Monday, August 26, 2013

Big Brother 15: Late Night Sunday into Monday - August 25-26

The bear shirt is BACK

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Psycho Killer (Qu'est Que C'est) fa-fa-fa-fa-fa:
  • Let's see ... I last left off with GinaMarie apologizing to Elissa about Amanda's bullying. She doesn't like bullies.
  • Um. Okay.
  • Aaryn told GM that she shouldn't hang around Elissa because she might find herself on the block next week.
  • Amanda read the rules book making sure that she stayed within the rules.
  • Yes, her harassment of Elissa apparently fell within the guidelines. As long as she doesn't touch her or seriously doesn't threaten physical harm, she's good to go. Er, stay. You know what I mean.
  • Of course, it makes her look like a psycho jerk for the entire world to see, but ...!
  • Judd told Elissa that BB won't let them have alcohol because of Amanda's behavior.
  • Heh.
  • Elissa told Judd she doesn't want to leave her HoH room because she doesn't want to deal with Amanda.
  • The photo booth made a second Sunday appearance, perhaps because no one wanted it the first time around.
  • They all freaked out about the camera spinning in the yard and the one in the kitchen going crazy.
  • Well, everyone but Elissa, that is. She was in the HoH room.
  • Aaryn and McCrae are worried that Ellisa will get Pandora's Box or a power.
  • GinaMarie says she came in the house alone, she'll leave alone. She doesn't think Aaryn is loyal to her and won't have a problem voting her out.
  • Amanda has a headache. Gee, after acting bonkers for hours, that doesn't surprise me.
  • When Elissa wondered why Amanda hates her so much, Judd told her that they're (Amanda and her minions) "too good to go on the block."
  • Amanda says she's sick of how dirty the house is.
  • WELL, CLEAN IT THEN! Amanda and McCrae are the biggest slobs in there!
  • Aaryn told Spencer, Andy and Judd that GM said she was voting Andy out.
  • Well, that's a bit premature.
  • Andy isn't even on the block.
  • Yet.
  • Andy got all upset saying he wasn't the only one to vote Helen out!
  • Aaryn is having second thoughts about getting Helen out of the game.
  • A bit late for that, little missy!
  • Judd and GinaMarie, the only ones Elissa actually occasionally lets into the HoH room, are tired of getting questioned after they talk to Elissa.
  • GinaMarie talked of the show shrink questioning her as if she would commit suicide after Nick left and saying she had an eating disorder.
  • Everyone but McCrae said they're tired of Amanda's antics in tormenting Elissa.
  • But no one is stopping her, mind you.
  • Judd said working with Amanda before hurt his game.
  • Andy said working with Amanda helped his game, but now it might be hurting him.
  • It looks like Spencer, Andy, Judd and GinaMarie are all ready to stand up against the Amanda Queendom.
  • Andy says he's willing to work with Elissa, but if she puts him on the block, she will be on his radar.
  • We'll see about that.
  • I do think Elissa will put Andy on the block as she has made promises to the others that she wouldn't put them up.
  • But, will they keep Aaryn in the house?
  • Only time will tell.
No biting the nails for a moment

Eek! What's going on out there?

The camera's going wild!

Can you say pigsty? I thought you could.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Sunday into the Evening - August 25

