Thursday, August 14, 2014

Big Brother 16: Live Eviction and HoH Comp Show Blog Party - August 14

Big Brother summer on Make A Gif

Hey, I think we need a blog party! Don't you?

As tonight's live eviction/HoH show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest news!

Where's the party? Down in comments, naturally! Come join us!

Recap, recap. Mention of the Caleb, Christine and Frankie "exclusive NFL experience." Joy, joy.

Nicole is hurt. But we knew that. Christine tells her she was threatened with going home next week if she didn't put her on the block.

The Have Nots, Zach and Donny talk. Donny tells Zach how alone he feels.

Nicole cries some more. Yes! Nicole and Victoria talk about how raunchy Christine's hanging all over Cody when she's a married woman is!

Nicole tries to campaign.

Cody and Christine want to keep her. Derrick wants to keep Donny for Team America.

The big NFL outing is to training camp.

Live vote time. They can speak --
Nicole -- Amazing journey, dream come true, love you all.
Donny -- Great playing the game, like little brothers and sisters to me.

The vote to evict:
Caleb -- Nicole
Zach -- Nicole
Cody -- Nicole
Victoria -- Nicole
Frankie -- Nicole
Derrick -- Nicole

As we gleaned from the live feeds, it's unanimous that Nicole heads off to jury.

The HoH comp is once again for two HoH.

She was worried she'd get boo'ed -- I think she got the loudest cheer this season! Derrick, Christine, Frankie and Donny all left nice goodbye messages for her. Three of them are thinking jury votes, I think. But it was nice. She handled everything well.

HoH comp -- last night's "disturbing visitors." The old ghosts in the mirrors bit. The monitor announces zombie-like creatures. Zombie apocalypse.

Dead of Household -- the yard is done up like a graveyard. They have to answer according the the announcements from last night.

Caleb is out.
Donny and Victoria out.
Zach is out.
Cody out.

Derrick and Frankie are the two new HoH.

America's Vote -- steal clothing, neighborhood watch formed or weaken someone's game by keeping them awake. to vote.

Julie gets Rachel's take on the season.

This is the last week of the double HoH. Zing Bot will be on the PoV Wednesday show and next week the four jurors vie to get back in the house.

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds into Thursday - August 14

Up all night

Not that it matters because they're up all night every night ... but BB has them still up. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of the Undead:
  • What if Frankie danced and no one paid attention?
  • Heh.
  • Nicole is scared she'll get boos from the audience tomorrow. 
  • Poor kid. She won't get boos.
  • Cody and Zach tried to make her feel better.
  • Cody cuddled with her.
  • But, then again, she's female with a pulse. That's enough for Cody to cuddle.
  • When Zach fussed, Nicole told him that he (Zach) isn't cuddly.
  • Caleb, in his storytelling mode once again, told of a time he punched himself in the face and told everyone else he got hurt defending a girl.
  • @@
  • The boy is whack.
  • Cody joked that the show fans probably hate Christine.
  • Oh, it ain't no joke, son!
  • Well, I don't "hate" her per se. I don't ever "hate" anyone on any of the shows I watch. 
  • But certain people tend to annoy me, irk me or just plain skeeve me out.
  • Christine falls into that category.
  • Heh. Derrick has to do his work again -- both Zach and Caleb are questioning why it matters whether Donny or Victoria are targeted next week. We know Derrick wants to keep Victoria around for now ... for his own nefarious game interests. Nothing sexual, mind you.
  • Donny thinks he might be in a household of children who were stuck in middle school mode -- a new disease, perhaps.
  • Nicole and Donny talked about Christine always touching Cody.
  • Donny mimicked Cody's "baby-talk voice."
  • Donny and Nicole also talked about how good Derrick is at the game.
  • That's exactly why he didn't align with them in the first place, I think. He chose minions who will do his will and think it's their own idea.
  • And then it happened ...
  • A shot rang out! The maid screamed!
  • Er, no. Nicole saw a skeleton in one of the mirrors!
  • More ghosts/skeletons! 
  • The HoH room is mysteriously locked and the Diary Room won't let anyone in!
  • They're trapped together with nowhere to hide from the horrors!
  • Oh my.
  • Then the BB voice starting talking, most of it blocked to the feeds.
  • We got fish, glub, glub.
  • It was apparently listing off the cities (of hamsters or near them as it said West Orange, NJ which is near me but not that close to Cody) of the zombie apocalypse.
  • Rochester, NY, Athens, Dallas ...
  • "In the last twelve hours, 546 cases, 40% live feeders admitted to St. Gheesling Hospital."
  • I survived the zombie apocalypse! Yay!
  • Frankie tried to write the info down and BB yelled at him.
  • They're trying to get some sleep now.
  • But I bet it will be interrupted.
  • Oh. And Nicole is still the target tonight.

