Thursday, September 05, 2013

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Overnight into Thursday - Sept. 4-5

The unicorn look?

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Foolish Fools:
  • Since GinaMarie has been HoH, Elissa has had her regular bed.
  • GM wants the bed back.
  • Judd is going through cigarette withdrawal and is moody.
  • GinaMarie's foot has been bothering her.
  • Elissa's back hurts.
  • It's all a recipe for a future ... BROUHAHA!
  • Spencer and Andy "hate" Elissa.
  • Andy has been playing along with McCranda, so they're still sure they have his vote.
  • Amanda continued her relationship with her new BFF Elissa by defending Elissa against Judd's bad mood.
  • Ohh ... BB gave them dollar store play-doh!
  • Next thing you know, Amanda and GM got into a huge brouhaha! They were insulting each other, calling each other names and it almost came to blows.
  • MEOW.
  • But cats would be insulted if you called it a cat fight.
  • But it did get almost to the point of violence as they stood in each other's face screaming.
  • Judd stepped between them.
  • Eventually it faded.
  • Amanda cried while GM fist-pumped.
  • Amanda cried because Andy laughed during the fight.
  • Amanda cried because McCrae sat there "like a pussy" during the cat fight.
  • She told him there comes a point when he has to stand up and be a man.
  • He didn't say much.
  • As usual.
  • She lit into him.
  • He didn't say much.
  • I personally think that while GM kind of started the brouhaha, Amanda is just as much at fault. Both of them went lower than I've ever gone in my life during a personal argument. Disgusting, the both of them.
  • GM kicked off with the apologies.
  • Then they fought about apologizing.
  • Then GM gave McCranda the HoH room for the night as she had promised.
  • @@
  • Of course, that left the Exterminators along with Elissa.
  • Elissa went to bed early.
  • The Exterminators are playing cards.
  • McCrae and Amanda are playing each other. 

Fill those chipmunk cheeks!

Amanda and McCrae hold court from bed

Pop that pimple!

Quad cam GM/Amanda fight

Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds into Wednesday Evening - Sept. 4

At least she does her nails and doesn't eat them

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Sleeping Sloths:
  • All day. ALL DAY. They slept ALL DAY.
  • They didn't really get up for the day until past 2 in the afternoon ... their time!
  • Argh.
  • Amanda and Elissa are rejoicing that they'll blindside them all because Elissa will vote for Amanda to stay.
  • The Exterminators are rejoicing that they will blindside Amanda because they have the votes.
  • The Exterminators know that McCrae and Amanda have Elissa (thanks to Andy telling them).
  • McCrae and Amanda think they still have Andy.
  • Judd is getting increasingly ticked at Elissa or about Elissa. I don't think it's anything in particular that set it off other than her defecting to McCranda.
  • She was all buddy-buddy with Judd, then dropped him like a hot potato.
  • Hmm.
  • GinaMarie had promised the HoH room to Amanda and McCrae tonight.
  • Judd doesn't think she should do it.
  • Nah, she doesn't want to anyway!
  • Andy once again reported to the Exterminators -- this time that Amanda wanted to rub it in GM's face when she stays.
  • @@
  • As I get this posted, the Exterminators are studying and going over comps for an HoH win.
  • Elissa is doing her yoga alone.
  • McCrae and Amanda are in bed.
  • After all, where else would they be?
  • Maybe next season BB will place restrictions on living in bed while on the show.
  • That would be nice.

I am SO sick of this

This is how I felt all day watching them

Big Brother 15: PoV Show Blog Party - Sept. 4

Are you ready to party? As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with the major happenings in real time. Refresh the page to get the latest news!

But, as always, the real party is in the comments area -- come join us!

We like snacks.

Amanda is on a rant. Oh. Okay. I'm not sure how newsy that is! Meltdown time.

Veto players pick -- GM gets Elissa, Amanda gets Houseguest's Choice and picks Spencer, McCrae gets Andy.

The veto comps have them in tutus with bowling lanes. They have to challenge each other in head to head matches. Amanda chooses Elissa to challenge. Amanda beat Elissa in the first round. Andy chose Amanda to challenge. Amanda wins, Andy eliminated. GM chooses Amanda. Amanda wins, GM out. McCrae chooses Spencer. McCrae wins, Spencer out. It's McCrae vs. Amanda. Whoa! McCrae JUST won it by a second! BTW -- I didn't mention they had to spin first before bowling.

Veto Meeting time -- He actually lets Amanda do a speech. She cries. She says she won't ask him to use it on her. McCrae saves himself. All he says to Amanda is, "I'm sorry." GM puts Spencer on the block in his place.

