Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds Nominations, PoV Winner Bulletin - September 16/17

The HoH gets no blood on his hands

Derrick pretty much has it made in the shade. Here's a quick rundown --
  • As expected, he nominated Victoria and Caleb for eviction.
  • Cody won the Power of Veto again.
  • The Hitmen's next target was Caleb unless something changed drastically during the two feedless days.
  • Cody can't save anyone with the veto as he and Derrick cannot go on the block.
  • Cody is the sole vote.
  • Caleb is sure that Cody will vote out Victoria.
  • Victoria and Derrick are still acting on the outs.
  • Cody should vote out Caleb, the largest threat (other than Derrick) for the win.
  • Derrick once again won't have the "blood on his hands."
  • The final three should be Victoria, Cody and Derrick. 

Caleb will get bloody if he keeps picking his arms

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Big Brother 16: Not So Live Eviction Show Blog Party - September 16

Big Brother summer on Make A Gif

Bring your popcorn, get that grill going! Are you ready to party bloggy-style?

As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest! As always (and perhaps especially tonight), the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there!

Rewind recap and more recap. Frankie is shocked. Too bad, so sad. Caleb has a big mouth. He pretty much told Frankie that the others consider him (Frankie) a threat.

Because they know what the veto comp will be, they're studying. Relentlessly studying.

Ack. The Team America offer rumored is TRUE. TA is over, playing for yourself. As an individual, if you win, you take home an extra 50 grand. Note that there's nothing about BOTH of them making it to the final two. It's just if either Frankie or Derrick win the show, it will be $550,000, not $500,000.

Freak Show comp is on again. Cody is up first.

Cody's time: 2:21
Caleb can beat it, nor Victoria. Frankie out. Derrick was almost done when time ran out.

Cody wins Power of Veto!

Veto meeting: Victoria gives her usual speech. Frankie thinks Derrick should be on the block instead of him. Cody does NOT use the veto.

Time to vote! Speech time - Victoria, the usual. Frankie, greetings to Mommy and Ariana, hope to make you proud, on and on, shine bright as a Frankie, kept all safe, final four agreement. Go Grande or Go Home and tonight I might be doing both. (That was cute.)

The vote to evict:
Cody -- Frankie
Derrick -- Frankie

Ding dong, the witch is dead! Which old witch? The wicked witch! Frankie is gone!

He went out with the hamsters well. But then he pulled a Richard Simmons act going out to Julie, throwing glitter and all.

HoH comp time -- It's a step forward/step back questions about events before or after. Caleb can't play as HoH. Cody and Derrick go to a tiebreaker. Derrick wins HoH!

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds Leak BULLETIN - September 16

No Frankie!

Welp, we had a teaser of about ten minutes on the live feeds. Intentional leak? I dunno. But it was revealing indeed.
  • Frankie is not in the house.
  • Derrick is HoH.
  • Not only is he in the HoH room, but a thingee next to the "dream" one says "No.1 Dad."
  • They're wearing veto shirts and ready for the veto comp.
  • Victoria is worried, Derrick is consoling her.
  • Did I say it loud enough?

Also ... has the voting for fan favorite up at this link.

No. 1 Dad by HoH basket!

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds or lack thereof - September 15-16

The live feeds have been off since they received tie-dye shirt kits yesterday morning and recorded that for last night's BBAD show.

Hopefully Frankie is out the door now with last night being the eviction. Tonight's show was taped last night.

About the only thing of note which I didn't mention on yesterday morning's live feeds report is Derrick's talk with us (feedsters) in the wee hours. He definitely wants a final three with himself, Cody and Victoria. He understands that we might not think Victoria is "worthy" of being in the finals, but claims she's a good person and thinks she keeps a lot of herself private. He also thinks a lot of Cody. From the talk, it does sound like he wouldn't mind at all being in the final two with Victoria, but will try to honor BB. Hmm.

The live feeds should return after tonight's show. Remember (Becky!), the show airs at 8pm ET/PT! 

Jeff highlights

Derrick talked to us

Monday, September 15, 2014

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds Sunday into Monday - September 15

I'm all that, daggummit!

Another day and evening of the doldrums in that Big Brother House of Waiting For the Next Big Thing:
  • The most excitement, other than them tossing fake limes and lemons into a bowl, was Victoria holding the (plastic?) knife to Derrick's throat in the photo booth.
  • BB Voice yelled at her to "Stop that!"
  • She obviously doesn't know the history of Justin Sebik and Kristy.
  • Derrick also had a huge long talk with Victoria later in the evening about not talking game with anyone until after Wednesday. She's sitting pretty with Frankie as the target now. But her loose lips fueled by alcohol just might sink ships.
  • Of course, Derrick doesn't drink at all.
  • He observes those who do, though.
  • Yes, he's protecting her game.
  • But he's protecting his as well.
  • Caleb still thinks that Frankie going home is the right move and he was justified putting him on the block because Frankie has betrayed his trust.
  • Cody wants Frankie to go.
  • Cody will not be using the PoV to save anyone.
  • And on it goes ...

Tossing fake limes and lemons in a bowl

Four, three, two, ONE

Hoboken has its bad sections

Keeping Victoria's head in the game

Think with your head, please