Tuesday, July 08, 2014

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds into Monday evening - July 7

Am I next?

Well, if Zach wanted to stir things up, he surely succeeded. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of the Boob Squad Implosion:
  • After an extended screaming match between the two nominees (Zach and PaoPao), things calmed down a bit.
  • So, it's down to a mere kerfuffle rating after becoming nearly a full-fledged brouhaha.
  • But, it's an entire house kerfuffle, so there are some bonus points for that.
  • Christine and Hayden both said they plan to target Devin if they win HoH.
  • Christine also likened Caleb's infatuation with Amber akin to a 13-year old school girl. 
  • I don't think they realize that Devin's in the same state over his new-found crush object, Brittany.
  • Zach thinks he just might have the votes to stay.
  • Hmm.
  • Frankie's not handling his Bomb Squad world falling apart well. One minute, he's giving Zach advice and wants him to stay with PaoPao being voted out unanimously. The next, he's bad-mouthing Zach.
  • Frankie and Jocasta talked about Zach being the biggest threat in the game and how he should go out while they can get him out.
  • Meanwhile, PaoPao adds practically nothing to the game -- she sucks at comps and isn't playing the best social game either.
  • What if she skates through until the end?
  • When asked, Derrick told Brittany he'd prefer PaoPao go home this week.
  • Brittany wonders if Zach is doing all this just to sabotage his own game and go home.
  • Devin/Caleb decided to bring Hayden and, to a lesser extent, Nicole into the Bomb Squad to maintain numbers.
  • Cody told Derrick he's worried that he will be the next target of the Bomb Squad, his own alliance.
  • "If they can do that to Zach, what safety is there for any of us?"
  • Got a point there, kiddo.
  • Everyone is in fear that the HoH will keep rotating between Caleb and Devin weekly as they're both brutes in the comps.
  • Brittany has no clue that Devin is going almost Caleb-like in his infatuation with her.
  • Run, Brit, run!
  • The next few days might make it more clear which person goes. Right now, it's looking more like Zach will be ousted.

Hayden inducted into the Bomb Squad

Guaranteeing his demise?

Might skate through another week

Monday, July 07, 2014

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds into Monday afternoon/PoV Meeting - July 7

On America's Team alliance

Here's the happenings from inside that Big Brother House of Loose Cannons:
  • Heh. Brittany said Caleb has "little man syndrome." She's right, even though he's muscle-bound.
  • PaoPao was getting the hints that her deal with Devin was probably moot. She is so not a happy camper.
  • Christine and Brittany talked about how annoying it is when people say they want to go home. Zach was saying it yesterday, PaoPao today. 
  • I totally understand. People try so hard to get on these reality competition shows and quitters are annoying to the viewers, more annoying to those involved.
  • The veto meeting went down, blocked to the feeds.
  • But we always find out anyway.
  • Devin kept his promises to Brittany and Victoria, but not to PaoPao.
  • He took Brittany off the block and put ZACH in her place.
  • So, now nominated for eviction is Zach and PaoPao.
  • Finally ... a brouhaha! Yay!
  • I know; I have an evil streak.
  • PaoPao is all bent out of shape claiming she didn't throw the comp.
  • And, apparently Zach threw the whole Bomb Squad under the bus to Hayden!
  • Zach told Frankie he still trusts him. 
  • Frankie is freaking because he thinks that Zach brought it all down way too early.
  • I don't see him telling Zach that he trusts him anymore.
  • Zach told Derrick that he's trying to get the whole house behind him so they can get rid of Devin and Caleb.
  • Derrick is running around doing damage control.
  • Christine is upset because Nicole now knows she kept a secret from her.
  • Amber is upset because she thinks all the girls will now be against her.
  • Caleb admitted to Nicole he was part of the alliance.
  • She said she knew it.
  • Devin was congratulated for keeping his cool.
  • Rats. I wanted him to turn green, burst through his clothes and say, "HULK, KILL!!"
  • The bizarre thing of this all is that it sounds like the vote could very well be to keep Zach.
  • Very interesting ...
  • I rate this brouhaha a mere 5/10.

Jocasta is casta-ing (coasting) along

Donny isn't into drama. Good.