Nail biting again or still

Usually Sundays are boring. Today was more weird than boring. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Sloppy Sycophants:
  • Oops. Andy left the hose going in the pool. The yard flooded. Oops.
  • Elissa and Judd talked some more. Judd thinks that if Andy is put on the block, he'll go home, not Aaryn.
  • Judd doesn't trust McCrae at all even though McCrae promised him safety.
  • Elissa told Judd she hasn't made her mind up yet. She thinks that Andy might be realizing he's expendable by Amanda and Co.
  • Judd and Elissa both talked about messy everyone is in the house. 
  • Heck, I'm a bit horrified. There are always slobs in there, but this season has the worst.
  • In the trashtalking they did about others, Judd said McCrae should volunteer to be a Have Not because he so rarely takes showers or washes his hair. He said he also doesn't eat much.
  • I don't know. He eats his fingernails every minute of every day! Gotta be some protein right there!
  • They are right about him being dirty -- he wears the same clothes over and over again, rarely washing them.
  • Elissa can't believe a superfan of the show like McCrae could throw his whole game away for Amanda.
  • Judd reminds her that he (Judd) also threw his game away by trusting Amanda.
  • And, yes. In their talk, they both talked about being of better character than the rest of the house.
  • Elissa told Judd she worries about him because he's said that he trusts Andy.
  • Smart girl when she wants to be, huh?
  • Elissa told him that if Andy wins HoH next week, he'll still do whatever Amanda wants for nominations.
  • I think she's probably right. Andy knows he's dug a hole for himself in the game. I think he honestly wants to flip sides, but if the power shifts, he'll go running right back to Amanda with his tail between his legs.
  • Andy is worried (as he should be) that he'll be going on the block.
  • Spencer told him he should be safe.
  • Um. Whatever.
  • Then came a brouhaha! Weeeee!
  • It was McCrae vs. Elissa. He called her all kinds of names. She told him he wasn't to touch her stuff. She said he had some dirty filthy unwashed clothes in every drawer and she took them out of her drawers and put them with his other clothes.
  • She also complained that people took her balls (from the comp) without asking.
  • In the end, they were both demanding respect for the property of others and it all started with them touching each others' property!
  • @@
  • Then Amanda got all bent out of shape and decided she's going to torment Elissa until the veto ceremony.
  • GinaMarie got all psycho state because someone untied the dental floss secured cabinet and took dishes out.
  • Judd admitted he was looking for a coffee cup. GM screamed at him they did that so people would wash one rather than dirty another one.
  • Judd said he couldn't find any dirty ones.
  • GM told him to look by Amanda and McCrae's bed.
  • Even Amanda had to laugh at that one as it's so true.
  • Amanda took the Sweet Elissa wooden sign and put it on the toilet.
  • She dressed in a bulky robe, put make-up on, walked around lugging a box of Kleenex and blowing a noisemaker. She said it's her Granny persona.
  • After blowing the noisemaker in Elissa's face several times, Elissa went to the Diary Room (probably to complain).
  • Then Judd got into a verbal brouhaha with Aaryn -- She screamed that he keeps lying. He yelled that she had to stop telling people he wants Andy on the block.
  • Oh my. I need some popcorn.
  • And, dim those lights, please. Full cinematic effect and all, y'know.
  • Amanda has decided she will blow the noisemaker in Elissa's face all day so she can't talk with anyone.
  • Judd told Aaryn that Elissa has made her own mind up regarding what she wants to do and no one can change it.
  • Neither GinaMarie nor Aaryn know the meaning of the word "veto" out of the context of Big Brother.
  • Why am I not surprised?
  • When Amanda started blowing the noisemaker at Elissa, she just started laughing.
  • Well, that can take the wind out of Amanda's sails!
  • Andy told Amanda his loyalty is still with them.
  • Why am I not surprised?
  • No one got excited for the weekly photo booth session.
  • They're more entertained bullying each other.
  • Then it went weirder. We had a long session of the fish cam followed by a good hour of trivia.
  • Fish cam is always used for temporary blocks -- singing, talking about someone who hasn't signed a release or such.
  • Trivia is used for long blocks like comps.
  • We never have trivia on Sunday evenings.
  • If anything, Amanda's behavior got worse ... screaming for Elissa to nominate herself and how she caused "all of this."
  • Hmm.
  • Andy told Elissa he's sorry it's happening. Elissa said she can't believe production isn't stopping it.
  • Aaryn told GM that BB took away their scissors.
  • Then we had an extended fish cam period after which Amanda claimed she needed to take a break (from her tormenting Elissa).
  • Aaryn asked if the Diary Room told her to stop and Amanda said no.
  • Amanda said she felt like a jerk but no way will she apologize to Elissa.
  • McCrae thinks that Elissa has psychological problems because she just kept smiling as Amanda tormented her.
  • I personally think she considered that her best defense. She didn't want to get into a knock-down drag out with Amanda!
  • GinaMarie gathered Elissa's clothes from the downstairs and brought them to her saying she didn't want anything to happen to them.
  • GinaMarie apologized for Amanda's behavior.
  • But Amanda nor McCrae apologized. Both refuse to and act like it's some kind of badge of honor.
  • @@
  • Now Amanda is walking around in a sweatshirt and underpants, even leaving the bathroom stall door open as she used the toilet.
  • Ew.
  • This is odd, much more odd than the Evel Dick pots and pans wake-up bit.

