It looks like Howard out the door tonight.
- It also looks like we're in for an endurance HoH.
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Harlem Shake in Have Not |
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Harlem Shake time |
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Andy marries Amanda and McCrae |
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Attending the wedding |
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Meanwhile, in another room |
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Jessie came back to life |
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Wednesday into the Evening - July 31
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A thrill a minute |
What's been happening inside that Big Brother House of Hate?
- Nothing much today, nothing much at all.
- They've been on indoor lockdown since 5am for the building of the HoH comp in the yard.
- Helen did a lot of housecleaning, including cleaning the mirrors in the house.
- BB thanked her.
- Other than Helen, no one was up before 1pm (their time).
- Gah.
- Last night's discarded Save Howard Plan by Aaryn, Jessie and GinaMarie caused more unrest while Candice thought that others were scheming to evict her.
- And, Andy's trying to throw the blame for all the rumors on Judd.
- Needless to say, in the house of discomfort, there's even more discomfort.
- So, they napped some more.
- Aaryn is positive that Judd is the MVP.
- Helen told McCrae that Judd wants to evict him once they hit jury, figuring McCrae would vote for him to win.
- Andy wants Judd out.
- Things aren't looking too great for Mumbling Man.
- But, at least he's not up on the block.
- This week.
- Aaryn really thinks it would be better for her own game for Candice to go home instead of Howard.
- Where are Candice and Howard?
- Exiled together napping, cuddling and talking all day.
- I'd say that's not helping either of them. But they do seem to have more problems when they try talking to people in the house.
- They think, as I do, that tomorrow's HoH comp will be an endurance one.
- Yet they nap most of the day and probably will be awake for most of the night.
- The big excitement of the day so far has been Jessie Drama.
- She hid under the covers in one room and refused to talk to anyone.
- Everyone except Howard and Candice even tried an intervention telling her they love her and it didn't work.
- Knowing how she's been about seeking friends, I bet she actually smiled under the blankets.
- "They like me! They really like me!" -- credit to Sally Fields.
- But, nah.
- She finally told Andy (alone) that she was scared to talk to anyone because everything always gets so twisted.
- So, there's the day in the house.
- It sucks to be them, huh?
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A bible and a banana |
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Napping |
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Napping |
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Napping Howard-a-Day |
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Clownie never naps |
Big Brother 15: MVP Nomination, PoV Show Blog Party - July 31
Everybody got their beverages and snacks at hand? The party's starting! As tonight's show airs here on the East Coast, I'll post the major events right here. To get the latest news, refresh the page.
But, if you came to party and discuss the show with others ... head to the comments! Please, though, I do ask that things are kept to a PG-level. Thank you in advance!
Amanda is the MVP nomination -- of course, she blames Howard. The additional veto players are Candice and Jessie. Helen is the host.
Veto comp time! Mad scientist Helen is in the time lab. They must travel back in time to solve a puzzle in prehistoric backyard times. Spencer wins PoV!
Aaryn is leaning towards Candice as the replacement nominee. But we all knew that would happen.
Veto meeting time. Spencer saves himself and Aaryn puts Candice on the block. No surprises there.
Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Tuesday Evening into Wednesday Dawn - July 30-31
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Mumble, mumble, toil and trouble |
I think this might be the first season ever I've felt this uncomfortable with pretty much the whole group of hamsters in the habitrail. While the game has always been about backstabbing and deceit, it's taken on an outright evil tinge this year. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Cringeworthy Crazies:
- Aaryn's upset that Candice is once again "buddy buddy" with Helen and Elissa.
- Aw, that's too bad, isn't it?
- Amanda thinks Aaryn is being too paranoid. In other words, Amanda's paranoid that Aaryn might leave her little group of minions.
- Even McCrae is getting tired of how Amanda
bulliestreats others. - As a matter of fact, he looks more miserable than not at almost all times he's with Amanda lately.
- As a superfan, McCrae should have known better than to get into a major showmance.
- After McCrae admonished her for treating Aaryn badly, Amanda went and apologized to her.
- Aaryn, not the sharpest stick in the woods, probably accepted it. It's hard to tell sometimes.
- Aaryn is still on her anti-Candice shtick.
- Amanda is still on her anti-Howard shtick.
- Every time the alleged Howard sexual threat is brought up, we get fish.
- I think that's something Amanda created to sway others against Howard. It seems very out of character for him and I find it totally unlikely. Plus, there is no evidence -- we saw him whisper something, but it didn't seem like that and we couldn't hear it.
- If she did indeed make it up, shame on her. That's evil.
- If she didn't, shame on him.
- I still personally think it's totally manufactured by her.
- Both GinaMarie and Aaryn would prefer Candice leave this week. Only GM can vote (unless there's a tie).
- Jessie is upset that she's tried to make up with Candice and Candice isn't accepting her.
- Jessie still comes across as some sort of annoying needy little sister.
- That is, if I had an annoying needy little sister.
- Jessie told Helen that she thinks GinaMarie and Judd are closer than she (Jessie) and Judd.
- Jessie cried.
- Helen consoled her as Helen often does ... everyone. That Mom complex must just kick in or it's in her strategy.
- There seems like there might be some movement with the plan to vote out Candice instead of Howard. Jessie and GinaMarie are talking about flipping the vote. If they, Spencer and Judd vote for Candice to go, Howard would stay.
- I'd prefer Amanda go, thankyouverymuch.
- GinaMarie is SURE the MVP is Elissa.
- My, my ... so much this season is all based on dislike for perceived and supposedly real reasons.
- Aaryn told GinaMarie that she just "can't" vote out Candice if there's a tie this week.
- That would be due to either her word to Helen/Elissa or fear of Amanda. Take your pick.
- Helen thinks the vote will be split and Aaryn will have to vote.
- Amanda said she'll make "damn sure" Aaryn votes out Howard.
- How? Threaten to kill her like she did Candice?
- Judd told Andy that he's getting a bit scared of how attached to him (Judd) that Jessie is getting. He said if he gets HoH, he'll put her on the block just to show they are NOT working together.
- Of course, by now, people are realizing that they can use Andy to transmit messages.
- Aaryn thinks that people will take Jessie to the final two because it would be a sure win against her.
- Probably.
- They're worried because Candice seems to know there will be votes for her to leave when supposedly the original plan was for an almost unanimous Howard exit.
- Amanda started talking about the plan to get Candice out.
- Her minions are shocked that she's actually thinking of it.
- When half of them were already thinking of it.
- @@
- I still think Howard will go, but it just might be Candice.
- What would be super cool would be if they all turned on Amanda.
- But I don't see that happening.
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McCrae looks miserable a lot lately |
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Howard-a-Day, milk does a body good |
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Clownie sees all, even in the dark |
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Why do fake blonds go on this show? |
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Again ... why pretend blonds? |
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Volleyball respite from hate |
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