Victoria plays Jenga

Waiting for zombies

Up way past his bedtime

Is this necessary?

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds Wednesday into the evening - August 13

What has Cody done lately?

Welcome back, my friends, to the show that never ends! I'm glad that you could attend, step inside, step inside. (My apologies to Emerson, Lake and Palmer). Here's what's happened since I last reported on the happenings inside that Big Brother House of Brain Salad Surgery:
  • Why the old Brain Salad Surgery song stuff? It's Derrick. It's like he's performing said surgery on his fellow hamsters.
  • Either that or his minions are just zombies acting on his will.
  • Zach has done his best to try to get the others to change their minds on Nicole. He knows she hasn't been lying.
  • But Derrick wants her out and Donny safe.
  • So be it, minions! Do not question divine intervention!
  • Even his buddy Cody questions the logic of getting Nicole out first.
  • Derrick smooth talks his best buds, telling them that Nicole is an HoH beast and, if she won the next one, they'd be on the block. With two of them up, it's very possible one would go home.
  • Zach doesn't want to work with Christine and Frankie (or Caleb because he's now hooked to Frankie -- after all, he might meet Justin Bieber!) anymore.
  • Derrick convinces him it's in his best interest to work with them for now.
  • Caleb told Nicole that he doesn't think she's a liar.
  • She's very upset that they're using that angle to get her evicted when she's only been guilty of "telling the truth to the wrong people."
  • But Caleb, mindless puppet of power that he is, will go with the house vote.
  • Nicole tried fruitlessly to campaign. She doesn't want to say anything really bad about Donny, but feels she's being railroaded.
  • She is.
  • Frankie seems to want to keep Donny in the house longer than Derrick does.
  • But I imagine both Frankie and Donny will go within a week or two of each other.
  • Caleb, er, Beast Mode Cowboy, thinks he will be approached in airports and Wal-Mart for autographs.
  • @@
  • Remember, he also thought he'd get a tux for the red carpet on the finale night.
  • @@
  • Nicole started packing up her stuff.
  • They're in a lockdown while tomorrow night's comp is being built in the yard.
  • Derrick consoled Victoria more and told her that she'll be around for weeks to come -- there are bigger targets.
  • When Caleb voiced concerns about Nicole going, Derrick convinced him that had Hayden won HoH, they'd be doing it to them.
  • It's Big Brother, after all.
  • That's how they roll.
  • As I get this posted, it's still looking like a unanimous vote to evict Nicole and she knows it.

Who needs to go next?

You're probably going, Nicole.

Zankie does Jenga

Yeah, I'm a big shot NOW!

Zach pleads for a Nicole save

The bunny slippers need to go

Big Brother 16: Power of Veto Show Blog Party - August 13

Big Brother summer on Make A Gif

Good evening! Are you ready for some PoV? As tonight's show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest news!

As always, the real party is in the comments area. Come join in on the fun!

The fallout from the double eviction, HoH and BOB comps continue and Frankie feels he can save himself with his "big secret."

Frankie exaggerates his YouTube following and tells of his "superstar" sister (whom I had never heard of before the casting of BB). He says the pressure of keeping the secret made him lie. Oh geez. Playing the game for a charity to build a school in Africa.

Veto players - Christine draws Derrick, Zach draws Caleb, Donny draws Nicole. Victoria hosts in a luau outfit. The comp is the Otev one with a Hawaiian theme. Otev the Pissed Off Penguin is sweating and wants a drink. They have to retrieve the right drink and present it to him. One less rock to kneel on each round.

