Friday, September 19, 2014

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds Thursday into Friday - September 19

I think I'm here for a reason

Good morning, hamster watchers! Before I get started with the latest oh-so exciting live feeds coverage (yeah, that's sarcasm), I'd like to direct anyone who wants to be in the Survivor blog pool over to this post here to sign up. Please do not sign up on this post. That post linked is the only place Lifeguard Laurie will be looking for pool requests!

Okay. Onto the hamsters:
  • We thought it was boring before.
  • That was nuthin'!
  • I'd like to know what's going on with the word "crush" this season. They don't eat a bag of chips; they CRUSH it. They can't win a comp; they CRUSH it. It's not a popular expression around here, but I've heard it all season on the show. What's up with that?
  • Time for me to CRUSH this live feeds report!
  • Yawn.
  • The feeds were blocked for a good part of their morning for the final three's reminiscing party, complete with champagne, orange juice and brunch.
  • Derrick, who hasn't had alcohol all season (until they gave them champagne on Wednesday night for final three) drank some. Then his tummy hurt.
  • I dunno. If it were me, I'd rather frozen strawberry margaritas rather than champagne. But, of course, they don't ask me. Nor am I there.
  • They talked about their families coming for the finale. Victoria is worried because finale night is Rosh Hashana.
  • They napped.
  • They shot baskets with the fake limes again.
  • BB gave them cards.
  • They played cards.
  • They played hide and seek.
  • They napped.
  • They studied for the memory comps and rehashed the season.
  • They talked about what the jury might think of them.
  • They snacked.
  • Today should be predictable. Victoria will either lose the comp against Derrick on her own or throw it to him so he goes against Cody in the last part.
  • Derrick has told told her that he understands her situation and cares about her. He has told her he'd take her to the final two.
  • I think he understands his own situation and cares about himself in the game ... and winning it all.
  • As it should be.

A boy and his rolling pin

Yep, I'm still here!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Survivor: San Juan Del Sur - Blog Pool OPENS and Jeff's cast assessment

The latest incarnation of Survivor (San Juan Del Sur: Blood vs. Water) starts Wednesday night, September 24, at 8pm ET/PT. That, of course is the lead-in for the season finale of Big Brother 16.

Lifeguard Laurie has graciously offered to run the blog pool for the show once again. (Need I say she rocks?)

I want in! What do I do?
If you want in to the blog pool, you need to sign up in the comments of this post and this post only! Please don't try signing up on any other posts -- we might miss your comment.

Is there money involved in this?
Of course not! You needn't pay anything to get into the pool. You don't need to buy a seasonal beach pass or anything! Mind you, you don't win any money either. What you do win is bragging rights until the next season and the smugness that goes with it.

How does it work?
 Lifeguard Laurie makes random picks betwixt the castaways and the blog folks. You cheer on that castaway all season until they either win or get kicked off the island. (Well, off the Nicaragua coast, that is.)

When is the cut-off for entering?
All pool requests must be in comments to this here post and submitted by Tuesday, September 23, 5pm PT (which is 8pm ET). Be there or be square.

Without any further ado, here's Jeff Probst's cast assessment video for the season:

See you in the pool!

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds into Thursday - September 18