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Tuesday into Wednesday - Sept. 3-4

Going over to the dark side

Oh my. My apologies for my lack of posting last night! I came home from work, caught up on the happenings (all were napping), so I decided to take a nap myself as I'm totally exhausted these days. Gah. I slept ten hours! I do know I needed the sleep as I've been running on empty between my day job and BB coverage, but I really didn't want to sleep that long! So, now I've been up for a few hours, flipping through the flashback on the live feeds and catching up. And, here you go ... the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Losers and Louts:
  • When I last left you, McCrae had suggested to Amanda that she work on working with Elissa for the vote. Of course, they're sure they have Andy. So if they can get Elissa, Amanda would stay (as far as they know).
  • Elissa drank the Kool-Aid.
  • While she announced it shortly after a Diary Room session, going back in flashback, it is McCrae's idea.
  • In a way, although they have no clue about the Exterminators, it's the best move for Elissa right now. If Amanda stays (in their thinking, she will), they'll have a strong alliance of four (because they think Andy is aboard). 
  • Now, it's likely that Amanda will actually go.
  • But even then, she'd have McCrae to work with and they think Andy.
  • I give her credit for agreeing to work with someone that has caused her so many problems, but I couldn't do it. Someone who bullied and hated on me so much? I couldn't work with them! Not even for a half-million dollars.
  • Of course, Elissa also doesn't like Spencer. So if she votes him out, that will work for her, too.
  • Meanwhile, on the Exterminator front, Spencer and Andy have grown real tight. They plan to knock out Amanda, Elissa, GinaMarie and Judd ... not necessarily in that order.
  • Andy knows if he's in a final two with Spencer, he's likely to get the win.
  • A lot of napping and laundry was done all day. Yawn. That's what I came home to from work.
  • GinaMarie got the HoH camera and went wild with it.
  • Elissa and Amanda traded their rings on their deal.
  • In their deal, Elissa will be protected if it's a double eviction.
  • Hmm ... they don't realize that only McCrae and Elissa will be vying for that, do they?
  • Elissa might not do that well if it's physical. She's complaining that her leg has nerve pain, thinks she might need surgery because she CANNOT HAVE PAIN in the line of business (the yoga).
  • Huh. What's she going to do when she gets older and has real pain?
  • She thinks it's from sleeping on the airplane seats during Have Nots.
  • She claims she will outright refuse to do it if they have Have Nots again.
  • @@
  • Elissa thinks Andy might be shady. She thinks he's telling GM things about them.
  • Amanda insists that he's loyal.
  • Ha.
  • Amanda and Co. keep confiding in Andy. But he is indeed running and telling the Exterminators -- the opposite of what he was doing in the beginning of the game. He's not saying anything about the Exterminators to Amanda and Company.
  • So, I do think his loyalty to Amanda and Company is in the past.
  • Judd made an attempt to play it like he's willing to work with McCrae.
  • Amanda asked Andy to give her his organ shirt as collateral that he'll vote for her to stay.
  • He did.
  • At least she didn't ask for his cat shirt!
  • Amanda profusely apologized to Elissa for all her vileness.
  • Elissa forgave her.
  • @@
  • Here's where I would think too personal to play the game. I'd think "Off with her head!"
  • Meanwhile, back at the Exterminators, Spencer is worried about solid Judd may or may not be with them.
  • Andy insists Judd will vote out Amanda.
  • Judd, who really was working on working with Elissa on the side, is really ticked off about her switching to the dark side.
  • And on it goes.
  • I guess we won't know until tomorrow night. But I'd say it's going to be a tie and GM will cast out Amanda.
  • As for the second eviction? It's anyone's game.
  • Now I must nap again.

Sleep all day ... a part of the night, too.

Makin' herself a pretty gangsta

Posing with her Nick for the HoH camera

Are the Exterminators in trouble?

Spencer wants a Magic Fingers hammock

Touche, McCrae. Probably won't work, but ...!

Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Monday Evening into Tuesday - Sept. 2-3

Elissa tells Amanda she wants her to stay

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of What the Hell is She Thinking?:
  • Judd has pretty much let it known that he's closer to Spencer than he is to Amanda. 
  • Even so, McCrae told him he'd be willing to work with him (Judd) if he voted Amanda out.
  • When Elissa told Amanda that she was very dramatic today (as opposed to other days?), Amanda told her she was depressed because of the veto ceremony.
  • Oh, yeah. Her beloved just said, "I'm sorry." -- as he saved himself from the block and left her up there.
  • Amanda also claimed she hasn't been taking her meds.
  • Hmmm.
  • Elissa and McCrae had a long, long talk. It was their first game talk of the season.
  • McCrae thinks he's tainted by his association with Amanda.
  • More than tainted, I say!
  • Neither think Spencer can win at the end as he hasn't won anything all season (well, a veto).
  • Uh-oh. They're bonding.
  • McCrae told her that after Amanda goes, he's going to be on a clean slate and will be fair with everyone.
  • He told her that they're both worried about a double eviction, so if she could vote with him and Andy, they could save Amanda. Then they'd have more votes (and, thus, power).
  • Uh-oh.
  • Now, Elissa's too smart to fall for that. Right?
  • Right?
  • GAH!
  • She went and told Amanda that she wants to work with her, trusts her more than she does Spencer or GinaMarie!
  • Where is this woman's mind?
  • Then, thinking as McCranda does, that Andy is still with them, she told Andy.
  • Andy told the rest of his Exterminators.
  • Oh my.
  • Even if it's a two-two tie, GM will have the tiebreaker.
  • Andy says he'll try to frame Elissa for the second vote to keep Spencer.
  • Of course, it is Elissa.
  • She can be flaky.
  • Let's see how she feels closer to eviction time.

McCrae without his leech

Judd doesn't take the news well

Andy tells Judd and Spencer about Elissa

GM gets the news from Andy
Slovenly pigs