Saturday, August 30, 2014

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds Saturday/PoV Comp - August 30

Messy comp, for sure!

Well, well, well. I'm sure it will surprise you that Victoria did not win the PoV comp and, thus and therefore, cannot save Nicole this week. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Pain:
  • In the veto players pick, the only one who isn't playing is Frankie.
  • Christine picked Victoria's chip. Heh.
  • She was upset about that because she claims Victoria is vacant and does nothing.
  • I don't know. If I had to pick one of those two who doesn't skeeve me out, I'd go with Victoria every time. While she does little gamewise, she isn't horribly annoying for me.
  • Christine told Frankie that they should tell her if she (Victoria) wins veto and saves Nicole, her buddy Derrick will go on the block and go home.
  • Caleb, Cody and Derrick talked (pre-veto) that if Nicole stays and wins HoH, she'd put Frankie on the block and they'd send him packing.
  • Caleb is still mad that Frankie set him up about the Amber ouster.
  • Caleb said that if Nicole wins veto, Victoria up and Christine goes this week.
  • Ah, they are starting to cannibalize each other ... if only in their scenario talks.
  • Derrick thinks that Christine and Frankie have a lot of haters now.
  • Y'think?
  • Derrick is cementing Caleb's paranoia about Frankie not wanting him in the final two. Derrick has Caleb convinced that Frankie wouldn't take him (Caleb) because he thinks he would lose the jury vote to him.
  • Wheels in motion for a Frankie nomination?
  • I hope so.
  • Then the veto comp went down.
  • Christine won.
  • It was a messy one having to do with paint colors in a sequence.
  • Remember, we don't see these comps. We only hear them talk about them.
  • Cody went out first in the comp.
  • Frankie, of course, said he would have done so well in it.
  • Christine muttered, "Yeah, it's always all about him."
  • Heh.
  • Fractures keep forming!
  • Derrick told Victoria that he's sure Frankie isn't going up, but isn't sure who is. He said Nicole will be the one leaving no matter who goes on the block with her.
  • Sigh.
  • Christine flirted more with Cody.
  • Gag.
  • Frankie and Derrick fussed about  if they've losing their winnings from the Team America mission and wondering if we were out to "get them" due to how Julie was so emphatic about the play's failure.
  • I said "emphatic," not them. I'm not sure they know the word.
  • Frankie thought it was demoralizing the way she said it.
  • Good.
  • Derrick said his heart was crushed.
  • As it should be.
  • Frankie thinks that America voted no just because they didn't save Donny.
  • Well, yeah, to an extent.
  • But we did it also because the "play" idea absolutely SUCKED. Perhaps if they had come up with a real mission, it might have passed muster.
  • And on it goes.
  • I doubt Caleb will put Frankie up in Nicole's place.
  • It's nice to dream, though.
Ho, ho, ho - Jolly Green Cody

Couldn't save her friend

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds Friday into the night - August 29

Frankie's moved back into HoH

I know, I know. I haven't posted for nearly 24 hours again. Y'see, the Thursday night endurance comp did me in. I hurt all over from vicariously living through their slip sliding falls. Ow!