Cody celebrates his HoH Part 1 win

Not too much to report today (unless you missed my endurance comp post from last night). But, here ya go:
  • Yeah, Cody won the comp. He would have liked to see how long he could actually have lasted up there but no one (Derrick, Victoria) would play along.
  • Derrick smoothed over the Hitmen announcement with Victoria.
  • Victoria (unofficially) has offered Derrick part of her winnings if she makes it to the final two and not him.
  • Shh. That's a secret and it's not allowed.
  • According to the Derrick/Victoria plan, she was supposed to win this part of the three part comp as he's stronger on the mental challenges.
  • Instead, surprise of all surprises, she went out first.
  • Who woulda thunk that would happen?
  • Okay, yeah. All of us.
  • Derrick was ticked a while at Victoria because she hinted that he threw the comp.
  • I personally think he probably did. He knew he couldn't win it against Cody and basically just wanted to stay up there a "respectable" time.
  • The feeds blocked as he went down and even Victoria missed his fall/jump as her head was down. 
  • He claims he slipped.
  • We'll see about that.
  • Now Derrick and Victoria will have to go against each other in the second part of the comp.
  • Derrick tells her he can't tell her what to do, BUT he needs to win because she wouldn't do well in the third part against Cody.
  • Then he tells her she has to do what she wants.
  • But he needs to win.
  • Heh. The puppetmaster strikes again.
  • Who wants to bet right now that the final part of the comp is between Cody and Derrick?
  • What? No one?
  • Good. There's no wagering on this blog!
  • Lots of talk about the alliances of the summer.
  • Cody and Derrick keep telling Victoria that she's the Hitmen's little sister and they kept her safe all summer albeit not telling her outright about them.
  • Both Victoria and Cody think they will be in the final two with Derrick.
  • Only one of them can be.
  • Either of them would pick him.
  • It's hard to tell which one he'd pick as he has such a convincing scenario presented to each of them and he hasn't confided in us.
  • Of course, with Cody, his story is Hitmen, Day 2, etc.
  • With Victoria, it's special relationship, little sister, will remain good friends forever.
  • Today they should have the reminisce breakfast for taping.
  • I'm not sure when Part Two of the HoH comp will be. It might be live on Friday's show. I just don't know.
  • We all know Part Three will be on finale night.
  • Lots of time between now and then.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Big Brother 16: Final HoH Comp Part One Endurance Updates - September 17

The feeds came up for a bit. Endurance comp in motion.

They're on small platforms hanging onto hang glider doohickeys overlooking fields and farms. Nice set-up. The rain comes and goes. Sometimes heavy.

They're also raising and lowering the gliders. There is lightning during the rain, too.

Victoria is starting to say her hands hurt.

8:37pm their time -- Victoria's out. Derrick asks Cody if he wants him to hang on a bit, then jump.

Derrick keeps offering to throw it to Cody. Cody doesn't want to do it. He wants to see it through.

8:54pm their time, Derrick is out. Cody wins Part One of the final HoH.

Big Brother 16: Live Eviction Show to final three blog party - September 17

Big Brother summer on Make A Gif

We're getting down to the wire now! Tonight's live eviction show is actually live unlike last night's pseudo-live show. As it airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest!

But first ... you know where the party is. I'll see you in the comments!

They show Derrick letting Frankie know he's going. BB doesn't like that. Frankie tells them he will singlehandedly pick to winner of this game as he's so influential with the jury. @@

This was happening during our feeds block out. BB doesn't like them to tell the target.

Aw, they taped Derrick's wife and Tenley giving him a holla. How sweet!

Heh. Derrick convinced Caleb to roughly volunteer to go on the block. Dang, he's good.

Nominations ceremony -- Victoria and Caleb. He blames the Vic nom on them not getting along. Caleb, crush the veto.

A Caleb family segment.

Power of Veto comp time! It's based on the new series Stalker. (You'd think Caleb would have this one in the bag ... Amber!) They have to complete puzzles by matching hamsters to the clues given.

Derrick does NOT want to win this one. It serves him no benefit.

CODY wins the PoV!

Caleb is sure the final three deal is sealed -- himself, Cody and Derrick.

I've said it often this season -- too bad, so sad. He doesn't see the writing on the wall.

Cody can't change the noms as he and Derrick can't go on the block. But Victoria and Caleb can plead for their lives in the game with him. Victoria -- congrats to final four, love game, love them, congrats Cody, do what's best for your game. Caleb -- God glory and praise, troops, church, family, loyalty much more than a word, you're safe because of me. Victoria hasn't won anything. Loyalty, or send my out with the sharpness of your judy.

Cody tells of the Hitmen and gets Derrick's name in the final two decision. Oy! He evicts Caleb.

The final HoH comp part one won't air until the Friday episode.

BULLETIN: The feeds were blocked at about 10:20pm ET for what is probably the start of part one of the final HoH comp. When they come back on -- if the comp is in progress, I'll post updates and screen caps in a separate post. If it's completed, I'll post the results.