Thursday, July 09, 2015

Big Brother 17: Live Feeds into Wednesday Evening - July 8

Reciting the days and strategizing

Yo, save your drama for your Mama! That, of course, would be Da'Vonne ... Mama Day. It seems like they are saving it for her. Here's the latest from today in that Big Brother House of Discomfort:
  • After I thought he had headed to bed, Steven returned to the backyard and talked to us about his strategy -- he wants to work his way into an alliance with Shelli, Clay, et al. Sigh. He also recited each day's action, comps, winners, etc.
  • I don't think he realizes that Austin wants him out.
  • I really think he'd be better off with Jason, John and Vanessa.
  • He seriously wants to win HoH tomorrow and get Audrey out to gain house favor.
  • Meg told Shelli and Clay that Audrey was trying to stir things up.
  • What else is new?
  • Vanessa said that Audrey told her Lizia would be voting for Da'Vonne to stay.
  • Oh, Audrey, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive ...
  • Da'Vonne confronted Audrey about telling everyone she (Day) was trying to flip the house.
  • It's all a spool of lies! (Kudos to anyone who can tell the originator of that expression.)
  • Audrey double-talked and circular-talked her way with Da'Vonne.
  • Da'Vonne later confirmed with Lizia that she (Liz) did say she owed Da'Vonne because of the save in the fast forward, but did NOT say 100% that she was voting to keep her.
  • Shelli thinks Jeff is a male Audrey.
  • Heh.
  • Austin continued his anti-Steve talk.
  • And yet Steve thinks he might want to get in an alliance with him? Oy!
  • Audrey fussed to Shelli that Da'Vonne "ripped her head off."
  • Nah, she didn't. She just didn't believe any of the lies Audrey told to cover the lies she told others.
  • The pressure is getting to Da'Vonne. She cried. Sigh.
  • They got a chance to practice for the HoH comp. It involved rolling a ball down a chute and catapulting it into a trash can.
  • Of course, the real comp should be a bit more elaborate.
  • Well, unless they're in a budget crisis, that is.
  • Lizia told Shelli that she's indeed voting for Da'Vonne to go. 
  • Now, I refer to her as Lizia as I'm not sure which twin is which. While the hamsters have the twin twist figured out, they don't know the name of the twin.
  • They decided to have a womens night in the house tonight. Oh, yeah. What fun.
  • Jason said that he might have to self-evict if the podcast show goes on nightly all summer.
  • Heh.
  • Audrey continues to stir things up.
  • Shelli told Becky and Jackie that Audrey said they were voting to keep Da'Vonne.
  • And, get this ... Audrey told Da'Vonne she wants her to stay. She wants Da'Vonne to promise her safety next week if she wins HoH.
  • Da'Vonne obviously can't believe a word she's saying.
  • After all, it's AUDREY.
  • Da'Vonne tells the cameras that if working with Audrey is what it takes to stay in the game, that's it. 
  • We'll see.
  • After all, it's AUDREY.

Things not quite as easy as planned

I don't find him attractive now

Losing these two wouldn't bother me

Da'Vonne calls out Audrey AGAIN

What a tangled web we weave ...

HoH comp practice

Wednesday, July 08, 2015

Big Brother 17: PoV Show Blog Party - July 8

Big Brother 11 Blog Logo photo BB-09-smJackieMA28497852-0002.gif

Good evening! Ready for a blog party? Tonight we get to watch those silly hamsters as they vie for the Power of Veto!

As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest! As always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there! I'll be posting another live feeds report late this evening (late East Coast, not necessarily late West Coast).

After the BotB, Becky still thinks that the plan is to get Audrey out. Da'Vonne, whose bad strategy helped her to lose the BotB, thinks that John threw the comp. She thinks the house is working to get her out.

Ew, a bit on the Clay/Shelli showmance. Like I needed to see that.

PoV player picks time -- Shelli picks Houseguest's Choice and goes for Clay (what a shock!), John gets Meg, Da'Vonne gets Steve.

