Friday, July 04, 2014

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds Into Friday Morning - July 4

Will power go to his head? Rhetorical ?

It's a whirlwind! Two HoHs, nominations and the Battle of the Block in less than twelve hours! Here's what's happened since the live show in the Big Brother House of Better Than Last Year But Odd In Their Own Ways:
  • Amber told Frankie she didn't want to put up two girls and she won't put Donny up.
  • Devin told Donny he won't put him on the block.
  • Good ... now if Donny can sail through into September ...!
  • Jocasta thought because she did so poorly in the HoH comp, she's going to be a target.
  • Jocasta cried.
  • Donny tried to console her, telling her to just lay low and let the other people off each other.
  • Derrick also came along and told her that he did horrible in the comp himself.
  • Amber told Caleb that she needs to put up weak players, but they're her friends. Caleb told her she could put him and Derrick up and they'd win the BotB. If she puts up strong players, she loses the HoH-ship.
  • It's a quandary!
  • The hamsters talked about how surprising it was that Joey seemed shocked with her unanimous eviction.
  • So was I. If ever there was writing on the wall ...
  • Cody found out in the Diary Room that it will be a few days of no Have Nots.
  • Some people sighed a sigh of relief with that announcement.
  • Brittany thinks that Devin will put her up and she will be the target this week.
  • Heck, they might as well fast forward to Thursday because she's absolutely right. Well, at least about being Devin's target.
  • Derrick and Zach are a bit burnt by the Bomb Squad. Derrick thinks Devin is thinking about nominating him. Then Zach pointed out it was Caleb who volunteered him.
  • Derrick said that if he's nominated, he's tempted to throw the BotB and they could backdoor Devin.
  • Brittany is sure not only will she be nominated, but Devin will go around telling people it needs to be unanimous like with the Joey vote.
  • Brittany cried some more.
  • Aww, even Zach is trying to make Brittany feel better.
  • Zach would prefer that Victoria goes on the block. He really despises her. I think it's to the point that every little thing she does annoys him. 
  • I think we all have had people like that in our lives. You know the kind -- they could walk into a room and say hi and we cringe inside.
  • Not that I mean Victoria, per se. She actually doesn't bother me.
  • PaoPao says that if she goes on the block again, she wants to go with a strong person.
  • Hmm ... if she goes on the block, it's very likely she will be the weak person teamed with the target, don'tcha think?
  • Hayden put on the louse costume from the previous comp and moonwalked (like Michael Jackson) in the living room. He can actually do it well!
  • They had the big HoH room reveal.
  • And fun was had by all. 
  • You know, all those fake laughs and quasi-interest.
  • They're always more interested in the foodstuffs in the baskets!
  • Amber cried while reading her letter from her mother. No surprise there.
  • Amber is taking the little side HoH room while Devin and Caleb (are you shocked) will take the larger main HoH room.
  • Yes, it's the HoH Trio!
  • Uh-oh. "Nominations Today" is already up on the screen!
  • Amber refuses to let go of her HoH. She doesn't want the winning team.
  • The consensus is that Brittany is indeed the target.
  • Devin told Nicole she'll probably go on the block, but he loves her. He told her when she's sees the pairing, she'll know she's safe.
  • Meanwhile PaoPao is the weak person in the lot.
  • Amber put Hayden and Nicole up, Devin put Brittany and PaoPao.
  • Can we guess the plan?
  • Sure, we can.
  • Before we knew it, feeds were blocked for the Battle of the Block!
  • Sheesh, can't I even take a nap here?
  • As expected, Hayden and Nicole won, Amber is dethroned (but keeping the room) and it's PaoPao and Brittany on the block.
  • Brittany is the target.

Safe friends

The HoH trio

Hayden moonwalks in a louse suit


The small adjacent HoH room

Now he has the glasses

Thursday, July 03, 2014

Big Brother 16: Live Eviction and HoH Show Blog Party

Big Brother summer on Make A Gif

Once again, a line of severe thunderstorms is passing through as the show airs here. So, if I vanish, it's possible my power went out. But ... if the power stays on, I'll update this entry with the major happenings as they air here on the east coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news!

As always, the real party is in the comments area. Come join in on the fun and watch the show with us!

Reminder -- the blog pool match-ups will be announced after the first hamster gets evicted! (Well, not the moment of eviction, of course.)