Ahem. Okay, I'll tell the truth -- I had to go with my alliance and they voted I fall asleep. Um. No. It's actually called I only had about two hours sleep, went to work and then accidentally took a several hour "power nap." But I'm all flashbacked and moving forward now! Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Predictable Patsies:
  • Derrick is getting his hollas. He's taking it in good stride. But, you know ... the rest all have to deal with it, too.
  • While they're all banged up and sore from the comp, Caleb's knee seems to be the worst. He doesn't think he'll be able to compete in the PoV comp if it's anything physical.
  • During a morning outdoor lockdown, they returned to find the latest Have Not "extra" food on the table -- the show is calling it snotroast. It seems to be variety meats, mushrooms and garlic.
  • Derrick volunteered to be a Have Not. No one else would volunteer, so Caleb made Nicole a Have Not for the second week in a row -- both of her weeks since her return from the jury house.
  • I personally miss the Have Not/Food comps of the past. When you have the HoH pick Have Nots, it's usually personal. I prefer it either a comp loss or the luck of the draw. There's enough personal stuff already going on in there!
  • Nicole cried.
  • She knows it's a given she'll be nominated, too.
  • Derrick told Victoria that she wouldn't be going on the block. He didn't mention to her that she's the back-up plan if someone gets saved with the veto.
  • But she probably can figure that out all on her own.
  • Nicole thinks that Frankie is pushing Caleb to target her as both a Have Not and a nominee.
  • Caleb thinks he has a good chance of becoming America's Favorite Player.
  • Oh, I'd say Donny probably has that one in the bag.
  • To give Caleb some credit, I have liked him better since the Amber fiasco ended. He's actually been the voice of reason at times.
  • Who woulda thunk it?
  • But he's still all full of himself.
  • Nicole, in a talk with herself (and us), said that she does like Derrick -- he's a nice guy and is playing a great game.
  • And, mind you, she only knows a bit of the game he's playing. He's actually not quite the nice guy she sees in the house. I'm fairly sure he is indeed a nice guy outside. But, inside ... he's called the shots all season long.
  • While talking about who to nominate, Nicole is a definite as everyone inside and outside the house knows. But, who to put up with her? Derrick told Caleb it has to be Christine. If Christine is not on the block and wins veto, she would probably save Nicole. If on the block and wins it, would save herself. 
  • They plan on telling Christine that if someone (other than Nicole) wins veto, they'll take her down and Victoria would go up.
  • And that's how the nominations went down -- Christine and Nicole on the block.
  • Yawn.
  • Christine had to go cuddle with Cody to soothe her nerves.
  • @@
  • Christine is irked about the nomination. After all, she's done so much for the Bomb Squad, so much for the Detonators.
  • Hey, can't she read the writing on the wall? She's supposed to be a fan of the game. Did she miss the year of Britney?
  • Oh my. I just personally flashbacked to season one's Brittany and her "love bed" where they'd all hang out. That was the year before HoH started.
  • Nicole hates Frankie. Frankie hates Nicole. Everyone is fussing about physically hurting from the comp (except Cody).
  • They all want to go to bed early tonight.
  • Crying, fussing, moaning.
  • Scheming, braggging and posing.
  • Yep.
  • Victoria told Nicole that she used to tell Derrick more but feels he's grown too close with others. She said she doesn't tell him what they (Nicole and her) talk about. 
  • Good. She's finally standing up a bit on her own. However, if she loses Derrick to hold her up, she just might fall.
  • Cody and Caleb wondered if anything they said will affect their outside lives after the show like last season's racist remarks, lost jobs and such.
  • No. Of course, just going into the show might make them a mockery. But none of them, present or evicted, seem to come across as horrible racist people or even deep-down controversial.
  • While Frankie might have an anti-fan club, it's more about him being so full of himself and taking over the spotlight at every chance than any sort of horrible evil hatred within his soul.
  • He's annoying us.
  • BB once again hit bargain liquors for a slight amount of booze and the dollar store for off brand PlayDoh and face paints.
  • Derrick talked to us on camera. He thinks he's in a good position in the game and is just about ready to make a big move -- I would HOPE that's getting Frankie out, but he didn't specify. He said he did really like Donny, but it was lousing up his own alliance and own game, so he had to do it. He said his closest ally in the house is Cody.
  • Um. Well. I had that all figured out with the exception of him being ready to make a major move.
  • Do it already.
  • And make it Frankie.
  • That's just about it.
  • I'm ready to nap again.

Derrick volunteers to be a Have Not

Nicole cries about being a Have Not again

Talking strategy

The new sheriff in town

Surviving BB

Memory wall evokes memories

You want my face to melt off, Victoria!

Friday, August 29, 2014

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds into Friday - August 29

Who wants to see my HoH room?

