Saturday, September 06, 2014

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds Friday into Saturday - September 6

How I feel watching them this season

First off --- my apologies. I jumped the gun for the first time ever in the blog by calling the nominations with scant proof. The particular long Jeff interviews feed blockage was NOT the nominations. I'll explain what it was in a moment.

But then the nominations came down later and I was right with my call that it's Cody and Victoria on the block with Victoria the probable target of all (even though Derrick would probably personally prefer to keep her in his own game). I was just wrong about the WHEN on the nominations.
  • The initial Jeff interviews feeds blockage was due to Jeff himself (and Jordan). As promised on the show Thursday, they showed up at the house.
  • Why?
  • So Jeff could propose marriage to Jordan in the backyard complete with champagne and a band and all.
  • Caleb thought the instruments meant they expected him to play/serenade the couple.
  • @@
  • Caleb also thought that they would get to bring the leftover champagne back into the house.
  • He was mistaken.
  • In the house, Jeff reamed them for being slobs.
  • Good.
  • Eventually through the evening, they went on a housecleaning mass effort.
  • The bathroom actually looks good without clutter all over.
  • I'd mock them for being so excited when they found a Swiffer in the storage room, but I'd have to mock myself as well. 
  • I love a Swiffer.
  • Seeing the storage room all stocked with goods reminds me of a survivalist shelter of some sort. I could have used a stocked storage room when I was laid up with knee surgery! I still want one.
  • Conversation of Christine getting booed continued to arise now and then. They have come to the conclusion that she played them all and was cruel in Diary Room sessions or the married woman hanging all over Cody or she's just plain a mean person.
  • I must be a mean person, too. I'm kind of enjoying them all worrying about possibly being booed. 
  • Heehee.
  • Out of the remaining hamsters, I can only see Frankie being booed. Post-Amber Caleb has been bearable, albeit full of himself and delusions of grandeur. Heck, Caleb has even been entertainment in a house of dullards since Zach and Hayden left. Yeah, I've been staunchly a Derrick fan since the start and think his puppetmaster powers are amazing. But, as for his entertainment value? That's so lacking, dude!
  • They continue to worry and question what pushing the button did/will do to them.
  • They're not close at all to the real answer.
  • They'll find out Wednesday.
  • Donny holla: "Fear the beard, holla!"
  • They want Zach to record more hollas.
  • The hollas have actually slowed down a lot.
  • Holla! I ain't no hollaback girl!

  • The Team America mission chosen (obviously chosen by show only viewers) is to convince them there's a rodent in the house and stay up all night to catch it.
  • Now, the fast would have been more interesting. This one is too much like the neighborhood patrol one.
  • I personally think Team America should have ended when one was voted out.
  • Derrick is scrambling to find a way to save both Cody and Victoria. If he wins veto and takes Cody down, Caleb goes up ... can they get rid of Frankie without Caleb's help?
  • Hmm.
  • Little does he know, the pushing of the button killed this whole week's HoH and nominations anyway.
  • Maybe they can get it right on the second try -- Frankie on the block, Frankie goes home.
  • Lots of small talk.
  • Yawn.
They'll be knocking down my door with offers

Everybody's best F2 partner

Just a joker

Channeling Caleb? Ew.

Friday, September 05, 2014

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds Nominations Bulletin - September 5

Nominations seem to be in. No surprises -- it's what Frankie said he was going to do. Victoria and Cody on the block; Victoria is the target. Cody has been assured safety by Caleb. We keep getting interference with random Jeff interviews. However, due to extended Jeff interviews before the conversation between Cody and Caleb about Derrick and him not voting him out if the veto isn't used ... I'm calling it. If I hear different, I'll update.

Of course, none of them know this is all for naught as they pushed the reset button.

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds Thursday Night/New HoH into Friday - September 5

The final five

Well, Christine's out, but we still have Frankie. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Pushing My Buttons:
  • They're all amazed at the boos they heard when Christine walked out.
  • Cody is really worried that he'll be booed when he goes.
  • Derrick thinks America might hate her due to both the married woman hanging out all over Cody thing plus mean things she's said.
  • Spot on.
  • We just don't like her.
  • They noted the boos for Christine were louder than they were for Aaryn and her racially charged behavior/words last season.
  • They also thought that Ariana might be in the DE audience and led the booing. Nicole told them that she had been in the audience at the first DE.
  • Did you realize that Frankie has a famous sister named Ariana?
  • Did you realize that Frankie himself is famous?
  • Oh my.
  • BB let them in the ex-Have Not room. It's now all red and black "Game" print with a huge mirror on one wall and it has the pedestal with the button. The latter is covered with a plexiglass box.
  • The words 'The choice is yours' are flashing on a marque.
  • The feeds went to Jeff interviews and, on BBAD, Derrick sitting alone, as the HoH comp was played.
  • Sigh.
  • Frankie won HoH.
  • Sigh.
  • Wah.
  • Of course, Victoria will be the target.
  • Wah.
  • Derrick doesn't think she should be told until the very last moment.
  • Then they had the choice to push the button -- the plexiglass box covering it was gone.
  • Holla!
  • Even though Derrick was very reluctant, the peer pressure was too much.
  • They all pushed the button in unison.
  • They house blew up.
  • BANG.
  • Er, no. The marque changed to a countdown -- Five days, 19 hours, ten minutes.
  • They figure that would be Wednesday.
  • Derrick, Caleb and Frankie talked about being the final three.
  • It sounds like Cody will go on the block with Victoria. According to Frankie he'll put up the one who's most likely to put him on the block.
  • Well, yeah. That would be Cody. But I'd definitely want Cody to be in there longer than Frankie.
  • Holla!
  • Frankie told Derrick he might say he's going to put up Derrick as he's never been on the block.
  • But that won't be what happens. 
  • Frankie doesn't care that his HoH will be "wasted" by voting out Victoria.
  • Derrick got his HoH basket. He didn't like the picture and didn't show it to the others.
  • Hmm.
  • Maybe he's a cop!
  • Then he makes it sound like it's something that might hurt his wife or daughter.
  • Hmm. I doubt we'll ever see that picture!
  • Then every time he or another mentioned his wife, we got blocked feeds.
  • Curiouser and curiouser.
  • Then Derrick went in and out of the Diary Room with a handprint, picture of Tenley and a letter/poem from his wife in which she said how much she loves him.
  • Huh.
  • Maybe it's something as simple as her being in her work clothes and exposing her company (against many rules with many companies) or something.
  • We just don't know.
  • They think it's better they all pushed the button at once.
  • They think BB figured someone would sneak in and push it.
  • Either way, there was a button. It would be pushed.
  • Zach's voice is shouting, "Holla! Froot Loop dingus!"
  • They also got Donny, Jocasta and Hayden hollas.
  • Can I get a HOLLA?
  • Frankie's room reveal was late.
  • They're all still awake as I post this.

