Tuesday, July 07, 2015

Big Brother 17: Live Feeds Overnight into Tuesday - July 7

Why is she in the house with my name?

This is the first time a house hamster with MY NAME has been in the house. Not only does she have MY NAME, but she's not a good player, nor does she really know BB. Gah! Most of the big news happened during the day yesterday. But here are some tidbits from the late night hours in that Big Brother House of Bosom Buddies:
  • Jason ran and talked to Meg (of all people) about the Liz twin theory.
  • Isn't he in Da'Vonne's corner? Isn't he a superfan? Dumb move, kiddo!
  • Not that I'm sure they can work it into leverage for Da'Vonne to stay.
  • But you don't go and tell the other person on the block!
  • Sheesh.
  • A little more has leaked out about the Last Laugh phone calls. The HG were able to pick their numbers. One picked a birthday. Da'Vonne might have chosen seven due to her poker dealing connection (7/11 lucky numbers?). Or she might have had another reason.
  • No matter what, people will cry conspiracy by BB!
  • Meg not only is friends with Frankie (or at least has a mutual close friend), she also knows Andrea from Survivor. Can you say recruited?
  • Audrey tried to act like she won the Last Laugh.
  • But Clay thinks Da'Vonne would win it no matter what number she chose.
  • @@
  • He's sure Da'Vonne won because her demeanor has changed.
  • BTW - BB told Clay he can't shave now. It ruins continuity when they show happenings out of order on the show. He didn't say the latter. I just know it's happened before.
  • Meanwhile, Shelli is telling others that the Last Laugh was likely America's Choice and not random.
  • @@
  • The spying on Lizia continues. Da'Vonne and Jason are now positive it's twins.
  • James is now on the twins spying gig, too.
  • They did the podcast interviews thing again. Sometimes the stuff is interesting and gives a bit of insight into the hamsters.
  • Right now it looks like Da'Vonne is resigned to go home unless she can figure out how to use the twins playing knowledge and the Last Laugh to save her butt.
  • I don't want her to go.
  • Sniffle.

It's so cold!

All gather for the "podcast"

Clay needs to go away

Austin interviews Meg

Big Brother 17: Live Feeds Monday into the evening - July 6

It's nice to see Da'Vonne smile

Okay, hamster watchers! Today was a big day! The PoV ceremony was held and the Kathy Griffin BB Takeover calls came in. And, one person figured out there's a set of twins playing in the house. Let's get to it:
  • For the PoV ceremony, there were no surprises -- John saved himself and Shelli replaced him with her pawn Meg.
  • The day started off with Da'Vonne beginning to accept the inevitable -- she'd be going home on Thursday.
  • But her day improved.
  • At that point, they still had nothing on the Last Laugh. Da'Vonne didn't think whatever it is can save her. 
  • I personally would rather see Meg go.
  • She's less entertaining.
  • Even though Steve and Da'Vonne had a long game talk, Steve reported back to Shelli and told her he'd still be voting her out.
  • Sigh. I realize Steve is sort of grasping straws as no alliance has welcomed him with open arms.
  • However, I hope he realizes that he's not really in with them. They're using him.
  • Da'Vonne told Jason that she's sure Liz has a twin playing the game -- one day the face is fuller, the eyes are different, chin different, different personalities, etc. BINGO!
  • Jason passed it off to James as Da'Vonne having a conspiracy theory.
  • I'm seeing differences, but I don't know which twin is which. 
  • Later on in the day, Jason took it more seriously and thinks she's onto something.
  • Right now Da'Vonne wants to keep it quiet. She's trying to figure out how to use it as leverage.
  • Austin again spoke about James being his target. He claims James has a problem with him. But it's Austin I keep seeing talking about James, not vice versa!
  • The live feeds were blocked for the Last Laugh phone calls
  • They seem to know that the calls have something to do with three votes.
  • They don't know who got the lucky call.
  • We do.
  • Da'Vonne got call number seven.

Audrey out of hiding

Lizia and Steve

Da'Vonne talking twin swapping

John without his grey plaid pj pants

Has been made by Da'Vonne

Oh, aren't I adorable?

Monday, July 06, 2015

Big Brother 17: Live Feeds into Monday Morning - July 6

Giving up?