The Zach attack is on

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds Sunday night into Monday - July 7

The BB cornhole game is back

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Sleep Deprivation:
  • Caleb tried to convince Devin that he should do what the Bomb Squad (or majority of such) wants with the PoV -- put Victoria on the block.
  • Of course, Caleb doesn't know that Devin made a safety deal with Victoria in return for not nominating her.
  • The voting for Team America finished and the new team members found out and accepted the "honor."
  • Derrick and Frankie join Donny as Team America.
  • We'll see how that goes. I knew Frankie would have to be in there somewhere.
  • Devin talked to Derrick about the possibility of putting Zach on the block.
  • Derrick warned him that Zach would probably blow up the Bomb Squad if he went on the block and would go wild until the eviction night.
  • Derrick thinks that Zach isn't thinking right due to lack of sleep and food while Devin thinks he's going rogue.
  • I think it's a mix of both.
  • Derrick advised Devin to talk to the other alliance members so it doesn't appear that he's making the move on his own.
  • Derrick apparently makes a good slop cookie.
  • I'll pass, thankyouverymuch.
  • Derrick and Donny talked about being in Team America and how they trust each other. Good. I like those two and wouldn't mind if either won it all.
  • Derrick is tickled that America must like him, Frankie and Donny the best.
  • He doesn't know America first chose Joey.
  • And we know what happened to her.
  • Donny told Frankie (who asked) that he has never approached anyone to be in an alliance.
  • He's honest about that. Only Devin has actually approached him. (Then nominated him although under Caleb's reign.)
  • It looks like the three feel very honored to be picked by the viewers and plan on sticking to this until the end -- stronger than the Bomb Squad.
  • Caleb, not from this area, questioned Cody about Jersey Shore people.
  • @@
  • Gah. I'm in New Jersey. I'm SO not into that show and know no one like those people. Well, maybe a few-ish. But they're from Staten Island!
  • While Caleb thinks he'll be a local celebrity in his own small town, Cody's not sure if his town in NJ will even care.
  • Devin still has his new-found crush on Brittany.
  • Thankfully it's not as creepy and stalker-like as Caleb's crush on Amber.
  • That's all she wrote.


Devin is reading this. Heh.

At least he's not crying

The girls

Sunday, July 06, 2014

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds into Sunday evening - July 6

Zankie as Zach is ready to self-implode

Well, well, well ... for all of his big pre-season talk about being a con man, taking over the game and winning it all, guess who's now saying, "I don't care! Send me home! I don't care anymore!" Yep, that would be the Zachster. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Bombed Squads:
  • Since the house meeting last night when Zach brought up that "everyone" wants Devin out, he's been even more of a loose cannon.
  • Zach thinks he might be able to get Devin so mad that he (Devin) punches him (Zach) and then Devin would be booted from the house.
  • My thoughts on that is that Zach would also go home ... on a medical. I wouldn't want Devin punching me in anger! That could do damage.
  • Frankie and Zach talked about backdooring Devin.
  • Later Derrick and Frankie talked about it but say it's too soon.
  • Amber and Zach talked about how bad Devin is and how he needs to go.
  • But no one other than Zach has opened his (or her) mouth to Devin about these things except Zach!
  • Foolish little con boy.
  • Frankie told Zach to wait until after the PoV meeting before lighting into Devin.
  • Obviously, since Devin doesn't play the game personal, only strategy, Zach shouldn't have any fear of going on the block, right?
  • Right?
  • After all, he's a member of Devin's own alliance. He's surely safe.
  • Right?
  • Frankie and Amber also talked about getting Devin out.
  • But not to Devin!
  • As Zach and Amber talked outside, Devin told Donny he can read lips and knew exactly what Zach was saying.
  • Devin told Frankie he made a deal with Victoria (he did, after the deal with Brittany, pretty much same terms) and that an alliance member might go on the block.
  • Frankie told Devin what he wanted to hear -- there are some alliance members who can't be trusted -- Derrick plays the field and both Zach and Cody are time bombs.
  • Sheesh, Frankie!
  • Devin told Christine that he doesn't know what he's going to do with the PoV yet, but he's planning on shaking things up.
  • Zach hasn't slept and has hardly eaten in two days.
  • Devin told Caleb and Amber separately that he never called Brittany a cow, nor made gun gestures at her.
  • Keep telling people that, Devin!
  • Maybe it can come true if you deny it enough.
  • Devin also told Caleb it's down to a five person alliance -- Derrick, Cody and Zach are out.
  • He then told Caleb he probably won't use the veto.
  • Caleb, wake up! Devin is WHACK!
  • Caleb tells the others he'd rather the alliance stick together until jury.
  • Frankie told Derrick not to trust Caleb because he tells all to Devin.
  • Um, Frankie ... how about you? You do the same, it seems!
  • Devin told Zach that it wouldn't make sense for him to take Christine off the block and put him up.
  • Or, does it (in Devin's mind)?
  • Caleb later told Zach that the rest of the alliance trusts him even if Devin doesn't.
  • Hmm.
  • I'm getting SO confused!
  • Then, Frankie who never runs to Devin MUCH, told Devin that Zach is digging his own grave.
  • @@
  • Devin told Frankie that he has a big crush on Brittany since their long talk last night.
  • Rum, Brittany! Run as far as you can!
  • The photo booth opened for them and quasi-fun was had by all.
  • Derrick and Cody both tried to calm Zach down and advised him he needed food and sleep.
  • So far, no veto meeting although we kept have random Andy/Jeff interview photo bombs in the feeds last night and a period of the interviews today.
  • I really prefer the trivia with the theme music when blocking for comps. Bring it back, BB!

