Thursday, July 02, 2015

Bug Brother 17: Live Eviction Show Blog Party - July 2

Big Brother 11 Blog Logo photo BB-09-smJackieMA28497852-0002.gif

Okay! Ready for a live eviction? Tonight should also be revealing the twin twist (but many of us already know) and Kathy Griffin will be running the next BB Takeover. As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll be continuously updating this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest! To join in on the real party, stop in the comments area and make yourself comfy!

But, first ...

A reminder of the blog pool match-ups (thanks to ORKMommy!):

Audrey - David, Chase, Orkmommy, Nicole K
Austin - Petals, Tammy, marthalight, Dr_Celine
Becky - Glenn, Jackie, Indiana Jane, Brian
Clay - FairieGoddess0714, QuixoticElf, DonnaNY, JonMD1267
Da'Vonne - jessica UNderwood, SueGee, Ed in Ohio, Nickelpeed
Jace - Becky in TX, CherylinNC, JOKATS, CaelaXO
James - uncartie, Marlo, Jackie~juju, ML
Jason - Witt, Sharon, WolfpackRed
John - Sasha, lynn1, clover
Liz - Skyriverblue, jo Chapman, monty924
Meg - Sharon S, Merrilee, MikesGirl
Shelli - Delee, Sharon N, chrob
Steve - KelseyNY, Carrie, K
Vanessa - Chacha, Heather Reyes, T-Town Chick

Let's get the party started!

Good. The recap was short and sweet for a change. We now have a stunned Jace sitting there after the PoV ceremony. Austin thinks something fishy is going on and he needs to watch his own game. Jace decides to confront James. James tells him it wasn't personal, it's strategic. Jace says it's personal.

Audrey corners Jace and tells him she had nothing to do with it. (Liar, liar, pants on fire.) Austin starts the Underground Movement (to save Jace) with Jace. Jace proceeds to campaign. Most don't really care to change their minds.

Audrey swings her hands around like a helicopter as she tells Jace everyone wants him gone. She said that Jace wanted to backdoor Jason. They start arguing. A KERFUFFLE!

So far the twins have switched four times and no on has noticed (except us). It's Liz and her sister, Julia. I will from here on call them Lizia. They will swap after casting a single vote together tonight.

Eviction time:
Jackie: Love you all, exciting, keep me here, love, make right decision, etc.
Jace: Advertises his web stuff, talks about 8 person alliance, betrayed, James created fake alliance with me, would like to stay although you've made up your minds.

The voting to evict:
Jeff -- Jace
Da'Vonne -- Jace
Jason -- Jace
Audrey -- Jackie
Steve -- Jace
Into commercial ... 
Lizia -- Jace
Austin -- Jace
Meg -- Jace
John -- Jace
Clay -- Jace
Becky -- Jace
Shelli -- Jace
Vanessa -- Jace

By a vote of 12 votes to evict (out of 13), Jace is evicted.

He actually hugs all, apologizes and says he loves them. Then does a flying somersault and calls out to Frankie in the audience. Ew. Other than that, he handled all well.

BB Takeover time! Delay? Oops! Someone missed a cue, no Takeover noise but Kathy Griffin on the screen, sends them to the backyard for the HoH comp.

Kathy and Julie sit. It's obvious that Kathy does indeed watch the feeds. She will surprise the hamsters throughout the week. She will call them. The seventh person answering will receive the power to block three people's votes at the live eviction next week.

HoH comp, two rounds, half and half playing by random draw. "Ginger-Fever" -- Kathy Griffin hates the billboard for her new show, they must assemble new billboard, run across yard and hit buzzer.

Becky is the first new HoH of the week! 

Second round is on! And SHELLI is the second HoH!

BB Takeover -- Kathy Griffin on the screen saying how she loves to get the last laugh and she'll give one of them a chance to get the last laugh at the next eviction. 

My next live feeds report won't be up until early morning East Coast time. Little happened today before the live show, so I need fodder from the overnight!

