Monday, August 04, 2014

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds Power of Veto Meeting Results - August 4

Donny can swim the rest of the week

Christine did NOT use the Power of Veto to save either nominee. It sounds like it will most likely be Zach going out the door on Thursday. Well, he'll be followed by someone, but he doesn't know that. (Double eviction!)

Still on the block

Still on the block

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds late Sunday into Monday - August 4

Girl talk and Hayden

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Friend or Foe:
  • Victoria and Caleb were allowed to shed the vine that binds them.
  • Oh. And they could put clothes on again, too.
  • But Caleb's hair is still gone. Too bad. I guess he'll lose that possible modeling contract!
  • Christine told Nicole that she thinks Cody is SO attractive. No wonder she's all over him. Doesn't she have a husband at home?
  • Victoria told Cody since she was chained to Caleb for 48 hours, she hasn't a clue what's going on in the house.
  • Cody told her that although he's a bit skeptical of Donny, he likes him -- but there are others in the house playing everyone.
  • I say, "Well, that's Big Brother for you."
  • Cody also told her he thinks Christine and Nicole are working together and have a backdoor plan.
  • Caleb fussed about being on slop. He's stopped fussing about his hair (or lack thereof) and has embraced that. After all, he's so good-looking that it looks good on him.
  • Cough.
  • Victoria said she would have rather have been attached to Cody.
  • Wouldn't we all?
  • Derrick reassured Victoria of his final two deal with her.
  • Say what?
  • Dang, he better watch that stuff!
  • Although, that said, Victoria doesn't really talk game with others so much and most won't talk game with her. So this pseudo-deal might remain quiet.
  • Derrick told Victoria that Christine can read lips, so he keeps a pillow near his face. Now, I know she knows sign language, but lip-reading is a whole 'nuther thing!
  • He also told her that Christine is playing the old BB game of planting seeds to make people doubt each other.
  • And that differs from what he's doing?
  • Derrick, Nicole and Hayden think that Christine might be a saboteur.
  • @@
  • Nope, she's just slimy.
  • Now the consensus seems to be that Zach indeed will be going home this week, not Jocasta.
  • Caleb misses Amber.
  • I bet Amber does NOT miss Caleb!
  • The guys are finally catching onto Christine and her lies, seed planting and attempted world domination.
  • They're not happy.
  • They think she'll really try for the next HoH.
  • They think it's probably a double eviction this week since it didn't happen last week.
  • They're right.

Are her days numbered?

Boy talk and Hayden

So ... we're being played?

But she's not all over him, Christine.

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds Sunday into the evening - August 3

Is the house that cold?

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Waiting on the PoV Meeting:
  • BB Voice is getting really upset with the hamsters sleeping in.
  • Well, they let them stay up all night. What do they expect?
  • Donny is the only one who goes to bed at a reasonable hour and gets up "early." It's not really early in my book, but for the house it is!
  • Caleb and Victoria slept in the HoH bed with Nicole, thus ruining her sleep as Victoria tried to be as far from Caleb as she could.
  • I think BB Voice is getting bored. He actually reminded Frankie to wash his hands after going to the bathroom.
  • No hamster wants to be known for not washing his hands. I can't recall offhand the season number he was on, but I remember Jerry didn't wash his hands!
  • BB Voice started calling out individual hamsters by name for not getting up.
  • Heh. Welcome to boot camp, hamsters!
  • Nicole once again told Donny she won't put him up. She thinks that Christine won't use the veto and it will be Jocasta going home this week. She thinks that Christine is lying to her when she says the votes are for Zach to go.
  • Sadly, Nicole thinks her HoH will be a waste if Jocasta goes. She also thinks she'll be targeted next.
  • Donny suggested she lie to Christine and tell her that she wants to put Donny up as a replacement nom, then put Frankie up instead.
  • Donny told her that he would vote whatever she and Hayden decide.
  • Hayden told Nicole that Frankie talked to him about how to get Nicole on board to keep Zach.
  • They had the photo booth. The thrill seems to be gone, 4,3,2,ONE.
  • Christine, during a major flirt-fest with Cody, told him that Zach is going around telling people that Frankie goes around telling everything everyone says.
  • Christine told Hayden that Zach mentioned his name as a target before, but she and Frankie talked him out of it.
  • Um. I thought she was working on keeping Zach in the house!
  • Christine told Nicole that she thought Frankie was working with the boys.
  • Hmm.
  • Yet she then said they need to work on getting more votes to keep him.
  • Curiouser and curiouser.
  • Frankie told Nicole that if they keep Zach, his target will be Caleb, not her.
  • Poor Nicole.
  • She's getting it from all sides.
  • And she doesn't even have a vote this week!
  • The only move she can make at this point is if Christine uses the veto.
  • Nicole told Cody that if Christine uses the veto, she'll put Frankie on the block.
  • Cody warned her (as many have before) that anything she says to Christine will get back to Frankie.
  • As it stands, it doesn't look like Christine will use the veto.
  • But now it's looking a bit more like it might be a toss-up who leaves.
  • I'd prefer as a viewer that Jocasta go. But if I were in the house, I might think getting Zach gone a wiser game move.
  • We'll see.

Duck-facing in the photo booth

A thrill a minute in the BB16 house

Will she able to pull off a major move?

Adam and Eve are shedding leaves

He's growing used to the haircut

Cody can cook in my kitchen any day!

Sunday, August 03, 2014

Big Brother 16: HoH Conclusion, Nominations, BOB Show Blog Party - August 3

Big Brother summer on Make A Gif

Tonight's episode better not have worthless filler! We get to see the end of the HoH comp, nominations, Battle of the Block and all kinds of scheming! As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest news!

