Thursday, August 28, 2014

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds into Thursday - August 28

Praying for the mission's success ... NO!

Although the results haven't been announced, the Internet buzz is a huge NO on the success of the mission. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Flip-flopping All Day and Night:
  • Nicole packed. Donny probably just stayed packed for the most part as he's up on the block every week.
  • They went on indoor lockdown for the comp prep in the yard about noon their time yesterday.
  • Donny has started campaigning. He went to Frankie making a plea as a Team America mate. Frankie told him he would have to "vote with the house" and that if he could get one more vote, maybe.
  • Frankie suggested he get Caleb's vote rather than Christine.
  • Well, DUH. Christine has been saying since the first week that she wants him out!
  • She claims she "hates" him.
  • Hmm. Before fish cut him off, Frankie was singing about getting drugs from the Diary Room. I wonder what meds he's on? Why are there always so many hamsters on drugs in the house? Can't they get people who don't need medications other than the occasional Advil or over the counter pain reliever? Hmm.
  • Frankie warned Caleb that Donny was going to approach him. He told Caleb that Donny has a way of making him feel weird (and bad) about voting him out. Caleb told Frankie that Donny deserved to stay longer than Victoria because he's had to fight every week to stay in the house. Frankie shrugged (screen cap below) as Caleb left the room.
  • Caleb really doesn't need to be convinced to keep Donny over Nicole. He's voiced it before even though he thinks Donny is a super spy or something.
  • Frankie claimed that the DR told him that Julie will ask one of them (on the live show) what they'd like for an extra if a have not for the week. They're to answer "apple pie." If she says their wish is granted, that would mean the Team America mission was a success, it it's denied -- failure.
  • We'll see about that.
  • Derrick and Frankie think/hope it will be a pass. They claim they had no other option and saving Donny wasn't doable before the veto meeting. Perhaps AT the veto meeting if they convinced Cody to save Donny, but not before as the instructions indicated.
  • Semantics, I say. Had they done it, America would have ruled it a win, methinks.
  • Want to know how disgusting Frankie is?
  • I'm sure you want to know.
  • You need to know.
  • At one point Victoria was standing in a room when Frankie entered (screen cap below, but I refuse to screen cap what he did). When he saw her standing there, he took his um ... privates ... out of his pants (thankfully still covered in underwear) and let them hang out over top his pants. When no one noticed, he tucked them back in after walking in back of her.
  • What is wrong with him?
  • Derrick told Donny that he's willing to consider keeping him (and three more Team America missions), but it's Frankie on the fence about it.
  • Yeah, right, Derrick. I like ya, dude. But you're just going for his jury vote on that one!
  • Derrick claims to be torn and, at times, he honestly seems to be. If the others (Frankie, Caleb) decide to keep Donny, he'd go for it rather than be odd man out. But he honestly wants to keep Nicole over Donny as Nicole is better for his personal game. Donny has him made; Nicole via Victoria has fallen into his web.
  • Caleb pushed Derrick for a keep Donny vote.
  • And, so it went ... flip-flopping throughout the evening into the night.
  • Derrick told us (the camera, alone in the room) that he could flip the house (keep Donny) if he wanted to.
  • We know he could.
  • So, do it, kiddo!
  • But I doubt he will.
  • Frankie wants Nicole to go because she'd put him up on the block if she wins HoH.
  • Derrick told Nicole that she needs to put Frankie on the block if she wins HoH.
  • Now Nicole only likes Victoria. Well, Donny, too. But Donny will be gone (as far as she can tell).
  • Nicole told us (and Derrick separately) that she deliberately folded on the veto because she knew what Cody was doing and knew Donny was their target, not her. She couldn't risk Donny winning.
  • She told us she has to play strong now.
  • Talking with Donny, Caleb told him that he's only one vote and can't make it happen. 
  • So, although hope was up for a Donny save, it still looks like a Donny go.
  • Derrick has done it again.
  • Puppetmaster.

Bonding gals in the bathroom

Second-thinking himself

What do I do now?

Victoria concocts wax to remove hair

Caleb talks the pros of keeping Donny

Just before Frankie was lewd

Cody will snuggle anybody, Christine even


Caleb proves he can jump high

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Big Brother 16: Power of Veto Show Blog Party - August 27

Big Brother summer on Make A Gif

Are you ready to party? As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest news!