Big Brother 17: Live Feeds Overnight into Thursday - July 2

Enjoying the feast

I've had some connectivity issues with Blogger trying to get this post up, so it might be a bit short and sweet. (Grr.)
  • The ants have made their way into the refrigerator. I didn't know they could survive cold temperatures!
  • Meg and James talked about Audrey. He told her how Audrey told him that Jeff is after him. She assured him that wasn't the case.
  • They decided it's all Audrey trying to create distrust and planting those seeds once again.
  • After first suggesting The Fonz for Steve's new makeover persona, they decided Stefan.
  • Jace worked on James trying to get him to vote Jackie out.
  • I doubt that will work.
  • Along with the prom, they're doing a talent show -- Vanessa and Da'Vonne do a mime routine, Liz and Jeff do cheerleading, John and Becky do a skit ... and so on.
  • Wait. Where's Audrey?
  • Oh. In bed with her sunglasses on.
  • Go figure.
  • Jace isn't at the prom, either. He must not have been able to get a date. Maybe Geek Squad McGee stole his date.
  • It was Skittle-decided that Jeff and Meg were the King and Queen of the prom.
  • A good time was had by all.
  • Except Audrey.
  • And Jace.
  • James told Jeff that Jace has been running around throwing him (Jeff) under the bus.
  • We know that's mostly at Audrey's direction.
  • Ew. John went to Audrey's room and hugged her because he knew she was upset.
  • Mind you, he's not one of her minions.
  • Stay away from her, Johnny Mac! She'll taint your game!
  • Oh ... I forgot to mention that the Have Nots could take part in the super feast that BB gave them after midnight.
  • Jace claims the only thing he's gotten out of BB is a new pair of shoes.
  • As it should be.
  • Don't forget ... the first live eviction will be tonight 9pm ET! Be here for the blog party and bring beverages!

After dinner rest

After the prom

Mmm ... tasty!

All alone while the others party down

Everybody but Audrey was there

Wednesday, July 01, 2015

Big Brother 17: Live Feeds Wednesday into the Evening - July 1

Clay finds Jackie intriguing?

It was the night before Eviction and all through the house, Jace was scurrying just like a mouse. Probably more like a hamster. Here's what's been happening inside that Big Brother House of Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap:
  • Jace roamed the house alone in the dark hours before the dawn. He was fussing about being backdoored and how he never got a chance to play the game. He built some sort of little shrine and apologized to his whole family.
  • Aw, poor Jace. 
  • Heck, he deserves to be backdoored for his bully ways if not for generally being annoying!
  • After the rest of the hamsters started stirring, Jason decided that the people in the house aren't human. Nope. They're hamsters, a type of rodent. He should know that.
  • They're hamsters there for our entertainment!
  • A lot more Audrey talk going on. Jason is sort of leading the charge against her.
  • However, Audrey did it to herself. And now she keeps making things even worse sitting in bed.
  • She's Amanda with swinging arms and no boy-toy.
  • Jace told Vanessa about his bullying, er, conversation with Steve. He admitted he made up Geek Squad McGee to her.
  • Steve hasn't mentioned the bullying, er, conversation to anyone that I've seen.
  • After some sun time, they had to go on indoor lockdown.
  • Jace continued to campaign after he said he was stopping. He thinks they can flip the vote.
  • James and Jeff think that if they can oust Shelli, they can get Clay on their side.
  • Da'Vonne said they'll get off slop at midnight tonight. Hmm. I thought it was tomorrow. I'm mistaken. Oops. What kind of superfan am I?
  • Jason practically chain smokes whenever he's outside. He's surely going to run out of cigarettes if he keeps it up.
  • At times, Becky seems to look a bit like a more attractive Sandra Bernhard. Maybe it's just me.
  • While Jace is campaigning, his best bro-buddy Austin is telling Liz that once Jace is gone, they can get more people working with them.
  • Liz thinks the budding relationship between Shelli and Clay is ridiculous. After all, Shelli is OLD. Hey, she's 33, for gosh sakes!
  • Aw, isn't this too sweet ... the kids are having an indoor prom tonight, special snowflakes that they are!
  • Audrey talked to Jace about working with him. She asked if he would be willing to pin a lot of turbulence on Jeff.
  • Hmm. Audrey's so all over the place with telling people stuff, directing people and self-imploding, that I'm not sure whether she's part of a Save Jace Bit or just patronizing the dude.
  • Then she goes on to tell James that Jeff is after him.
  • I'm sorry. I just can't figure this woman out. I'm at a loss here.
  • I think all of those around her are at the same loss.
  • Audrey hit Meg up with the anti-Jeff talk, too.
  • Of course, it's the TAR Jackie on the block, not Jeff.
  • Jace, campaigning to James, told him he'd remain loyal to him if he worked to flip the vote.
  • Meanwhile, prom prep is going on.
  • Steve's date is Jackie and Clay gave him a makeover.
  • He looks really good except that he's upset with a pimple on his forehead.
  • They told him he needed a new name for his new persona.
  • They said, "The Fonz!" 
  • Steve, "Cool name. But, where did you get it from?"
  • I feel so old.
  • As far as I can tell, despite all the campaigning and pseudo-promises, it should be Jace out the door tomorrow. His best bud Austin has already written him off.

