Thursday, August 21, 2014

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds into Thursday - August 21

Getting some pimples there, dude.

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Hamster Hijinks:
  • Christine reported to everyone about her long strategy talk from Donny in the morning.
  • Sigh.
  • I guess Donny should know better than to talk strategy with any of them.
  • But, what does he have to lose? Really?
  • Nothing.
  • Soon the rest were sitting around comparing notes on talks with Donny.
  • Frankie took note that Donny and Zach's "stories" always match.
  • The conclusion?
  • Zach has been working with Donny either a long time or all along.
  • @@
  • Nope. While Zach has recently gone to Donny, it's because he was betrayed and shunned by his own friends in the game.
  • Oh, perhaps a bit of his own doing.
  • But, still.
  • Derrick told the others that Donny is the most manipulative man in the house.
  • No, he's not. If he was, he'd be named "Derrick."
  • Derrick and Frankie talked about calling Donny out -- "Are you Team America or not, calling us two the masterminds in the house?!"
  • Um. Well. Donny's calling it as he sees it.
  • And, they do know it.
  • They don't want the others to realize it, though. They need their mindless minions to lead to slaughter on the way to the final two.
  • Frankie and Derrick are also concerned about how much time Cody spends flirting with the two remaining girls in the house.
  • Is he building a secret alliance with them? Oh noes!
  • Meanwhile, Zach has accepted his fate.
  • He's all excited about getting out of the house, planning his outfit and thinking his hair is hott.
  • Yeah, it's a hot mess. But maybe that's just my opinion.
  • Victoria told Cody she's worried about Derrick getting closer to Christine.
  • She thinks Christine is "one of the guys."
  • No, she isn't. Christine, like Victoria, is expendable. As will Cody and Caleb be after they go.
  • Derrick told Frankie he does have a relationship with the girls -- he shmoozes them, but doesn't touch or carees -- that would be bad for his home life.
  • Too bad Christine doesn't realize that boundaries need to be drawn!
  • Donny is the only one not up as I post this.
  • However, it's been just old chit-chat forever.
  • I don't expect any serious game talk other than treading trodden trails (we need to get Donny out, etc.) until after tonight's eviction and the new HoH, returning juror event.
  • Yawn.

Creep Mode Cowboy

A good look, but I can't see

Plays with his "beard" as much as Donny

Flirts naked in the shower even

Preparing his eviction clothes

Ew. Now Cody's playing with his toes!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Big Brother 16: Power of Veto, ZingBot returns show blog party - August 20

Big Brother summer on Make A Gif

Most seasons, the ZingBot does little but annoy me. However, I'm looking forward to some of tonight's zings! As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest news.

But, as always, the real party is in the comments area. Come join in on the fun!

Donny is feeling hurt because Christine threw the BOB comp and he's sure everyone is in on it. Donny doesn't trust Derrick and now Derrick knows it. Frankie wants to put Victoria on the block if the veto is used. Derrick would prefer Zach as he needs Cody and Victoria for his own game. Donny tries to befriend Zach and wants him to win veto, win and not get backdoored. Meanwhile, if that worked out, either Caleb or Cody would go.

Team America is ready to have fun with their mission. They run around stealing things.

PoV players pick time: Frankie draws Victoria, Cody gets Donny, Caleb gets Christine.

ZingBot has arrived! The ZingBot starts throwing out "props." He says nice things. Then Kathy Griffen arrives. She says they need a Zingervention because ZingBot needs to zing people.  Frankie is acting like a real hoppy jerk. Zach is hurt because she said, "What do you call someone who wears pink, cuddles with men ... Zach." All the zings weren't shown yet. The ZingBot itself needs to get going!

The Veto comp has them rebooting ZingBot to his previous Zing state. They get to play with electricity! Frankie wins.

ZingBot is back to normal! Frankie tan for standing in sister's shadow. Derrick is "ugly." Donny's social game more like Suck Dynasty. Cody no enemies except for Christine's husband.

They notice items have gone missing. The house goes berserk! Neighborhood watch!

They think Zach is the Saboteur and Frankie thinks it's the chance to put him up on the block and out of the house.  