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Sheeple:
  • The Kathy Griffin "last laugh" phone calls haven't started yet -- they can't begin until after the PoV ceremony.
  • And, no. The PoV ceremony hasn't happened yet. 
  • John will surely save himself.
  • Shelli has decided to put Meg up in his place to ensure Da'Vonne will go home.
  • Shelli had a long talk with Meg, James, Jeff and Clay in which she all but said she'll be putting Meg up for sure.
  • She claims that it's not because she wants Audrey to stay in the house -- Audrey can be next week. She says that Da'Vonne and herself have had issues from the beginning and, if she puts up someone who might get ousted over Da'Vonne at this point (like Audrey), Da'Vonne and her people will come after her with a vengeance no matter what promises they might make right now.
  • It does all sound logical.
  • Becky still thinks Audrey should be the Number One Target.
  • Steve had a long talk with Shelli feeling out whether he's in danger, if there's any social things he's doing wrong and generally kind of working his way into the bunch.
  • They expect Jason to throw a vote for Da'Vonne to stay and they're alright with that.
  • But it's Vanessa who really wants to push for votes for Da'Vonne to stay.
  • It ain't gonna happen.
  • They're once again a bunch of sheeple who will "vote with the house."
  • In talks with the never-ending parade to the HoH room, Clay said more than once, "We."
  • Um. When did he win something?
  • Shelli told Jason that they understand he will vote for Da'Vonne to stay and don't want him to do anything else.
  • Lots of tears going on overnight.
  • Johnny Mac shed no tears.
  • Meanwhile, Audrey continues to play them all. She's now in her concerned citizen mode, acting like she's interested in the others.
  • Then she feigns sleep to avoid them.
  • Shelli told Becky that she deliberately didn't tell her of her plan to get Da'Vonne out because she didn't want to put her in the position of lying.
  • Becky is worried that, if Audrey wins HoH next week, she'll be the target as everyone knew of the backdoor plan ... including Audrey.
  • Shelli and Boy Toy want to work with Jason after Da'Vonne leaves.
  • Shelli now remembers they're not supposed to tell the nominees they'll be up on the block. 
  • Oops.
  • That's all I write ... for now.

Meg is not perky and upbeat

James is somber

Back to fun - a fake podcast

Lizia calls in to the podcast

Steve has a long talk with Shelli

Sunday, July 05, 2015

Big Brother 17: Live Feeds Sunday into the evening - July 5

Isn't that just too sweet? (Gag)

Aw, Clay and Shelli are sharing the headphones to listen to her HoH music. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Perplexing Planning:
  • Just a note to start -- While Clay is very nice eye candy, I pretty much resent him in the game. He was never a fan. He never even watched the show until four months before going in the house. Yet he has managed to get Shelli to do his dirty work as HE has an issue with Da'Vonne. I guess more power to him, but that doesn't make me happy with him.
  • After the rush to get all the comps out of the way before the 4th of July holiday, they've had down time.
  • They're bored.
  • I'm bored.
  • Now Jason thinks that Vanessa is America's Player.
  • I believe just yesterday it was that Austin was thinking Audrey was America's Player.
  • America ain't got no hamster in this race, silly rodents!
  • If I did, I'd pick Steve or even Johnny Mac due to his goofiness.
  • The AU-duo (AUdrey and AUstin) want Da'Vonne out this week and target James next.
  • Audrey thinks that Johnny Mac is now in with Shelli and Clay. She thinks Shelli owes him.
  • She's right on that.
  • But Johnny Mac isn't totally in with them, I don't think. He's not much of a schemer.
  • Audrey thinks that Steve is just floating looking for a place to land. But she doesn't think he realizes how deep the cliques are.
  • She's right on that, too.
  • That doesn't mean I like her. I have to give her credit, though. She totally blew it the first two weeks and landed kind of on her feet. Well, it depends on who has the power next week, I guess.
  • Audrey also thinks Jackie is the mole.
  • Um. When there was a mole, it was Audrey herself!
  • Jelli (Jeff/Shelli) are thinking of putting Meg up to replace John.
  • They're still sure that Da'Vonne will go home.
  • They also think that Jason is now okay with it.
  • I don't think he is. Perhaps resigned to it, but not okay with it.
  • They're still speculating on the Kathy Griffin last laugh. The phone didn't ring over the weekend.
  • Da'Vonne tried to convince Shelli she needs to stay in the game.
  • It didn't work.
  • After all, she miffed CLAY and CLAY is the one who is pushing for her to go.
  • Lizia, knowing she might be a pawn, tried to convince Shelli that Meg would be a better pawn.
  • And, on it goes.
  • Jeff spreads the rumor that Vanessa is America's Player.
  • @@
  • Lots of small talk.
  • Apparently the PoV Ceremony will be tomorrow.