Well, it's over. I can't imagine folks waiting until Sunday to find out who's the new Head o' Hamsters. My HoH endurance comp report is at this link right here if you haven't already seen it. Here's what's happened since the comp in that Big Brother House of Bruised Bodies:
  • As you realize, Caleb won the comp. He deserved it.The ranking of the others following him were: Christine, Frankie, Nicole. Derrick decided he couldn't win it as he sucked at it, so he went for the reward/punishment and got that. Victoria just sucked at it, but didn't give up. I'll give her credit for that.
  • Since it was so hard on them -- all of them are hurting now -- not a heck of a lot has gone on since.
  • They didn't even get the HoH room reveal for hours.
  • I'm sure they all just wanted to collapse.
  • Victoria told Derrick she didn't want to go against her best friend (in the house) for the money, which is why she continued even though she knew she couldn't win.
  • Derrick fell the most, but it seems to be Caleb who's sporting the ice packs and having the biggest problem walking.
  • They had all noted the huge applause Donny got leaving the house.
  • Frankie thinks America is "obsessed" with Donny.
  • He's kind of right there. Heh. We're not obsessed with him, at least not in a positive manner as we are with Donny!
  • He thinks America must have voted on mental comps so Donny could win them.
  • Um. They were setting up this comp before they knew he'd be gone. It almost turned around there a few times.
  • Cody told Caleb that Nicole was helping Christine in the comp, telling her to scoop up the jelly-like stuff in the bottom of the tanks more so than the liquid on the top.
  • Um. That would seem to be common sense.
  • Frankie sucked up all over Cody.
  • We could have predicted that.
  • Frankie went on more about his sister as now they saw her in the videos of loved ones.
  • @@
  • Frankie obsessed more about America being obsessed with Donny.
  • Frankie whined to Derrick that he (Frankie) has no chance for America's Favorite because ... America is obsessed with Donny.
  • Heehee.
  • Derrick asked America for forgiveness and wants to go on to the next mission.
  • He said they got the message loud and clear.
  • Good.
  • But, had Donny stayed, this comp would have wrecked him. I couldn't make it through it, for sure!
  • They're thinking next week will be a double eviction.
  • They're right.
  • Caleb said if the prize money had been ten thousand instead of five, he would have gone for it.
  • They rehashed the comp a gazillion times.
  • Christine told Cody that Nicole did not tell her about the gel on the bottom despite what Frankie says.
  • They correctly predicted that Frankie would be all over Caleb.
  • He's already started throwing his ex-buddy Christine under the bus.
  • Caleb reiterated that he's not to be called Caleb. He is to be called Beast Mode.
  • Okay, Caleb.
  • Whatever.
  • Nicole is worried.
  • Caleb said he'll talk to her tomorrow (today).
  • Frankie thinks doing the drag bit on their show turned off America.
  • No, that's not it, Frankie.
  • It's you. And Derrick. And the fact that Donny's suggestion of a mission would have been better with America.
  • Yeah, we're obsessed with him, not you. Get over it.
  • Derrick told Frankie he needs to stay close with Caleb and make sure that Christine goes up with Nicole on the block so that she can't save her with the veto.
  • It looks like the target will be Nicole, with Christine as a second nominee. Victoria up on the block and out if Nicole gets saved.
  • No surprises there.

Everybody hates me. I don't care.

Summit meeting?

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds Endurance HOH Comp Coverage - August 28

Feeds came back on quick this time!

 Once the live feeds come back on, I'll provide coverage of the HoH endurance comp along with some screen caps.

Right now, we're in waiting. Refresh the page to get the latest news/screen caps!

Occasional Jeff interludes, Victoria is horrible at this.

10:13pm ET - Caleb went down, started crawling and we went to Jeff interviews.
10:16pm ET - Feeds back, Caleb still up.

Uh-oh. Frankie has picked up his pace. It had been Nicole and Caleb leading.

Nicole and Frankie

No one is going for the reward/punishment

Cody looks bored out of his mind.
Christine isn't struggling as much. Looks like Victoria in last so far. What a surprise!
Frankie keeps singing and making the feeds get blocked.

10:41pm ET -- Looks like Frankie and Christine are about tied for the lead with Caleb and Nicole just a bit behind them. Derrick is doing poorly. Victoria is doing worse.

Derrick decides to switch

Derrick, far behind on the large one, goes for the reward/punishment. I don't think he'll make it.

Caleb and Nicole both have bees on their lanes. Must be the suds attracting them. Nicole went down, up again.

Nicole and Christine - Quad cam

Caleb has regained his stride.

BeastMode steps up a gear
Christine is also doing well. Frankie and Nicole seem to have fallen behind them, but I can't seem to get a decent view of Frankie's snowman head.