Clay went and told Audrey that she's safe this week.

Veto Comp time! It's kind of hard to explain. They listen to a list of items and, when the elevator opens, they have to figure out what's missing. It's done in rounds. John against Da'Vonne first. John wins the round and Da'Vonne is out. John chooses Steve who goes against Clay. Clay wins. Meg goes against Shelli. She plans on throwing it. Heh. Shelli brings the wrong item and is eliminated. John goes against Meg. She finally could throw the comp. The last round is John and Clay. John wins the PoV!

Clay continues to dominate the Shelli HoH. Shelli tells Becky she wants Day out. And, if she puts Audrey against her, Audrey will go home. They have to convince Becky that Day out this week, she can have a shot at Audrey next week.

Chelli wants to have John not use the veto. If he does, they need to come up with a pawn who nobody would vote out over Da'Vonne. They talk to John about not using the veto. He may sound like a dumb guy, but John says NO.

Shelli tells Liz she plans on putting her up as a pawn. Liz is scared. Austin would like to get a movement going to get Meg up as the pawn, not Liz. Austin goes to Shelli and tells her that no one would vote Meg out, but Liz might be a different case.

Veto meeting time. John, of course, saves himself. Shelli puts Meg on the block.

Everyone loves Meg. Da'Vonne vows to stay. We'll see.

Big Brother 17: Live Feeds Into Wednesday Morning - July 8

"Some sites put up bad screenshots."

Another day (well, night) in the lives of captive hamsters. What can I say? Here's what happened in the late night and overnight hours inside that Big Brother Home for Misfit Toys:
  • Steve and Jason finally bonded some, initially over the fact that they're both such superfans of the show. Neither expected anyone else with such deep knowledge of BB.
  • Both have been dreaming about being on BB since they were ten years old.
  • When I was ten, I dreamed there was a volcano in the backyard.
  • Those things are kind of the same when you think about them.
  • Vanessa told Chelli that she's letting Da'Vonne think she might throw a vote to save her.
  • She also said, although she didn't trust Audrey the way she once did, she would be willing to align with her.
  • Steve went and told Vanessa about Lizia. I was surprised no one else had told her yet. It seems everyone except Lizia and Austin know the twins are figured out. Later he told Becky. Why am I thinking these folks already had been told? Maybe because it spread through the house like wildfire after Da'Vonne made the mistake of telling Jason.
  • Jason is the only one who's actually giving Da'Vonne credit for noticing the differences in Lizia.
  • Steve is working his strategy -- he's had more than a few other people he's played his "awkward socially" bit with and they're volunteering to help him by letting him know when he's getting annoying or too much. He now has Becky in his corner, by morning he'll have Jason.
  • Austin said he would leave the house before cutting his hair as a punishment.
  • They had the evening"podcast."
  • Most studied intently as Lizia answered questions.
  • Audrey was also interviewed. She claimed to be an astronaut, but then admitted it was only in her head.
  • So she was deemed a space cadet.
  • Lizia thought the podcast seemed very uncomfortable, like there was a different mood tonight.
  • Ha. Maybe that's because everyone was studying her and her answers!
  • Jason and Steve were the last ones up, talking show fandom until dawn.
  • Jason thinks that Jace is in sequester and BB has an extra week planned so the second twin could join in on the show. He believes Jace is sequestered to come back in if the twins go bust.
  • I believe he's wrong. Jace has been on the evicted interview circuit and those sequestered usually can't be interviewed -- they just disappear.
  • By the way, many of the interviews corner Jace about bullying Steve. He regrets that he did it.
  • That doesn't make it better in my mind.

The podcast grew restless

They all studied Lizia

Definitely not a space cadet

Yes, he can smile!