Cody worries about being booed

Wondering what's in that room

Game - "It's your choice"

This can't be good

And, now he's HoH. Wah!

Do we really want to do this?

They all push the button

Thursday, September 04, 2014

Big Brother 16: Live Double Eviction, HoH Show Blog Party - September 4

Big Brother summer on Make A Gif

At least with the double eviction tonight, we have something that isn't all that predictable ahead of us. As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest news!

But, if you want to head to the party, head on down to the comments area! I hope to see you there!

Nicole is gone, as expected, in yet another unanimous vote.

The first HoH comp is "What the bleep?" true or false

DERRICK wins HoH in the first round!

In quick talks one by one, Derrick is telling them that if Christine wins veto, Frankie goes home.

He makes the nominations -- Christine and Victoria. He says he's going with the house. The live veto comp is next.

PoV comp -- Mazed and Confused -- navigating a ball through three crop circle mazes. Kind of like the shark thing last year.

Frankie wins the PoV! We're shown Derrick conferring with Frankie ... oust Christine? Hmm ... too good to be true! Caleb agrees, Cody agrees.

To the living room.
Speech time -- Christine -- really close. Victoria -- tried my best want to stay.

Frankie decides NOT to use the Power of Veto. The nominations remain the same!

Team America mission -- convince others to fast or convince them there's a rodent in the house -- go to website for details.

Speech time - Christine wants more fun. Victoria would appreciate it if she can stay.

The votes to evict:
Frankie -- Christine
Caleb -- Christine
Cody -- Christine

Another unanimous vote -- Christine is OUT!

Whoa. She didn't even say goodbye to them. There were some boos heard by all!

Big Brother rewind button in effect next week. Next week's nominees might become un-nominated if a button is pushed.

Next week the show shifts to Tuesday and Wednesday.

In the house, they see the button. Frankie keeps telling Caleb not to touch it.

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds Wednesday night into Thursday - September 4

Late night (strategic) talk with Nicole

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Misery:
  • Christine and Frankie made amends.
  • We'll see how long that lasts.
  • Frankie blamed Nicole for setting them against each other.
  • @@
  • Yeah, right. Blame the girl you're sending home and cannot defend herself.
  • They all got really loud and obnoxious with their little amount of alcohol in them.
  • Christine said her mother grew up in Albany, NY.
  • Frankie said he did a show once in Albany, NY.
  • Christine said what a pretty city it is.
  • Um.
  • I went to college and my first apartment was in Albany, NY. It was long ago and far away, but I think I can speak for Albany, NY -- stay out of town, Frankie and Christine!
  • Holla!
  • Cody still wants Frankie out before Christine for his own game.
  • Derrick would prefer Christine out first, then Frankie, as he wants to keep the guys intact for the final four. He thinks Frankie would remain loyal to them to get to that point.
  • Cody says none of his friends have apartments of their own and he lives with his parents, so he can't really have girls over.
  • My gosh, we have a generation of adult kids living off their parents! I know the economy isn't what it was, but roommates should make moving out doable even with a minimum wage job! Don't they WANT to be on their own?
  • Derrick said that Cody is using his good looks as strategy as he flirts with the girls.
  • Well, yeah, dude!
  • Holla!
  • Christine went into the dark bedroom and molested the Dino head, then molested Cody's hair and head in bed.
  • Ew.
  • Nicole told Derrick that Cody has a good chance of winning over the jury votes, as does Caleb.
  • Now, that's why Derrick would want to bring Victoria to the final two with him instead of his boyz!
  • But the logistics of getting that done get trickier by the day. He might convince them to get rid of Christine before Victoria, but the rest would be hard.
  • D-Bomb! HOLLA!
  • You gotta start winning comps, dude! Holla, it's the truth.
    Independent study

    Hugging the Dino head before snuggling

    It really should be Frankie instead

    Dino teases Nicole