The Photo Booth is back

Jason doesn't like being a Have Not

Not a new alliance, photo booth

Can she find a skimpier top?

Uh-oh, Da'Vonne has a knife!

Big Brother 17: Battle of the Block, Nominations Blog Party - July 5

Big Brother 11 Blog Logo photo BB-09-smJackieMA28497852-0002.gif

Good evening! Ready for a blog party? As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest! As always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there! I'll be posting another live feeds report late this evening (late East Coast, not necessarily late West Coast).

But, first ... an update on the blog pool (yay, ORKMommy)!

Audrey - David, Chase, Orkmommy, Nicole K
Austin - Petals, Tammy, marthalight, Dr_Celine
Becky - Glenn, Jackie, Indiana Jane, Brian
Clay - FairieGoddess0714, QuixoticElf, DonnaNY, JonMD1267
Da'Vonne - jessica UNderwood, SueGee, Ed in Ohio, Nickelpeed
James - uncartie, Marlo, Jackie~juju, ML
Jason - Witt, Sharon, WolfpackRed
John - Sasha, lynn1, clover
Liz - Skyriverblue, jo Chapman, monty924
Meg - Sharon S, Merrilee, MikesGirl
Shelli - Delee, Sharon N, chrob
Steve - KelseyNY, Carrie, K
Vanessa - Chacha, Heather Reyes, T-Town Chick

Jace - Becky in TX, CherylinNC, JOKATS, CaelaXO

The people who had Jace in the pool can rally for someone on their own or volunteer to cheer on Jackie or Jeff since they weren't revealed until after the pool was put together.

On with the show ... 

Okay, the recap over with, we get the reactions of Becky and Shelli to their HOHdom. Audrey's lies and instigating are catching up to her. Will she be the main target for eviction? Vanessa was framed by her. The lies will catch up! Day calls a house meeting to expose Audrey. Audrey accuses all of them of being pathological.

Audrey's new strategy is to lie down and play dead. 

Who wants to see our HOH room? I'd love it if everybody refrained some day.

Shelli and Beck discuss putting up four pawns with Audrey as a backdoor plan. They start talking to everybody ... but Audrey. Remember, she's playing dead. Clay and Jeff are more worried about Da'Vonne than they are about Audrey. Audrey comes back from the dead and pleads her case with Jeff, Meg and Clay. Shelli wants Becky to put up pawns who will throw the BotB so she can keep her nominations and HOHdom. They talk to John. She wants to put him up with Da'Vonne and throw the comp.

Filler: Becky tells the tale of being hit in the face by a train.

Nominations Today
Shelli nominates John and Da'Vonne. Day, because she doesn't trust her and needs to protect herself. She doesn't explain John.
Becky nominates Jason and Steve. Jason put her on the block, Steve a great guy but hasn't talked game.

Becky thinks the Audrey backdoor plan is still in action. It isn't. Shelli and Boy Toy Clay want Da'Vonne out.

Da'Vonne and Jason are sure that one of them is the target because they spoke up in the house.

Audrey asks Clay and Shelli if there is a Plan B if Steve or Jason throw the comp. Now Shelli's worried because she doesn't want Becky to know what the real plan is. John is worried a bit about throwing the comp, but he has no real allies in the game. That would gain him some.

Battle of the Block comp time! The yard is done up like a TV house set. It's a filming for Ginger Fever. Finding props on the set with cameras. It's called Give Me Props! Becky is still oblivious and that Audrey is going to be backdoored.

As John says, Da'Vonne's strategy which has them running all over the place, will throw it for herself.

Jason and Steve win the Battle of the Block!

Da'Vonne says she has to win the Power of Veto or she will go home.