Wednesday, August 06, 2014

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds Wednesday into the evening - August 6

Amber should have put itching powder in 'em

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of I've Been Through the Desert on an Alliance With No Name:
  • Donny and Nicole discussed Zach. Nicole says Zach really thinks he's staying.
  • He's not.
  • Donny thinks he's entertaining, but a liability.
  • Spot on.
  • Donny would like to get Caleb on their side. But Nicole thinks that Caleb won't stray from wanting the "four outsiders" out.
  • I think she's right.
  • They agreed they have the same people they don't trust: Christine, Frankie and Derrick.
  • Now, that's a shame because it's the other two Team America members and he doesn't feel he can trust them.
  • Alas, he can't. Nor can they really trust him.
  • Hayden told Donnie the others are trying to go for a tie with the vote and blame the other side.
  • @@
  • Heck, if you want him out, just vote him out! 
  • Frankie and Christine laughed because Zach had jokingly said he better not be blindsided.
  • Make her stop laughing. It hurts my head.
  • A good portion of the day was boring small talk. I heard about traffic tickets and tattoos much more than I really needed to -- they themselves think they've run out of (non-game) things to talk about.
  • They later talked about the ocean and sea creatures.
  • Oh. And Komodo Dragons.
  • Christine and Nicole talked of blindsiding Caleb ... one of these days.
  • Hayden warned Jocasta not to listen to or trust Christine.
  • She knows. She may suck as a competitor in the house, but she's not dumb.
  • There was some sort of kerfuffle in the yard and yelling off camera. We got fish.
  • When the feeds came back on, Derrick was in a heated discussion with Victoria, something about defending her from Zach and she was saying she didn't need him to defend her the next time.
  • Hmm.
  • Not sure what that was all about. 
  • Most of the guys played paper football in the living room.
  • Then ... WHAM ... we get the highlights taped Jeff sessions.
  • I thought it might be a briefing on a comp (yeah, they do that sometimes), but it's gone on too long. Maybe it's the halfway party.
  • I never thought I'd say this ... but I miss the trivia.

Lost in thought

Jocasta is looking really tired

Hayden subdued? Only for a moment!

Will he go out with a bang?

Big Brother 16: Power of Veto Comp, PoV Meeting Show Blog Party - August 6

Big Brother summer on Make A Gif

Good evening! Welcome to the party! Before we get started, I want to give a heads up to those who view the show in the WCBS 2 (NYC) viewing area. Tomorrow night, channel 2 is having preseason football on and BB isn't scheduled until about 2:15ish in the morning. Oy! However, if you're like me and your cable (whatever) company carries its sister station, WLNY 10/55, they'll be airing the entire CBS primetime block in its correct time. I guess I'll be watching WLNY! Other areas might also have programming issues, but I can only speak for this area because it's my stations involved.

As the show airs tonight, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest. But, as you might very well know ... the real party is in the comments area. Come join us!

Caleb is whining about the shaved head bit, eating slop bit and being "chained" to Victoria bit. Nicole still wants to backdoor Frankie.

Derrick plans to get "on board" with the alliance with Cody, Hayden and Nicole. Is there anyone besides Donny he's not in an alliance with?

Christine is worried about her relationship with Nicole. She wants Zach out. She tells Nicole that she could put Derrick or Cody up if Zach wins veto. She also lied to Nicole about Victoria and Hayden making out. She tells Cody who tells Derrick. Oh ... first she told Hayden!

PoV players pick time -- Nicole draws Caleb, Zach draws Christine, Jocasta draws Victoria.

Veto comp time. Caleb and Victoria can de-Adam and Eve for it. It's a one at a time comp. 16 new superhero comics, zipline through gallery, select posters matching the BB Comic collection wall and set them up. Oh, this is fun to watch! I wonder who did the artwork?

Caleb said he'd buy millions of "prescriptions" to the Amber Femme Fatale comic. Victoria ran out of time on her timer. Zach royally screws up and throws a temper tantrum, throwing the comic covers until he finally realizes that he messed up the order of Donny and Victoria.

Nicole 12m29s
Caleb 15m48s
Victoria max out 35 minutes
Jocasta 14m39s
Christine 11m50s
Zach 26m17s

That's minutes and seconds if it's not clear. Christine won over Nicole by 30 seconds. She's thrilled. She wants Zach to go home. Meanwhile, Zach thinks she might save him. Yeah, right.

Hayden tells Nicole that Christine is a squid. That's perfect. Nicole still wants to backdoor Frankie. Zach has no clue Christine wants him out.

Veto meeting time:
Zach: Grasshopper walks into a bar. We have a drink named after you. You have drink named BILL?
Jocasta: No hard feelings if you don't use it on me.

Christine does NOT use the veto to save anyone.

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds Tuesday into Wednesday - August 6

Talking sex, oh my!