Are you ready?

Recap, recap!

Heh, Julie mentions that the first Team America houseguest selected might be the first to go. Heh. No one seems to really have her back. Devin is telling people that the vote needs to be unanimous. He's ticking off Victoria and even Zach.

Joey, after being told that Devin and Caleb control the vote, becomes "Alex" -- her manly man alter-ego and runs around basically being an idiot. She's yelling that everybody's afraid.

A segment on Caleb's obsession er, "crush" on Amber. Love the music! She is SO not into him!

It's to the living room! Each can make a brief statement -- Joey pushes that she's the stronger of the two noms. PauPau -- Loves all, hopes she's kept, positive energy and "funness."

The voting:
Devin -- Joey
Derrick -- Joey
Frankie -- Joey
Cody -- Joey
To commercial ...
Zach -- Joey
Brittany -- Joey
Nicole -- Joey
Christine -- Joey
Victoria -- Joey
Jocasta -- Joey
Hayden -- Joey
Amber -- Joey
Donny -- Joey

It is indeed unanimous, sheeple they are!

Joey is funny with her Julie interview.

Julie hints that the women and men compete separately for the HoH. But, first ... a commercial.

Greek Week - Sorority sisters first. Frat brothers next. BB Ranger is the comp, balance beam, move kegs to front of frat house and stack them. The ones on the balcony (guys now) have frisbees they can throw at them. Amber is in the leage. Gah, Brit is out -- her keg fell. AMBER IS THE FIRST HOH.

It's the Frat turn now. Caleb can't play, but Frankie can. Derrick fell. Dang! Hayden was about to win when he fell! CODY IS THE SECOND HOH. Wait, was there a foul of some sort? They're reviewing the tape. I can't review the tape because I'm not taping!

DONNY is the second (first) Team America member! He says he won't let all y'all down. Now the voting for both other members will be online. I guess they want to get them in before they're voted out!

Cody is NOT the HoH, he hit the ground before hitting the button! DEVIN IS THE SECOND HOH. Oh, geez.

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds late night Wed. into Thursday - July 3

Brittany reminds me of someone. Who?

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Harried Hamsters:
  • Zach told PauPau that if he got HoH, there are some people he'd never put up -- her, Frankie and Cody.
  • PauPau said she wouldn't put up Amber and Donny in addition to Zach's lists.
  • Like she could ever win an HoH!
  • Derrick and Frankie talked about how expensive the fish are this year and how BB is getting top of the line food for them, too.
  • Perhaps since so many fish died in previous years, they stopped buying them from the dollar store.
  • (Yes, great fish this season, all kidding aside.)
  • While Nicole thinks by cuddling with Cody, she's just cuddling a really cute guy, Victoria told it that it would put a target on her.
  • Christine told Nicole that they can use PauPau as a weak player until they don't need her anymore.
  • Caleb thinks Amber owes him an apology for "mean things" she said about him.
  • Of course, that was when she said she wasn't interested and told others Caleb is all about himself.
  • Caleb says that on a date, especially a first date, he would treat a girl (Amber?) like a princess. He would want the date to be in Atlanta with a horse-drawn carriage.
  • Devin continues to rub some of the girls the wrong way. With his size, he can be very intimidating even if that's not his intent. He just wants to help his bromance boy Caleb.
  • Frankie told Amber she needs to talk to Caleb herself instead of letting Devin tell him everything.
  • Amber cried.
  • Devin called a house meeting.
  • Amber didn't want to go to it.
  • Amber told Caleb she didn't know what Devin was telling him, but she was good. She gave him a quick hug.
  • He'll probably have sweet dreams of that hug for months now.
  • Amber told Caleb that she thinks Devin called the house meeting just to get people to feel sorry for him.
  • At the meeting, Devin admitted to being behind Donny's nomination.
  • He said he plans to be honest as he can from this point forward.
  • Devin cried.
  • Huh, Amber might be right about why Devin called the meeting!
  • Let's all sob for poor misunderstood Devin!
  • Frankie told Victoria that Devin managed to turn the whole house against him.
  • PauPau thinks that Devin blew up not only his own game, but Caleb's game as well.
  • Zach tried to console Devin in the storage room (gameplay, I'm sure) and Devin cried again about his daughter.
  • So, now they've all skipped over who's going home tomorrow (Joey) and are thinking of who to get rid of next week (Devin).

