Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds Tuesday overnight into Wednesday - September 10

Caleb builds a better mousetrap

Ho-hum. Izzy the dog added some cuteness for a few hours, but had to be evicted (probably because she was such a threat to their games). Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Warm Fuzzies for a few hours:
  • Apparently Izzy isn't some poor dog they plucked off the streets of Hollywood to make into a star. Izzy is a professional actress with commercials and even some TV series work in her resume.
  • So now we know Izzy was only ACTING like she liked Frankie!
  • Give that doggie an Emmy!
  • I can see why they hired an acting dog, though. To put a dog into a strange environment like that, it would have to be a dog used to the public and predictably behaved. 
  • While it would have made good TV for the dog to bite Frankie's face off, it would probably result in a lawsuit.
  • Sigh.
  • Oh well ... biting Frankie's face off would probably make a dog ill anyway. I don't want that.
  • I know. I know. I'm being evil.
  • My apologies.
  • (But I really want Frankie out. NOW Cody is kicking himself for not making the move to do it when the opportunity was handed to him on a silver platter with no repercussions!)
  • In other news: Since someone/something "ate" the cheese out of the mousetrap, Caleb went to great measures to build a new and better mousetrap.
  • He might need a bigger boat to catch a rat (Frankie)!
  • Heehee.
  • I know. I'm being mean again.
  • As I previously mentioned, they're going to be haunted the rest of their days in the house by a rodent who never existed in the first place.
  • Good.
  • They need something to occupy their time.
  • Perhaps the hamsters should just embrace their rodent cousin!
  • Ahem.
  • Can you tell I'm grasping at straws to find something new to report on in this entry?
  • It's been the same-old, same-old ... button worries/anticipation, who should go with whom to the final three/two, how they need to get Frankie out, how clueless Caleb is ...
  • There ya go.

King Derrick (needs to banish Frankie!)

Still a bunch o' slobs

Cody gives Izzy treats

A boy and his (rented) dog

Tuesday, September 09, 2014

Big Brother 16: Power of Veto Show Blog Party - September 9

Big Brother summer on Make A Gif

I hope everyone remembers the show's scheduling has changed to Tuesday, Wednesday and Sunday evenings at 8pm ET/PT!

As tonight's show airs, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As you all know by now, the real party is in the comments area. Come join in on the fun!

Frankie wants Victoria to go. If the noms remain the same, Derrick tells us he'd have to go with Cody staying rather than Victoria because he needs a comp winner at his side.

They're worried because they pushed the button.

After messing with the button, it's time for the veto comp. They're sequestered in separate rooms as they play BB FreakShow one by one. They see freaks -- three hamsters in a mashed-up face. six "acts" and the one completing it the quickest wins.

Cody - 12 min. 14 sec.
Caleb - 8 min. 39 sec.
Victoria - 17 min. 18 sec.
Frankie - 5 min. 54 sec.
Derrick - 6 min. 17 sec.

Frankie wins the Power of Veto (the crowd boos)

No, there is no crowd at the comp. I'm talking us.

They go on a cleaning binge because of Jeff calling them slobs.

Derrick gets the next TA mission. They have to convince the others there's a rodent in the house.

Cody keeps climbing up on chairs. Caleb wants to catch it. Rat Patrol in motion! They keep them up until six. Mission accomplished.

Frankie is going on to himself about his nine comp wins.

The veto meeting (as we saw it on the feeds this time) -- Frankie goes on about wielding so much power. @@

He doesn't use the Power of Veto. The nominations -- Cody and Victoria -- remain. 

Tomorrow night -- the rewind, Dan Gheesling and a look at the jury house.

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds Tuesday - and then there was a dog - September 9

Ding dong, Izzy calling

Yes. As I mentioned this morning they're grasping straws to bring some sort of entertainment on the live feeds.

So we got a dog for the day. Her name is Izzy. She's only there for the day visit. She has treats, toys and instructions. BB takes her out to do her bidness. The backyard is all artificial turf, so she can't do it there! She's not allowed in the pool or on the stairs.

I think she had sensory overload. All of the hamsters are declaring love.

I say Izzy for the win!

Other than that news, same old, same old. Tomorrow better shake things up!

Loving the attention

Derrick has dog treats!

HoH camera doggy style

Typical BB16 houseguest - asleep

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds into Tuesday - September 9

Hey? What's that scrolling marque?

Well, for the most part, this report has the same stuff going on it as the last two. A whole lotta nuthin'!

But ... wait ... there's a scrolling marque on the live feeds page. "Don't miss the debut of Big Brother's first house pet! Tune into the live feeds Tuesday morning to see the Houseguest react to having a dog for the day."

Um. This isn't the first dog in the BB House. Who could forget Pugita, the pug dog? Or how Sloshy Josh (Souza) jumped in the pool to save Pugita? Or the day the house had a whole bunch of pug dogs? Yeah, I'm talking season one.

But I'm sure these "true fans" on the show will remember that. Yeah, right.

In other news, Derrick broke down and talked to Victoria. He told her that his loyalty has to be with Cody for the vote although he really loves her. (Not in that way -- he's talking like a younger sister.) He told Frankie he doesn't want her to look like a fool on television campaigning for votes she can't ever get. Derrick thinks that BB is pressuring her to campaign.

Derrick discussed two different scenarios with Victoria, one which will have her stay, the other gone. Both, of course, advance his own game in the house and with the jury. His master plan has Victoria working everyone his way. We'll see.

What to do? What to do? The hamsters are boring the live feed watchers right to death here!

I've got it!


There are no words

Facing the truth

Monday, September 08, 2014

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds Monday into the evening - September 8

At least she's not moping

Geez. You can pretty much read my previous report and find out what's happened since. Same as it ever was ...
  • Speculation on the powers of the pushed button
  • A message on the TV screen said "The next live show is in 48 hours."
  • It went unnoticed for a long time.
  • Curiosity about why there's a Wednesday live show when they don't realize there isn't a Thursday live show. They're thinking the finale might have been moved up and Sunday is the finale.
  • Final two and final three "what if" speculation.
  • Get rid of Frankie talk.
  • New is Derrick's wounded finger. He's worried that there's something in the cut or it might be getting infected. The medic will look at it.
  • Oh, don't worry. He'll ignore his finger to try to actually win a comp.
  • Derrick told Cody how important the final veto winner is, more than the HoH even as that winner is the sole vote.
  • Thankfully someone in the house realizes this stuff!
  • Frankie snored.
  • Make him stop.
  • Frankie fussed and whined about dry skin on his face half the day.
  • That is, when he was awake, anyway.
  • Lots of napping.
  • Playing pool.
  • Being in the pool at times.
  • Caleb is still sure that the pressing of the button will bring them riches beyond imagination.
  • Or, something like that.
  • They recorded goodbye messages for Cody and Victoria today.
  • Might not need them this week.
  • I really don't have much more for you.
  • Make Frankie go away.
  • Thank you.

Too much excitement to handle

Something new! Only one cam with BRB!

More excitement!

Derrick wants a medic to look at his finger