Quiet for once

Getting weirder and weirder

Not quite like a poker game

No romance in the hammock

The "cookie air" diet?

Clay does the Steve prom makeover

It's the Fonz, a new Steve!

Big Brother 17: PoV Show Blog Party - July 1

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I imagine, in addition to the Power of Veto comp, we're going to see the food comp. Gosh, that's not going to leave much time for all the drama that's been going down in the house! These hamsters came in swinging! Figuratively, that is.

As the show airs here on the East Coast, I will be updating this entry with the major events. Refresh the page to get the latest! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Come join in on the fun!

After a recap, Steve is lamenting his BoB loss. Johnny Mac is super-ecstatic about it. He's almost as pumped as he was in his Jeff interview. The main crew - James, Jason, Audrey, Da'Vonne - are working on gathering numbers for the Jace Backdoor plan. Now Meg is in. Clay is excited about working with James. The alliance is formed, although Da'Vonne is calling it temporary and shaky.

We got a blurred version of the Jace streaking. Trust me, you didn't miss much. I saw it on the live feeds unblurred. Nothing to see here, folks. Move along.

Austin, who says Jace is his boy, notices that Jace is getting on some people's nerves. You don't say!

Heh. Jace told James he shouldn't get blood on his hands. James's response? "I like blood. I use it like warpaint."

Jace and Austin approach Audrey. She hints that they need to get Jason out. Hmm.

Time to pick players for veto! James draws Becky. Jackie gets John. Steve picked Jason as Houseguest Choice. James chooses Austin to host the comp.

Da'Vonne walked around counting things and drew suspicion from Jeff, Clay and others. She picked up on the fact that Clay was hanging out with that crew. Now it's lead into a verbal kerfuffle between Da'Vonne and Clay. Da'Vonne breaks down a bit in front of Audrey. Audrey thinks that Da'Vonne is going to end up being a major liability to her (Audrey's) game. Meanwhile, after Audrey gets Clay to really apologize, Da'Vonne tells us that Audrey is a puppetmaster and she knows what she's doing.

Have Not time -- James has to name the first four Have Nots of the summer. He chooses Liz and Austin because they were saved, as well as Vanessa and Da'Vonne. It's a dentist office room, throwing Johnny Mac into seventh heaven.

PoV comp time -- Setting is Nosa Scotia. They have to dig for gold nuggets in giant noses with a letter which has a point value, then spell a word.

The words:
James - Lifeguards
Becky - closest
Jason - zones
Jackie - sludge? (I may have that wrong)
Steve - trombonists
John - boogers

Steve wins Power of Veto! His was worth 12 points. The others are all agog at his genius.

Audrey snags Shelli and Jeff into their alliance. That kind of irks a few that she's taken control. James, Jason and Jeff are a bit leery of Audrey's takeover.

Time for the veto meeting! (This should be priceless!) Jace thinks he's aligned with James. Ha.

Steve saves himself. James puts Jace on the block, said it's only his decision and he must look out for himself in the game. Austin is stunned and realizes people are lying to him. Jace is just sitting there in a daze and then tears up in the Diary Room. Too bad, so sad.

The BB Takeover will feature Kathy Griffin tomorrow night.

Big Brother 17: Live Feeds Tuesday Night into Wednesday - June 30/July 1

Her arms are all over the place!

One of the things other than Audrey chewing gum in her Jeff pre-season interview, other than her coming across as pushy, that I didn't like was the fact she talks with her hands ALL THE TIME. As I've been watching the feeds, it seems it's worse than I thought. She can't talk without using her hands and arms. I don't think anyone can actually sit near her without be whapped by a swinging arm!

