Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Big Brother 17: Live Feeds Tuesday into Wednesday Dawn - July 21 - 22

The living is easy ... at the moment

You might wonder where I was last night. Well, I pulled an Audrey. Oh, I didn't have the sunglasses on, nor was I playing the martyr. Nor was I upset at the world. I just got home from work and started reviewing the live feeds to make my update and, then it happened. I decided just to take a short nap. That short nap turned into an overnight sleep. I needed it! Plus, the house has been in limbo since Monday with the Audrey issue -- not much gamewise is going to happen until she's gone and the comp cycle starts once again. Here's what I missed inside that Big Brother House of Playing Nice While Audrey is in Exile:
  • A fear of mine has come to fruition -- they're all but holding hands and singing Kumbaya.
  • They don't think Audrey will self-evict. Liz claims you don't get paid if you self-evict.
  • I kind of doubt that's true just thinking of labor laws. I think they'd have to pay something for the time spent "on the job."
  • But I don't know their contracts.
  • Tons of small talk.
  • Reams of it.
  • BB continues to allow the rules to be broken to cater to Audrey's Martyristic Ways -- the lights have remained off in the Have Not room while she's in self-exile there and she's been eating food brought to her by others.
  • Steve and James talked a long time about who they thought was a threat in the house.
  • Steve did not mention to James that he's been telling us (alone to the cameras in the backyard) that he needs to get James out.
  • They wonder if Audrey will get out of bed (dentist chair) for the live show on Thursday.
  • James doesn't think that everything Audrey has said has been a lie.
  • Steve is hoping that he gets the full stipend because that would pay for his next semester at school.
  • Y'see what I mean? Small talk!
  • Heh. Jason thinks that, once both are playing in the house, the twins should go on the block together.
  • I'd personally get Liz out earlier, then work on breaking up Chelli. It's foolish to leave two people that close to work together on gameplay. Jason should know that, superfan he is.
  • Ohhh! They got the HoH camera! Thrills. Chills. Yawn.
  • Hmm. Austin seemed to remember he has a girlfriend at home. But ... "it's not like I'm cheating."
  • Yeah, right. You're hanging all over Liz.
  • Audrey isn't even acknowledging people who have been checking in on her.
  • Are they sure she's still alive?
  • She did eat half the omelet James made for her.
  • Or ... maybe HE ate it and said she ate it to cover the fact that they have a body in the first stages of mummification right there in the Have Not room!
  • Okay, maybe my imagination is running away with me.
  • Of course, she can get a penalty nomination for eating off of the slop menu.
  • Oh?
  • I guess that doesn't matter at this point.
  • I'll admit I'm more curious what will happen with her on the live show Thursday than I am for the HoH comp!
  • Oh, wait. She's alive. Steve wished her luck and she fist-bumped with him.
  • James continued his prankster ways.
  • Yawn.
  • All this no game talk and getting along well together is boring.
  • No wonder I wanted to take a nap last night reviewing all these live feeds!
  • I don't think today will be much more exciting.
  • Here's to tomorrow night and watching Julie interview Audrey from inside the darkened Have Not room!

Hope he has on sunscreen

Now she's ALWAYS around

Will he ever win anything on his own?

Pre-season, I thought I'd like him more

What am I doing in this handbasket?


Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Big Brother 17: Live Feeds Overnight into Tuesday - July 21

Now it's Austin and Liz cuddles

It's bad enough that we have to watch Clay and Shelli hang all over each other. Now it's Liz and Austin. Doesn't he have a loved one at home? I hope, if he wins HoH, his girlfriend at home sends him a letter. Sheesh. This is a dude who couldn't even tell Lizia was twins a week ago! Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Audrey Who?:
  • Attention hamsters ... is there an Audrey in the house?
  • No, she isn't in the Diary Room -- she's used her quota of time for the entire season in there!
  • Oh? Is that lump under the covers with sunglasses on at night in the Have Not room Audrey?
  • Hmm. Maybe. Maybe aliens have abducted her and left this shell of a person.
  • I just don't know.
  • Audrey was a no show for the PoV ceremony in which she's the renom.
  • I wonder if she'll be a no show for the live eviction (during which she will be evicted).
  • She was also a no show for the late night/overnight hours as she hid "sleeping" in the Have Not Room.
  • Meanwhile, all of a sudden we have two new houseguests in the midst -- two women named Becky and Jackie!
  • They're mingling, they're chatting. They've suddenly come to life.
  • I'm still not thrilled with either of them.
  • Lots of small talk with the happy new crew ready to cast prior differences (due to Audrey's instigating ways) behind them.
  • Dance practicing with the Whackstreet Boys.
  • Not only is Jason having pimple woes, now they've hit Vanessa, too.
  • Poor hamsters.
  • Steve fell asleep outdoors on the couch. So prankster James poured some honey into his open mouth.
  • And we wondered why Steve wants James out ...!
  • It could have been worse. James could have put Steve's hand in warm water.
  • Jackie thinks that Audrey will try her best to make them all feel guilty until eviction.
  • I think she's right.
  • Meanwhile, Audrey (remember Audrey?) went from in bed in a dentist chair to sleeping on the floor in the Have Not room.
  • Later, she was back in a chair.
  • James created sleeping dummies in the comic room.
  • Oh, that silly prankster!
  • Clay and Austin became his cohorts in crime. Audrey doesn't play pranks with James now. She's busy being a martyr.
  • The new women, Jackie and Becky, hung out with Jason and John and decided that Austin would be a good target next week.
  • Hey! How about knocking out two for the price of one and aiming for the twins?
  • Silly hamsters.
  • The ants have invaded the bathroom and hallway.
  • And, there ya go.

