We're getting down to the wire now! Tonight's live eviction show is actually live unlike last night's pseudo-live show. As it airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest!
But first ... you know where the party is. I'll see you in the comments!
They show Derrick letting Frankie know he's going. BB doesn't like that. Frankie tells them he will singlehandedly pick to winner of this game as he's so influential with the jury. @@
This was happening during our feeds block out. BB doesn't like them to tell the target.
Aw, they taped Derrick's wife and Tenley giving him a holla. How sweet!
Heh. Derrick convinced Caleb to roughly volunteer to go on the block. Dang, he's good.
Nominations ceremony -- Victoria and Caleb. He blames the Vic nom on them not getting along. Caleb, crush the veto.
A Caleb family segment.
Power of Veto comp time! It's based on the new series Stalker. (You'd think Caleb would have this one in the bag ... Amber!) They have to complete puzzles by matching hamsters to the clues given.
Derrick does NOT want to win this one. It serves him no benefit.
CODY wins the PoV!
Caleb is sure the final three deal is sealed -- himself, Cody and Derrick.
I've said it often this season -- too bad, so sad. He doesn't see the writing on the wall.
Cody can't change the noms as he and Derrick can't go on the block. But Victoria and Caleb can plead for their lives in the game with him. Victoria -- congrats to final four, love game, love them, congrats Cody, do what's best for your game. Caleb -- God glory and praise, troops, church, family, loyalty much more than a word, you're safe because of me. Victoria hasn't won anything. Loyalty, or send my out with the sharpness of your judy.
Cody tells of the Hitmen and gets Derrick's name in the final two decision. Oy! He evicts Caleb.
The final HoH comp part one won't air until the Friday episode.
BULLETIN: The feeds were blocked at about 10:20pm ET for what is probably the start of part one of the final HoH comp. When they come back on -- if the comp is in progress, I'll post updates and screen caps in a separate post. If it's completed, I'll post the results.