Two weeks of Big Brother in one night! It's the live double eviction! As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest!
But, first ... come join the party in the comments!
Julie tells us that both Zach and Jocasta rested easy. Frankie got suspicious of Derrick who then needs to do damage control. Derrick tells Frankie that they might have to send Zach home. Now Derrick's trying to convince Caleb. Caleb can only think that Zach is a number. Now Derrick is thinking once again. "Zach might be a snake, but he's my snake."
Cody runs and tells Christine that Hayden and Nicole wanted to backdoor Frankie. Then he tells Frankie. Oh, let's keep Zach! (When they know Nicole and Hayden want Zach out._
Julie tells them the double HoH twist is dead for the night, it's a double eviction. Tonight's evictees will go to jury and ... just because they're out of the house, it doesn't mean they're out of the game.
Jocasta talks a lot about God and Jesus.
Zach does his planned poem.
The live vote to evict:
Donny -- Zach
Caleb -- Jocasta
Christine -- Jocasta
Derrick -- Jocasta
Cody -- Jocasta
Hayden -- Zach
Frankie -- Jocasta
Victoria -- Jocasta
Jocasta is out and Zach stays ...
The HoH is a more than, less than, or exactly Q&A.
First round -- only Caleb, Christine and Zach are left playing!
Second round -- Zach out.
Third round -- Christine out.
CALEB wins HoH. Yikes!
Live nominations to begin ... Caleb nominates Hayden and Donny.
Team America Mission choices - Evict someone by convincing them to volunteer as a pawn or each TA member make a side alliance with the person they least trust in the house.
Zach, Victoria and Christine will play for PoV. Best of Duck. It's like the clown shoe comp -- bring three ducks one at a time from huge bin of balls.
Donny has won the Power of Veto!!!
Veto meeting -- Donny saves himself. Caleb puts Nicole on the block with Hayden.
The live vote --
Hayden -- Frankie and Christine planted seeds
Nicole -- Frankie and Christine again, people playing super sneaky
The vote to evict --
Cody -- Nicole
Christine -- Hayden
Derrick -- Hayden
Donny -- Nicole
Frankie -- Hayden
Zach -- Hayden
Victoria -- Hayden
Hayden is the second member of the jury.
They will air the two new HOH comp (yes, back to HOH duos and BOB) on Sunday's show. But we'll know before then! It will probably go down tonight and I'll put up a separate post for it.