Here's what's been happening yesterday and in the overnight hours into today in that Big Brother House of Let's Move It Along, I'm Bored:
  • The Hitmen (Derrick and Cody) might be the strongest two allies in the house that no one really realizes.
  • In their final three dreams, they're with Caleb or one of the weaker girls (Jocasta or Victoria) and they knock the third out easily in the comps.
  • Cody and Derrick both think Donny is "getting lost in the game" and the focus is off of him ... for now.
  • They know they do not want to be against him in the end.
  • Donny is probably exercising more than he ever has in his life. All of the more buff kind of young guys aren't going through the physical routines Donny does early in the morning before most are up.
  • Nicole says she was on a lot of caffeine when she applied to BB online. She leads such a wild life as we all can tell!
  • Aha! Aha! It's not just me who's creeped out by Christine all over Cody! Hayden is, too! He, like me, thinks it's inappropriate for a married woman even though Cody tends to massage, etc. all of the women.
  • Hayden mentioned it to Donny in the daytime, and then to Derrick and Nicole later on.
  • I guess it irks him as much as it irks me.
  • I wonder her husband's take on it ...
  • Victoria plucked Hayden's eyebrows and nose hairs.
  • No, I didn't take screen caps of that.
  • Nicole got her HoH camera and, unlike Frankie, didn't have to be in every photo she took.
  • Caleb fussed about a swollen gland in his chest, talked of his ex-girlfriend (a down home country gal who chewed tobacco) and has now decided to embrace his very, very short hair.
  • He still feels the need to mention Amber now and then, as well as wear the bunny slippers he stole and hid from her.
  • Meanwhile, Nicole is starting to embrace her descriptor "Froot Loop Dingus." She says she used a hashtag with it for her Twitter tweet.
  • Christine is bugged about Victoria. She calls her the "ultimate floater." That's mainly because Victoria won't tell her who she's voting for.
  • Ever think it just might be YOU she's not telling, Christine?
  • Victoria doesn't talk game at all to Christine.
  • I wouldn't, either. She skeeves me out.
  • Hayden thinks Caleb is the only one who wants to get Victoria out of the house. I personally think Christine does, too. But I think Christine wants Donny out a heck of a lot more.
  • All of them think this will probably be a double eviction week because it was this time last season.
  • They're right. But are they ready for it?
  • Victoria said the the Diary Room always comments on how nice she looks. Christine says they never say that to her.
  • I wonder why?
  • Heehee.
  • I'm evil. I know. BUT SHE SKEEVES ME OUT!
  • In game talk, Frankie told Christine he would never put Donny up.
  • Good.
  • He didn't explain why, though. Also good.
  • I have the feeling that any of the three Team America allies wouldn't mind if another goes, but none will put each other on the block.
  • Especially now that numbers will make the double HoH bit rough and there would be less of a chance of a nominee getting off the block.
  • Christine told Frankie that Jocasta is a floater. Frankie agreed, but said it's good to have her in the house as she could always be put on the block.
  • Well, that seems to be the plan so far, I guess. I think she's been at least initially on the block almost every week!
  • Victoria talked about an Ariana Grande song with Jocasta. She wants the song 'Problem' to play for wake up music. (I guess that's an Ariana Grande song. Don't ask me. I'm oblivious to her.) But neither made the connection with Frankie.
  • Later in the evening, Derrick jokingly said he was a doctor. Frankie insisted he's a cop. Frankie's right, but no one realizes it.
  • Victoria told Nicole that Christine said that Hayden wants to keep Zach.
  • So not true.
  • Christine's lies are catching up to her.
  • Hayden's latest game is Catch Christine Lying.
  • Heh.
  • There is fear that Zach will blow up, er ... detonate, the Detonaters when he's voted out.
  • Hey, it's Zach for gosh sake. Just say he's lying and trying to stir the pot just one last time!
  • Hayden told Cody and Nicole that Donny finally admitted his targets are (in this order) -- Caleb, Frankie, Christine and Derrick.
  • If I were him, I'd rearrange the first three on the list a bit. I'd make it Christine (because she's slimy and very manipulative), Frankie, then Caleb as he's grown so ineffective in the game and can be easily manipulated.
  • Frankie hates the cold in the Have Not room and eating slop.
  • Aw, poor guy.
  • Hayden told Victoria not to trust Frankie or Christine. He's preaching to the choir with that tidbit. She told him she hasn't trusted Frankie since week one and hasn't trusted Christine since she lied to Nicole about her (Victoria) and Hayden making out. (They didn't.)
  • Nicole, Derrick and Hayden talked about all the lies Christine's been passing through the house.
  • Aw, Hayden and Nicole had a kissing session.
  • But I bet we'll never see more than that!
  • Cody told Victoria he doesn't trust Christine any more.
  • Well, duh.
  • Victoria told Cody that Christine told her that the all guy alliance will be voting out Jocasta.
  • Cody didn't speak for the others, but told Christine that it's a lie and he's planning on voting out Zach.
  • Although there's been a lot of talk about a 4-4 tie on the vote with Nicole casting the final vote to boot Zach, it seems like just about everyone is committed to vote him out. It just very well be another unanimous vote, I think.
  • But I could be wrong. Or someone may cast a hinky vote.

