Monday, August 18, 2014

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds Monday daytime / Veto Ceremony - August 18

On patrol

Another Monday in that Big Brother House of Scheming Demons:
  • The patrol continues.
  • Victoria continues to not feel well.
  • Frankie prepared a rap veto speech and has been practicing it.
  • Zach did his best to convince Frankie it would be better to put Victoria on the block.
  • It doesn't work.
  • Frankie gave him false hope and Zach soon realized it.
  • Frankie and Zach quibbled on and off. 
  • Now that Frankie has decided Zach's gone, he's acting like he's a pesky mosquito or the like.
  • Derrick thinks that Donny is indeed a groundskeeper.
  • He is, as we all know.
  • But, since Donny's brother is on a genius level, Derrick wouldn't think it a stretch that Donny is quite smart.
  • He is. He also has common sense and is a show fan. It's just his luck with being the ONLY older person in the cast did him in from the start.
  • Christine SO wants Donny out.
  • Derrick tried his best to console Zach as he does with just about anyone in the house when they're down.
  • Even if he had a hand in their sorrow.
  • Zach turned to his only friend (now) -- Donny.
  • But telling Donny that Christine threw the BOB comp and gave a bone to Cody didn't tell Donny anything he didn't already know.
  • Now, I don't think Donny's a genius or anything like that. What Donny is is very observant.
  • Zach hasn't outright exploded into full Zach Attack mode, but it's a long time until Thursday.
  • Oh, yeah ... I forgot to mention ... the Veto Ceremony went down (blocked to the live feeds). Frankie took Caleb off the block and put Zach on.
  • But we knew that.

On patrol

One day his face will freeze like that

Sitting pretty ... this week

Reflection on a Zach

BB Rule Book

Zach was studying the BB Rules book in the storage room. I rotated it so we can take a peek.

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds Sunday into Monday - August 18

They should know better

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Mystery and Deceit:
  • When Zach asked Frankie if he was still putting Victoria up as the renom, Frankie said he was. But there was some hesitation. Zach asked if he would swear to it and Frankie refused.
  • Zach told Donny he's sure he's (Zach) going home this week.
  • Of course, Donny is out of the loop, so he has no clue who is going -- he thinks Victoria is supposed to be the renom.
  • Zach told him he thinks the plan changed from Donny to Victoria and now him as the target of the week.
  • Paranoia, the destroyer.
  • Zach went to Caleb who told him Frankie loved him (Zach). But, yeah, he'd (Caleb) save Cody over Zach because Cody has never betrayed him.
  • Zach told Caleb that, since he was going home, he'd make everybody's life miserable.
  • Zach thinks that they're all sending him home because he stole one cue ball as a joke and now they think he's the thief in the house.
  • Zach said that at the end, he'd vote for Derrick to win over everyone, Frankie over Cody or flip a coin if it's between Caleb and Frankie.
  • Frankie told Zach the whole house wants him to go.
  • He confirmed he would be the renom.
  • Hmm ... the rules in the past have always said you're not supposed to tell anyone for sure they're going on the block.
  • I guess we'll see if anything comes of that.
  • Derrick told Zach that he determined his own fate when they drew Skittles because he (Zach) refused to go up on the block and throw the BOB.
  • Meanwhile, the neighborhood patrols continue.
  • It looks like this mission just might be another success!
  • Caleb thinks the patrol is useless because Zach is the thief.
  • Caleb talked with Zach, telling him he ought to go out like Nicole -- she knew she was going home and had a good time the last few days, left with class.
  • Victoria isn't feeling well.
  • But she's doing her neighborhood watch shift.
  • Good gal!
  • Caleb has vowed to stay up to patrol all night because he wants to catch the thief.

Cody's cowgirl cuddler

On patrol!

What? Who? Where? Duh!

I'm going home for realz?

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds Sunday into the evening - August 17

Looking for the missing items

Thank Otev (or whoever) for the Team America mission! If not for that mission, today would have been total doldrums in that Big Brother House of Mysterious Missing Stuff:
  • Photo booth time (Sunday Photo Funday) came several hours earlier than usual.
  • Ho-hum.
  • Donny is trying to be more sociable after the ZingBot's zing about his social game (or lack thereof).
  • Derrick told Donny of the plan to backdoor Zach this week.
  • Donny's probably just happy to survive another week!
  • Derrick is worried that Zach might actually attack when he finds out he's the renom.
  • Frankie told Derrick he's the only one in the house he trusts completely.
  • He shouldn't. Derrick doesn't trust him and is only playing the game and trying to extend the TA missions.
  • Caleb wants Donny out and really sincerely does not like Zach. He likes Donny okay; just wants him out of the run for the money.
  • Frankie thinks they should set up Zach as the thief.
  • They got his gator shirt, Caleb's ($500) cowboy boots, Cody's hat, Donny's hat, Christine's stuffed animal (doubt that will count), Victoria's robe, Derrick's hat.
  • All heck let loose as people noticed stuff missing.
  • Caleb kept screaming at Victoria who just laughed and said it wasn't her.
  • Everybody is accusing each other.
  • But, with the exception of Caleb whining about how expensive his boots are, all seemed to be having lots of fun with it.
  • Frankie and Derrick suggested a neighborhood patrol and others got all on it.
  • They have helmets with flashlights attached from one of the comps and will take shifts.
  • The fingers keep pointing at Victoria and Zach.
  • How wrong they are!
  • Zach admitted to stealing all the stuff -- told them he gets $2000 an item and will collect the money if it stays gone until 10:30.
  • Oh, that Zach!
  • With all the uproar, now Derrick, Donny and Frankie have to keep the patrols going for 24 hours (with participation of others).
  • At least we had some activity tonight.