Donny out first. Then Nicole out. Christine out. Derrick out.

ZACH wins the power of veto!

Uh-oh. Zach tells Victoria about the alliance he's in with her best friend Derrick. Zach lies to Derrick and tells him Nicole told Victoria about the alliance.

Derrick and Donny decide that with Donny on the block, their mission cannot be completed.

Derrick decides that Nicole needs to be put on the block when Zach comes down. Caleb makes it sound like Nicole is the biggest liar in the house, telling them she's working with Christine. They also hand out a veiled threat that if she doesn't put Nicole up, she's out next week.

Veto meeting time. Zach saves himself. Christine nominates Nicole in his place, taking the knife out of her back and returning it to its owner. (Her speech, not mine!)

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds into Tuesday evening - August 12

I spend 6-7 hours awake alone

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of the Solitary Man:
  • I know this is getting posted late and I haven't posted since early this morning.
  • I call boredom.
  • I wish I could call shenanigans, but that's not the case.
  • BB woke them up around 9:30am their time. Most stayed up for less than an hour, then headed back to bed.
  • Donny stayed up and did his usual morning exercise routine.
  • Later on, when he was joined by Nicole, he told her every day he spends about seven hours awake while the rest of the house sleeps.
  • I'd go bonkers doing that without a good book, music, television, movies, the internet ... something to do other than think of the predicament I'm in!
  • Most of the others didn't come out of bed until afternoon.
  • Caleb was his earliest companion (so to speak), but went back to bed later and didn't re-emerge until around 5pm.
  • Nicole and Donny had a long talk while most of the others slept.
  • She's pretty sure she's going home this week.
  • Well, to jury.
  • She says the positive part of it will be that she'll be with people she likes -- Jocasta and Hayden. She hates trying to be nice to people she really doesn't like at all.
  • They mused about Christine hanging all over Cody and how sickening it is for a married woman to behave like that.
  • Donny told her that the "Four Horsemen" of this season are Derrick, Cody, Christine and Frankie. He thinks they use Caleb as a target.
  • Heck, they use Zach, too!
  • Donny mentioned that Caleb's so dumb (how dumb is he?) that he doesn't even know how to throw a comp! You have to sabotage the comp, not just sit it out!
  • Christine got her HoH camera. She and Cody took photos, then asked Donny to take some photos of them.
  • @@
  • Donny claimed that Frankie has lived in the HoH room every week except when he (Donny) was HoH. Nicole pointed out he only slept once in her HoH room.
  • But, other than that ...
  • Both Donny and Nicole think that Zach has a likable sensitive side.
  • But neither trusts him.
  • As it should be.
  • I honestly think Zach doesn't trust himself.
  • As it should be.
  • Donny thinks Cody has been manipulated.
  • You don't say!
  • Nicole said she only trusted Cody because Hayden told her to trust him. Then Cody ran and told Christine everything she said.
  • She stopped trusting Cody.
  • BB gave them a badminton set without a net and a Jenga game.
  • They all had fun with the badminton.
  • For a while, they seemed to forget they're but hamsters in a Habitrail.
  • Christine has this thing for Dan Gheesling. He better run. And, she just better not EVER think she's in the same BB league as he is!
  • Victoria and Cody both want Donny out next week.
  • They don't know for sure why it's Nicole targeted instead of Donny this week.
  • We know why.
  • Nicole campaigned for herself and even a bit for Donny to stay as long as possible if she leaves this week.
  • Christine said she can't stand Donny.
  • Well, Christine, I don't speak for the entire world, but I haven't seen not one real "fan" of yours here on the blog or out and about on the internet.
  • Donny has many. No, he's not going to win it all. But he's already a winner in many ways.
  • The three Team America members actually were able to talk for a bit. They're hoping their next mission will be more along the lines of the first one. The last few Mission Impossibles have been ones which could jeopardize their own games.
  • Christine is trying to talk Derrick et al into voting out Donny and keeping Nicole.
  • I don't think it will happen.

I walk the yard alone

I sit alone

And now they want me to take pictures

I do have one friend, but not for long