Saturday, July 18, 2015

Big Brother 17: Live Feeds Saturday, PoV - July 17

Meg with fruit

Here's the latest from today inside that Big Brother House of Froot Loops:
  • Clay is pushing a Jason Off the Block, Audrey Up Movement.
  • Shelli cries.
  • And cries some more.
  • Sheesh. If she didn't want to win HOH and have the responsibility, why didn't she throw it?
  • Audrey wants Jason out. Still.
  • Audrey cried.
  • Austin did not cry. At least, not that I witnessed.
  • Chelli is a bit leery of Austin, but don't think it's time for him to go. Yet.
  • Shelli cried some more.
  • After a feeds block, they had to get into white costumes for some sort of punishment from the Battle of the Block. 
  • BB doesn't allow them to have white clothes.
  • They're contradicting themselves!
  • Shelli cried some more. She and Clay (Chelli) talked about how "pissed" Vanessa is.
  • Hmm.
  • They said Shelli has to do what's best for her game.
  • Hmm.
  • Ah, it's because Shelli apparently agreed to Clay's wish of putting Audrey as a backdoor.
  • Commence waffling now.
  • "If you don't do it, I'll do it next week," says Clay ... as if he actually wins anything ever.
  • Playing for veto are Lizia, John and Jason along with Meg, Vanessa and James. Steve is hosting.
  • Before the feeds were cut for the PoV comp, Shelli was still waffling over the Audrey backdoor. She called it a "mob mentality" going after Audrey.
  • Shouldn't that be good for her own game? As in no one other than Audrey would be upset?
  • Finally, the feeds are back after the comp.
  • Vanessa won the Power of Veto! And, it was messy. It sounds like the blowing up bombs and get paint all over you redone.

Lizia, actually Julia right now

Are we boring you, Austin?

Waiting on a comp

I think it's Johnny Mac

Cleaning up after PoV comp

Big Brother 17: Live Feeds Overnight into Saturday - July 18

Oh my, Audrey

So, after the Battle of the Block was done and over with, Shelli remains HoH and Jason/Johnny Mac remain on the block. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Talk Talk:
  • I'm not sure if Johnny Mac threw it or not -- Clay told him to, Shelli told him he could play to win.
  • I don't think Shelli wanted to be in the position of power again.
  • She hates deciding things.
  • Plus, she has Clay telling her to do things which are Clay's things he wants to do, not necessarily what she wants.
  • Gee, if Clay wants to be HoH, why doesn't he win it? Win something. Make himself useful instead of ornamental!
  • Audrey cried. She's sure she's in danger.
  • I guess it must be time for her to plant more seeds of insecurity!
  • Clay told her not to worry, she's safe.
  • I'm so happy he's HoH again this week! He's my hero!
  • Gag.
  • Shelli herself (remember Shelli? the actual HoH?) told Vanessa that she trusts Johnny Mac and tried to convince her to do the same.
  • There was a very brief power outage there. Not sure what that was all about. But it made them panic for a moment!
  • Clay keeps pushing Shelli to backdoor Audrey.
  • Wait.
  • Isn't he the one who's been reassuring Audrey that she's safe?
  • The two mysterious hinky votes speculation saga continues.
  • Audrey cries some more.
  • Jason, demanding HoH talk time, pretty much kicked Audrey out of the HoH room so he could plead his case.
  • His personal targets are Audrey, Steve and Austin.
  • He thinks he needs to come off the block instead of Johnny Mac because he's in more danger of going home.
  • Well, yeah. That was the original plan!
  • (That he would go home and Johnny Mac would remain in the house.)
  • He also made a case for getting Lizia out before the twin enters to play -- an additional person would make it to the jury.
  • Shelli was receptive to the Jason pleadings. She told him she would put someone who's more likely to go home next to him if he remains on the block.
  • Now, who could that be?
  • Audrey started planting anti-Austin seeds with Shelli.
  • Hmm.

Rabid Steve?

Making Austin jealous?

Gonna have to scramble


Becky who?

Who's that new dude?

Friday, July 17, 2015

Big Brother 17: Live Feeds Battle of the Block Bulletin - July 17

Jackie and James won the Battle of the Block. Liz is dethroned. Shelli (or, Chelli) remains the HoH with John and Jason on the block.

It was very messy. Jackie threw up. It was smelly, too.

There ya go.