Caleb is freaking about his cowboy boots

Zach accusing Victoria of the thefts

Cody going berserk

The first neighborhood patrol

Why didn't they take the bunny slippers?

Big Brother 16: Nominations and Battle of the Block Show Blog Party - August 17

Big Brother summer on Make A Gif

Are you ready to partay? As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest news! But, as all y'all know ... the real party is in the comments area. Come join us there! Oh. And, we're actually starting on time this week! Yay.

Recap, recap. Frankie's so excited. Squee! Caleb wants Donny or Victoria to go. Derrick wants neither of them out.

The cannibalism of the old Bomb Squad members begins. No one wants to be on the block. Derrick manages to save Victoria from being on the block with Frankie's approval. They know that Donny has to go up or the rest will revolt.

HoH Room reveal. Did you know Frankie's sister is famous?

Team America mission - we chose the hide the clothing, form neighborhood watch.

They have a meeting of the mindless. Frankie explains they don't want both Donny and Victoria on the block -- if one wins veto, both could end up safe. No one wants to volunteer to be on the block and throw it for a Donny stay on the block scenario. They decide to draw Skittles from a hat to decide who goes up.

Christine is drawn first to go against Donny and throw the comp. She's not happy. Cody and Caleb are then picked (to be the winning team). Neither is happy.

A Zankie segment and then a Cody/Christine relationship married woman groping bit.

Caleb wants Zach to go home. The rest of the dudes agree they don't need him anymore.

Derrick tells Donny that Victoria is the target. He also said they drew Skittles to see who will go on the block. He claims Donny was the only one not there because he was in bed. Donny seems right through the lie.

Nominations ceremony -- Derrick -- Donny, Christine. You have the opportunity to win BOB. Frankie -- Caleb, Cody. Both have been teasing me (physically attractive) and I picked candy out of a hat.

BOB time! Ohh ... the big Black Box! They have to find bones inside. One bone at a time, five bones on their scoreboard wins. Some bones might not fit. Christine is throwing it and even hands a bone off to Caleb. Donny is finding bones on his own. Donny is onto Christine throwing the comp as he places the 4th bone in place.

DONNY WINS THE BOB (with no help from Christine).

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - August 17, 2014

Good Sunday morning to you all! Welcome to my weekly off television topic post in which I reflect on the week gone by in both words and photos I've taken along the way. If you're looking for Big Brother live feeds (or show) content, you can find all of that right here at this link. No television content in this weekly post that I make year 'round -- you've been warned!

That said, it's basically been just another week of hectic stuff between the blog and my "real" job. Nothing earth-shattering happened in my personal life. I didn't win the lottery, nor did I have much time to do much other than work and blog. I felt like I was running late all week and didn't seem all that inspired to take photos. Sigh.

This week's random ramblings:
  • They're demolishing that building by the Bound Brook Train Station with the structural cracks and caved-in roof I've been photographing for a few years now. I think they're just taking down that rear addition with the issues, not the whole building. It's about time. I couldn't get any decent shots of the demolition from the train, though.
  • OCD Guy has been missing from the train for a good three weeks now. 
  • That's how trains go -- people ride them for a while, then lose their jobs, change their work hours, perhaps decide to drive, etc. But I remain.
  • I expect NJ Transit to give me flowers when I retire!
  • My new upstairs neighbor is even more quiet than the last one although I have yet another person who's up late and up again early above me -- kind of like my own hours. I hear footsteps, not in shoes, above me and nothing else. I think I heard music coming from there one evening, but I couldn't tell. It was faint -- could have been from a car in the parking lot or next door. It didn't bother me, mind you. I could just hear it.
  • Speaking of music from cars -- there needs to be a law outlawing those ridiculous sound systems they're putting ATOP cars these days! OMG, who came up with that? It's bad enough the huge systems IN cars! 
  • And, while I'm fussing, they definitely need to crack down on bicyclists on the sidewalks here in Plainfield. I stand my ground on the sidewalk. I figure if they hit me, it's the bicyclist who will fall, not me. I'm rather solid.
  • One of the Plainfield Narcotics/Gang cops bought me a cold bottle of water when he saw me waiting for the bus. Aw, how sweet of him! I really like those guys!
  • A month from now I'll be on staycation. I can't wait! I need the sleep.
  • My latest rent increase for the new yearly lease is $7. I guess I can afford that even though there are cheaper places to live. I do like this location and these landlords now are the best yet -- new windows, they maintain the elevator, new machines in the laundry room, new drainpipes, quasi-landscaping (mulch, hedge trimming and such), things fixed quickly, no regular $50 yearly increases like the past criminal landlord, good neighbors on my wing (most there for years although the apartment above has turned over about four or five times in my years here), location is good for public transportation and walking places.
  • Moving would also be a huge hassle. So, I'm staying. Now it's going to be on 14 years. Oy.
Onto the photos for the week. Clicking on an image will bring it up in a Photobucket page. From there, you can increase the size twice by clicking on the magnifying glass. Just X out of that page to return to the blog.

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The Plainfield Train Station groundhog

He thinks he's hiding from me. But I see him. Alas, I had no bread for him. He doesn't look like he's starving to me!

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Spiderweb in the morning sun

No spider, though. This is on the railing alongside the parking lot of the Bridgewater Train Station. It's HUGE!

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Chicory blossom, Plainfield Train Station

The blossoms close up overnight and open in the morning. They're usually unfurling their petals on my early work commutes. This and more in this week's flowers slideshow after the jump!