As always, the real party is down in the comments area -- come join in on the fun!

Nicole and Donny won the HoH comp in a tiebreaker.

Zach thinks he's using reverse psychology when he offers to Nicole to go up on the block. He doesn't think Nicole and Donny can work together. This is after they already talked about wanting to work together. Derrick lies to Nicole and tells her he would be on board to a backdoor Frankie plan.

Who wants to see my HoH room?

Caleb doesn't want to be nominated by Donny even though he nominated Donny in the past. Caleb says that if does put him on the block, he wants to be with another strong player, not someone like Victoria.

Donny tell both Derrick and Frankie he won't nominate them. Derrick wants Donny to put up losing players for the BOB so he will remain HoH.

Talking to Nicole and Hayden, he talks of putting up Caleb and Victoria. Nicole talks of putting up Zach and Jocasta with a backdoor plan of Frankie. Now, Donny won't put him up, but his eyes lit up at the thought of Nicole backdooring him!

Nominations today -- Nicole wants to shake the house up. Good. Nicole nominates Jocasta, then Zach.  Jocasta, game move, love you, sorry. Nicole says Zach isn't a super villain. Donny nominates Caleb, then Victoria. Caleb put him up. We are square if you survive. Victoria, sorry but your blood is on many hands, now mine.

BOB time - Christine hosts. It's all kids toys. Donny and Nicole over dunking pools. It involves dominoes. They have to do the punishments they knock over. Domino Effect. Even if you win, you lose. You have to knock down three punishments. Caleb doesn't want to shave his head, but that looks like the most direct route.

Donny gets dunked and dethroned ... Caleb and Victoria win! Shave head, on slop for two weeks, Adam and Eve fig leaf bathing suits and tethered by a fig leaf vine for 48 hours.

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds Late Saturday Night into Sunday - August 3

I hope Donny can continue to smile

Well, Christine winning the PoV isn't really the best case scenario. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Who Knows What She'll Do:
  • First, I need to get this off my chest. It's really bugging me to PAY for live feeds and have constant blockage when comps are on while the FREE (included in cable, etc.) TVGN at least shows the hamsters not in the comp locked up in the HoH room. Sure, I have them both. But I specifically PAY for the live feeds and feel that if any live feed content is offered, it should be on the actual live feeds if it's on TVGN.
  • <./ rant over>
  • Caleb and Victoria had a brief escape from their forced Adam and Eve togetherness for the comp.
  • But it was only brief. They're stuck together by the vine once again.
  • The comp sounds like it was fun for them. It was one of the ones they do individually, something to do with a zip line, trampoline and videos/pictures puzzles.
  • Nicole lost to Christine by only 30 seconds.
  • Victoria came in at the slowest. (And someone was REALLY slow if the comp took so long!)
  • Zach said he tried to quit three times and threw puzzle pieces at the camera.
  • For all his bravado, he apparently totally sucked at the comp.
  • He was the worst one other than Victoria.
  • Huh. Donny collects comic books. That makes him even more interesting in my eyes.
  • Of course, Caleb had to burst in with how his brother owns one of the first Superman comics.
  • I bet not. Those things are worth more than any of those immensely good-looking and popular Reynolds boys (just ask Caleb) could ever afford.
  • How did this come up? The comp was based on comics. They all seemed pretty impressed with it.
  • Christine quickly hung up the PoV necklace claiming it was heavy.
  • And she thinks she would do fantastic in an endurance comp?
  • Sheesh.
  • Cody and Derrick told Zach to work on getting Nicole's favor, telling her he won't target her, and staying as close as he can with Christine. They told him they're worried Christine might use the veto to save Jocasta.
  • Now Derrick and Cody seem to be faltering with their Hayden/Nicole alliance and thinking of working with Christine/Frankie.
  • Geez. Pick a darn alliance and stick with it, boys!
  • Their rationale (not the new alliance name, but the noun) is that while they know both Christine and Frankie are backstabbing them, they're higher on that alliance list than they would be trying to get numbers aligned with Nicole and Hayden. Cody think Donny would nominate him while, for some reason (heh), Derrick thinks that he himself is pretty safe with Donny. They're thinking of using the larger alliance until they need them no more.
  • Christine told Derrick and Cody that she isn't planning to use the veto and she wants Zach to stay.
  • I say, "So, save him with the veto!"
  • Caleb, that most desirable bachelor in town, asks his dates to dinner at Taco Bell.
  • @@
  • He also thinks he'll get more dates due to being on the show. Alas, he's probably right. There are some stupid women out there.
  • Zach kept practicing and revising his speech for the eviction plea.
  • I think he ought to work on his plea to get saved by the veto!
  • For all of his joking around, it turns out Zach spent hours researching at the library on what works and what doesn't for the casting call.
  • Yet others get stopped on the street. Go figure.
  • Nicole told Derrick that she's heard that Christine won't be using the PoV (through the grapevine -- not to be confused with what's tethering Adam and Eve together). If she does use it, Nicole still plans to put Frankie on the block.
  • Oh, that would be nice!
  • She said she's definitely NOT going to put Donny up. Good.
  • Christine keeps telling Zach she does want him out, but that's not what she's saying to everyone else.
  • That's about it for now. It's a LONG time before the PoV ceremony tomorrow!
Zach's fate may be in her hands

Not as cray-cray now

A gathering

The best-looking guy in his town

Really wants to be detached from Caleb

Might be in serious danger of eviction