Wednesday, September 03, 2014

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds Wednesday into the evening - September 3

What? A big alliance? Me?

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Breaking Have Not:
  • At one point, Derrick apologized to us for being boring.
  • I think we deserve a bigger apology!
  • Nicole told Derrick that she knows everything she says to him gets back to Cody.
  • Oh noes! I don't do that!
  • Her feelings are hurt.
  • He's deeply offended.
  • Oh my.
  • She said she knows there's a final four deal.
  • He denies it.
  • It's still boring. A boring slight kerfuffle.
  • Derrick so wants to keep that Nicole jury vote.
  • The kerfuffle was interrupted by the BB voice telling them they get to choose a special lunch.
  • Yep, the Have Not phase has been broken!
  • They have to clear out the Have Not room.
  • They got In-N-Out Burgers much to the dismay of Frankie who doesn't eat red meat and Christine who's always snacking yet claims to be allergic to everything.
  • Frankie ended up with a burger.
  • Christine thinks her burger must have touched gluten or they must use vegetable oil for the fries. "It's disgusting!" and she's sick.
  • @@
  • She then whined that her hands smelled like In-N-Out no matter how much she washed him.
  • Huh. I don't see her whining that her hands smell like feet when she picks at her toes and then nibbles her fingers!
  • There was an HoH lockdown which was eventually replaced by the Jeff interviews/clips reels.
  • What's up? What's up?
  • Oh.
  • Apparently they had music for them.
  • They felt let down, too.
  • BB gave them three beers and a bottle of wine.
  • Go, party animals.
  • Holla!

In-N-Out Burger feast

Clean that window!

Nicole helps Victoria study

Cody is one with Dino tonight

Easily led

Big Brother 16: Power of Veto Show Blog Party - September 3

Big Brother summer on Make A Gif

Good evening! Welcome to the party! The more boring they are, I say the more we party! (Then it won't matter that the hamsters are such a snoozefest.)

As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest news! However, as I know you all know, the real party is in the comments. Come join us there!

Derrick would prefer Christine is the target. But he wisely decides to wait until after the veto comp to push his agenda. Caleb thinks that if Nicole wins the veto, he'll put Victoria up and she'd go home. Derrick plants the seeds for a Christine ouster if she doesn't win veto. Derrick goes on to plant the seeds for a final two with Caleb instead of Frankie.

Time to pick players for the veto comp. Joy! Joy! Caleb draws Houseguest Choice and decides Cody because he isn't walking wounded from the HoH comp. Nicole draws Derrick. Holla! Christine draws Victoria. Frankie is the only one not playing.

Frankie has a fit because he's not playing. That casts suspicion from his buddies. Derrick still wants Christine out.


Veto comp time -- Frankie has an orange safety vest. The backyard is done up with TNT and they'll see a video and cut the right wire to defuse their dynamite. First player(s) to blow up the dynamite will be dinosaurs for the week.

Cody blows up in the first round by choosing blue over green. (They were shown a sequence of colors and told to cut the second one.)

Caleb out next. "Dagnabbit!" Derrick wants Nicole to win. Victoria out next.

Derrick deliberately cuts the wrong wire while Nicole accidentally cut the wrong one. Christine wins PoV.

Caleb is getting bad vibes about Frankie. Cody is catching the anti-Frankie fever.

Cody got his dinosaur costume.

The rest of the Bomb Squad seriously thinks over sending Frankie out.

Nicole tells Derrick he's playing a perfect game and is the closest thing to Dan Gheesling. Derrick panics. No one was supposed to notice that! Now he's worried she'll spill and he needs to flip the script on the backdoor Frankie plan.

Veto meeting. Christine saves herself. Caleb nominates Victoria in her place. He tells her that she's safe. Nicole is the main target.

Dang, that was outright MEAN. Nicole was right when she said it was mean on the live feeds after the meeting.