Not talking sex

For her husband, Tim

Cuddle while you can, Zankie

Hayden needs to be careful

At least Nicole doesn't have a husband

What? No women on him?

No, I don't wear a lot of makeup

Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds Monday night into Tuesday - August 5

Shh ... secret Derrick/Cody meeting

Here's the latest from the late night hours in that Big Brother House of Insomniacs by Night, Sleepers by Day:
  • Sigh. 
  • Now Derrick and Cody are back to working with Frankie and Christine (although not as much the latter).
  • They decided that Zach is the one who's been playing them against each other.
  • Frankie claims he never wanted to target Cody next. It was a Zach lie.
  • It's back to looking like Zach is the definite one to go this week.
  • We'll see how long that lasts.
  • Derrick is still working his magic throughout the house.
  • If the game ended right now, I feel I'd have to declare him the winner.
  • But it's not ending right now.
  • The finale is set for September 24.
  • The hamsters don't know that.
  • Victoria was just saying earlier that she has to fly home by September 23 for Rosh Hashanah.
  • Did I spell that right?

Sigh, they're back on the same page

Hands down, best player in the house

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds Monday into the evening - August 4

Still has Amber's bunny slippers

What's the buzz, tell me whatsa happenin' -- here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of It's Complicated:
  • Frankie is having serious digestive issues with his slop week fare. He's a vegan, but hasn't really been sticking to it in the house. Now with the slop, he's running to the bathroom a lot.
  • Aw, poor guy.
  • Jocasta cried ... again.
  • I shouldn't knock the crying. I'd probably bawl and hit the panic button to get out after a single day in the habitrail!
  • The biggest news of the evening is that Hayden and Donny had a long, long strategy talk. I'm liking those two together. The more I see of Hayden, the more I like the kid. He is playing a very smart game without making major moves ... yet.
  • Nicole, Hayden and Donny intend on voting out Zach as they consider Jocasta a number for "their side" and someone to go first.
  • Donny and Hayden think Frankie has Christine do his dirty work and they both use Caleb. So, they would love to target Zach because that will weaken Frankie. Once Zach is gone, it's a toss-up between Christine and Frankie with Christine possibly being the more "dangerous" person. They pretty much dismiss any gameplaying strategy of Caleb's other than dedicated to the original eight until he dies.
  • Hayden trusts Cody, but Donny isn't quite there yet.
  • Both would like Derrick on their side, but don't really know where he stands. They think he was the ringleader a few weeks back (he was) and now he seems to have stepped down (he has).
  • Both Donny and Hayden think they can count on Victoria moreso than Jocasta in the long run.
  • But she's not in their inner circle.
  • Hayden thinks Christine is a plant in the house.
  • What? A cactus? A Venus Fly Trap? Poison ivy?
  • Speaking of Christine, she's been flirting all over Cody once again. Now she thinks he "eats cute." I'm tired of her hanging onto him. Sure, Cody flirts right on back. But he flirts with every girl! She's supposed to be married. Ew.
  • Hayden wants to know why he doesn't eat cute.
  • I think he eats just as cute as Cody. Neither chew with their mouths open.
  • Caleb fussed that the girls never clean in the kitchen. So, they did and he supervised them while wearing Amber's bunny slippers.
  • Perhaps the essence of Amber transfers via osmosis into his body and invigorates him.
  • Oh noes! I used the word "osmosis" in a sentence with proper context! I must be a biology professor or a scientist!
  • Zach talked with himself, trying to convince himself that winning is the only option he has.
  • Good luck with that one, kid. 
  • Cody and Derrick are growing increasingly skeptical of Frankie and Christine. Are they bad-talking them as a cover for working with them or have Christine/Frankie drifted from the fold?
  • Derrick and Frankie think they should keep Zach in the house solely to use him as their go-for in Team America missions.
  • So, there's your brilliant game, Zach. You're down to the fool used for the missions of others.
  • That said, I'd prefer Zach stay this week for my own entertainment reasons. Jocasta doesn't entertain me. When she goes off on the nightly prayers, I have to turn to another cam. 
  • Uh-oh. Now Derrick and Frankie are talking if they smooth things over with Cody, they might have to keep Zach this week.
  • Dang, we won't really know until the eviction goes down. But I think it's still more likely Zach will go.
  • In the Boys Will Be Boys Department: Caleb found a huge dead moth and scared the girls with it.
  • That's where we stand for now. 
  • Oh! The online voting is up for feedsters -- I voted for peanut butter and jellyfish over beetloaf.

I'm not just a goofy guy

Donny and Hayden talk strategy

The pears are a cover

Is it bye-bye Zach?

Boys will be boys