Saturday, February 22, 2014

The Amazing Race - Premiere tomorrow, blog pool opens!

Welcome one, welcome all! The season premiere is tomorrow night after 60 Minutes! Why no pool yet? Well, first off ... I was lackadaisical. Oops. But, I have another reason:

When I posted the cast spoilers last December -- which are gleaned from folks actually seeing the teams race through airports and such -- one of the teams had a change. That particular team is intact in the promos for the show, yet the promos also keep going on about one team "might not even make it to the starting line." Thus, we have a quandary. I believe there will be a change.

So ... the blog pool won't officially begin with the premiere. Please sign up right here on this post for the pool. The cut-off for signing up is Thursday, February 27th, 6pm ET. Come join in on the fun as the Magnificent Margo randomly matches blog friends with teams ... ohhh ... who's going to get Brenchal? Remember, Margo and her Mom randomly pick the match-ups! She has no agenda!

And, if you want to read the spoiler I posted way back when, here it is. Remember ... it is a spoiler!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Survivor: Cagayan - Blog Pool is OPEN!

Survivor fans ready? The wonderful Lifeguard Laurie will be running the blog pool once again. Have I ever mentioned how much she rocks?

The season premiere is next Wednesday, February 26 at 8pm ET/PT. About time, I say!  I recently posted a bit about the upcoming castaways and Jeff Probt's cast assessment right here at this post. Join the fun with friends at the blog party as the show airs on East Coast time.

Okay, here's how the blog pool works:
  • Names are matched up randomly with the castaways.
  • You get to cheer on your chosen castaway until they're kicked off the island or named the sole Survivor.
  • If your chosen castaway is creepy or cries a lot, we won't hold that against you personally.
  • Not much, anyway.
  • Heehee
  • There is no wagering of monies.
  • The winner(s) of the blog pool retain bragging rights until the premiere of the next season while we all bow to them and lament on what could have been.
How do you get involved? Sign up right here on this post! If you're posting anonymously, you need a sign off name on your comments. We don't care if you're a boy named Sue, we have to know something other than anonymous. The cut-off for entering is this Sunday evening 9pm ET/6pm PT.  

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - February 16, 2014

Another Sunday morning is upon us. Yay. Thankfully, today (at least) we don't have another snowstorm upon us. Well, not here in northern central New Jersey, anyway. Sorry 'bout that, Maine. Since it is Sunday, it's time for my weekly off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken along the way. Earlier this week I posted about the upcoming Survivor season cast. I'll be writing more about the new Amazing Race season this coming week -- they'll both be here soon!

Let's see ... what's new and different around here this past week? Oh! I know! It snowed for a change.

There was something slightly different with the big storm this week -- thundersnow! While the winds weren't strong enough to make it technically a blizzard here, a round of thunder actually shook my whole apartment building in the wee hours. As I awoke, I saw about five more flashes of lightning, but was unable to catch them with my camera.

If we didn't go into deep freezes after each snowstorm here, things wouldn't be as bad. If the snow cover could melt a bit in between each snow, I don't think I'd be as tired of it as I am. I feel like I'm back in my childhood year or two in upstate western New York where the "lake effect" snows buried us in the winter. Back then it was fun, at least for the kids. It was pre-snowblower days, so my father certainly had a workout. We'd build tunnels through the snow and have a ball.

For some reason, as an adult, I have no desire to build tunnels through the snow. I guess I've gotten old and cranky, eh?

About the only thing good about this week's multiple snowstorms is that, like a school child, I actually had two "snow days" off from work. Of course, there's a price to pay -- the pay came out of my paid vacation time. While it was indeed relaxing, it wasn't my choice vacation. It's not like I could go anywhere!

My photos this week, for most part, aren't really artsy. Due to the weather conditions, staying in a lot, and fighting through the elements just to get back and forth to work ... they basically show you what it's like here. Eat your heart out, Florida!

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Made his own little snow cave

The robins in Bridgewater near my workplace have really proved to be determined to survive despite their untimely arrival this year. They've laid claim to the berries in the planters, digging holes to get at the frozen berries. The other birds still show no interest in the berries at all. That doesn't keep the robins from getting all territorial about them, though. I saw a seagull just pause to sit atop of one of the planters. A robin zoomed in from nowhere and chased off the seagull.

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Before it snowed more

This was early Monday morning at the Plainfield Train Station. While we had snow Sunday evening, our big storm hadn't happened yet. Yeah, it's pretty. But I've taken enough "pretty" snow photos this year. Spring can come.

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Male Lady Liberty

Tuesday afternoon on Watchung Avenue in Plainfield, there were five hulking big male Lady Liberty "statues." They were dancing, playing music and singing (at times). It was bitterly cold, yet they kept their spirits up. They were handing out little bags with Tootsie Rolls and a coupon for $50 off tax preparation at Liberty Tax. Hey, for how they were handling the elements, the silly costumes and all, probably for minimum wage, they could probably do well in steady gigs.


Thursday, February 13, 2014

Survivor: Cagayan just around the corner!

As we all know, three tribes will compete this season on Survivor: Cagayan -- Brains, Brawn, Beauty. I'm really not sure how keen I am on this concept. After all, a person CAN have all three qualities. In looking at the cast, some of the brawn have brains as well. Some of the beauty have brains and brawn. The qualities are overlapping all over the place! It doesn't look like they selected any dumb bunnies for the beauty or brawn tribes. Well, with the exception of Miss Flirty, maybe. Will the intellectuals suffer? Hmm.

Here's Jeff Probst's cast assessment --

It's definitely an interesting cast. What do you think? The show premieres Wednesday, February 26 at 8pm ET/PT.

Sunday, February 09, 2014

Off Topic - That Was the Week It Was - February 9, 2013

Yes, it's Sunday and I'm returning with my weekly off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken. I want to thank folks for the condolences and prayers expressed in the past week. They meant a lot to me in a really bad time. Thank you.

A few notes:
  • Today marks 50 years since The Beatles appeared on Ed Sullivan. It's scary that I remember watching that. I'm not that old! I remember saying they'd never be as big as Elvis. Later, I decided Paul was the cute Beatle.
  • My bank finally sent me a new card after my account was compromised with the Target store hack. Good. I was tired of watching my online account a dozen times a day!
  • My sciatica has improved a great deal. I'm still having some problems standing for any period of time and sitting for long periods. Oh, well. It's definitely better than it was!
Since I'm really photo-heavy this week, I don't have a heck of a lot to say at the start here. Might as well get on with it ...

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Icicles at the Plainfield Train Station

I took this shot last night at the train station. At night, when it's as cold as it was, they present no danger. They're not going anywhere. But in the daytime sun even if the temperatures are below freezing ... danger, Will Robinson!

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Chubby spring robin

I've seen four robins hanging around my workplace in Bridgewater. While they normally are ground feeders looking for worms and such, they're here way too early. They're subsiding on the berries in the planters. None of the other birds in the area this time of year -- seagulls, crows, sparrows -- have any interest in the berries.

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Stunning beauty

But so will be spring blossoms! C'mon, winter, give us a break! Yes, we're due for more snow later today. Wah. Outside my window on Tuesday.

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Hawk alert!

Bridgewater, NJ.