Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds into Tuesday - August 12

Who will I send home next?

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Misery:
  • Nicole is frustrated and crying a lot. She says she's played a clean game.
  • She has.
  • But that doesn't cut it in the habitrail.
  • Nicole told Victoria that Frankie thinks he has her in his pocket because he knew she's infatuated with his sister. Nicole thinks Frankie did the big reveal just to get Victoria.
  • No, I don't think so.
  • I think Frankie did it because he was falling out of favor and he thought it would make him the star and focus once again.
  • Victoria is worried because Christine is getting closer with Derrick.
  • Ew.
  • Donny said that if he won HoH, he probably wouldn't put Derrick on the block because everyone likes him. (They'd be mad at Donny and wouldn't vote out Derrick.)
  • Cody really wants Donny out. Maybe not this week as he'll go with the house on the Nicole plan. But next?
  • A girl called over the fence that she loves Zach.
  • Christine thinks that's disgusting -- but then she said some people liked Evel Dick, too.
  • Um.
  • I would have found it disgusting if someone had called her name.
  • Derrick told Cody he plans to get Donny out next, then Victoria.
  • I beg to differ!
  • He probably said that so that Cody will think it's his own idea to go after Frankie or Zach and Derrick's hands will remain squeaky clean.
  • Nicole is still the target this week ...

More bearable without Amber, but still ...

Lies! Lies!

Still bye-bye is planned

Monday, August 11, 2014

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds Monday/Power of Veto Meeting - August 11

A thrill a minute

Sigh. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Boy's Toys:
  • Yep, that seems what the women are in the house this year -- toys to be played with by the boys then discarded.
  • As expected from last night, Christine put Nicole on the block when Zach saved himself with the veto.
  • Now, to defend her actions a bit after she promised Nicole she wouldn't put her up, Caleb told her that if she didn't nominate Nicole, she (Christine) would be out next week.
  • Ah, the toys of boys!
  • The plan is to evict Nicole unanimously.
  • Donny and Frankie want to keep Donny this week for the next mission.
  • In haphazard two team member talks because they couldn't all get together, they decided this week is Mission Impossible.
  • There's no way they can all three convince someone to go on the block as a volunteer when Donny is already on the block. It would cast suspicion on all of them and it would be an outright ridiculous request from Donny.
  • Both Derrick and Frankie have told Donny he's safe with Nicole on the block.
  • Nicole, of course, was hurt by the decision. She told Christine she only said she'd backdoor her when she was pressured by the others.
  • Christine was also pressured (although I still think she's a snake in the grass) to put Nicole up.
  • Toys, toys.
  • It also irked me that once again, while talking to Nicole, Christine played with her toes, then bit her nails without washing her hands.
  • Man, she skeeves me out.
  • She also kept giggling while poor Nicole was crying. I think it was a nervous giggle, but that didn't keep it from annoying me.
  • Derrick admitted to Victoria that he's the one who planted the seed with Frankie and Caleb that Christine needs to put up Nicole.
  • Hmm. As time goes on, I'm wondering if a Victoria/Derrick final two is his real plan over the Hitmen (Derrick/Cody).
  • Derrick almost never confides things like that to anyone, except perhaps Cody.
  • Curiouser and curiouser.
  • He's also been speaking up to the guys that Victoria is "one of them" now.
  • Hmm.
  • Nicole warned Victoria that it's Donny, then her (Victoria) next.
  • I don't think so. I hear the rumble of Donny, Zach, Frankie and Christine before Victoria even hits the map. Perhaps Caleb in there before her, too.
  • I guess we'll see ...

This is not your bed, Frankie!