Small talk, no Audrey

Catapulting grapes, no Audrey

Jackie, no Audrey

Johny Mac, no Audrey

Jason, Steve and new hangout friends

No Audrey around

Monday, July 20, 2015

Big Brother 17: Live Feeds Monday into the Evening, PoV Fiasco - July 20

Audrey as I'll always remember her

Well, well, well. How 'bout dem fish? Ain't they pretty? They certainly starred on the live feeds today. Here's what happened today in that Big Brother House of I Am the Best Drama Queen in the UNIVERSE:
  • James and Jason have mentioned something about "chemical imbalance" but I'm not buying that. Audrey had no "chemical imbalance" issues before she realized she's going out the door this week.
  • Between last night and today, she now holds the record for the amount of time spent in the Diary Room.
  • First, the veto ceremony was postponed due to some sort of technical issue.
  • Then Audrey was in the Diary Room.
  • Forever.
  • The others wondered if Audrey was in the process of self-evicting ... which used to be called DOR.
  • Audrey remained in the Diary Room.
  • Perhaps a special food order was sent for. Perhaps they had to milk the cow for a milk delivery to the DR.
  • I just don't know.
  • She was in there forever.
  • The others got really antsy.
  • I don't blame them.
  • Apparently she was in there over five hours!
  • She came out, went directly to the Have Not room (dark when the lights are supposed to remain on in the daytime), wearing her hoodie with the hood up and crawled under the covers wearing her sunglasses.
  • She remained hiding in the Have Not room through the veto ceremony.
  • As expected, Vanessa saved Jason and Shelli put Audrey in absentia (yay, more Latin for me!) up in his place.
  • Audrey has not come out of the Have Not room.
  • Whacko.
  • And life goes on.

Hammock time

Lookin' like a snazzy boy band boy

Sleep is a beautiful thing

Anxiety munching?

Big Brother 17: Live Feeds into Monday Morning - July 20

Everybody but Audrey

It's not looking good for Audrey although she's not technically on the block ... yet. Here's the latest from the overnight happenings inside that Big Brother House of Bad Boy Bands:
  • Claiming anti-mob mentality and niceness, the whole house held a meeting in the HoH room ... except Audrey.
  • Clay said how the game is supposed to be fun and they should all like each other.
  • Um. No. It's Big Brother, Clay. Venom and backstabbing are expected.
  • Unfortunately, clueless dudes in showmances aren't unexpected. I'm looking at you, Clay and Shelli.
  • One thing the meeting did was give the opportunity for the invisible gamers to become a bit more noticeable and fit in with the power players ... for a bit.
  • I saw more of Becky and Jackie through Sunday night than I have all season.
  • Audrey was completely out of the spotlight from before the meeting against her.
  • It looks like there's no way she can save herself.
  • In a way, that's okay with me. Jason will stay and I kind of like him in the game. It's good for the rest of the house because it (temporarily) brings them all together for a common goal.
  • But it's bad because watching her instigate weird rumors, tell lies, tell worse lies when getting caught telling lies and then playing the martyr is good for the feeds watching. If they all like each other and hold hands while singing Cumbaya, that's some real boring feeds watching!
  • Audrey, conspicuously absent from games of charades, watching the Whackstreet performance and more, was supposedly in the Diary Room for over two hours.
  • Then she went to bed, er ... dentist chair.
  • James and Jason talked about the "what if" they were HoH -- Steve and Austin would go up.
  • Jason knows the twins will both play soon. He should realize that time dictates a move being made.
  • A few tried to be nice to Audrey (Jason, Vanessa and James), giving her a bit of a pep talk about how much she has going for her in life.
  • They didn't tell her how little she has going for her in the house, though.
  • As per the norm, Jason and Steve remained the last up.
  • Jason spends the time smoking and pondering, then left Steve alone.
  • Steve did his usual talk out strategy thoughts in a rambling fashion. He really wants James out -- much of it to do with a necklace, I think. I'm not sure what that's all about. I must have missed something. I do, of course, work a full time job atop the BB blogging, so it's quite possible I may have missed something.
  • Steve also thinks Audrey is not coming after him. Yet he knows she's a goner this week. 
  • Steve thinks James is probably the most popular with the show fans.
  • I don't think so.
  • For me, I like James okay. But there are more than a few rather interesting people with different strategies this year. My heart-tug favorite is Steve. But I do like Jason, James, Johnny Mac. I'm really not too keen on the women.
  • Steve thinks he should stick with Austin and Liz.
  • Hmm.
  • Steve and Jason think they are both targeted a bit due to their personalities.
  • Jason is concerned that he's Plan B if Plan A didn't work out. Well, yeah. He's right.
  • Yet Jason and Steve don't have an alliance. They really should get together more on strategy instead of just liking each other in late night talks because they're the only ones who are awake.
  • Jason told Steve he needs to stop popping up everywhere like he's afraid to be left out of things. It reminds him of Andy.
  • (Well, Andy did win. Hmm.)
  • But he has a point.
  • After they broke up and headed to bed, Jason mumbled something about not knowing why he's helping "the kid."

