Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds Tuesday night into Wednesday - July 16

Is this what you want, America?

Is this what you really want? Oh noes! I'm mixing Lorne Malvo from Fargo with Devin from BB! Well, yeah. We do want you to go. We're sick of hearing your pity party about your daughter when you admitted you hadn't even seen her for three months prior to going on the show. I bet I'm right in thinking all of the other parents on the show saw their children up to the moment they left to go into the Habitrail. Truth be told, I liked the Lorne Malvo character better. He was more entertaining. Well, in a killer kind of way.

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of the Long Wait:
  • Amber is worried that if Hayden or Donny win HoH, she'll be put on the block.
  • She's right at least with Hayden.
  • Zach is still going with the "related to Amanda" ruse. That should be fun on the show!
  • Caleb told Frankie he plans to fast for the rest of the week (until the Have Nots can eat again). Amber thinks Caleb is a very picky eater.
  • I can understand that if he is. Tripe, anyone?
  • My dude Donny needs to watch out. Victoria and Zach have both mentioned him as a target.
  • In reality, I think Victoria is the next target the house on the whole will focus upon.
  • Victoria might think she and Nicole are really close, but Nicole doesn't think the same way. She likes Hayden, Christine and Donny the best.
  • Nicole still feels horrible about putting Donny on the block although Donny seems so over it.
  • Zach would like to see Frankie gone because he's playing a much better game.
  • I'm not sure about that. Yeah, everybody likes Frankie -- he's entertaining. But most are getting to the point where they know he can't be trusted.
  • Devin told Caleb he felt he had to campaign to stay, but he didn't badmouth Caleb to sway the vote.
  • He's being honest about that. He hasn't badmouthed Caleb, just went on and on and on and on about himself, thus putting the other hamsters in a trance.
  • Hmm. Now, this is disturbing. Nicole and Christine (super-allies) pinky-sweared that they will vote out Caleb. This would create distrust in the house and others would think it was Donny and Jocasta with the odd votes.
  • Hmm.
  • Caleb is still jealous that Cody spends so much time with Amber.
  • That's HIS girl, don'tchaknow!
  • Who are the tightest couples in the house right now? I'd say either Derrick/Cody or Nicole/Hayden or Nicole/Christine. I'd add Donny and Jocasta in there, but Donny seems to be playing a very solo game. You can't always read him, but know he sees everything.
  • Devin, alone in the Have Not room with Caleb, told him he knows that he's going home and would have no reason to lie to him -- "Amber is bad for your game, dude."
  • Truer words were never spoken.
  • Surprising many, Zach admitted to watching BB2 and liking Dr. Will. Since he at times can look a bit like Will with even funkier hair and it's evident that at times he's trying to model his game after him a bit ... I don't know why they're surprised.
  • Derrick, Zach, Cody, Christine and Frankie have a new alliance name -- The Detonators.
  • Dang, they're almost all still up!
  • But I'm fading.
Hanging out in HoH

Reminiscent of Bob & Carol, Ted & Alice

Shut up about Amber, Caleb.

Admits to watching season 2 with Dr. Will

Frog talk

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds Tuesday daytime - July 15


Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Happening Hepcats:
  • Okay, I lied. They are neither happening, nor hepcats.
  • Devin and slop aren't getting along too well together.
  • Derrick and Cody are bonding even more despite the Crankie photo above.
  • Derrick is thinking of Donny as more and more of a threat to his game.
  • As he should.
  • If nothing else, Donny is very observant.
  • He pointed out to Jocasta that Derrick is the ringleader and the smarter of the bunch.
  • In separate the separate conversations about not trusting each other, both Derrick and Donny followed up with, "But, I like him."
  • Victoria curled Hayden's hair. I think the girls are having a love affair with his hair!
  • Devin is still campaigning to stay (after he said he wouldn't).
  • When he talked to Cody, Cody outright told him that he (Devin) is much better at the game than is Caleb.
  • I don't know about that. He's definitely better in comps.
  • Neither are playing a good social game, but Caleb has the edge there.
  • Well, except for his creepy infatuation with Amber.
  • Cody, although Caleb has done some things which might irk him, won't go against the house.
  • At this point, anyone voting for Devin to stay will probably be targeted next because Devin is so whack.
  • Devin also tried to work on Donny for the vote.
  • Donny nodded a lot and then told Devin he hopes he hears applause from the audience when he (Devin) leaves, not boos.
  • I'd say that was pretty telling!
  • He hit up Brittany next.
  • No go there, either.
  • "But I only need SIX votes!"
  • Derrick got the HoH camera and fun was had by all. The latest one even takes photos underwater.
  • Jocasta, Brittany and Donny discussed Devin's campaigning. They all think he has some good points as he's up with Caleb, no angel himself.
  • But they all think he has to go.
  • Brittany and Derrick are having a way long talk in HoH.
  • Now they seem to be bonding, too.
  • Not in a Devin/Brittany kind of way.

"There's the ringleader, Derrick."

Now Hayden is doing fluffy

Killing ants?

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds Monday night into Tuesday - July 15

Ready to go home?