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Mama Told Me Not To Come:
  • Austin and Audrey talked. He told her that he's sure he's the next target after her. 
  • But are his attempts to work with her sincere?
  • Bwahahaha!
  • He thinks his underground revolution could use Audrey against the "other side." Keyword is USE.
  • Jason thinks that Audrey could probably be hated by America.
  • I'm not so sure about that. It would be hard for the show only viewers to actually see what we've seen on the live feeds. While she's reminiscent of Amanda Zuckerman, she gets out of bed more and isn't glued to a guy. Also, they're onto her early, so there's more drama all about it. I'd just as soon she stay!
  • Audrey might have gained Austin but she might have lost Clay and Shelli.
  • They, Clay more vocally, told Audrey they can't trust her due to the lies she told.
  • Clay was hearing none of her defenses -- "You can't justify a lie!"
  • In the middle of everything, Jace declared he will do no more campaigning to stay.
  • Liz is worried that she is now a target since she was connected with Jace.
  • Audrey told Austin about the eight person alliance going on.
  • She told him that he would be safe going with them as he has offered to work with her.
  • Austin reported all back to Jace.
  • My head is spinning.
  • In a private talk, Audrey told Jace that the backdoor plan for him was straight from the beginning. 
  • She told him he needs to find a creative way to use Da'Vonne because she's an emotional player.
  • She also told him that he needs to get people to campaign for him rather than campaign himself.
  • Audrey's baaaack!
  • Meanwhile, Vanessa is confused.
  • Jace cried some more to Vanessa. He keeps saying his parents will be embarrassed and disappointed with him.
  • Um. Okay. If he says so. Other than acting like a jerk, he certainly hasn't done anything totally reprehensible -- no hate speech, nothing that has the internets in a buzz. He's just majorly immature and likes to try to intimidate. Chances are he was that way before he came into the house. His parents already know.
  • Clay is still mad at Audrey. Now he thinks BB will give Audrey answers for HoH comps.
  • @@
  • I'm not sure why he aligned and TRUSTED her in the first place when the rest of the house called her out.
  • Sure, Jason allied with her at first. As did Da'Vonne. As did many others.
  • But never really trusted her.
  • Clay is indeed naive.
  • Audrey told Vanessa she had targeted her because she was overly-sensitive.
  • Well, that's kinda mean, right?
  • Jace thinks he's the laughing stock of America.
  • Geez, Jace. We don't care enough about you to make you the laughing stock. We have politicians for that purpose!
  • Heh. I crack myself up.
  • Ahem.
  • Jace told Audrey she can't trust James.
  • Well, he's right with that. 
  • But can she trust anyone? I don't really think so. I believe she's burnt her bridges within two weeks of being in the house. She played too hard, too soon.
  • Then Jace went after Steve. Sigh.
  • He told Steve that he was the reason that he's going home and he was the rat.
  • Say what?
  • The only part Steve has taken in any of this was winning the veto and taking himself off the block. 
  • Steve has only been a peripheral in all of this drama!
  • Hmm. Maybe not laughing stock, but certainly emotionally stunted and grasping straws there, Jace.
  • Oh my gosh! Jace is really lighting into Steve. Poor Steve.
  • But, with stuff like this going on, there's no way Jace will ever stay. You can't go around bullying and trying to intimidate rather innocuous folks to win friends and influence people.
  • He told Steve others call him "Geek Squad McGee." @@
  • After berating him, Jace told Steve he has a plan for him (Jace) to stay. He said the conversation needs to remain private and he likes him. He said he was bullied at school, too. Steve told him he likes him, too. They shake hands.
  • Jace told Steve he would show his commitment to him by keeping the conversation confidential.
  • I do know that Steve wouldn't ever trust Jace. I believe he shook hands just to make him go away.
  • What the heck was that all about?
  • Shelli seems like she still wants to by Audrey's buddy. I'm not sure if it's sincere because her other buddy, Clay, is definitely on the outs with Audrey.
  • Austin mentioned he's a Claymate and likes Clay Aikens. Somehow I didn't see that one coming.
  • This is some cast they got going on in there. I'm actually glad there isn't one poor mature person. They would be ready to be committed.

Amanda-Audrey wears shades

Vanessa, rarely seen, often talked about

Forget it, I want to go home!

Can Steve hang in there?

Shelli remains a minion?