A pow-wow without PauPau

Jocasta sans bowtie

I'd treat her like a princess


Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds into Wednesday evening - July 2

Funky chess

I'm ready for the eviction! I'm ready for action! While I do like these hamsters for the most part, one of them has to go. I'd also like to see a change in power. Today was so boring that I thought I'd do something different -- dedicate a song to each of the HOH, current and dethroned.

For dear Caleb, it's Obsession (thinking of his Amber creepy obsession) --

For Frankie, it has to be Frankie Goes to Hollywood with Relax (what else?) --

Okay, now one with your irregularly scheduled live feeds report:
  • Both Hayden and Zach think Devin is emotionally unstable with his highs and lows. Zach thinks he might be bi-polar.
  • Of course, Zach is no doctor. He doesn't even play one on TV.
  • All I know is that's one big dude to be having mood swings!
  • Victoria doesn't think she speaks English all that well. She learned English after moving to Miami as a child.
  • I think she speaks it just fine.
  • Lots and lots of small non-game talk today.
  • Joey thinks she's probably going, but is holding onto hope.
  • I think hope is going to let her down.
  • Caleb thinks everyone will choose him when they get Houseguest's Choice in PoV picks.
  • I'd say only his cronies.
  • And, that would be a good time to turn on him if he loses, too. He did horrible in this past PoV comp.
  • They went on an indoor lockdown as BB has to set up for tomorrow night's HoH comp.
  • Caleb claims he was asked to try out for Survivor and plans to be on that next.
  • Yep, he could be reminding me a bit of Brandon Hantz with a stronger physical persona!
  • Devin might be in trouble if he doesn't win HoH tomorrow. While he's Caleb's bromance, most of the Bomb Squad are ready to off him.
  • Not literally, of course.
  • Although, Caleb's latest on his obsession with Amber is that maybe Amber was saying those bad things about DEVIN.
  • Hayden offered himself up for cuddling.
  • No one took him up on the offer.
  • "Okay, I'll cuddle pillows."
  • Zach spoke to one of the cameras for a while, telling us how much he hates Victoria and how rude she is.
  • Whatever.
  • PauPau would rather not be nominated again this week.
  • It seems she has no hopes that she'll ever win HoH herself.
  • That's about it for now.

Derrick is off the radar ... for now

Nicole is fitting in better than expected

Cody is picking up a tan

Big Brother 16: PoV Episode Blog Party - July 2

Big Brother summer on Make A Gif

I'm so ready to get this first eviction out of the way. Aren't you? As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with the major happenings, including the PoV winner. Of course, those of us into the live feeds already know, but we haven't seen the competition itself. Refresh this page to get the latest.

That is, if my power stays on. We have a line of severe thunderstorms coming through and the power has flickered and knocked me offline twice as I wrote this so far. I do love a good thunderstorm, but I love having my power stay on, too!

The real party is in the comments area. If I should happen to vanish from this post, the info should be there, too.

A lot of recapping and the Donny/Devin non-relationship. Now slop has arrived, The Have Not room is like an ice chamber. Hayden, Cody, Joey and Zach pretty much volunteered. Silly hamsters.

Joey still wants to get the all girls alliance off the ground. The others aren't as excited about it as she is. After the guys suspect something, Amber lets it loose to Caleb that Joey was working on the girls alliance. Then Joey tells Devin. @@

Playing in the PoV comp are: Caleb chose (out of a bag) Victoria, PauPau --> Zach, Donny --> Cody.

Jocasta hosts it in a bug suit. In the yards, pink flamingoes, and a giant head with lice. Miami Lice Squad. They have to retrieve letters on lice and spell the longest word during a set time.

PauPau wants to spell calculator.

Zach - warning
Cody - competitive spelled wrong, out
Caleb - couldn't spell specialize, out
Victoria - tried pharmacist, out
PauPau - caltoru, out
Donny - splitters WINS POV

Caleb's number one target had been Donny, now it's Joey.

Veto meeting time. Donny uses the veto to save himself. Caleb puts Joey in his place. He says it's what the house wants because she tried to start an all girls alliance.

Joey and PauPau are on the block. PauPau feels a bit more secure now than she did when up against Donny. As she should.