Friday, August 08, 2014

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds into Friday - August 8

A new and quieter Zach?

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Up All Night:
  • As you know from my previous post, Christine and Nicole won the two HoH spots.
  • Zach modified his behavior.
  • He even composed a "love poem" to Nicole which made her laugh.
  • Zach told Nicole he really didn't want to evict her -- he wanted Hayden out because he was a very strong competitor.
  • Donny admitted that he was one of the two votes to evict Nicole.
  • But she doesn't know the second was Cody.
  • We know that.
  • Caleb got his HoH basket and letter from his mother. She told him to be humble and don't boast so much.
  • A little too late for the latter advice.
  • Christine and Nicole agreed that neither would backdoor the other.
  • Frankie admitted to Nicole and Christine he was also working with the other side of the house.
  • Then he claimed to be loyal to Christine from the beginning, suggesting she put either Derrick/Cody or Zach on the block with Caleb.
  • Frankie wants a five person team (alliance?) with himself, Christine, Nicole, Donny and Victoria.
  • Nicole is worried he'd just flip once again.
  • Frankie is doing pretty much what Derrick told Cody and Zach he would do -- running to the other side.
  • Nicole doesn't trust Cody.
  • Obviously, she shouldn't.
  • Nicole thinks that Victoria will be the last girl left in the house if they don't do something about it.
  • The names they seem to prefer for nominations keep coming down to Victoria, Caleb, Donny and Zach.
  • Nicole would nominate Victoria and Caleb; Christine would nominate Donny and Zach.
  • Meanwhile, Caleb's going around saying if anyone puts him on the block, he'll be getting off the block and coming after them.
  • Nicole told Zach he's not her target and she wants to work with him.
  • She told him how the plan was to vote him out.
  • He's upset that it went that far and his own boys were planning to evict him.
  • Christine is thinking that she might put Derrick up instead of Zach because she knows Derrick is more done with her.
  • Nicole told Caleb if she puts him up, he's not her target and, if it came to it, she would save him with the veto.
  • Zach told Nicole ALL about the Detonators after she said that Frankie/Christine said it was just formed a few days ago.
  • He told her that Frankie is "dead to me now."
  • Nicole told Zach about the Rationale.
  • They agree not to trust any of them anymore and they will work together -- Nicole and Zach.
  • Cody wants Christine to end up on the block.
  • Zach says he's going to play Frankie much like he was played by Frankie.
  • He would love to go on the block with Frankie, throw the BOB and have Frankie voted out.
  • Meanwhile, Frankie got the Team America mission and shared it with Derrick, then Donny.
  • The one chosen was to get someone to volunteer as a pawn and then vote that person out.
  • They keep thinking Caleb.


Keeping distance between them?

Nicole was telling the truth!

What's going to happen next?

Frankie tells Derrick of the TA mission

Who wants to see my HoH room?

Big Brother 16: Duo HoH Winners Thursday Night After Show - August 7

Big Brother summer on Make A Gif

The live feeds we PAY for are still blocked.

But, Big Brother After Dark went from sending Caleb alone in the house to the comp being over.

Christine (ew) and Nicole (yay) won the two HoH positions.

Lots of people are worried.

And, although I have TVGN, I want to know why the live feeds we PAY for are still blocked!

Thursday, August 07, 2014

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds - Live Show Aftermath Thursday - August 7

Zach went back to callous idiot mode

Yikes, what a hot mess in that Big Brother house of Shout, Shout, Let It On Out:
  • When the feeds returned, Zach was being an idiot.
  • He was yelling about, namecalling and generally being a jerk to Nicole (who obviously doesn't need his harassment after all that just went down).
  • Nicole spilled the beans on all that went down during the week.
  • Interestingly enough, I didn't hear her specifically point out Derrick or Cody.
  • Hmm.
  • But she sure threw Frankie and Christine under the bus.
  • She was saying everyone was lying to her.
  • Nicole is in tears saying that she doesn't want to stay in the house with Zach picking on her all week.
  • So, who comforts her in the Beehive Room?
  • Christine.
  • I can understand that Nicole at this point is desperate for trust.
  • But, geez. Christine convinces her that she herself was lied about and makes everything sort of hunky-dory with Nicole.
  • Dang. I thought Derrick was the master manipulator.
  • Meanwhile, Caleb is shocked he won a math comp.
  • All the guys were talking (except Donny) to Zach about calming down and he needs to stop being mean to Nicole.
  • No, they want Nicole out. But they don't think she should be treated horribly.
  • Derrick convinced everyone that Hayden and Nicole played them.
  • Then, after Derrick and Frankie left the room with just Zach and Cody there, the Voice of Reason entered.
  • Yes ... CALEB, the Voice of Reason.
  • He told Zach and Cody that a lot of what Nicole has been saying (about people talking to her and steering her and who wants whom on the block) has a ring of truth in it and to beware ... of Frankie and Christine.
  • When Derrick came in, he said the same to him.
  • Oh, my. Then Derrick had to scramble a bit.
  • He's back in the Christine is betraying us mode.
  • Derrick told Victoria that they're golden -- neither of their names have come up in regard to nomination possibilities.
  • Derrick also told Donny that he was good with him and wants Team America to go on. He said he's not as sure about where Frankie is on the deal, though.
  • The boys told Victoria she passed the test (the vote).
  • But you and I know she's not really in with the in crowd. She's just a number for them now.
  • Talk spread throughout the house about not trusting Christine and, to a lesser extent, not trusting Frankie.
  • Zach was told he needs to shut up more.
  • Christine hung all over Cody again.
  • Nicole seems to have vanished to a bed.
  • Donny hurt his ankle in the comp -- they gave him three Advil and told him to ice and elevate it.
  • So he's resting now.
  • They haven't been told when to expect the HoH comp.
  • Derrick says it sounds like there are 100 people in beast mode building in the yard.
  • They're on indoor lockdown, of course.
  • And, they can't get into the HoH room.
  • Caleb hopes he'll at least get a letter. Now, in the past, the HoH in his spot gets a basket and letter, but no room.
  • He's also begging BB to give him a slop pass for winning HOH ... especially in a MATH comp!
  • Wait, now Nicole is packing up Hayden's bag.
  • Be strong, girl!
  • Things have calmed down since the feeds first returned.
  • So, I'll get this posted.