Amanda in her granny torment Elissa mode


Next starring on Hoarders ...

Big Brother 15: Nominations Show Blog Party (Returning Hamster, new HoH) - August 25

Oh my gosh ... I forgot that people who only watch the show don't know who the returning hamster is, nor the winner of the HoH. As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest news!

The real party is in the comments ... come join us!

The HoH comp continues -- Spencer and McCrae down almost simultaneously. Helen is handing out intel on the house to the jury competitors as they play. Jessie, Elissa and Amanda are doing the best. Andy is down.

Jessie falls, yelling at Amanda on her way out. Amanda acts shocked. Helen falls followed immediately by Candice but the show really stretched that out with filmed commentary. And we go to commercial without her falling! Sheesh.

Judd returns to the house! He falls, so he won't win HoH. But he does return to play the game.

Elissa wins HoH! Only Amanda and GM were still up there at the time.

Elissa wants to target Aaryn. Amanda thinks she needs to put GinaMarie on the block with her so Aaryn will go. But ... Elissa is getting a kick out of causing issues between Aaryn, McCrae and Amanda by putting one of the other two up on the block with Aaryn. Heehee.

Judd aligns with Elissa. Aaryn worries. Amanda is upset because she has no control.

Time for nominations! Key order -- Judd, GinaMarie, Spencer, Andy, Amanda. Aaryn and McCrae are on the block. Elissa tells McCrae she hopes he wins the veto. She tells Aaryn now she knows how she has felt all along.

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Saturday night into Sunday - August 24-25

McCrae has to know we'll mock his fashion "sense"

Here's what happened last night into the wee hours inside that Big Brother House of Devious Dolts:
  • Amanda and McCrae are conflicted over the "who will go home" dilemma.
  • Amanda would like to keep Aaryn around doing their dirty work for them while McCrae doesn't want to lose others and doesn't really like Aaryn.
  • Amanda keeps coming up with new ruses to make Elissa think Aaryn will stay no matter what.
  • Ultimately, McCrae and Amanda would prefer Elissa put GinaMarie on the block as she's extremely expendable in view of their cause.
  • They don't think they can control GinaMarie.
  • Heck, GinaMarie can't control GinaMarie. What makes anyone think they can?
  • Amanda thinks that Spencer can't be trusted at all.
  • McCrae trusts Spencer.
  • They occasionally talked about the Zingbot. Apparently it was a fat joke about Spencer and the Zingbot was mean to GinaMarie.
  • I personally think jokes at the expense of weight or looks tend to fall in with a lot of the cruel behaviors we've seen in the house itself. Not cool in my book.
  • However, I snickered when Spencer said that the Zingbot referred to Amanda's tramp stamp (tattoo or lifestyle, take your pick).
  • The Zingbot's floater comment to Andy was about a pale ghost who likes to float.
  • Judd is still sick from the comp.
  • But his head is in the game even if his stomach isn't.
  • Elissa went back to her rather bizarrely timed laughter.
  • Elissa told Judd that she tried to work with Aaryn, but Aaryn is brainwashed by Amanda.
  • Judd told Elissa that Amanda needs to go before McCraa,
  • That's like preaching to the choir. Elissa knows this.
  • Judd and Elissa giggled over the thought of telling everybody threw the comp to Amanda so she could finally win something.
  • It cracked GinaMarie up when they told her, too.
  • McCrae laughed about it when he heard them say it.
  • But Amanda seemed to actually take pause and think about it.
  • Aaryn got all suspicious seeing Judd and Elissa whisper about it, then Judd whispering to McCrae.
  • She's sure they're conspiring against her!
  • Amanda boiled until finally she went on a rant screaming expletives at Elissa and yelling that she wasted a HoH.
  • Oh, well.
  • Amanda told GM that Elissa is using her.
  • Now Amanda thinks GinaMarie is back in their camp, especially if Aaryn remains in the house.
  • I'm not so sure of that. 
  • But, then again, it's GM. Whichever way the wind blows.
  • Judd, Spencer, Andy and Elissa had a long, long talk in the cockpit room.
  • Amanda was very suspicious about that.
  • It looks like Andy is finally realizing that he might be better off with the group of free agents rather than tethered to the Amanda/McCrae train.
  • They believe, as long as they can keep GM in their camp, they have the votes to get Aaryn out.
  • When Amanda gave Judd the third degree prying for information about what happened in the cockpit room, he was very close-mouthed.
  • True, he doesn't open his mouth or move his lips when talking anyway.
  • But more so than usual close-mouthed.
  • Andy is scared that Aaryn will throw him under the bus and expose the 3AM alliance trashing him.
  • Oh, not to worry there, Andy. That's already been done.
  • Spencer and Judd are very, very tired of Amanda claiming to run the house.
  • Then change it, I say.
  • Judd thinks that they would have a better chance to get Aaryn out if GinaMarie was put up. Andy agrees with him.
  • (Of course, Andy realizes that he's an option for the block, so anyone other than him is agreeable in his eyes.)
  • I don't think Elissa will do that. She made a promise and she (so far) has stuck to her word in the game.
  • Andy and Judd have come to the realization that they don't want to be portrayed as people who did whatever Amanda dictates.
  • We have another full day of this until the veto ceremony.
  • While Amanda is safe for the week, I do think she is damaged.
  • I think she knows it, too. 
J-U-D-D in a F-E-D-D ... er, Fedora