Poor Zach. Frankie claims it's such a hard decision. Yeah, right.

Veto meeting -- Neither Caleb nor Cody speak. Frankie saves Caleb. He does a "rap" and puts Zach up.

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds Wednesday into the afternoon - August 20

Bonding with Donny over Jenga?

I know. I know. I didn't post this morning. But, it's been mainly the same-old same-old in that Big Brother House of Zach Pleading, Donny Grasping Straws:
  • Zach keeps trying to tell everyone that keeping him in the house over Cody is in their best interest.
  • He understands he has a big mouth.
  • He understands that he repeats things to the wrong people.
  • He understands he can be annoying.
  • But, all that aside ... keep him because he's so good for their games!
  • @@
  • Sorry, Zach. I think the bridges are burnt, the die is cast.
  • Meanwhile, Donny has tried working his angles.
  • You know he's at wit's end if he's trying to get Christine to work with him.
  • She sits around talking how much she wants him gone from the house.
  • Hours before their talk, she went on to both Frankie and Derrick about how much she hates Donny.
  • But he makes some rather valid points that she's the bottom of the pecking order.
  • He kept pointing out that "some" people have never been on the block. Hmm. Who could he be talking about?
  • Derrick has never ever been on the block.
  • Both Christine and Frankie were initially on the block, but not in the final nominations after BOB. Victoria has also never been in the final noms due to BOB and Veto.
  • Donny kept mentioning "someone" in the house that everybody likes.
  • Oh my. I believe he's talking DERRICK!
  • He told her that there's one very impressive person. (Derrick)
  • He also said that he thinks they'd be doing the viewers a disservice if the final three were Cody, Derrick and Victoria.
  • Now, I don't think he really thinks that. He's just about the only one inside the house who sees how strong Derrick's game actually is. You don't need to be nominated a gazillion times to play an excellent game!
  • He asked if Frankie has noticed how close Derrick, Victoria and Cody actually are and hinted they'd knock them (Christine, Frankie, Caleb) to be the final three.
  • Frankie has all but dismissed his ex-BFF. He shoots down practically every plea Zach makes.
  • At least Derrick was much more kind to him although not giving him any hope at all for staying.
  • Oh. And then Christine went and reported to Cody about the talk with Donny.
  • Sigh.
  • Not that I wanted Donny to team up with Christine.
  • She skeeves me out too much.
  • I only hope he can team up with whoever comes back tomorrow and wins HoH.
  • I personally would like to see both Derrick and Donny in the final two.

Odd bedfellows

Talking Zach

Please! I could be good for your game!

The only one who ever exercises

Maybe he can move in with them!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds Tuesday into the evening - August 19

Da boyz chillaxin'

Here's the happenings from today (so far) inside that Big Brother House of Patrol is Over:
  • Derrick called an end to the neighborhood watch last night. No explanation to his fellow hamsters. No questions asked. Mission accomplished.
  • In the morning, Donny had a long talk with Cody. He tried to convince him that Frankie would take all or any of the others before him and that Derrick can't be trusted. He blames Derrick for masterminding Hayden's exit. He said that Frankie had Caleb to do his dirty work, but probably wouldn't take him to the final two. He likened Cody to Derrick's Caleb.
  • Cody was rather noncommittal, defending Derrick a few times, but without real enthusiasm.
  • However, later in the day, he reported back to Derrick about the conversation.
  • I think Donny was going on Zach's advice and perhaps his own gut feeling that Cody was the weak link of the bunch.
  • But it doesn't seem like he's weak enough or he just trusts his Hitman buddy Derrick too much.
  • In the Pink Capgate drama, Victoria has cut up her pink cap (which is the one Zach's been wearing all season and is pining for now in his time of personal crisis), wrapped it in foil with just a bit showing to let on it's the pink cap. She put it in the bottom of the laundry basket.
  • In a Team America meet-up, both Donny and Frankie mentioned that they might be able to use Zach (as they have for most of their missions) for future missions.
  • But I doubt they'll keep him.
  • It's kind of set in stone now.
  • The feeds never picked up what was shouted over the fence at them last night causing the lockdown. Every time they mention it, we get fish. Other sites claim it was nasty things about Caleb and Frankie, love for Zach. However, as it wasn't discenible on the feeds and BB shuts the conversation down if they mention it, I can't really say.
  • Zach claims that they called BMC the man, love you Zach and Frankie's the best.
  • Caleb thinks they may have said Beast Mode Cowboy, we hate you.
  • Zach insists his version is right.
  • We couldn't hear it.
  • But, both Caleb and Frankie were a bit subdued after it.
  • And, Caleb seems to be quieter today. Both Frankie and Derrick picked up on that. They think it might be from the missing stuff.
  • I'd say he's deep thinking, but I've heard of no forest fires in that area, so nothing's burning.
  • BB gave them a dartboard to cheer them up.
  • No pointy weapon type darts, though. They get the magnets.
  • Weird instructions with it: They must turn in the darts at 24 hours, the dartboard remains and must stay in place. Next week they get the darts for another 24 hours. This will go on until the end of the season.
  • Um. Okay.
  • Frankie, Caleb and Derrick talked about how stupid (and disgusting) it is that Christine hasn't stopped caressing and hanging all over Cody. She was so upset with the zing that they thought she'd stop.
  • She hasn't.
  • And, with that particular thing ... I totally agree with Frankie, Derrick and Caleb!
  • Tonight is rather ho-hum.
  • So, there ya go.
Cody, you're Derrick's Caleb