Tuesday, July 07, 2015

Big Brother 17: Live Feeds into Tuesday Evening - July 7

Audrey feet and Johnny Mac

The pre-eviction doldrums are in full effect. Here are today's happenings from inside that Big Brother House of Last Laughs and Twisted Twins:
  • The Lizia rumors are rampant throughout the house.
  • I like how Jeff told Clay and Shelli that Jason was the first one to bring it up and "now even Da'Vonne is onto it."
  • We know it was all Da'Vonne figuring it out.
  • It's a shame she told Jason and he opened his big mouth.
  • I believe the only ones not in on the Lizia differences talk are Lizia and Austin.
  • Jeff talked about how dumb Austin is to be with her so much and not notice.
  • They speculated on who might have the Last Laugh. They do know that it has something to do with three votes at eviction.
  • Lots of talk about past seasons, most notably BB5 which had twins.
  • Meanwhile, Da'Vonne, only to the cameras is trying to figure out which three votes to cancel.
  • Of course, if they all vote like the sheeple they are, she'll still go home no matter what.
  • Audrey just can't lay low and be quiet. Once again, she's trying to stir things up ... she told Clay that the people he's working with are throwing him under the bus.
  • Why does she feel she needs to get involved?
  • It's not like she's a special friend of Clay's since they had their blow-up.
  • Steve pondered why everyone wears their sunglasses inside.
  • So do I. It's odd. That and all the winter hats indoors. Have they no control over the thermostat? Is BB freezing them out?
  • The HoH camera came out and Shelli wrote her HoH blog entry.
  • Whoopie.
  • In addition to constantly being on an anti-James kick, Austin has added anti-Steve to his repertoire.
  • Audrey thinks she's being bullied. Oh, cry me a river. 
  • It looks like Da'Vonne may have gotten Vanessa in her corner. She needs a lot more.
  • Of course, Jason was already planned to be her sole vote to stay.
  • We'll see. 

Jeff tells Chelli about Lizia

Slop has contorted Jason

Interest: real or fake?

Steve is having a ball

Big Brother 17: Live Feeds Overnight into Tuesday - July 7

Why is she in the house with my name?

This is the first time a house hamster with MY NAME has been in the house. Not only does she have MY NAME, but she's not a good player, nor does she really know BB. Gah! Most of the big news happened during the day yesterday. But here are some tidbits from the late night hours in that Big Brother House of Bosom Buddies:
  • Jason ran and talked to Meg (of all people) about the Liz twin theory.
  • Isn't he in Da'Vonne's corner? Isn't he a superfan? Dumb move, kiddo!
  • Not that I'm sure they can work it into leverage for Da'Vonne to stay.
  • But you don't go and tell the other person on the block!
  • Sheesh.
  • A little more has leaked out about the Last Laugh phone calls. The HG were able to pick their numbers. One picked a birthday. Da'Vonne might have chosen seven due to her poker dealing connection (7/11 lucky numbers?). Or she might have had another reason.
  • No matter what, people will cry conspiracy by BB!
  • Meg not only is friends with Frankie (or at least has a mutual close friend), she also knows Andrea from Survivor. Can you say recruited?
  • Audrey tried to act like she won the Last Laugh.
  • But Clay thinks Da'Vonne would win it no matter what number she chose.
  • @@
  • He's sure Da'Vonne won because her demeanor has changed.
  • BTW - BB told Clay he can't shave now. It ruins continuity when they show happenings out of order on the show. He didn't say the latter. I just know it's happened before.
  • Meanwhile, Shelli is telling others that the Last Laugh was likely America's Choice and not random.
  • @@
  • The spying on Lizia continues. Da'Vonne and Jason are now positive it's twins.
  • James is now on the twins spying gig, too.
  • They did the podcast interviews thing again. Sometimes the stuff is interesting and gives a bit of insight into the hamsters.
  • Right now it looks like Da'Vonne is resigned to go home unless she can figure out how to use the twins playing knowledge and the Last Laugh to save her butt.
  • I don't want her to go.
  • Sniffle.

It's so cold!

All gather for the "podcast"

Clay needs to go away

Austin interviews Meg