What's been happening in that Big Brother House of Harmony? Here's the latest:
  • House of Harmony?
  • Yep, it's rather easy sailing with the Devin plan in place; most are taking a break from any heavy duty scheming.
  • After saying he won't campaign to stay, Devin's been campaigning to stay.
  • But I don't think anyone is being swayed.
  • Frankie talked about people not liking each other. He continues to try to plant seeds that might work against him in the long run.
  • Zach is still claiming that Victoria has no reason to be in the house and has no clue what she's doing.
  • Derrick and Cody talked about how worried Caleb gets every time Amber is talking to Cody.
  • He's still in unrequited love.
  • @@ 
  • The Hayden/Nicole sweet little flirty showmance continues. I doubt we'll ever see any real action, though. Good.
  • The Zach taking the Team America rumor about him and running with it is the most hilarious thing ever so far this season!
  • Everyone is talking about it and he's playing right into it.
  • It should be funny when they compile it for the show.
  • That's about it.

Amber doesn't look excited

While Victoria studies her mug

What? No bowtie?

Still a frog

Monday, July 14, 2014

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds Monday/PoV Meeting - July 14

I love it when a plan comes together

Yes, I do. I love it when a plan comes together although, as a hamster watcher, the other way can cause fun drama and perhaps a brouhaha! I like that, too. Entertain me, hamsters! Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Backdoors:
  • The big news, although nothing unexpected, is that the PoV meeting went down today.
  • As expected, Donny used the veto to save Jocasta.
  • Devin up.
  • Devin out (on Thursday).
  • They think it could very well be an 11-0 vote.
  • Derrick thinks it's what America wants.
  • Now Caleb just has to not do anything to irk everybody. As they've discussed, Caleb only did well in the first HoH comp. Devin, on the other hand, has won comps, plus has been >< THAT close to winning others.
  • Jocasta apparently made a speech which had Frankie and Derrick teary.
  • In other news, the Team America mission is underway more than they thought it would be.
  • Nicole, thinking it was a weird rumor to spread, went right to the source -- Zach.
  • When she asked him if he's Amanda's cousin, he admitted it.
  • Now, Team America didn't see that one coming!
  • Nicole doesn't know whether to believe him or not.
  • Victoria came by and said that PaoPao had told her as she left the house.
  • He laughed, admitted it, denied it, admitted it.
  • Heh. I think they're probably going to get the money for the mission, especially since Zach himself is having fun with the rumor and playing into it.
  • Devin says that he's not going to campaign.
  • He probably realizes that resistance is futile.
  • He says he'll enjoy his time left in the house.
  • Um. Good.

So ... are you Amanda's cousin

Yes, I am. Who told you? No, I'm not.

Why would Pao tell us you're Amanda's cousin?

Jocasta is safe once again

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds Sunday into Monday - July 14

Jocasta sends love

No, I didn't post an update last night. Why? Because they did practically nothing but lay around all day! Sheesh! Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of the Doldrums:
  • Neither Zach nor Cody will have any issue cutting out Frankie when they feel the time is right.
  • They talked about how the live feeds work. It's amazing so many in the house really have no clue about it.
  • Donny worked on the Team America mission more with Nicole.
  • Derrick worked on it with Caleb.
  • It seems a lot tougher than they originally thought!
  • There were some murmurs about Caleb possibly being voted out.
  • I think it's your basic paranoia.
  • Everybody does want Devin out.
  • But they second-guessing things, probably because the plan went down so neatly thus far.
  • The photo booth opened once again.
  • Once again, they made idiots out of themselves with said photo booth.
  • 4, 3, 2, ONE.
  • Amber and Christine talked about how dangerous it is to keep Donny in the game. They think he'll have to be backdoored because he keeps winning veto.
  • Um. Okay. There have been two veto comps. Caleb deliberately slowed down in the latest to throw it.
  • Unfortunately, I can't blame the girls for thinking Donny will need to go. If he can get to the final two, he'd be a cinch to win.
  • On the other hand, both girls really adore Cody.
  • Frankie and Victoria have become major cuddle buddies.
  • Donny is trying to avoid Devin because Devin is trying once again to be buddy-buddy like in the beginning with the Double D alliance.
  • There were people outside the yard shouting to the hamsters which forced an indoor lockdown.
  • Ah, memories of Miss Kitty with the megaphone and strangers throwing candy over the fence! Er, that was the first couple of seasons!
  • Zach ate too many cookies. He thinks he ate around 30 of them.
  • Yep, just a little boy at heart!
  • The yearly BB ants have returned to the kitchen in force.
  • Nicole and Hayden continue to fun flirt. It kind of reminds me of Jordan and Jeff -- I doubt we'll see hanky-panky under the covers.
  • Not that Hayden wouldn't mind having hanky-panky under the covers.
  • Zach said he had over 25 sexual partners.
  • @@
  • That right there would be reason NOT to hook up with Zach, I say!
  • Christine is worried that she might be compared to Jenn City due to the tattoos.
  • Nope, don't see that. Not at all.
  • I don't expect any surprises with the PoV meeting later today. Donny should use the veto to save Jocasta, Devin goes up in her place.
  • All of this means another three days of doldrums.
  • Devin has been trying to be a part of things, not going bizarre or anything. 
  • Derrick is a bit worried because Devin seems to have accepted that it's his fate to leave Thursday.

Hayden saved Britney from being a Have Not

Frog flirting

Christine hangs out in the yard

Now he has a pink scarf

Fun with the photo, 4, 3, 2, 1