Wake up and smell the broccoli, GM

Pop rocks or wicked witch? Take your pick.

Channeling Madonna


Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - August 25, 2013

Happy Sunday morning, world! Welcome to my off television topic weekly reflection on the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken along the way. If you're looking for Big Brother show or live feeds posts, you can find the latest at this link. This here post is done weekly throughout the year and is, as labeled, off topic. Hey, that's how I roll. You've been warned.

That said, I can't believe we still have about another month of Big Brother! I've gone around feeling like a zombie for weeks. There's but a small group of us who have had blogs or websites covering the show for years. Others show up, last a season or two, then fall off the radar. Yet, those of us who have covered it for years are almost like a family. I found out from That Dingo ( that one of our own, DogDave (a.k.a. Aldav), who has done fantastic work on his website over the years, suffered a massive stroke this past January. Unlike many trying to struggle to make a living with the websites, I have a "real" job with real health insurance. I don't think he does. If you are a show fan still reading this off topic post, check out the link above. DogDave has been a constant all the years I've blogged. He followed this blog and we're Twitter buddies although I noticed he stopped tweeting sometime over the winter. Very sad news indeed.

On more of the local really off television topic stuff -- someone stole my newspaper this morning. I only get the Sunday paper hard copy as it allows me full online daily access at the website. I didn't get the paper delivered before that because someone would steal them. I'm usually up by five and generally have no problem because what other fool is up at five on a Sunday morning around here? I overslept today. Went down at 6:30 for it. It wasn't there. I suppose the delivery dude may have screwed up, but I'm fairly sure someone stole it. Yeah, I'm cynical like that. Grr.

We had a few 90 degree days, one day of torrential never-ending thunderstorms -- I can't recall thunderstorms lasting for hours and hours like that -- then it went back to my kind of weather. Cool overnights, low humidity, temperatures around 80. I wouldn't even mind a few degrees cooler. Come on, fall ... you know I love you!

I'm counting the days until my next staycation, the third week in September. It lines up with the Feast of San Gennaro week in Little Italy (NYC). So, dependent on weather, I might go there for a day. Whatever I do, I know I will get some rest. Woohoo. I forgot what that's like.

Onto the photos I took this week ... 

Train 2 photo IMG_9357a_zps0d09e64b.jpg
As the sun sets

I took this shot last night upon arriving home from work. Well, not home home. I don't live at the Plainfield Train Station. The days are definitely getting shorter.

Sunflower photo IMG_9350a_zps6e770d9b.jpg
What says summer better?

But it's definitely still summer! The sunflowers seem to be blooming more, yet smaller blossoms than I've seen some years. East Front Street, Plainfield.