Zach and the weight of the world

Amber agrees that Devin is a liability

Devin speaking his Devinisms

Derrick and Frankie shake on it

Nicole doesn't want to exercise

Big Brother 16: Nominations/Battle of the Block Show Blog Party - July 6

Big Brother summer on Make A Gif

When we last left the actual aired show, Amber and Devin (after it was revealed that Cody fouled in the HoH comp) were the dual HoH. Tonight's show we'll see the nominations, watch the nominees do the Battle of the Block and see either Amber or Devin dethroned. Us feedsters know the results, but still want to see it go down!

As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this page with the major updates. Refresh the page to get the latest! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Come join in on the fun and have a cyber-beverage or two with us!

Oh ... and if you haven't checked it out yet, the blog pool random picks announcement (Who's Your Hamster?) is at this post.

Replay of Cody's ill-fated HoH retracted win. And, then the HoH room(s) reveal. Devin got a letter from his Mom, Amber got a letter from her Mom. Aw, ain't that sweet. Caleb obsesses more over Amber. Devin apologizes for "passing judgment" on Donny. Donny is good about it. Then Devin calls a house meeting over it. What the heck is up with the dude? And he cries.

Caleb thinks Devin threw him under the bus as Devin said the Donny nom was because he didn't trust him, not because of who fell first. Devin decided that since Brittany was the first to point that out, she's his target. She "misconstrued" his words.

Hayden and Nicole flirt. So Nicole thinks she might want to work with him. Christine and Nicole approach him about an alliance. A secret one. He likes the idea.

Geez, now Caleb and Devin have a tender bromance moment and Caleb cries.

Devin whines about how sloppy the others are.

"Nominations Today" - the order in which they nominate is in an egg pick. Um, okay. Devin wins the draw. Amber thinks her two don't deserve to go home, but it's best for her game.

Devin -- Paola, Brittany -- Paola warrior, Brit because she questioned his integrity. Not personal, but ...!
Amber -- Hayden, Nicole -- chose them because they're strong, one guy, one girl.

Devin tells Nicole to trust him, she and Hayden won't be going home. He tells Nicole and Hayden that PaoPao will throw the comp and Brittany's his target.

Finally a Zankie segment.

Devin tells PaoPao she won't be going home, he wants her to throw the BotB and they pinky-swear.

A siren wakes them up to a comp in the backyard. It's a drinking based Jell-o shot, beer kegs set-up. Photos will flash on the screen and the first team to four points wins. The ones losing on the questions have punishments. Hayden and Nicole win, no surprise there. Amber is dethroned.