Derrick is trying to control the fallout

Donny has to ice his ankle

Nicole is in shock

Christine slimes Cody's shoulder

Victoria thinks she's in with the in crowd

What do I do now? Zach, leave me ALONE!

Zankie once again

Big Brother 16: Live Double Eviction Show / HOH - August 7

Big Brother summer on Make A Gif

Two weeks of Big Brother in one night! It's the live double eviction! As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest!

But, first ... come join the party in the comments!

Julie tells us that both Zach and Jocasta rested easy. Frankie got suspicious of Derrick who then needs to do damage control. Derrick tells Frankie that they might have to send Zach home. Now Derrick's trying to convince Caleb. Caleb can only think that Zach is a number. Now Derrick is thinking once again. "Zach might be a snake, but he's my snake."

Cody runs and tells Christine that Hayden and Nicole wanted to backdoor Frankie. Then he tells Frankie. Oh, let's keep Zach! (When they know Nicole and Hayden want Zach out._

Julie tells them the double HoH twist is dead for the night, it's a double eviction. Tonight's evictees will go to jury and ... just because they're out of the house, it doesn't mean they're out of the game.

Jocasta talks a lot about God and Jesus.
Zach does his planned poem.

The live vote to evict:
Donny -- Zach
Caleb -- Jocasta
Christine -- Jocasta
Derrick -- Jocasta
Cody -- Jocasta
Hayden -- Zach
Frankie -- Jocasta
Victoria -- Jocasta

Jocasta is out and Zach stays ...

The HoH is a more than, less than, or exactly Q&A.
First round -- only Caleb, Christine and Zach are left playing!
Second round -- Zach out.
Third round -- Christine out.

CALEB wins HoH. Yikes!

Live nominations to begin ... Caleb nominates Hayden and Donny.

Team America Mission choices - Evict someone by convincing them to volunteer as a pawn or each TA member make a side alliance with the person they least trust in the house.

Zach, Victoria and Christine will play for PoV. Best of Duck. It's like the clown shoe comp -- bring three ducks one at a time from huge bin of balls.

Donny has won the Power of Veto!!!

Veto meeting -- Donny saves himself. Caleb puts Nicole on the block with Hayden.

The live vote --
Hayden -- Frankie and Christine planted seeds
Nicole -- Frankie and Christine again, people playing super sneaky

The vote to evict --
Cody -- Nicole
Christine -- Hayden
Derrick -- Hayden
Donny -- Nicole
Frankie -- Hayden
Zach -- Hayden
Victoria -- Hayden

Hayden is the second member of the jury.

They will air the two new HOH comp (yes, back to HOH duos and BOB) on Sunday's show. But we'll know before then! It will probably go down tonight and I'll put up a separate post for it. 

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds into Thursday - August 7

Caleb is being filled in

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Topsy Turvy and Bunny Slippers:
  • The long feeds blockage last night was indeed the halfway party.
  • The Have Nots and Caleb/Victoria got to eat pizza with everyone else. So, now no one can whine (Caleb!) that they're starving to death heading into the comp(s) tonight.
  • They could also imbibe. Caleb apparently had a six-pack worth of beer.
  • Well, that's really smart for someone who's been complaining about stomach issues!
  • Zach finally went to the HoH room to talk with Nicole.
  • A bit late for that, I think.
  • He told her that she never was his target. She said he told her she was and put her on the block ... and that she even had a crush on him and why would she want him out if she didn't think she was his target?
  • Oh my.
  • She told him she knows he acts up for television, but her feelings were hurt.
  • She then told him since he came up to talk to her, now she thinks he'll stay.
  • Say WHAT?
  • Oh, there's more!
  • Now, the "big" alliance is back!
  • Derrick rallied the troops and they all think Nicole and Hayden have been playing them against each other.
  • You heard me.
  • Frankie, Christine, Derrick, Cody, Caleb and Zach all think that they've been played by the "outsiders" and have reunited.
  • Well, except Caleb.
  • He doesn't really think much at all; he just gets told stuff.
  • Derrick thinks that Hayden has been protecting Donny.
  • Christine told Cody she did NOT say she'd put him (and Derrick) up on the block.
  • (She did, too!)
  • Derrick decided they have to draw the line -- either vote Zach out OR tell Frankie that Nicole et al wanted to backdoor him, draw him and Christine back in the fold for the numbers.
  • Sigh.
  • They decide on the latter.
  • Cody thinks that Donny orchestrated the whole Hayden/Nicole movement.
  • Now they decide that they need to keep Zach.
  • They plan to let Hayden and Nicole think that Zach is still being voted out, but might tell Victoria.
  • Hmm.
  • The plan is to blindside Hayden/Nicole/Donny with a vote to keep Zach and evict Jocasta.
  • And, as Frankie puts it, "Zankie will survive another day."

Guess who's back together?

Hayden's been playing us!

Leftover pizza from the party

Walking laps and checking FitBits

Bros in arms once again