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds Tuesday into Wednesday - September 3

Another exciting game of pool

Once again, I really couldn't come up with much of an update because there's so much nothing going on in the house right now! Even the strategy talks are treading trodden trails and it's like living Groundhog Day over and over again to listen to them. So, as a result, I'm putting up more screen caps than actual updates in this post. Here ya go:
  • Frankie and Christine really dislike each other. Both claim they were close in the first month, then pretty much decided they didn't like each other.
  • Christine told Cody he's the only one in the house she trusts.
  • She's been hanging out with Nicole and Victoria a lot.
  • But Nicole is going home tomorrow and she mocks Victoria every chance she gets when she's with her Boyz.
  • Derrick is pushing for the Bomb Squad/Detonators to be in the final four just so they could say they made it, much like the Brigade. He seems to be including himself, Cody, Caleb and Frankie with Christine out before the four.
  • He also claims that he and Cody made their own pact on Day Two (whatever) and he wants to honor it.
  • He does seem to be backing off his idea of going to the final two with Victoria. He knows that would guarantee him the win, but the logistics of getting there with her are really iffy now.
  • With his facial hair and a cap, Caleb is looking more like Boston Rob (scruffy version) at times than Eminem/Charlie Sheen.
  • Caleb still has delusions of grandeur.
  • Frankie still thinks he's a beloved star of the show and the world on the whole.
  • Victoria has found out that watching the Israel version of BB in no way prepared her for this summer in the American BB.
  • Christine's incessant laugh and disgusting picking at toes and fingers still creep me out.
  • Holla!
  • Cody was able to change from a long-sleeved, long-pants dinosaur to a short-sleeves, short-panted one. He wears separate dino-paws.
  • Caleb never seems to wear the bunny slippers these days.
  • Could he be over Amber?
  • Well, until the wrap party, he seems to be. He, however, is holding a grudge against Frankie for the lies told to make him turn on Amber.
  • So much talk about "what ifs."
  • I'd like to say WHAT IF Victoria wins HoH?!?! I know it's an improbability, but WHAT IF?
  • I think Cody and Derrick would be the only ones safe with a win by her.
  • I'd like that.
  • We're in the doldrums until tomorrow's eviction(s).
  • Enjoy the pretty pictures!


Ew! She's hugging Frankie for a photo!

Picking at her feet again

His Justin Bieber impersonation

What am I doing in this handbasket?

Strategy-less talk

Don't they ever refrigerate the beverages?

Nicole napped a lot

Nothing to see here, move along!

Tuesday, September 02, 2014

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds Monday evening into Tuesday - September 2

Badminton injury/foolish casualty

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Expect the Expected:
  • Nicole knows she will be going home Thursday and is now holding her head high.
  • But she'd still rather stay.
  • Being consoling during all of Victoria's crying is getting to Derrick. His patience is starting to wear thin.
  • Holla!
  • Derrick told Christine that Nicole said that Frankie is playing the best game in the house.
  • I didn't hear her say that. I suppose it's possible she said it as they didn't backdoor him this week, though.
  • Christine said she'd rather lose to any of the other three guys, but not Frankie.
  • She can't stand him, y'know.
  • Nicole said that they put the exact kind of people she said she didn't like in the house. Basically fake happy people, not real people.
  • Derrick has been studying for comps, as has Christine.
  • Cody doesn't think anyone has been studying other than himself and Christine.
  • He needn't worry. Derrick wants him in the house.
  • For now.
  • Christine doesn't think she's done anything to embarrass her parents.
  • How about her husband?
  • Cody got all worried because Caleb talked with Frankie about the idea of backdooring him before deciding to put Victoria on the block.
  • Cody and Derrick think that Caleb needs to go before long because he can't keep his mouth shut.
  • Of course, they could have been rid of one obstacle this week had Caleb put Frankie on the block.
  • Cody and Derrick think Caleb wanted to save Frankie because he sees him as a connection to the music industry.
  • @@
  • The ONLY connection Frankie has is that his sister is apparently and up and coming pop star. If she's bright, she'll distance herself from her brother.
  • Nicole told Derrick that Caleb plans to take Cody to the end so he "can beat the best."
  • Derrick said that's foolish. He plans on taking someone he can beat.
  • Can you say "Victoria?"
  • I'm tired of hearing Derrick say he's 30 and a grown man. 
  • I was on my own and "a grown woman" per se by the time I was 18. 
  • Of course, he is in a house with a bunch of children who still live with their parents for the most part.
  • Frankie doesn't live with his parents, but I'm sure they have a hand in supporting him and his lifestyle.
  • Nicole is still enthralled with Derrick, now thinks Cody did both her and Hayden in.
  • Yawn.

What? She's not caressing his toes?

They need to get him OUT

Can you find the dragon?

Monday, September 01, 2014

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds Bulletin - PoV Meeting Renom - September 1

Scared to make the big move

As Nicole put it: "This place is always so predictable."

Christine saved herself as no one could blame her.

Caleb put Victoria on the block with Nicole going home this week.