Friday, July 24, 2015

Big Brother 17: Live Feeds Overnight into Friday - July 24

He's the Steve's knees

Ah, new power in the house ... and ones without men clinging all over them! Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Judas Just Might be Judased:
  • Jason is a bit paranoid, thinking Vanessa might target him.
  • We all know from watching the live feeds that she's more likely to target Austin.
  • James is trying to figure out why the audience laughed when he took the podium next to Austin during the HoH comp.
  • :::giggle:::
  • The lone hinky vote from "Judas" was discussed. Jason thinks it might be America voting.
  • Well, um, Jason ... it would still have to be cast by a hamster. 
  • Oh, yeah. Everybody thinks there's an America's Player when there isn't!
  • Vanessa thinks Jackie would have nominated her if she hadn't won the HoH with her.
  • Jason, not privy to Vanessa's betrayal by Austin, thinks Jackie needs to remain HoH so Austin might be evicted.
  • While we know, Vanessa does hold some cards close to her chest until it's time to play them.
  • Jason approached Jackie about possibly backdooring the twins.
  • Aha, finally realizing that the Liz/Austin duo needs to be broken up and/or the twins are two for the price of one in the queue to a half-million!
  • Jason also thinks that Steve has been throwing every comp.
  • I too think Steve better get start playing before he ends up getting played. I like the kid but, between his Andy-like popping up places, social awkwardness and acting so inept, he might be overdoing his act.
  • Jackie and Vanessa promised each other that, when one comes down in BotB, they won't backdoor each other.
  • Jackie would like to remain HoH.
  • Vanessa brought up that the twins are two people in the house even though just one is in the house now.
  • Yay, they're finally noticing that!
  • Jackie thinks, if they evict Austin, the twins would be easier to get rid of on their own.
  • They came up with one plan I'd endorse -- Becky and Clay would be nominated by Vanessa and they'd win BotB. Jackie would nominated Steve and Liz and they'd throw the comp. Steve would be saved by the PoV and replaced by Austin.
  • Of course, that plan is dependent on someone they want winning PoV!
  • Austin continued to hint Steve was the hinky vote.
  • Austin continued to dig his own grave with Vanessa by lying to her once again. She was perfect ... playing along with his lies. But, when he left the room and she was alone with the cameras, she turned to them and said he lied to her face (after she had told him NOT to lie to her).
  • Heh.
  • I'm liking Vanessa as a player more and more.
  • Julia admitted to Vanessa that Liz isn't all that into Austin as he thinks she is.
  • Heh.
  • Right now the eventual targets seem to be Austin or Steve with pawns on the block as BotB tends to be.

Big game moves ahead, beware!

Johnny Mac does have a point!

So not targets

Would Austin/Judas be a double eviction?

"Austin first, then the twins."

Not the brains of the op

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Big Brother 17: Live Eviction, HoH Comp Show Blog Party - July 23

Big Brother 11 Blog Logo photo BB-09-smJackieMA28497852-0002.gif

Good evening! Ready for a blog party? With the whacko ways of Audrey, this show should be EPIC! 

Before we get into it, here are the latest blog pool standings:

Audrey - David, Chase, Orkmommy, Nicole K
Austin - Petals, Tammy, marthalight, Dr_Celine
Becky - Glenn, Jackie, Indiana Jane, Brian
Clay - FairieGoddess0714, QuixoticElf, DonnaNY, JonMD1267
James - uncartie, Marlo, Jackie~juju, ML
Jason - Witt, Sharon, WolfpackRed
John - Sasha, lynn1, clover
Liz - Skyriverblue, jo Chapman, monty924
Meg - Sharon S, Merrilee, MikesGirl
Shelli - Delee, Sharon N, chrob
Steve - KelseyNY, Carrie, K
Vanessa - Chacha, Heather Reyes, T-Town Chick
Jace - Becky in TX, CherylinNC, JOKATS, CaelaXO
Da'Vonne - jessica UNderwood, SueGee, Ed in Ohio, Nickelpeed
Jeff - No pool people due to being announced late in cast 

As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest. As always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there!

Let's get this party started!

Heh. Julie opened the show mentioning that Audrey's behavior after not showing up for the PoV meeting trended on Twitter, then wonders if she'll show up for eviction. Onto the recap now. They're playing up the "will she make it to the live eviction" at the end of the recap.