But, as you all know by now ... the real parTAY is in the comments section. Come watch the show with us and join in on the fun!

Cody is pondering putting Frankie up. Derrick is a naysayer.

Donny gets the Team America mission which is to create their own mission. He'd like the mission to keep all the members in the house. America will vote on whether what they do is worthy. It has to be done by veto meeting time.

Victoria's wisdom teeth are coming in and she's not only in pain, but has chipmunk cheeks. She passes out in the bathroom and Nicole calls Derrick to help. Derrick yells for a medic and tries to help her the best he can. The medic treats her and she's feeling a bit better. Now she feels loved.

Frankie and Derrick don't think America wants the mission to be to save Donny. Little do they know ...!

Veto players pick time -- Cody draws Christine who makes a horse noise, Nicole gets Derrick, Donny draws Frankie. He didn't want Frankie.

Frankie wants to put a play on. Derrick agrees that the play isn't a great idea and Donny hates it. He thinks Frankie is always "up there" and never on a "Donny level." Derrick tells him that it's too risky for their own games to try to flip the house.

The veto comp is as they thought, counting fold or stay. The others come up with a plan to rig the comp so Donny doesn't win. They have a Scorpion show tie-in. The winner not only wins veto, but gets a special showing of the new Scorpion TV show.

First round, the perfect numbers guy Frankie is out. Donny wins the round.
Second round, Cody wins.
Third round, Cody wins as all fold. He only needs one more win.
SHEESH! They all folded and Cody wins veto!

They deserve to lose for that! They obviously don't know when to hold or when to fold! By folding, it was an automatic win for Cody. Cody invites Donny and Nicole to attend the show with him.

Frankie has this brilliant idea to put on a play. @@

They play the evicted hamsters. @@

Donny's Devin is spot on.

I say no.

Cody would like to take someone down and put up Frankie. They'd have the votes. Derrick is reluctant.

Time for the veto meeting. Donny congratulates him, would love to stay, will respect if he doesn't use it on him. Nicole doesn't expect it. Cody chickens out and leaves both of them on the block instead of going for a Frankie ouster. I would have respected him so much if he had made the big move.

Survivor: San Juan Del Sur Cast Video Released

There's good news; there's bad news. The good news is there are no returning players this season. The bad news is that we do know a few of them. The "twinnies" from The Amazing Race can't, won't last too long, will they?

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds Tuesday into Wednesday - August 27

Caleb and Nicole take a tumble

Yep, yep. I'm still here watching the grass grow. Too bad it's artificial turf!  Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Boredom:
  • The screen cap above is the most entertaining thing that happened all day yesterday. Caleb and Nicole were sitting next to each other. He was leaning back on his chair and leaned back too far. He grabbed Nicole's chair as he went, thus dragging her over, too. He claims it was an accident. But, since he had grabbed on and rocked her chair before, it was probably on purpose -- he might have just thought he wouldn't be really able to pull her over.
  • After she got up, she threw the water from her glass at him and he managed to perfectly escape getting hit by any.
  • How boring was it for them? It was so boring that all were in bed before 2am their time -- a first for this season.
  • Let's see ... what happened ... what happened. 
  • Um. Cody got his HoH camera.
  • Nicole told Christine that she'd like to meet Ian and Dan at their after party. I can totally see that.
  • Victoria and Nicole bonded more. Victoria is still on her jealousy kick about Christine while we all know Christine betrayed Nicole. So, they have some common ground going there.
  • The BB voice yelled at Cody for jumping into the pool.
  • I've decided I'd personally like to have that backyard for myself. Get rid of the cameras and mirrors, though. Oh. I'd like the kitchen and storage room, too. I'd have to redecorate the whole place, but I could live there. Without hamsters and cameras, of course.
  • The live feeds were blocked as the hamsters did the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.
  • Victoria told Nicole that her whole view of Christine changed when she saw what Christine did to her (Nicole). She vowed to never put Nicole on the block if she wins HoH.
  • That's a big IF, but the sentiment is good.
  • Derrick and Nicole have bonded a bit due to Victoria and Nicole bonding. He told Nicole that he's said all along that Victoria was a good person.
  • Nicole is really struggling as a Have Not.
  • Donny seems to be taking it in stride. He's taken a lot in stride this summer.
  • Derrick and Cody compared notes on Christine, deciding she's a pathological liar.
  • Too bad they didn't think of that before Cody didn't use the veto!
  • Cody said he'd rather Frankie and Christine go away before Nicole.
  • I say, "Yay, Cody! You da man!"
  • Unfortunately, Derrick inputted with what a huge competition threat Nicole is. Grr, Derrick.
  • Caleb is disgusted with the Cody/Christine physical petting and cuddling.
  • So am I.
  • Of course, she also pets Derrick. 
  • She pets the girls, too.
  • If she touched me, I'd give her a look that would KILL.
  • Nicole has bought Derrick's tale hook, line and sinker. She told Victoria she'd trust him with her life.
  • While I bet Derrick could be trusted with her life outside the house, inside not so much. (As we all know.)
  • Christine told Cody that Frankie and Nicole offered her final two deals.
  • Oh, well. Hamsters spinning their wheels in a hold position for now.
  • And, they're all still asleep.