Donny and Derrick talk Team America

At least she can smile amidst tears

Christine plays with her toes again

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds Sunday into Monday - August 11

Victoria does her hair

Yesterday in the BB house, it was SO boring! Well, at least until the three -- Christine, Frankie and Caleb -- returned from their outing. Here's what's gone down inside that Big Brother House of Deja Vu All Over Again:
  • Donny had been asleep through all of the brouhahas.
  • That's good, but it's not good. He feels like an outsider, but brings some of it on himself by not being there when things happen.
  • Donny is worried -- when he's been on the block before, people kept telling him he would be safe. No one is saying that this week.
  • Derrick told Cody he's worried that Nicole is up to something.
  • They had the Sunday Photo Funday with the photo booth. 4, 3, 2, ONE.
  • Derrick thinks that Donny is a manipulator (pot, kettle, black!), but Nicole is a pathological liar.
  • Say what?
  • It's clear that now he has changed his mind again -- now he wants Nicole out over Donny.
  • ... even though she's not on the block and Christine has told her (and others) that she promised not to put her on the block.
  • But we all know Derrick by now. He'll finagle a way to get her on the block if that's his will.
  • Donny and Derrick talked about this week's Team America mission being hard and failing it. They both said they need the money and it's obvious Frankie doesn't.
  • Derrick was worried that Frankie was going to expose them when he made his big "announcement" the other day. He apparently requested all the cameras be in position.
  • Oh, yeah. The spotlight has to be on Frankie.
  • When asked, Donny told Derrick that he thinks he (Donny) was chosen because of his accent.
  • I think it's not just the accent, but the whole country persona.
  • Then the NFL thingee outing bunch returned to the house.
  • Zankie is reunited as if they never parted ways.
  • @@
  • As I'm SO not a football fan, all of their talk was lost on me. I don't know the players or anything.
  • Caleb said people were shouting "Beast Mode Cowboy."
  • Sigh. 
  • Zach has caught the Get Nicole Out bug and passed it on to Frankie.
  • They decided that she is such a big liar!
  • When she's not. Nicole has been honest about all of the others lying! Poor girl!
  • Caleb got a rest from slop on the outing, eating hot dogs and hamburgers.
  • Christine said that Frankie thinks he's a celebrity, so he acted like one shmoozing all during their outing.
  • @@
  • Frankie had a big talk with Nicole alone ... against her wishes. She doesn't want to talk to him at all!
  • Christine told Victoria that she's probably going to put her (Victoria) on the block, but she's 100% safe.
  • Then it happened.
  • Derrick's wishes went into effect.
  • Caleb told Christine that Nicole talked about backdooring her.
  • Cody said the same thing.
  • They "opened Christine's eyes" to all the evil that is Nicole.
  • Now the plan is that Christine will replace Zach with Nicole on the block.
  • Then Nicole will go home with a unanimous vote.
  • At this point, it's obvious that neither Nicole nor Donny have any chance to win the game with the machine working against them.
  • So, either going to jury might be a load off their shoulders.
  • They can finally relax.
  • Sigh.  

Sleeping with Raid at hand

Cool shades, Donny!

They knew Beast Mode Cowboy!

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Big Brother 16: End of HOH, Nominations, BOB etc. Show Blog Party - August 10

Big Brother summer on Make A Gif

I have no clue when tonight's show will start. Golf just might go on forever. But I'll put this party post up on time in the hopes that it will end sooner rather than later. Once it finally gets underway here in the NYC viewing area, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest news.

The real party takes place in the comments area -- come join in on the fun! I'll take down the word verification once the show actually starts!

The show will start at 10pm EDT. I'll return at that time. (Grr.)

Finally, it's starting. It's Recap City so far.

Nicole and Zach clash. Donny consoles Nicole. Caleb says the majority of everything you hear is a lie. Nicole calls out Frankie and Christine while Zach taunts her. As I said in the feeds reports, it's shocking that Caleb ends up being the voice of reason -- he says that not everything Nicole is saying is a lie.

HoH comp -- BB Tourneyement. Giant eye chart clues, then make a choice.
Nicole moves on. Cody eliminated.
Victoria moves on. Derrick eliminated.
Christine moves on. Donny eliminated.
Zach moves on. Frankie eliminated.

Round 2
Nicole first HoH!
Christine is the second HoH.

Frankie offers to flip for Nicole. She's sure he's not trustworthy. Zach spills his guts about EVERYTHING that's been going on to her. Zach told Caleb that Nicole said she wants to put up Caleb, Cody, Derrick because Frankie advised her to do it.