As the veto meeting ends, they are all abuzz over Audrey's behavior. They show her going into the diary room wrapped in a fleece blanket, hoodie and sunglasses on. She lies atop the seat in there, all covered up. (From the live feeds, I know it was about five hours before she came out.) Austin thinks she's going to leave the game on her own.

She emerges from the DR. Julia thinks she saw a ghost. Audrey headed immediately back to Have Not room.

James brought her an omelet. (She shouldn't have it as a have not.) She eats.

Back to her "cloak" and Unibomber look, she headed into the DR again.

Aha! She's sitting in one of the nomination chairs when they finally show that. Into commercial.

Julie talks to the hamsters. Jason first, with Whackstreet Boys question. She lies to them and tells them they've taken the country by storm. The Backstreet Boys tweeted about/to them. Time for a live performance.

Julie mentions Audrey's courageous journey pre-show. Family time on how she's playing now. Her family is supportive of her gender change. Her mother notices that she jumped right into the games while the others took it more easy. The family wishes she would slow down, but feel she's completed a dream of being in the house. Alas, as they say, you can't win with a party of one.

Julie tells us that Audrey already has one penalty vote due to eating regular food as a Have Not.

Audrey: Tells us e-address, honor to be on platform, first transgender, be embraced on the first day, etc. Game perspective ... Merry Christmas.
John: Shout out to Whackstreet Boys, if you want to keep me, AWESOME. If not, cool.

The vote to evict:
Clay - Audrey
James - Audrey
Austin - Judas evicts John
Jason - Audrey
Vanessa - Audrey
Becky - Audrey
Jackie - Audrey
Steve - Audrey
Julia - Audrey
Meg - Audrey

Nine votes to evict, plus one penalty vote, Audrey is evicted. Is this real? Is this really real? -- she says.

She handles the interview well and even has a bit of a sense of humor.

HoH comp -- Hop Until You Drop. They have to identify which comp in rounds via a song. It's a buzzer thing.

Steve and Jason - Jason wins
Johnny Mac and Austin - Austin wins
Jackie and Becky - Jackie wins
Lizia and Vanessa - Vanessa wins
Jackie and Meg ... into commercial - Jackie wins
Austin and James - James wins
Vanessa and Clay - Vanessa wins
James and Jackie - Jackie is the first HoH!
Vanessa and Jason - Vanessa wins

Jackie and Vanessa are the two new HoH.

Britney Haynes will talk to Julie after the commercial.

Britney says it's an amazing season. She likes Jason. Likes Vanessa as a player. Who doesn't love Johnny Mac? She said the twins twist took a different direction than she thought. She thinks that Vanessa has a great chance to win, Shelli or Clay in final three with a floater.


Big Brother 17: Live Feeds Overnight into Thursday - July 23

Audrey's own Bohemian Rhapsody

"Is this the real life or is it fantasy? Caught in a landslide, can't escape reality." - credit Queen.

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Mixed Nuts:
  • Although I think there was more to Audrey's song than we were allowed to see, it reminded me of "Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen.
  • Mama, just shot a man ...
  • Er, wait. That's not her song.
  • Her theatrical dance and song had lyrics (paraphrasing here) like: "Is this my real life? James and Shelli stabbed me with a knife. Someone tell me if this is my life." She ended with a dramatic, "And ... scene!"
  • Hmm.
  • If Zach was here, he'd call out "Froot Loop dingleberry!"
  • The cameras cut and we only saw her peek out once again and then briefly mingle, coming out to shout "BB Takeover!"
  • Then she went back to her self-imposed death/exile.
  • In other news, Austin tried to start a movement against Jason, using his superfan status as a weapon against him.
  • Backfire.
  • Jason told others that Austin too is a superfan.
  • He also told them of Austin's girlfriend back home and the fact that, if Julia comes into the house for good, he'd want her out so he could have Liz more to himself. Plus, Julia and Liz would take each other to the end over him.
  • Aha!
  • Julia is not too keen on Austin anyway.
  • Fuel for the fire.
  • Actually, reading body language, I don't think Liz is all that into him, either.
  • Austin might be working his way into being the next target.
  • It looks like Clay, Shelli and Vanessa will set their sights on him.
  • Too bad, so sad.

Chef Steve

Retelling the Audrey talk

I must rethink Austin

She isn't that into him

Austin has a girlfriend at home!