You two can leave anytime. Please.

Hot tub gathering

Has Donny finally gone bonkers?

More thinking about exercising than actual exercising

24 hour darts are back

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds Monday night into Tuesday - August 26

Walking the yard

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Misery:
  • Frankie thinks that Nicole and Victoria are "dangerous" together. He would prefer Nicole leave this week rather than Donny because Nicole put him on the block.
  • Frankie doesn't think Donny would put him on the block.
  • All Frankie has to do is convince Derrick that Donny staying is best for their games and the Team America deal. Frankie doesn't think America would have picked Donny for the team if he were a bad person. They (we) must like him.
  • Derrick, on the other hand, knows that Donny is the only one who realizes that Derrick's been calling the shots all summer long. Donny is the biggest threat in the house to Derrick's game.
  • OMG - These hamsters need to stop randomly yelling and screaming. I have to keep jockeying my volume up and down. They're going to scare my neighbors.
  • Donny said he likes it when "normal" people are on shows like Survivor so that fans can relate to them.
  • I agree. I wish more "normal" people were on Big Brother, too. Instead, we get over the top "characters" like Frankie.
  • Meanwhile, Nicole and Victoria grow closer.
  • Heh.
  • Lots of playing pool. I guess I'd rather watch them play pool than chess. But, geez. They should all be experts time the summer is over.
  • Christine, the staunch (and raunchy!) Get Donny Out Person, told Derrick she thinks Donny would win it all if he made the final two.
  • Derrick seems like he might be wavering a bit.
  • Only Frankie, Derrick, Christine, Caleb and Victoria can vote this week. Caleb will do whatever Frankie wants. Victoria will do anything Derrick wants. Hmm ... maybe the vote could flip.
  • They wouldn't need Christine.
  • But then Donny would be stuck there lonely and sad for yet another week.
  • I honestly don't think he can make it to the end. I personally wonder if prolonging his misery isn't the right thing to do. It's a wonder he hasn't gone bonkers.
  • Frankie told Derrick that he thinks the Diary Room hinted at him that saving Donny might be best.
  • They can't tell them to do things -- the hamsters will do whatever they want. But they can, through their questions, hint and plant seeds. Many of the previous hamsters said that they could tell be the questions asked how some of the things are going on the show. That's the extent of production meddling despite what you might read elsewhere.
  • We'll see. I just don't know what good it will do. Donny has too much opposition to get to the end. An endurance comp would probably knock him out second at this point (Victoria first).
  • Caleb (remember Caleb, the cowboy Eminem stalker dude?), said that if he wins HoH, he wants to put Nicole and Christine on the block.
  • So, Caleb thinks it will be Donny out this week.
  • Cody told Derrick that Frankie is trying to get him to save Donny.
  • Um. Cody can't save anyone at this point. He has no vote and there won't even be a tie-breaker vote as it's an uneven number of hamsters voting.
  • He has no real power at this point.
  • Victoria is getting jealous about Christine spending time with Derrick.
  • @@
  • She has a real crush going on there while Christine is a bit of a sleaze who probably will caress anything in pants. (Especially named Cody.)
  • As I get this posted it doesn't seem as 100% positive that Donny will go home this week.
  • However, I still think it's a very very strong possibility.
  • It would probably be a good thing for his psyche to get out of there. I can't imagine what he's going through being constantly targeted and being so different from the others.

Is she staying or going?

She has a serious crush, he doesn't

Cody, pool shark

Is it really that cold there?