At least with the double eviction tonight, we have something that isn't all that predictable ahead of us. As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest news!
But, if you want to head to the party, head on down to the comments area! I hope to see you there!
Nicole is gone, as expected, in yet another unanimous vote.
The first HoH comp is "What the bleep?" true or false
DERRICK wins HoH in the first round!
In quick talks one by one, Derrick is telling them that if Christine wins veto, Frankie goes home.
He makes the nominations -- Christine and Victoria. He says he's going with the house. The live veto comp is next.
PoV comp -- Mazed and Confused -- navigating a ball through three crop circle mazes. Kind of like the shark thing last year.
Frankie wins the PoV! We're shown Derrick conferring with Frankie ... oust Christine? Hmm ... too good to be true! Caleb agrees, Cody agrees.
To the living room.
Speech time -- Christine -- really close. Victoria -- tried my best want to stay.
Frankie decides NOT to use the Power of Veto. The nominations remain the same!
Team America mission -- convince others to fast or convince them there's a rodent in the house -- go to website for details.
Speech time - Christine wants more fun. Victoria would appreciate it if she can stay.
The votes to evict:
Frankie -- Christine
Caleb -- Christine
Cody -- Christine
Another unanimous vote -- Christine is OUT!
Whoa. She didn't even say goodbye to them. There were some boos heard by all!
Big Brother rewind button in effect next week. Next week's nominees might become un-nominated if a button is pushed.
Next week the show shifts to Tuesday and Wednesday.
In the house, they see the button. Frankie keeps telling Caleb not to touch it.