I'm not the only superfan

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Big Brother 17: Live Feeds into Wednesday Evening - July 22

Product placement is key

Like in a Stephen King novel, they sometimes come back. Audrey, or the ghost thereof, has risen from her death room and up from her death bed. (Her death terminology, not mine.) Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of the Most Peculiar Houseguest Ever:
  • First off, that Raid in the top photo really shouldn't be out where they eat. I know they have a terrible ant problem, but ... sheesh!
  • It sucks to be them.
  • Another day of small talk with the occasional game talk thrown in.
  • Most of the game talk consisted of who they should put up if they win HoH.
  • Steve's name was mentioned too often for my liking.
  • They still don't seem to realize that the twins both in to play would mean one more person in the way of the half-million ... a needless person.
  • The big news of the evening is that Audrey walks the night, dressed in her cloak (as Austin calls it -- it's really just a fleece blanket), hoodie and sunglasses.
  • I've seen much weirdness in the house since I started watching in Season One.
  • But, this one takes the cake.
  • She talked briefly, very briefly, to Jackie.
  • Jackie tried to be pleasant to her, showing concern and telling her to please join in with people.
  • What? Join the living again? I think she'd rather be cast in The Walking Dead.
  • She then went to the HoH room and brought Shelli downstairs.
  • She kept demanding to know who was saying what about her and kept telling Shelli she thought she was her friend.
  • And on and on.
  • And on.
  • Everything that Shelli brought up, Audrey twisted and denied it ever happened.
  • Shelli held up for much longer than I thought she would.
  • Then the tears came.
  • Audrey told Shelli that betraying her (Shelli betraying Audrey) was the greatest betrayal of them all.
  • She said she won't do the press day (after eviction) because she was too hurt.
  • Several times she referred to herself being in the death room and on her death bed.
  • Yet she lives.
  • Audrey left the room in her Unibomber gone Franciscan Monk guise, startling both Austin and Johnny Mac as she passed the kitchen.
  • She's back on her death bed now.
  • And, life for the living, is going on.

I just don't know about him

Risen from the dead

The hand remained there

She wears her "cloak"

The world is against her, y'know

"When I was on my deathbed ..."

Look in my eyes. I've been wronged.

And Shelli cried.

Big Brother 17: Power of Veto, Renom Show Blog Party - July 22

Big Brother 11 Blog Logo photo BB-09-smJackieMA28497852-0002.gif

Good evening! Ready for a blog party? Hopefully they'll delve a bit into the Audrey Meltdown tonight!

As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest. As always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there!

Let's get this party started!

The recap included the Audrey lies about Jason. Jason is sure that, if he can't save himself, he's going home. Johnny Mac wants to save himself with the veto if he can win it.

James heads to Chelli and tells some goodies to them about his bud, Audrey.

Audrey hides under covers as Clay tries to talk to her. She's worried about being put up as a renom and being backdoored.

Wackstreet Boyz -- Johnny Mac, Jason and Lizia -- have their first performance. They're bad. Really bad.

It's time to pick veto players! Yay! Yay! Shelli doesn't want Audrey to be picked. Shelli draws Vanessa. Johnny Mac draws Meg. Jason gets Houseguest's Choice and picks James. James thinks, if he wins, he'll pull Jason off for brownie points with him. Steve will host.

Even Meg is speaking up about how they need Audrey out.

All the veto players gather and the conversation turns to putting up someone else. The someone else remains quiet for now.

Shelli is all in tears thinking she's going to have to "betray" Audrey.

Veto comp time! It's a redo of the bomb defusing comp of last year set in a chemistry class with colored chemicals they have to add to a flask. James is out first with yellow paint exploding all over him. Shelli tells us she's throwing it so she won't get the blood on her hands.  She's out. Meg is out. John and Jason eliminated at the same time. Vanessa wins the Power of Veto!

More Wackstreet Boys segments.

Clay tries to tell Audrey she forces people away. And they get into it. She even lies about what she blatantly said ... as she has done since we've seen her. He tells Shelli and Vanessa that she refuses to admit that she said what she did indeed say -- that she wanted him to swear on his life that Shelli wouldn't backdoor her.

It's a KERFUFFLE! Clay, Shelli, Vanessa and Audrey. It's mostly Clay and Audrey going at each other. Then Audrey calls Vanessa a major manipulator. So, now Vanessa is in it deep.

Audrey is hiding herself in a hoodie, sunglasses and a blanket in the Have Not Room. She refuses to participate in the veto meeting. Jason talks about the game being a passion in his life and not leave. Johnny Mac said it would be cool to save him. Vanessa saves Jason. Shelli replaces Jason with Audrey (even though she's in hiding).