Death of the pink cap

The HoH camera in action

Ohh! Darts! Not the pointy weapon ones.

Explaining golf

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds overnight into Tuesday - August 19

Christine: Is this my best side?

It's not a happy-go-lucky habitrail for some hamsters. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Dead Man Walking:
  • Frankie was told that Christine's stuffed bear didn't count for the Team America mission. So, they stole a pair of her shoes.
  • They think everyone was involved in patrols at one point or another, except Zach because the blame was pinned on him.
  • They're wrong!
  • Zach was in the first patrol with Derrick! I have photographic proof!
  • Thankfully the mission was going on or the live feeds the last few days would suck (as Nicole would say).
  • Frankie and Christine forget quickly that they were recent targets. 
  • They should become targets once again!
  • Frankie, in particular, has been outright cruel about Zach.
  • Meanwhile, Zach has been finding places to be alone and sit quietly for hours on end.
  • How un-Zach-like!
  • Caleb tried spying on a Donny/Derrick conversation which was innocuous to begin with -- Derrick had asked Donny what he was going to spend any money he got from BB on and Donny went into his Lasik eye surgery bit. He's said it before.
  • They called out Caleb the Creep Mode Cowboy.
  • Frankie, working on jury votes, told Victoria he had no jury votes.
  • Good.
  • I hope it stays that way.
  • Frankie keeps telling Zach how much he likes him and then turns around and says evil things about him to everyone else.
  • Christine continues to caress Cody despite how upset she was that the ZingBot called her out on it (as a married woman).
  • Victoria took her pink hat back from Zach.
  • He's not a happy camper about it. "You're doing this just to piss me off! You're never going to wear it!"
  • He thinks all the guys' caps are too big for his head and he feels horrible without a hat.
  • Well, he has a point. I don't know what goes on with that dude's hair, but it does need to be covered.
  • Zach has decided he hates Victoria.
  • Victoria has decided she hates Zach.
  • And so it goes.
  • Both should be more leery of Frankie and, to a lesser extent, Christine.
  • They're the ones who will stab them in their backs more quickly than each other would!
  • Zach looked all over for the hat.
  • Victoria had said she was going to cut it up and give to him as he leaves on Thursday.
  • Oh, she didn't tell Zach that, though!
  • She told Zach that production is already aware that there is a situation and he cannot damage any of her property.
  • After an indoor lockdown ended (someone outside the fence was yelling earlier), Zach and Derrick talked. Similar to his talk with Donny yesterday, he told Derrick if there's anything he can do to help him in the game, he'll do it.
  • After all, he's going out on Thursday anyway.
  • But, to quote a Stephen King line, I say: "Sometimes they come back."
  • We'll see.

Alone in the Have Not room

All those suds can't clean his soul

Alone in the bathroom

Apparently feeling better

Alone pre-hat retrieval