They're all going to be hurting puppies tomorrow.

Okay, got a view. Christine, Frankie and Nicole are about the same around the nose. Caleb's is higher.

A cricket in Nicole's lane is annoying her.

Caleb keeps mumbling some sort of army marching commands to himself.

Nicole, Christine, Frankie

Derrick's almost at the reward/punishment level for winning that one.
Christine seems to be in the lead, but I haven't seen Caleb's lately.
They decided Derrick has fallen the most/best.


Derrick got the ball from the small snowman head -- gets the 5000 dollars and the hollas. He also gets to rest while the others continue on.

Are we sure Frankie hasn't been sneaking peeks at tennis? He's making those awful loud yells every time he kicks off from his snowman like they do when they volley.

Caleb definitely in the lead

Big Brother 16: Live Eviction/HoH Comp Show Blog Party - August 28

Big Brother summer on Make A Gif

Well, this will be it for either Donny or Nicole. As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest!

A programming note here in the NYC viewing area -- WLNY 10/55 will be airing BB at its regular time instead of WCBS 2 (football).

Here are the latest blog pool standings going into tonight's eviction:


Caleb - JimmyB, SueGee on the Left Coast, Sharon S, monty924, Janice from GA
Christine - ReeseB0329, EileenH, Willie J, Ronda, Rbennie
Cody - Delee, Nickelpeed, WolfpackRed, Nell the Southern Belle, Sally in Indiana
Derrick - Ed in Ohio, Jessica UNderwood, Marlo, Stormy, Erinkate
Donny - Buzzmaam, Tami, JonMD1267, Margo, Kelsey
Frankie - Aya, JOKATS, Ninboh, Tammy, Becky
Victoria - Dr_Celine, ORKMommy, Sharon N, Faye
Nicole - Jo, Witt, Celticskye, Tilda

Jocasta - Brenda, Kelly Davey, Cheryl in NC, Old mom, Maquinn78
Hayden - Donna in FL, Chacha, Sasha, Uncartie, Clover
Zach - Brian, NikkiB, Kathy, David

    Joey - Not included in pool 
    PaoPao - Jackie, Lisa Bishop, Chrob61, lynn1
    Devin - Donna in Alabama, Lili, Sparty, Merrilee, SarahT
    Amber - Caela, Sharon, Glenn, PDX Granny, Jennifer
    Brittany - Dierdre, ML, Shannon, Gaylos, Donna E
As you all know, the real party is in the comments area! Come join us there!

Christine's husband will be in a segment and they said HOH will be endurance. If the comp runs beyond the show end, I'll put up a separate post to cover it.

Segment on whether the hamsters think it's safe to keep Nicole or not.

Frankie gets word from DR about their mission. If America voted it mission completed, in the show they'll be asked as a Have Not, what food should America give them. They answer apple pie. If she says it's approved, success. Denied, America said no.

We can add rewards or punishments in the HOH comp in a Twitter vote at this link.

Into the living room with the apple pie code. OVERWHELMING NO  on the apple pie! The mission failed!

Christine's husband with gauged ears and all. He's not overly thrilled with how she is with Cody. Some lines have been crossed. Her Mom hates it and wants her to get away from Cody. Her father doesn't like it either. The brother isn't happy either. Cody's father says they're all touchy-feely. Cody's sister thinks he needs to back off.

Julie tells us about the last minute effort Frankie and Caleb made to flip the house and keep Donny. Did it work?

Donny -- Regular speech
Nicole -- Love, grateful, etc.

The votes to evict --
Christine - Donny
Victoria - Donny
Frankie - Donny
Caleb - Donny
Derrick - Donny

Yep, Donny is gone. We're in commercial. The Bold and the Beautiful want him to guest star. He'll be fine. I think he's better off psychologically out of there. Derrick left him a message obviously for his vote. Will it work if Derrick makes it to the final two?

HoH comp start. Sloppy the Snowman, transferring snow to snowman head -- it's the slip-slide one. Smaller snowman can get a reward and a punishment, $5,000 dollars and 5,000 hollas. Once a HoH is crowned, it's over.

Next week is a double eviction.

The HoH endurance comp coverage is at this post right here.