Thursday, September 11, 2014

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds Bulletin - Nominations - September 11

Caleb actually did it -- he put Victoria and FRANKIE on the block. Of course, he told Frankie that he's the pawn, but ...!

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds Thursday into the afternoon - September 11

Who's this running into the house?

Well, Team Monotony ... er, Big Brother livened the house up a bit today. Here's what happened inside that Big Brother House of Jurors Running Amok:
  • Our oh-so-lovable hamsters slept in, as usual.
  • Caleb found a card from BB saying that Cody's dinosaur costume was once again extinct and that they were going to have a luxury comp.
  • Then they got locked in a room with a TV monitoring the house.
  • Who comes running in the door?
  • Our jury hamsters!
  • They rip through the house throwing food, Froot Loops and clothes all over the place, basically trashing it.
  • While they watched them on the TV, they all laughed. They certainly changed their tune later.
  • After the initial trashing, the feeds ended up being blocked.
  • However, it seems each present hamster had to put on a t-shirt with the team member of the jury's name on it.
  • That juror was playing for the hamster on their team, searching for a chip worth 10 grand -- five for the juror, five for the hamster.
  • Caleb was unhappy he got Jocasta.
  • Aw.
  • Victoria had Hayden.
  • Hayden found the chip, so they each get the money.
  • Frankie and Caleb are SO ticked about that.
  • VICTORIA gets money?!?!?!
  • Oh noes! Life in the BB house is SO unfair!
  • Then they all groused about having to clean up the mess left behind.
  • Victoria had a valid complaint that someone broke her necklace and someone crossed her name off where she had written it on the inside of the bathroom door.
  • (Hamsters through the seasons have marked their existence in the john.)
  • How dare the jury have a chance to win money?
  • How dare they mess up my house?
  • And so on.
  • Now we're pretty much back to boredom.
  • Nominations today, the screen said after the jurors left.

Dancing and trashing

Hamsters locked up laughing

The trashing goes on, as does the laughing

I'm so mad

No, WE are Team Donny!

Jus' spittin' in a cup. Ew.

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds overnight into Thusday - September 11

Will the new HoH do it?

Good morning, folks. We all know that today is a solemn day in our lives as we remember the terrorist attacks of 9/11/01. Here in the Greater NYC Metropolitan Area, we have reminders of the day every day in our daily lives -- things that have changed due to the attacks. But, on the actual date, it really takes us back in time. I'd rather go back in time to a day when we felt safe on our own soil. We'll never forget.

But life goes on. And, the BB house hamsters go on, as well. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of You Can Do It, Caleb!:
  • As you all know from my previous update, Caleb won HoH.
  • Heh.
  • I would have preferred Cody or Victoria, but I'll take anyone who's not named Frankie.
  • Of course, there was a lot of memory wall studying as they know they'll be facing the morph comp once again. They're sure it will be changed somehow, but it's anyone's guess what the changes will be.
  • In talking about the rewind, Frankie brought up that Jeff and Jordan will have to get engaged in the yard again. Derrick laughed and said as long as he doesn't gash his finger on a glass again.
  • Ah, so that's how he cut his finger! I didn't ever catch where the cut came from and assumed a comp.
  • They (Derrick and Frankie) haven't mentioned the Team America mission, whether it has to be redone or not.
  • Derrick told Cody that they have to convince Caleb to put Frankie on the block.
  • Meanwhile, the Victoria hates Derrick act continues. Victoria is having a ball with it. She knows she can't win the game, so she's putting her effort into securing a Derrick win. At one point she told the camera (us) that this was for Jana and Tenley.
  • She's putting great little touches on the act all by herself, too.
  • She made a point of saying goodnight to everyone but Derrick.
  • They're all falling for the act.
  • Caleb agreed with Derrick that Frankie needs to go (as he's the greatest threat for the big win), but disagreed on putting him initially on the block.
  • Derrick pointed out that if he's (Frankie's) on the block and wins veto, he saves himself. But, if Frankie is NOT on the block and Cody/Victoria or Derrick/Victoria are ... Frankie could save Victoria and either Cody or Derrick would end up going home.
  • Hmm ... pretty valid reasoning.
  • Well, until you think about it. I'm sure Frankie wouldn't save Victoria.
  • But Caleb might fall for it.
  • Caleb agreed that he will put Frankie on the block but convince him that Victoria is the target.
  • Caleb is still having delusions of grandeur.
  • He just doesn't realize that outside of the BB fan base, the cast hamsters just fade into total obscurity with the general public.
  • American Idol is about the only long time reality show to make stars of the winners and some of the better singers. Why has he never applied for that if he's such a great singer?
  • Frankie wants to have surgery on his ears because he thinks they look like bat ears. Derrick said they're more a bit elf. 
  • I think he should spend his money on a personality implant instead of his ears.
  • In his HoH reveal, Caleb got the CD from the singer who appeared in the yard for the engagement party.
  • Since BB opened up the yard, the hamsters aren't expecting the PoV comp until Saturday.
  • I'm really hoping for some changes this week ... like Frankie LOSING comps.
  • How about you?

A girl studies

A dinosaur studies

He said this one is a new costume

Going for the Emmy

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds Special HoH Comp Re-do - September 10

As I get this posted, the live feeds are still blocked. I'll update when they come back!

9:18pm ET -- Feeds still blocked.


Caleb won the HoH comp

And Frankie didn't ... heehee

Contemplating the veto

Derrick is thrilled. He's sure that Frankie can't win the veto twice over him. Caleb wants Frankie out, but isn't sure about initially putting him on the block and letting him have the chance to save himself with the veto.

Big Brother 16: Special REWIND Live Show Blog Party - September 10

Big Brother summer on Make A Gif

If nothing else, tonight's show will be all worthwhile just to see Frankie's face as he's told his HoH and PoV wins were all for nothing and they're going to re-do it all!

As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest news! You already know where the party is -- in the comments. Well? C'mon down and join in on the fun!

Derrick's focus remains on being in the final two. Yet the others are focused on the button. That's what Julie said ... then the segments go off on different topics. Hmm.

Now we're into Derrick's plan for Victoria will act like she's mad at him and won't have his jury vote if she gets evicted. She cries to Frankie about Derrick's betrayal.

Cody gets picked on about his chicken reaction to "the rat." He blushes. When asked about who the sloppiest is, Victoria said it's Caleb and Frankie.

Going into the previous hamster Hollas. And we're in the jury house! They gave him a pink cap for his birthday. Nicole arrives. Ha! They were mocking Christine as she sneaked up behind them! She says it was awkward. Too bad. She told them it was the loudest boo she's ever heard.

They all agree that Derrick has been playing the best game socially and manipulatively, with Frankie being good at comps and manipulation.

Time for the live voting, Julie tells them. Cody gets up to speak, thanks people, loyalty, final four. Victoria -- thanks all, thank you for treating me like a person, Derrick you've betrayed me, never forgive you.

Derrick goes to vote. AN ALARM GOES OFF! Julie tells them ... after commercial. WILL affect everyone's game and perhaps your life in the Big Brother house.

They'll be doing the seed-saw comp again, Derrick can't play, Cody has to go back to the dinosaur costume.

Dan is on. He thinks the same as I do about Derrick.

in the HoH comp, Frankie is in the lead as they went to break. Julie tells us that this week will be supersized. Hmm.  Sunday, jurors surprise visit. Tuesday, eviction, Wednesday eviction, special episode on Friday.

The comp didn't end by show end. I'll put up a separate post for live feed coverage or, if blocked feeds, the winner.