Frankie's lies get exposed to the whole house. Caleb offers to go on the block, throw the BOB and they vote Frankie out.

Christine nominates Donny and Zach.
Nicole nominates Caleb, saying he won't be going anywhere. And Frankie because of his lies.

Zach declares Christine and Frankie liars.

BOB time! Derrick hosts as a sportscaster in a suit. It's a football theme promoting Thursday night football on CBS. @@

It's a bit like a huge foosball table game. Winning team gets a trip to a pre-season NFL event with a tailgate party.

Frankie realizes that Caleb is going to throw the comp. After confronting him about all the lies, Caleb sits down and tells Frankie to play the game by himself. Once Frankie got the hang of the game, he pulled ahead. Zach tries by himself and screws up.

Frankie wins and goes into hysterics. He shouts out to Mommy and Ariana. Nicole is no longer a HoH.

Frankie tells us his only thought to save himself for future weeks is to reveal he's Ariana Grande's brother. @@

Before this season, I didn't even have a clue who she was. 

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds into Sunday with a brouhaha! - August 10

Zach's mouth starts it all

Yep, it was another entertaining night on the live feeds! About time, I say! Of course, in real life I don't like drama, kerfuffles and brouhahas (at least not if I'm involved!). But this is Big Brother. I want entertainment. Watching a bunch of guys playing pool or chess is NOT entertainment. Here's the skinny on the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Lies and Betrayals:
  • They had gotten over the Frankie thing although he's likely to be targeted once they get down to their inner circle.
  • This latest is pretty much all on Zach and his mouth.
  • He has told Nicole and others everything that has happened so far, as we know.
  • Well, when he told Victoria, he told her that Derrick was in an alliance with Christine.
  • She freaked as Derrick is the only person in the house she trusted. 
  • Victoria went to Nicole crying and Nicole tried to comfort her.
  • Zach went to Derrick, told him that Victoria was freaking out and he told Derrick that NICOLE told Victoria that he (Derrick) has an alliance with Christine.
  • It went from a drama-laden kerfuffle to a full-blown BROUHAHA!
  • Again, no fisticuffs.
  • No thrown chairs, either.
  • Sigh.
  • Derrick talked to both Victoria and Nicole separately and then together. Nicole said she didn't tell Victoria it and Victoria said it was Zach.
  • So Derrick called in Zach.
  • Zach admitted that he lied about Nicole telling Victoria about the Christine alliance.
  • He got all defensive and started shouting once again that he's disgusting, a liar, they need to vote him out next week.
  • Derrick once again did the amazing Derrick people skillz on 'em all, making each one of them thinking they have value in the game and, after all, it's just a game.
  • Then Frankie got involved.
  • And then ... a new BROUHAHA (well, rehashed one from last night) with Frankie and Zach.
  • Again, Derrick did his thing and smoothed all the rough edges.
  • Dang. I think I want Derrick on my city's police department. His interrogation skills are truly outstanding and special. In one of my past careers, I was trained for investigations and interrogations and he's doing so much of what I learned in my courses. He does it better than I ever did. Super kudos to him!
  • In other news, Christine seems reluctant to put Nicole on the block when Zach uses the veto.
  • Yeah, though he says he wants to go home, he'd be a fool not to save himself with the veto he won in Otev.
  • I'm thinking she'll probably put either Victoria or Nicole on the block with Donny. She still wants Frankie out, but he and Caleb are safe because of wining the BOB.
  • Alas, I think we'll see my guilty pleasure joy Donny leave this week.
  • If so, may Derrick win it all.
  • He deserves the win. Hands down, one of the best gamers ever in the house in the history of the show.
  • I only wish he had teamed up with Nicole, Hayden and Donny instead of Caleb, Frankie and Christine. But, it's worked for him so far.

Derrick calls a meeting of the mindless

Send me home! Just send me home!

Before the brouhaha

Frankie rearranges his face

Caleb tells Frankie that Zach is saying stuff