I imagine, in addition to the Power of Veto comp, we're going to see the food comp. Gosh, that's not going to leave much time for all the drama that's been going down in the house! These hamsters came in swinging! Figuratively, that is.
As the show airs here on the East Coast, I will be updating this entry with the major events. Refresh the page to get the latest! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Come join in on the fun!
After a recap, Steve is lamenting his BoB loss. Johnny Mac is super-ecstatic about it. He's almost as pumped as he was in his Jeff interview. The main crew - James, Jason, Audrey, Da'Vonne - are working on gathering numbers for the Jace Backdoor plan. Now Meg is in. Clay is excited about working with James. The alliance is formed, although Da'Vonne is calling it temporary and shaky.
We got a blurred version of the Jace streaking. Trust me, you didn't miss much. I saw it on the live feeds unblurred. Nothing to see here, folks. Move along.
Austin, who says Jace is his boy, notices that Jace is getting on some people's nerves. You don't say!
Heh. Jace told James he shouldn't get blood on his hands. James's response? "I like blood. I use it like warpaint."
Jace and Austin approach Audrey. She hints that they need to get Jason out. Hmm.
Time to pick players for veto! James draws Becky. Jackie gets John. Steve picked Jason as Houseguest Choice. James chooses Austin to host the comp.
Da'Vonne walked around counting things and drew suspicion from Jeff, Clay and others. She picked up on the fact that Clay was hanging out with that crew. Now it's lead into a verbal kerfuffle between Da'Vonne and Clay. Da'Vonne breaks down a bit in front of Audrey. Audrey thinks that Da'Vonne is going to end up being a major liability to her (Audrey's) game. Meanwhile, after Audrey gets Clay to really apologize, Da'Vonne tells us that Audrey is a puppetmaster and she knows what she's doing.
Have Not time -- James has to name the first four Have Nots of the summer. He chooses Liz and Austin because they were saved, as well as Vanessa and Da'Vonne. It's a dentist office room, throwing Johnny Mac into seventh heaven.
PoV comp time -- Setting is Nosa Scotia. They have to dig for gold nuggets in giant noses with a letter which has a point value, then spell a word.
The words:
James - Lifeguards
Becky - closest
Jason - zones
Jackie - sludge? (I may have that wrong)
Steve - trombonists
John - boogers
Steve wins Power of Veto! His was worth 12 points. The others are all agog at his genius.
Audrey snags Shelli and Jeff into their alliance. That kind of irks a few that she's taken control. James, Jason and Jeff are a bit leery of Audrey's takeover.
Time for the veto meeting! (This should be priceless!) Jace thinks he's aligned with James. Ha.
Steve saves himself. James puts Jace on the block, said it's only his decision and he must look out for himself in the game. Austin is stunned and realizes people are lying to him. Jace is just sitting there in a daze and then tears up in the Diary Room. Too bad, so sad.
The BB Takeover will feature Kathy Griffin tomorrow night.