Sunday, July 12, 2015

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - July 12

Good Sunday morning to everybody! I hope the sun is shining and it's not too hot for comfort wherever you might be. This is my weekly off television topic reflection on the past week in both words and photographs I've taken along the way.

If you're looking for Big Brother television show or live feeds content, you can find all of those posts at this link right here. I have a live feeds report from the overnight happenings in progress and expect to be posting it shortly. This particular off television topic photo post that you're reading right now is posted every Sunday morning throughout the whole year. BB is only three months. (Although sometimes it seems like an eternity!) You can feel free to skip this post. My feelings won't be hurt.


Er, never mind. I was just doing that for attention!

It's been a rather typical July week here in New Jersey -- heat, humidity, rain, rinse, repeat. Today is supposed to be over 90 degrees with high humidity. Ick. I have no plans to go anywhere. I'll stay in my air conditioning, thank you very much!

The past week was rather uneventful. Work, work, work. Sigh. That's another reason for no real plans today -- a day of relaxation, reading, music ... I have excellent restful diversions at hand. Plus, maybe even a nap!

About the only real thing I can think of to report from the past week is that the Plainfield Police finally seem to be cracking down on the drinking homeless, transient, bums, street people (although I'm sure many do have somewhere to be other than drinking in public) at the Plainfield Train Station. I saw one cop telling those using the electric outlets on the platform to charge their cell phones to move along. And, twice I've seen them yell at the drinking bunch on the benches to move along. Yay!

Without further ado, onto the photos for this week. Clicking on an image will bring up a larger version.

Japanese beetle up close and personal

I didn't realize until I watched this one that they cut or rip strips of the leaf off and then eat the pieces. I always thought they just chomped directly on the leaves.

Eek! A wild animal headed my way!

Is it a BEAR?!?! No? Perhaps a COYOTE!?!?! No? Oh. It's a rabbit. Cancel the alert, please. East Second Street, Plainfield.


Saturday, July 11, 2015

Big Brother 17: Live feeds into Saturday Evening, PoV - July 11

Mutt and Jeff (not THAT Jeff)

Here's the latest skinny from inside that Big Brother House of Twinnie:
  • My apologies for the above. I've had a long, tiring day. 
  • The twins from The Amazing Race will NOT be showing up!
  • Becky is paranoid about being backdoored.
  • She has more of a chance of being hit by speeding locomotive and living to tell the tale.
  • Oh, wait. That has happened.
  • She thinks that she's unintentionally floating and needs to pick an alliance to join.
  • They're all still abuzz about twins.
  • Vanessa told Austin she doesn't think Clay is loyal.
  • Y'think?
  • It's sad that BB has to tell the hamsters to clean the bathroom.
  • Austin is ticked that Lizia has been hanging around James, sleeping in his bed.
  • (No, no hook-ups in the house so far.)
  • "Sleeping with our two biggest targets!"
  • It's actually Liz who's bugging him. He told Julia all about it when they switched.
  • They were able to drink in yesterday's BoB comp and there were some kind of technical problems which forced them to re-do it.
  • The three chosen to play with Vanessa and the nominees for veto were Audrey, Austin and Shelli.
  • Audrey is paranoid.
  • Oh, wait. She said she was paranoid before.
  • She still is. She's an odd duck.
  • The feeds went down again for the PoV comp.
  • Guess who won?
  • That Johnny Mac again!
  • Now the big dilemma is how to gracefully put Jeff on the block and get him voted out.

Breakfast of champions

All made up, nowhere to go

That smile needs to be wiped away!

How to handle this now ...