Big Brother 17: Live Feeds Friday Daytime, Nominations - July 17

James is in the bag

Here's today's happenings from inside that Big Brother House of Not Chelli All Week AGAIN:
  • Audrey wants Jason out.
  • Audrey and James get along well. She is giving him advice.
  • Um.
  • I'm not sure how great any BB advice from her is.
  • She suggested he could hide in a trash bag and eavesdrop.
  • He fits, but hasn't put it in practice.
  • The nomination thoughts, arguments for and against, suggestions and such kept up practically until time for Nominations!
  • Oy. What an indecisive bunch of HoH crowd -- Chelli, Liztin and somehow, Vanessa.
  • Clay, "How about putting Johnny Mac up and asking him to throw it again?"
  • How many times can they do that to the guy?!?!?!
  • They basically want either Jason (1) out or James (2).
  • A Backdoor Becky plan was made and discarded.
  • Whatever happens, Meg would be a replacement nominee if someone used the PoV.
  • I'm glad they figured that out before they even decided who would be on the block!
  • Sigh. Johnny Mac agrees to be up as a pawn and throw it again. If nothing else, they guy will hold the record for pawning and throwing and (hopefully) saving himself by winning the PoV!
  • In the end, Shelli nominated John and Jason while Liz nominated Jackie and James.
  • All J names, you notice. And, of course, two J names are gone already -- Jace and Jeff.
  • I call discrimination!
  • That said, out of the bunch, I'd have no objections if JACKIE went. Out of the four, she'd be my choice for the boot. I don't like having a non-BB fan playing in the house using my name.
  • So there.
  • Shelli told John he doesn't have to throw it -- he can compete.
  • Audrey continues to trashtalk about Jason (her personal target) despite the fact that they had supposedly mended fences.
  • She's also on a trashtalk Steve kick.
  • She needs to stop that.
  • John told Shelli that both Steve and Audrey separately approached him for final two deals.
  • Audrey seems to be trying to make others look bad because she's probably once again paranoid that she's a target.
  • We've seen that before.
  • Audrey cried to Shelli because she thinks Jason and John will win and Liz will put her up.
  • Lizia is Julia until Monday.
  • As I post this, they're doing the Battle of the Block and the live feeds are blocked.
  • When I know, you'll know.

Why? Is the sun too bright inside?

Pawn again? Throw again?

Not Shelli's best look



Big Brother 17: Live Feeds Overnight into Friday - July 17

Just a wee bit possessive

Shelli and Liz weren't really people I wanted to win the dual HOHship. It means more of Chelli hanging all over each other and now, Liztin. Here's the latest late night happenings from inside that Big Brother House of BOB Needs to be Evicted:
  • The stress must be getting to Jason. I see developing acne on his cheeks.
  • He should be stressed. It's very likely he'll be on the block once again.
  • The four votes to keep Jeff has 'em all in a tizzy. They expected two votes -- John and Jackie.
  • But who are the other two?!?!?!
  • "Someone lied to me!," screamed Vanessa.
  • Audrey is a definite suspect.
  • Steve is a suspect.
  • Becky is a suspect.
  • Liz is NOT a suspect.
  • I have to laugh how they all assume there's an America's Player.
  • They're so worried about that that they're building their whole game around it and it doesn't exist!
  • Sure, down the line I wouldn't put it past Allison Grodner to replay that old hand. But, as of now, there is no America's Players you silly hamsters!
  • Steve is throwing his game into play -- between his hinky vote stirring things up and his innocent lost act with Shelli, he's workin' it.
  • Of course, Liz and Austin might be his stumbling block.
  • They're thinking that people who haven't been Have Nots before should do it this week.
  • Vanessa is pretty sure Steve was one of the hinky votes. But Steve is working his way into Shelli's good graces. So that might not matter.
  • They whined about needing more food ... and, but of course, alcohol.
  • Oh, wait! Now Vanessa is sure it wasn't Steve with the vote! It was Becky! (Of course, that still accounts for three votes, not four. D'oh.)
  • But Audrey is sure it was Steve!
  • Now, this is the first week that Audrey has not been the hinky vote. Every week, they're sure she's doing it.
  • And on the Big Vote Debate went ...
  • No way will Liz tell. No way will Steve tell. It shall remain one of the great mysteries of all time.
  • Meg's name has been thrown in with the suspects, as well.
  • Heh. Good going Steve and Liz (although they most certainly did not conspire).
  • Vanessa, who admits to being a gambler to them, said Becky has to be the hinky vote. She also says that Johnny Mac has no strategy.
  • Wrong on both counts.
  • Even Clay has picked up that John knows when to talk and when to remain quiet. Nothing ever gets back to anyone about stuff Johnny Mac has said.
  • But I still neither like nor respect Clay myself.
  • In the HoH room reveal, Shelli got a letter from her dog.
  • I have no words.
  • But, apparently her dog has words.
  • At this point, it's very unsure who will be going on the block.
  • It is clear that Audrey is NOT a target once again.
  • It's looking rather dismal for Jason.
  • Meg, Jackie and Becky are on the peripheral of the group, too.
  • I guess we'll see.

HoH Room "excitement"

Safe for another week?

"I have no real target this week."

Steve, endearing himself to Shelli

This isn't fun

Unpacking and hoping to stay

Hmm, what to do, what to do