The living is easy ... at the moment |
You might wonder where I was last night. Well, I pulled an Audrey. Oh, I didn't have the sunglasses on, nor was I playing the martyr. Nor was I upset at the world. I just got home from work and started reviewing the live feeds to make my update and, then it happened. I decided just to take a short nap. That short nap turned into an overnight sleep. I needed it! Plus, the house has been in limbo since Monday with the Audrey issue -- not much gamewise is going to happen until she's gone and the comp cycle starts once again. Here's what I missed inside that Big Brother House of Playing Nice While Audrey is in Exile:
- A fear of mine has come to fruition -- they're all but holding hands and singing Kumbaya.
- They don't think Audrey will self-evict. Liz claims you don't get paid if you self-evict.
- I kind of doubt that's true just thinking of labor laws. I think they'd have to pay something for the time spent "on the job."
- But I don't know their contracts.
- Tons of small talk.
- Reams of it.
- BB continues to allow the rules to be broken to cater to Audrey's Martyristic Ways -- the lights have remained off in the Have Not room while she's in self-exile there and she's been eating food brought to her by others.
- Steve and James talked a long time about who they thought was a threat in the house.
- Steve did not mention to James that he's been telling us (alone to the cameras in the backyard) that he needs to get James out.
- They wonder if Audrey will get out of bed (dentist chair) for the live show on Thursday.
- James doesn't think that everything Audrey has said has been a lie.
- Steve is hoping that he gets the full stipend because that would pay for his next semester at school.
- Y'see what I mean? Small talk!
- Heh. Jason thinks that, once both are playing in the house, the twins should go on the block together.
- I'd personally get Liz out earlier, then work on breaking up Chelli. It's foolish to leave two people that close to work together on gameplay. Jason should know that, superfan he is.
- Ohhh! They got the HoH camera! Thrills. Chills. Yawn.
- Hmm. Austin seemed to remember he has a girlfriend at home. But ... "it's not like I'm cheating."
- Yeah, right. You're hanging all over Liz.
- Audrey isn't even acknowledging people who have been checking in on her.
- Are they sure she's still alive?
- She did eat half the omelet James made for her.
- Or ... maybe HE ate it and said she ate it to cover the fact that they have a body in the first stages of mummification right there in the Have Not room!
- Okay, maybe my imagination is running away with me.
- Of course, she can get a penalty nomination for eating off of the slop menu.
- Oh?
- I guess that doesn't matter at this point.
- I'll admit I'm more curious what will happen with her on the live show Thursday than I am for the HoH comp!
- Oh, wait. She's alive. Steve wished her luck and she fist-bumped with him.
- James continued his prankster ways.
- Yawn.
- All this no game talk and getting along well together is boring.
- No wonder I wanted to take a nap last night reviewing all these live feeds!
- I don't think today will be much more exciting.
- Here's to tomorrow night and watching Julie interview Audrey from inside the darkened Have Not room!
Hope he has on sunscreen |
Now she's ALWAYS around |
Will he ever win anything on his own? |
Pre-season, I thought I'd like him more |
What am I doing in this handbasket? |
Audrey |