When we last left the actual aired show, Amber and Devin (after it was revealed that Cody fouled in the HoH comp) were the dual HoH. Tonight's show we'll see the nominations, watch the nominees do the Battle of the Block and see either Amber or Devin dethroned. Us feedsters know the results, but still want to see it go down!
As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this page with the major updates. Refresh the page to get the latest! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Come join in on the fun and have a cyber-beverage or two with us!
Oh ... and if you haven't checked it out yet, the blog pool random picks announcement (Who's Your Hamster?) is
at this post.
Replay of Cody's ill-fated HoH retracted win. And, then the HoH room(s) reveal. Devin got a letter from his Mom, Amber got a letter from her Mom. Aw, ain't that sweet. Caleb obsesses more over Amber. Devin apologizes for "passing judgment" on Donny. Donny is good about it. Then Devin calls a house meeting over it. What the heck is up with the dude? And he cries.
Caleb thinks Devin threw him under the bus as Devin said the Donny nom was because he didn't trust him, not because of who fell first. Devin decided that since Brittany was the first to point that out, she's his target. She "misconstrued" his words.
Hayden and Nicole flirt. So Nicole thinks she might want to work with him. Christine and Nicole approach him about an alliance. A secret one. He likes the idea.
Geez, now Caleb and Devin have a tender bromance moment and Caleb cries.
Devin whines about how sloppy the others are.
"Nominations Today" - the order in which they nominate is in an egg pick. Um, okay. Devin wins the draw. Amber thinks her two don't deserve to go home, but it's best for her game.
Devin -- Paola, Brittany -- Paola warrior, Brit because she questioned his integrity. Not personal, but ...!
Amber -- Hayden, Nicole -- chose them because they're strong, one guy, one girl.
Devin tells Nicole to trust him, she and Hayden won't be going home. He tells Nicole and Hayden that PaoPao will throw the comp and Brittany's his target.
Finally a Zankie segment.
Devin tells PaoPao she won't be going home, he wants her to throw the BotB and they pinky-swear.
A siren wakes them up to a comp in the backyard. It's a drinking based Jell-o shot, beer kegs set-up. Photos will flash on the screen and the first team to four points wins. The ones losing on the questions have punishments. Hayden and Nicole win, no surprise there. Amber is dethroned.