Whackstreet again

Now she's around a lot

Jason should be safe this week

He wants James out

Now she's around, too

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Big Brother 17: Live Feeds into Sunday Evening - July 19

Such a bad liar

Now, this was a good day in the Big Brother House. No, not necessarily for the hamsters. I'm talking us. I love a good kerfuffle! Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Dastardly Deceptions:
  • The day of turmoil started out quietly enough.
  • Steve talked to us while alone in the yard. He said his targets are Audrey, Meg, James and Becky. He also said that if he wins HoH, he might have to put John up to cover their alliance.
  • Well, John is used to that, I would think.
  • But, I haven't personally witnessed a huge alliance between Steve and John. Did I miss it?
  • John and Jason talked about the differences between the twins.
  • I'm really not seeing why people aren't seeing they need to target them. Of course, their "side" has been in power. 
  • Clay sucked up to Johnny Mac, telling him how much they enjoyed how he played the game.
  • What? By being their permanent pawn?
  • Sheesh.
  • The day soon deteriorated ... for Audrey, at least.
  • It started out with Clay talking to her about how she alienates others and then WHAM.
  • No, no fisticuffs.
  • Audrey's so many lies and betrayals have caught up to her once again.
  • Shelli and Vanessa had just been talking about how paranoid Audrey has been.
  • What's that saying? It's not paranoia when everybody's out to get you?
  • Heh.
  • But it's her own fault.
  • People are expected to lie in the house. But you can't go around deliberately planting seeds throughout and not expect someone to confront you about it.
  • Vanessa confronted Audrey. 
  • Audrey tried to switch to a Steve ouster conversation.
  • Shouting ensued.
  • A shot rang out! The maid screamed!
  • Er, well. I made up that last bit.
  • The whole afternoon was Clay, Vanessa and Shelli exposing Audrey's lies to her.
  • And, Audrey denying they ever happened.
  • In another case, this might be construed as bullying. But, in this case, Audrey has brought the whole house down on herself.
  • "Why are people saying I said these things?" 
  • Because you did say them, Audrey!
  • Audrey's pretty much sealed the deal that Vanessa will save Jason with the veto and she will go on the block with Johnny Mac.
  • Even Jason is in better graces with the HoH crew than is Audrey.
  • Audrey cried.
  • Audrey went around telling everybody not in the HoH alliance about the alliance.
  • "You can't undo what's been done," she said.
  • "But you can make it even worse," I say.
  • Vanessa is trying to convince James that he needs to distance himself a bit from Audrey. James is totally onboard with a backdoor Audrey plan when he found out that Audrey has betrayed his own trust.
  • James is now a lot more in with the in crowd.
  • As Audrey is much more out with them.
  • The photo booth opened up. The Whackstreet Boys had to get in on it.
  • Audrey told Vanessa she still wants to work with her.
  • Bwahahahaha!
  • As if!
  • Johnny Mac warned Shelli that Vanessa is a very emotional player and might end up being a liability.
  • Shelli did not run back to Vanessa to tell her.
  • See, that's the sort of thing that has done Audrey in.
  • Vanessa feels betrayed on a personal level by Audrey because she thinks Audrey exploited the LGBT card with her.
  • Jackie told Jason, Steve and Becky that Audrey told her the big argument with Jeff was staged so they could backdoor him instead of her (Audrey).
  • That's actually a truth. But Jackie isn't sure it's truth.
  • And on it goes into the night ...

Whackstreet at rest

Have Not naps

There's someone named Meg there?

Clay confronts Audrey

Shelli confronts Audrey