Big Brother 17: Live Feeds into Saturday - July 11

The Chess Kings

Well, it's Gronk Week in the house. Here's the latest from that Big Brother House of "Life's just a party and parties weren't made to last" (thanks, Prince):
  • That feeds block for the Battle of the Block was exasperatingly long last night. Was that length necessary?
  • After the feeds finally returned, the outcome was one which had been planned all along -- John and James lost and remain on the block while Vanessa remains the HoH.
  • Meg and Jason are safe.
  • Technically, Austin isn't safe. But he's safe nonetheless as he's working with Vanessa. She wouldn't put him up as a replacement nominee. At least, not at this point in the game.
  • Once again, John says he really didn't have to work to throw the comp as his partner (James this time) did so poorly.
  • While blocked to the live feeds, we do get bits and pieces about the comp from conversations. This one had something to do with a maze and bubbles.
  • Austin has now decided that Clay must be a twin and is trying to come up with small differences.
  • @@
  • It seems the hamsters were given alcohol during our blocked feeds. Jason mentioned they didn't get any alcohol at all last week.
  • Aw, poor little rodents.
  • Jason, knowing he's now safe, really doesn't want to be chosen to play in the Power of Veto.
  • Audrey, thinking she could be the target despite reassurances from Vanessa that she's not, wants to play. If she wins it and doesn't use it, she'd be safe without a worry.
  • Jeff thinks Audrey's the target.
  • Unbeknownst to him, HE himself is the target.
  • I don't mind that at all.
  • Steve told Lizia that it's a waste to try to pretend not to be twins at this point.
  • He's right.
  • Everyone knows.
  • Steve might just have found himself an alliance home -- working with Vanessa and Austin.
  • Vanessa told him that Audrey isn't the target, despite the rumors they're spreading through the house.
  • Jeff is the real target with James as the alternate Plan B.
  • I myself am a bit leery about Austin working with Steve. Prior to this, Steve was one of his pet peeves.
  • His new alliance is already lying to him about when both twins can enter the house.
  • And, after Steve left them along, Vanessa warned Austin to be careful what he says because Steve catches and remembers everything.
  • So, we have a shaky alliance. Maybe it will improve. At least Steve isn't the lone wolf cub anymore.
  • He doesn't seem old enough to be a lone wolf. He must be a cub.
  • Audrey told Jeff that she's a martyr, not a villain. 
  • Oh, the drama of Audrey! The more I see of her, the less I see evil. I see drama. It's a good thing she works from home in real life.
  • Austin, the big mastermind of "conceal the twin twist," doesn't think Lizia is working hard enough at it.
  • Doesn't he realize EVERYBODY IN THE HOUSE KNOWS?!?!
  • Sheesh.
  • So, there ya go.
  • May Jeff nor Audrey win the Power of Veto ...!

Wanted a relaxation week

Definitely not the Meow Meow

He thinks he's cool

Jackie, but not ME, so not me.


Friday, July 10, 2015

Big Brother 17: Live Feeds BoB Update - July 10

As planned, John threw it.

Austin was dethroned.

Vanessa remains HoH, John and James on the block.

As planned ...

Big Brother 17: Live Feeds Friday Daytime, Nominations - July 10

Putting up pawns isn't easy

I so wish they never thought of Battle of the Block. I can't believe Allison Grodner had the nerve to call it a "fan favorite twist." It makes the game predictable as each week, pawns go up, a pawn comes down, the sheeple vote for the same target now in place. Yawn. Here's what went down today in that Big Brother House of Predictable Pawning:
  • Jeff is this week's target.
  • Now, I have nothing against them targeting Jeff. He's getting on my nerves. 
  • But, is he going on the block?
  • Nuh-uh.
  • They're putting up pawns.
  • Vanessa nominated John and James while Austin nominated Meg and Jason.
  • The plan is for Meg and Jason to win BotB, keep Vanessa as HoH and John/James on the block.
  • If veto and all fall through, James will go home.
  • He's only pawnish.
  • Vanessa and Austin are telling everyone that the plan is to backdoor Audrey.
  • They're telling Audrey that's not the plan, that's just what they're telling people.
  • Austin told his pawns that Steve was his target.
  • Vanessa told her pawns that Audrey was her target.
  • Both are really targeting Jeff.
  • Jason is not happy. He said the same people will end up going up week after week.
  • Yup.
  • Meanwhile, Jeff is prancing about acting like he hasn't a care in the world.
  • But, with the way these idiot hamsters talk, I'm sure word will get to him before it all comes down.
  • Austin told John he should throw the comp by faking an injury.
  • John once again said he didn't throw the last comp -- Da'Vonne's strategy was horrible and he just followed along.
  • As I get this posted, the BotB has had the live feeds blocked for going on three hours. When I find out, you'll find out.

Putting up pawns isn't easy

Meg, Pawn Girl

I'm a pawn AGAIN?

You say I'm a pawn?

Shower pawn